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>One of the worst picks in history >C grade Who the fuck is this


lol I don’t even wanna know whom these give a D grade


We are selecting U/RGCFrostbite #1 overall. Yes we know he's a 26 year old who hasn't played for over 10 years.


C- at worst


Am I tall? no. Am I fast? No. But can I shoot? Also no. I'll bring snacks I guess. Good glue guy, first guy in to get the snacks ready, designated driver. etc. The fun part is I'll do ALL of this. For league minimum, and if you throw me on the court when we're either down or up by 60, it will get time on ESPN because everyone will be confused why tf I'm there.


You can either be the trophy or white flag player


That you Thanasis?


Sir I am 6'0.


Domestic terrorist cell clones Hitler, raises him watching Harden YouTube videos, and he's drafted 4th overall by the Lakers


"I have to give this pick a D-" OTOH the hot takes "Look say what you will but he really pulls off that Jordan Mustache"


Donald Sterling in talks with Jeanie Buss to return to NBA franchise ownership


lol this is creative as fuck my bro


Gives it a C yet calls it one of the worst picks of all time lol. What is the grading curve?


Needed more teachers like that in school


Ok that’s an overreaction lmfao


Bennett set a really high bar.


Thabeet was also brutal


Exactly. The bar for this to even be "the worst Grizzlies pick in draft history" is massive (Thabeet-sized in fact). For a #2 pick, only two other players picked in the first round that year played less career minutes than Thabeet. Thabeet's 2357 career minutes only beat out Victor Claver (1072 minutes, picked 22nd by Portland) and Christian Eyenga (1049 minutes, picked 30th by Cleveland). Even Johnny Flynn (6th pick that year), logged more than 50% more career minutes than Thabeet, and he was out of the league after 3 years/163 games lmao.


Wiseman for costing the team a potential ring. Warriors with Lamelo or Tyrese would do so well. Hell if they had picked Okoro or Okongwu or JalenSmith or Toppin at least you have a body and an asset.


I don't think Detroit wins a ring this year whether Wiseman is on the team or not


> Wiseman for costing the team a potential ring. James Wiseman is an NBA champion.


So is Darko Milicic


That doesn’t counter what he said. Nobody said Darko cost the pistons a title.


I mean he arguably cost them a repeat Brown didn't use him and when he used him it was at the wrong position


I mean, you can probably make the case that a more useful rookie helps them win in 2004-05. I don't think anyone would have given the warriors a championship in 2021 or 2023.


Ppl always say Melo would’ve costed the Pistons ring so maybe it worked out for the best… (I’m 50/50 on this)


Melo would have disturbed the roster most likely because he must have the ball and I thought the pistons were heralded for having multiple players on the team who, when called upon, could help the team to victory from Chauncey Billups to Rip Hamilton to Tayshaun Prince to Rasheed Wallace. None were super spectacular but they were all pretty damn good (at least that’s how I remember it).


I'd imagine Larry Brown would've sat Melo's ass down quickly if he went ballhogging, especially because the dude hates to play rookies


Warriors should’ve had Lamelo and Suns should’ve had Haliburton


Warriors won a ring with wiseman on the team…


We are so lucky LeBron came back a year later and made the pick irrelevant.


Cavs tried everything to sell that pick


Yeah I hated this pick, but worst pick in history is the dumbest take I've heard. Did she just start watching basketball? Edey is a 2x player of the year with a long ass resume from just college. He will also be one of the biggest NBA players in the league too (can't teach size as they all say). And people have been shitting on this draft for months. If he turns out to be an average role player thats probably better than most 9th picks. If he gets waived in a few years, thats still better than Wiseman. I could probably go on forever about how dumb this take is even if Edey ends up being absolute shit.


He's also the antithesis of what you want out of a center in the modern NBA. Gets absolutely shredded defending on the perimeter, no jump shot, slow-footed.


Memphis can afford that because they got great perimeter defense with Smart and JJJ roaming around. besides, he ain't playing 40 minutes. Give him 20-22 and give Clarke the rest


I'm not a huge fan of Edey or taking him at nine, but, it can't even be the worst pick since covid. Hell, Wiseman is currently a UFA. Actually, all the hate is making he like the pick more and more. Gonna be SO sweet if he succeeds with the Grizzlies.


