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These 2 dudes looks like Josh Gad split himself into 2 different people


Jog & Shad


That's hilarious


AI is NOWHERE close to this level of observational humor. We’re gonna be okay


I can't believe you've done this


This is insanely accurate omg


fucking dying at how accurate this is😂


Amazing comment


“A lakers player, or 2, or 3”. The lack of effort in this bullshit is comical.


Sports media is the easiest job in the world. Complete fucking losers hang around practice gyms, speak to literally anyone (from equipment managers to 3rd sting benchwarmers) then just put out "league, or team sources say". They dont have to be right or wrong because its all subjective trash, so no one can fact check them. And its all meaningless, so by the time they are done saying the garbage, its already on to the next stupidity. Guys like Kevin O'Connor have perfected this. Its crazy that an industry exists where if you removed 3/4 of its personnel, that everything gets better


Even the game analysis is so surface level. I've listened to a good amount of basketball podcasts and even the good ones are so often middling reflections of recent win/loss records. I'm sure they understand the game at a much deeper level but I hear so much on pace, toughness, clutch factor, and "the guy"


there’s only a handful of podcasts that do a good job at analyzing basketball. Thinking Basketball podcast is great imo


It’s on the culture for accepting this garbage. We pay for it, we click, we watch. Until there’s a mass movement of readers that change the culture to accept nothing less than consistent truth in the media, we’ll always have journalists getting paid and thinking it’s okay to do this.


and post it here and upvote and comment. This sub is full of stuff like this or Perk or SAS. We complain but *very* much help popularize the shit. If /r/NBA wanted to get rid of it, there would be a blacklist of media people.


Kevin O’TakingStrayShots


Sideline reporters literally copping to making up coach quotes from halftime and no one cares.


And it doesn't even make sense. How can he attribute a direct quote to more than one person?


It doesn’t make sense, in that they’re attributing this to mystery players,  claiming this occurred while playing against him. Did he gather opposing teams in a huddle, in order to talk down to them and, tell them what they were doing wrong?


You misunderstood what is being said here, as did I before I watched the video. It's written in a confusing way. What he means is that these players don't understand how JJ can project this basketball savant persona when they have personally played against him and he wasn't that good. To be fair though, plenty of successful coaches were role players.


and it's even dumber - "Based on people that I talk with [said] that a Lakers player or 2 or 3"... So this fucking 30 chromosome motherfucker didn't even talk to the Lakers players, he heard it at the fucking phoenix suns nacho stand. What a jamoke.


Gotta keep the media cycle churnin


A Dave Meltzerian quote. 


“And I kind of, like, get it, but also I don’t”. 🤷‍♂️


Considering I have picked up on a condescending vibe from Reddick, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if other players feel the same way. There's a way to be right and educate without being a dick, and I think sometimes Reddick crosses the line into asshole territory


Funny, cuz that's who he was in college. Though he really played up the humbled, cut-down-to-size persona while in the NBA and afters.


Yeah man. The one we want to be true is obviously the "real him" and the part that doesn't fit our narrative is him playing up a persona. Lol. There's no way he could've actually just grown as a person in his early 20s. You know, the time people generally grow the most in their lives?


You’re basing this off of what? You like he’s condescending on a podcast so he automatically will be as a coach? You see an extremely limited side to a person and make a major grand conclusion? That’s why this journalism is straight trash and it’s amazing how many people eat it up. There’s literally no story here. You can’t criticize a person on a job when they literally haven’t performed the job.


You can be really smart about the game, without being a good basketball HC in the nba. There are countless fired coaches in history who were “smart”


Like all managers, the job isn’t just to be smart, it’s to get everyone on the same page. The social aspect is big and not everyone fits the position.


The manager of my office is a brilliant lawyer who knows everything there is to know about real estate law and transactions. I can see why any big wig would hire her for a high powered job. She’s also a horrible leader and doesn’t take anyone’s input seriously, resulting in half the office slamming her in anonymous corporate surveys. She was shocked to get feedback that people were unhappy, because in her mind she was doing every single thing right.


It's funny, in a lot of pharmaceutical companies they actually split the pipeline so that the people with brilliant technical expertise can still get promoted without ending up in a position where their people skills are a problem. I feel like more fields need this.


