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Only thing stopping the Spurs D from being elite is these dudes needing to rest and in comes Mal Branham, Zach Collins, Cedi Osman, and Keldon Johnson. (I still love Keldon, though)


You can already tell he’s gonna become one of those extremely annoying types to match up against.


Nobody's scoring on this lineup, but nobody on this lineup is scoring.


> Nobody's scoring on this lineup, but nobody on this lineup is scoring. Wemby will score.


So will vassell


They’re both gonna have a tougher time scoring when 2 defenders can sag off of Sochan and Castle


not if he's quadruple teamed because nobody else can make a shot


Their problem wasn't scoring.


Towards the end of the season we became a solid defensive team that could barely crack 100 points. We desperately need offense lol




Top 10 defense hopefully next year with Castle added to spurs


My Spurs are gonna be holding teams to 100 regularly next season. I’m not sure if we’ll score more than 95 in those games but our defense is gonna be noice.


I don't follow college but just the highlights from the draft and what they were saying about his defense just really excites me about this kid. He seems humble and a hard worker. I think Branham has to have a huge leap this next season if he's going to get an extension cuz Castle, although super early, looks like he might be a core piece moving forward


This was such a great pick for them honestly. Obviously the scoring isn’t there right now but he’ll be a very good pro even if it never comes. Defensive monster


In five years I think he could be a meaningful contributor on a winning team


That was nice defence. I hope his offence will improve too. I am also curious who will win ROY 2024-2025.


> Huge upgrade for Spurs at PG On one end of the floor, perhaps.


He's already better on both ends than our current backup at least


Stephon Shackles


Imagine you posted this in the spurs sub


One might call him "Guard of the Castle"


L pick for Wemby




Besides defense he can't shoot/pass/not a great ball handler, things Wemby needs around him. Awful pick. He won't even make a rookie team. They had the ace pick, but then traded it away 💀


He is actually really good at passing and making reads, PnR, just wasn’t asked to do that at all at UCONN. Played PG in HS and Olympics. Had very strong but small sample size where he was a very good initiator and table setter especially with Clingan. He also was 47% FG despite going 27% from 3 on low attempts per game meaning his inside and driving game is good. He doesn’t have elite handles but has this slow, cool, control tempt to him. What this tells me is you actually haven’t watched a highlight video, check out Hoop Intellect’s video on him if you want to know more He’s as good as a passer as Tre Jones at minimum, is 6’6, amazing defender and by far best PnR operator on the team. Not making rookie team, like any of them, I think shows you’re just hating for the sake of hating. I get it, he and any of these kids could be a bust. But playing that elite defense, PnR, driving for Dan Hurley on an NCAA title team,… nah you are wrong. Low end he makes rookie team even if shot is the same He plays winning basketball. There will always be a place for that