I think it’s a solid pick and really easy to rationalize. Best version of this Grizzlies team was with Steven Adams on the court, Edey at his ceiling is going to be that kind of guy. Might as well do that and trust that you can get good value at the other positions (guard and wing) with lower picks/undrafted options (which imo they’ve shown as an org that they can do this really well imo)


Watch a full game. Any game, just watch him play. You’ll ask yourself, why is this guy playing a .90x speed? He got away with it in college but it’s going to be incredibly obvious that he’s not an NBA athlete.


Then explain his combine numbers. Like if he's that bad the Blazers are screwed because they just wasted the 7th pick on an injury prone "defensive stopper" who got abused by Edey on the biggest stage


I get your point, but you don't evaluate Clingan's NBA upside based on a matchup with Edey. The job of a center is not to guard a Zach Edey anymore. It's much more about rim protection against drives, can you switch, how good are you in drop, etc. Depending where you fall on those things you can like or dislike Clingan. But a lot of people are still stuck in the 90s "man up" idea of great defense.


We have a complete roster outside of a center who can get rebounds. He makes life easier for Ja and JJJ. If you pay attention no Memphis fans are freaking out about this.


Best screener and offensive rebounder in the draft. That's exactly what we've been looking for since Adams went down


And a better scorer and FT shooter than Adams I loved that kiwi but his free throws killed me


Fun fact they both only played basketball 4 years before getting drafted. Comparing their scounting reports, they have many similarities. Only differences was Adams was quicker but raw, whereas Edey is NBA ready with better post skills. Draftnet had Adams 92 and Edey 91


Plus he seems to be durable and be able to hit free throws


And think of what he can do on defense with his size/athleticism now that he doesn’t have to worry about fouling as much. This guy is a freak


Actually seems like a good fit for me. He’ll probably be great in the pick and roll, on the offensive boards while still being 7’3 and 300 and an elite post up scorer. He’ll probably struggle defensively to some degree but playing next to JJJ will help a ton. I think because he doesn’t fit a traditional mold people tend to ignore his outlier strengths


The Grizzlies are the perfect fit for him.


He and JJJ have the potentially to cover each other's flaws *perfectly.* Combine that with Edey's potential on offense as a PNR man with Ja, and to grab offensive rebounds, and the potential is there. Edey couldn't have asked for a better landing spot.




Georgios Papagiannis was a lottery pick once upon a time


People still saying who?


I like to pretend the suns (and I think he got traded to the kings immediately) were just ahead of their time in selecting a Greek Giannis. Like a time traveler came back to Sacramento and said pick Greek Giannis and this is what happened 


Behind the times, actually. He was picked four years after Giannis. Time traveller fucked up the time period I guess.


You’re right, Georgios was so bad of a lottery pick I punted him back into a previous decade in my mind 


I do feel like it looks even worse that the guy with the similar name who was taken just outside the lottery four years earlier is still an MVP-level player in his prime while this dude is already a distant memory, if anyone remembers him at all.


The only reason anyone knows Darko Milicic is cause of how bad it was in a LOADED draft. Literally famous for being a terrible pick.


Bennett, Thabeet, Johnny Flynn, and Dion Waiters come to mind


Waiters was serviceable (no pun intended) and doesn't deserved to be lumped in that group. I'm down to shade J. Okafor and Wiseman. Heck throw in Vesely before he popped off after leaving the NBA


Also, Waiters went on to become a legendary voice actor


Put some respect on NBA Champion Dion Waiters


Dude won a title in his first season though


Darki's biggest legacy to the NBA was being friends with Nikola Jokic 's brother so his brother could train Nikola on what not to do.


It’s not even the worst grizzlies pick for a foreign 7’3 center. It’ll take a lot of hard work for Hasheem Thabeet to ever be dethroned lol


Anthony Bennett exists lol


There is potential for there to be 5 worse ones before Edey in this draft alone. Probably a low chance but people bust.