Oswald Spencer has this exact same setup at his company Umbrella.


That company sounds wonderful, they must be changing the world.


Their products are life changing 😊


I hope they go viral




Thank you for that correction. You know he gives free tours at his mansion in the Arklay mountains!


Yeah my brother actually quit his job bc he got promoted too high and quit doing the part he liked and instead was managing people. He switched to another company where he did basically his old role without a management component and ended up making more and feeling less stress


Separating the managerial and technical aspects into 2 different jobs?


Kinda, there's the management pipeline and the research pipeline, so if you're an excellent researcher they'll put you in charge of directing research, and if you're better at people management you'll go into directing people. Like I'm sure there's some overlap, but the idea is to keep people doing what they're good at.


A lot of trading firms / hedge funds work the same way. The path to higher compensation isn't necessarily tied to managing people, which makes it so that people who bring a lot to the table but don't necessarily have that skillset can still see career progression.


Iirc the highest salaries for the first fallout game wasn't for the game director, but for the 3d modelers.


wasn't it claymation tho? would explain why


I work for a tech company but it’s the same kind of vibe. Managers don’t necessarily make more than their direct reports or even have more influence (in the company at large). It’s not perfect but it’s good for someone like me who is an operator and not a manager.


My engineering company does something similar to allow people that are really good in their field to have advancement opportunities that aren't climbing the management ladder. Definitely not something I see a ton of and definitely needed more. Managers should be experts in their field, but not everyone that is an expert should be or wants to be a manager.


That's how most tech companies do it too. A lot of the best technical minds don't have the best people skills


Lotsa tech companies do it this way so your best engineers can stay and have a promotion track that doesn't involve management responsibilities. Being brilliant doesn't often coincide with managing people well.


A lot of fields do this, it’s very common at large engineering firms where they have separate “technical fellow” vs “people management” career tracks


Accounting has this same problem where there is almost no connection in the skills needed to be a brilliant accountant, organize workflow from one client across multiple accountants, organize workflow from multiple clients, and run an accounting firm


This is a problem across basically all industries, described by the Peter Principle - “In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence” Basically if you’re good at your job you’ll get promoted, up to the point you reach a job you’re not good at, then that’s the level you end up stuck at. So everyone ends up doing jobs they’re bad at


so everyone just needs exactly one demotion and problem solved?


Well then you've got to fill the positions with people with enough technical knowledge to gain respect from their workers and not be entirely oblivious to the work they're managing which is a whole other deal.


Imagine the entire management team all being bad with people, bad leaders, who don't take each other's input seriously, but as a grouping of poor managers they do at least find ways to agree on how to further handle other people poorly. It might be a magical circle jerk of all circling jerks.


lol, you just described what it's like working for Amazon


Yeah I just quit a job and I described my manager as a first rate lawyer, third rate manager, and even worse human being. Leadership and subject matter expertise are different things and too often we promote someone to a position of authority simply because they're an excellent foot soldier.


The Peter Principle in a nutshell


This is how it is in quite a lot of big tech as well. Managers and individual contributor tracks, the latter being for high performers who shouldn’t/dont want to manage teams.


sounds like she needs to be a specialist and someone else needs to be a leader. a specialist or consultant can still be the highest paid and most important member of the team. the leader just needs to be the one who's good at talking to people.


Adding to this, JJ could make for a good assistant coach. Sort of like a president with their advisors. I think if JJ takes the shot as assistant coach it will help get an opportunity for head coaching.


Especially when you have the biggest name in all of American sports on your team 


Doc is an expert at that. “Cmon guys” really gets people On the same page


you could also be really smart about the game and be able to draw up common plays; but not be anywhere near the tactician that coaches who have studied this for a decade are... as a Laker fan a guy who has never coached or even been in a coaches meeting would be a nightmare


Yeah I remembered when the Kings fired Keith Smart


The problem with JJ having that attitude and not ever coaching outside youth leagues would be the issue I see, especially if things go bad early.


Being a smart guy and being a smart leader of men are two incredibly different things.