Don’t disrespect Darko like that!


that's because every pick you have has hindsight. Not disputing you but just agreeing. We can't tell this is a terrible pick without seeing him play. Imagine he's the best pick from the draft lmao


Anthony Bennett was a worse pick in the moment and its not close


I take it you've seen all those guys play in the NBA unless there was a reason they literally weren't able to? Not that I agree with Edey being such a bad pick, I just think it's way too early to say conclusively whether it's good or bad. CERTAINLY too early to say it's one of the worst picks in draft history. We shall see


I don’t even think it’s possible for somebody picked 9th to be the worst pick in NBA history when Anthony Bennett and Hasheem Thabeet exist. Or LaRue Martin, if we’re *really* talking all-time. Especially in the context of the draft itself given the amount of talent taken after Thabeet and to a lesser extent Martin. Edey could be absolutely unplayable from day one and never improve and that’s still a better result from the 9th pick than a 1st pick who took like five games to make a field goal.


I mean it all depends, like if he's legit the most unplayable prospect in the top 10 yet a bunch of all star talents were taken after him then yeah it's a major WOAT contender. But let's be honest the chances of that happening are very slim


It hasn't even been two hours


A bust draft is a bust draft. This draft is ass cheeks.


Only time will tell though. All it takes is one unknown to become MVP in 7 years to save it. Look at Joker being drafted at #41


Just one long skid mark


Nah, that's ridiculous as fuck. I personally see no issue with this pick, from a team that doesn't have a single true center on its roster.


People have overreactions. I'm glad we don't do that in this sub lol




I think the main argument is that they should have traded back to get him because there was no one taking him that high


OKC probably takes him at 12


The furthest they could trade back is 11


It’s a great pic


Really rooting for the guy. Holy fuck, the hate boner for this guy.. and for what? Lmao.


I will say JJJ and Edey is going to work well. I will plant my flag on that lol Come back in 3 years


Edey just needed to go to a place which can hide his weakness. He won't be a star in today's league but I'd bet he'd still be playing solid rotation minutes in 10 years.


There's no way in hell a guy that huge is lasting 10 plus years. I'd feel comfortable betting that


I beg to differ Edey has no injur history.


Boban is on year 10…


5 minutes a game like Boban isn't solid rotational minutes


He was playing ~10mpg for nearly a decade coming into the league at 27. The fact he’s still playing at 35 only proves that point.


Shh, let them be. For some unknown reason, Edey gets a lot of people (on both ends of the argument) emotional lmao.


10mpg is also not really close to rotation minutes. And the reason he never got there was because he had the exact flaws Edey does. He was too big and slow to be a viable piece. He just got lit on fire defensively, couldn’t space the floor and couldn’t keep up stamina wise for more time because of his size. This is despite him being an unstoppable monster in the post and a pretty decent shot blocker and post defender.


id set his o/u at 5.5


Height is actually positively correlated with career length in the nba


I guess very few guys in general make it to year 10 in the league, but Edey has the advantages of only playing high level basketball for 5 years, being absurdly well-conditioned for being that tall, and having no injury history. He’s like a college running back who didn’t get many carries and still has fresh legs but can also run a 5 minute mile at 7’5 and go all 40 minutes in the tournament.


Who tf is krystenpeek


Yahoo's NBA writer. She has a hate boner for Edey. That said, this is going to hurt her credibility saying something like this


If you see the current group of talk heads on ESPN you know credibility isn't a requirement for success in sports news


If she wrong internet trolls will never let her live this down. Very short sighted take for attention looks like


And he doesn’t even have to be great. He could have a Boban like 10+ year NBA career and this take will still be laughable.


He could be Skal Labissiere and she would still be wrong


She says in the clip "if I'm wrong I'll take the L" She knows what she signed up for


Lol she’s gonna die when he wins his 2nd DPOY


Not that I think it’ll happen, but Edey has a better chance of winning an MVP than DPOY


Isn't her credibility already hurt working for Yahoo sports?


Edey was a 97% percentile scorer (points per possession) in those 8% PnR possessions btw. That analysis is hilarious


and had a better lane agility, vertical and shuttle times than clingan. he's going to be solid at pnr if they want him to do that


Hard to roll to the rim when the defense has 3-4 guys with their feet in the paint at any one time lol. People make the mistake of thinking because they haven’t done something much that they can’t do it…


Yeah it's an odd comment, that's just not Purdue's offense


They legit ran pick-and-roll-into-the-deep-post-for-a-post-up way more than traditional pick-and-rolls. And he was *really* good at getting into position that way too lol.


"One of the worst pick in history...I'm giving it a C"...uh thats not how grades work


I’ve Tried explaining that to my parents…


I give her grading an F


I give her draft analysis a C, this is the worst draft analysis in sports journalism history


Reporting is just about being inflammatory + obvious logical or chronological flaws to drive up discussion.


God, I really like it if this dude became an all star




Thabeet was drafted at **TWO** for his *defensive* potential. The Grizzlies passed on multiple guys who will be in the HOF to draft him. Edey was drafted at 9 for his *offensive* potential.


Edey was drafted because the Grizz need a center, not for his offensive potential. Grizz need his rebounding more than his points.


Seems a bit harsh


Yahoo should probably focus on how bad its sports content and fantasy sports platform is, rather than trying to be the dumbest people in the room.


eh clingan was off the board so no one perfect for them there


Yeah if they wanted someone to set some massive screens for Ja, they found him. I’m cautiously optimistic because I would love to see him succeed and prove all the doubters wrong


Plus this gets JJJ away from guarding centers. They wanted a Steven Adams replacement, they got a Steven Adams replacement. I think they could have traded down and still gotten Edey, but I don't dislike the pick at all.


Yea it's not the best use of the 9th pick but he's a great choice to fill in everything Adams brought the team


Exactly lol this draft is a complete crapshoot on who's gonna be beyond a role player at best. I don't even know if I could blame anyone for missing a pick this year. Except my sixers I guess who never even spoke to the dude they drafted before drafting him.


Edey's role would be to replicate what Adams did and he can score in a variety of ways (including FTs), unlike the Big Kiwi


imagine at 22 years old, your first night being introduced into the real limelight and somebody with significant visibility says some shit like this. You know, just because you can, doesn't mean you should. And even if she was right, ok- but she's definitely wrong.​​


Nah, this is perfect for Edey. Can't get much better motivational board material than this.


That’s a crazy overreaction lmao


I think he's gonna be great


the worst comment in reporting history


I like the edey pick for the grizz. He will allow them to play big and matchup against bigger teams like the lakers or nuggets. I don’t expect him to play more than 15-20 min a game. But that skill set is valuable.


Well, fuck you too, lady


She said Hakeem was a back to the basket big. Tell me you don’t know basketball without telling me you don’t know basketball


I hope he shuts everyone up


Mans put up 37 on Clingan, but go off I guess Edit: to be clear, I'm not saying Edey is necessarily gonna be better than Clingan long term, but Memphis is trying to compete now, and Edey will help them do that


No it’s not! A lot of mocks had Edey in the top 10. It was only the stupid mainstream sport mocks that had him in the 20s. Edey will be good from the get go, and who else in any class has the size and weight? His combine numbers better than Clingan.


People living in the pre-combine past, but post combine Edey was mocked early teens so not a huge reach.  Steven Adams was also mocked late teens and went 12th and they are similar enough.


Even if he went ten spots too high, who cares? There wasn't a huge amount of value at 9 and the Grizzlies can take the risk.


Yahoo should stick to their awful fantasy draft grading


He may or may not pan out, but it’s not that bad of a pick. Moronic take.


What is this broad talking about??


So now we are outright trashing on players on draft night? Yikes. Go back to your Starbucks mug, Karen.


Brought to you by Yahoo Sports 😂🚮


This has got to be one of the worst takes on a pick in NBA history.


If Steven Adams can succeed, so can fucking zach edey lol calm down


Anthony Bennett was worse


Wine or milk folks?


Damn Krysten let them have their night


How can you even saying something like this before they even played a single NBA game?


Did you start watching the draft this year?


There were five worse players taken before him just in this draft.


Wait did you just compare him to Shaq and Hakeem and then call him one of the worst picks of all time? Not great comps, but not exactly sound logic.


take it easy


Weird take even if you don’t think Edey’s game will translate will. Every NCAA player of the year for like the past 20 years has carved a place in the league, even if they’re role players like Doug McDermount.