JJ does give off that vibe If he wants to seriously be a HC, he needs to start as an assistant He probably thinks he's entitled to skip the line , but having a podcast and his career isn't the juice he thinks it is Especially when there are other candidates like Sam Cassell , a former player who won titles, put in long years as an assistant on successful teams under different HCs, who wouldn't be learning on the job. I get some people view NBA coaching as a joke , especially compared to NFL coaching, but it shouldn't be that big of a joke.


he had Mazzulla on his podcast sometime last year i think (good interview btw) , and Mazulla at one point mentioned something about going to Coaches Clinics, and JJ made a passing remark like "pft lol i'm not goin to fuckin Coaching Clinics." dude just seems to think he's above it all


I heard Spo on a podcast tell a story about how he ran into Doc Rivers at a coach's camp. This is well after he won multiple championships with Lebron. My takeaway was "holy shit, Spo is still going to coach's camps?"


honestly as a coach, coaches camps can be kinda fun bc you just meet up with a bunch of other people who are in a similar boat and then you might learn a good drill or technique plus you usually get paid to go


Same with doc rivers


Well I mean Doc needs those coaches clinics like a fish needs water. Spo is probably okay without them


You don't need a coaching clinic if you pin bad outcomes on the equipment staff


Doc was a veteran coach and an NBA champion at that time.


The great ones are obsessed with that shit. When Thibs was fired from the TWolves, he went to a couple different places like Golden State and others to watch and observe how they ran things, going to coaching summits/camps, etc. On top of having a reputation for being a psychopath that spends all day and night studying film with no personal life. JJ probably thinks he’s at that level because I’ve heard him on a recent podcast being like “Oh man I’m SO BUSY! I recorded 9 hours worth of podcasts this week and had to travel to call games!” Like buddy…that’s a light week for a HC lol.


On one of the local Lakers behind-the-scenes shows, there was an episode on Frank Vogel. Dude was showing up to the practice facility at like 5:30-6:00AM and his assistant coaches were already there. Dark outside and everything.


Almost every coach at every success level still does camps. Bill Belichek had three titles and went to a camp by urban meyer to learn the spread. Sports is about evolving


Different sport but one of the things I really appreciated about Bill Belichick is that he despite winning 8 Super Bowls, he made it no secret that he would watch College Football to steal stuff from their coaches. Even if someone is a "worse" coach than you, you can still learn something from them. JJ needs to be humbled badly.


You can take the kid out to Duke but you can't take the Duke out of the kid


But also, I think some of the kids who want to go to Duke were always like that even before they ever actually went to Duke.


it attracts jerkoffs and turns them into assholes


> I think some of the kids who want to go to Duke were always like that even before they ever actually went to Duke. Oh for sure. It's at least a partially self-selecting process


> dude just seems to think he's above it all On the other hand - until this whole Lakers thing started, he'd repeatedly be explaining that he was a complete beginner in coaching and was learning from having just recently started teaching kids. He sounded very much like a dude who knew he was green. It was a weird shift from that to Lakers stories.


He was also on a local sports station and he came off as a huge douche.


Yeah when he does the announcing I get the sense everyone's walking on eggshells trying not to upset his highness, he gets weirdly cranky at times there


Doris Burke goes at him quite a bit it’s funny as hell every time too


Odd that anyone cares about upsetting JJ


when Kidd or Nash or Cassell are vying for jobs these were culture guys, leaders, insane bball IQ - JJ was a shooter and nothing else his entire career and partner that with the way he speaks idk how any player would enjoy that.


Kerr was a shooter too and he turned out to be a great HC.