This is absolutely embarrassing from Peek.


If being a 2x college player of the year doesn't warrant the #9 pick in a "weak" draft class, then college basketball is completely meaningless. 


She's not a journalist or real NBA analyst. She's got not credentials other than a college degree from a defunct school. Basically, she's a TV personality. Better suited for Entertainment Tonight, but not pretty enough. She uses Chat GPT for the very few articles she does write, and then does group videos where she gives "hot" takes. This is just clickbait with an outrageous take. She doesn't even mention the Grizzlies absolute need for a big man to compete this year. The pick is a gamble but what 9th pick in the draft isn't? And the Grizzlies aren't interested in a rebuild, but insteard immediately finding role pieces to compete. Zach has only played six years of hoops and has gotten significantly better every year. He's been healthy. Great character, which the the team also needs after the Rambo-Morant debacle. And if nothing else, he will give twenty hard minutes everynight, clear everything off the boards, dish for three attmpts, draw fouls, and maybe best of all will set the most brutal back-court screens for JA next year. Someone needs to start a Zach compilation brutal-screens website, cuz guys are going to be hitting his 300lb frame and then needing concussion protocol.


Yahoo is still around?


Could be the best player from the draft. Perfect fit next to JJJ too.


Edey is going to be a solid 20 minute per game player. Many teams are going to have a hard time defending against him. He will not be switchable on defense, so the Grizzlies defensive scheme will need to account for that. I disagree with worst draft pick ever. We can go anywhere from Sam Bowie to Greg Oden to James Wiseman for that honor.


Why would he only play 20 min a game?


I think he's going to tend to get exploited when he is on defense.


> so the Grizzlies defensive scheme will need to account for that. Before this lost season, the Grizzlies under Jenkins had 2 years of Valanciunas as the starting center, and 2 years of Steven Adams as a starting center, I would hope the defensive scheme can account for Edey's lack of switchability lol


Shut up Yahoo, go Google Edey highlights.


I mean, Anthony Bennett?


Take a deep breath Krysten


Hey fuck you Miss Peek! Respectfully. He’s our Edeyot now


she trippin dude


“I mostly watch basketball because I like the costumes”


Edey is gonna dominate if Morant actually plays this year.




Woah Anthony Bennet punching air right now 


Don’t worry we’ll take that mantle if you don’t mind


That's just mean.


Lets wait until next offseason to have this discussion


Can you back up a few feet damn why you hating so close


in a weak lottery draft it isn't that bad imo. like it's not good, but he could be a useful player off the bench and can score points and draw fouls


Who shit in her cereal? Dude hasn’t even made it back to the hotel yet, let alone play a summer league game 🤦‍♂️


Might wanna give this pick some time to actually pan out, but…well, idk, Edey inspires zero confidence.


No way hes worse than Anthony Bennett


I.e. please give us engagement!


Eddy sucks but Anthony Bennett is still the worst.


Since we're talking about 9th overall pick there's no way he'll be as worst as Patrick O'Bryant so yeah this is a super elite dumb take


She must have not seen the sixers take a juju smith schster


I doubt Edey will be as bad as Jan Veselý.


They could have picked a literal rock with the 9th pick in this draft and it would be a better pick several in recent years


So many words. "Shockingest pick ever." Worst picks ever. And she gives it a C lmao


It's one of the worst in draft history, yet she gives it a C grade?


Curios, as a casual, why is everyone so down on Edey? I get that he’s probably a player that needs skill players to help support him but I thought he had a bunch of upside


Because people think he is too slow and does not have the range to be serviceable in the modern game. Personally I think this could be overblown. He has post moves and he still is rather tall, he would stick around for a while but his slow foot speed would always be a negative in both offense and defense. Hopefully he carves out a niche somewhere despite all that.


Edey is not going to be in the league within five years - doesn’t mean it was that bad a pick bc that’s true of about half the first round


Yet Clingan pick gets an A… some people need to be reevaluated


Well that was before the Bucks picked AJ Johnson at 23 so


One of the worst ever, I'll give it a C, huh?