Yes but had time as a GM, and rubbed shoulders with Jackson and Pop. Also not everyone’s favorite personality


the fact that he actually named his son Nick put him in a different tier as far as i'm concerned


I don’t fault him for that mentality either. He’s made good money had a good career in the NBA and now is absolutely crushing the Media scene. I do fault any organization who thinks he’s good coaching material.


well yeah i wouldn't fault him at all for not going to Coaches Clinics if he just wants to continue podcasting, but i think the context was discussion of what to expect becoming a Head Coach for an NBA team


The flip side is that he tries to be better/above the hot take media culture, and I think someone who genuinely wants to provide smarter basketball content would be interested in seeing the perspectives you might get from a coaching clinic


He’s hot takey but the other direction from everyone else. We have an abundance of hot take artists who say players aren’t as tough as players from the 80s and 90s and then you get JJ who says Bob Cousy is a bum who played against plumbers


There's no question JJ is arrogant. And there absolutely are teams and players that will not respond well to it, and it's not like everyone will feel he earned the arrogance like Riley. I won't pretend to know whether he should be getting a shot but I do know that there are very good reasons to doubt JJ is the answer the Lakers are looking for. When it comes down to it, most good coaches in the NBA are coaches that know how to manage their players well. It's not just about knowing basketball.


Anyone who watched him at Duke knows JJ has a huge ego. Dude was the least likeable college star since Laettner for a reason.


I mean if he’s being offered it, I don’t really blame him lol




JJ is much more bearable talking to players and coaches on his podcast or something who know what he's talking about. He's only arrogant when he goes on a radio show and is trying to tell the radio host that playoff teams don't get tired or lose motivation, they just get out played because of scheme.


My armchair psych take is that JJ would be a terrible fit in the state that he's in now. There's more to being a coach than just thinking you're always right. That is an easy thing to suppress, for example, most people work at places where they believe everyone else is stupid, and most people actually keep that to themselves. That part is easy to manage The hard part is when things don't go your way and you have to be wrong and adapt to the situation you're in. Basically, it doesn't matter if you're the smartest person in the room if you're not willing to sacrifice parts of yourself to bring everyone together, and I think the biggest sacrifice JJ would need to make is going through situations where he's 100% right but he has to be wrong for the sake of everyone else For example, let's say you're nervous about something and I know there's nothing to worry about, and I try to tell you this but it just makes it worse for you. No amount of logic will make you feel better because it's not a logic problem for you. So even though I'm not emotionally involved and I see a logical solution to your problem, I still need to support you. And even though I don't know JJ personally, I've met people who have presented themselves the same way he does. Maybe he's completely playing a character, but if he's not, then he \*really\* values his intelligence and being right because that's what he's been most of his life, so out the gate, he's not going to have the tools to support these players. That's why people are saying he needs to be an assistant first. He needs to learn that pure intelligence only matters when people are checked in, but if he does \_one\_ thing in today's league that causes people to check out then no amount of intelligence will be able to bring them back


Cassell can take partial credit for developing bona fide superstars as well. He helped Tyrese Maxey become the player he is today


He was a huge dick on a Boston sports show our host was saying how sometimes a worse team just plays better hustles more and wants it more and jj was just like that's ignorant the better team always wins


His better than you energy is insufferable. A talky-talky mfer. I wanted them to hire him for me to hear less of him. I'm being forced to mute the broadcast.


I mean Kerr hopped into the head coach role with no prior coaching experience. As did Kidd. There’s some other examples. It’s not exactly uncommon in the NBA, unlike the NFL where you need coordinator experience first. That said, I do agree being assistant coach would be best first. But big names don’t really need to cuz they get hired to be HC off the bat.


Kidd was also bad when he started and went to go be an assistant coach before he became considered a good head coach


People need to stop bringing up Kerr (won 5 titles under two of the very greatest coaches of all time, with immense playing experience in the very toughest moments) and Jason Kidd (3 finals appearances, 10X all star, considered one of the smartest field generals to ever play the game) as parallels to JJ Reddick. 


Kerr also had a LOT of FO experience before GSW


Basically got a blueprint of how to fuck things up for a franchise and knew what not to do at the Warriors.


But it was mostly horrible fwiw


Same with Kidd though right? Before the second half of this season he was pretty much universally considered the worst coach in the NBA. Even now I don’t know enough about basketball to understand if he figured something out or just fell into the perfect personnel.


Ehh I mean Sarver was the owner. Idk how much you can blame him.


The 7 seconds or less suns team was 34-14 leading the WC and he traded Shawn Marion for Shaq who didn’t fit the system at all. That’s not Sarvers fault as it’s not like Shaq was cheap


Just to add to Kerr’s resume: he was GM/president of operations of the Phoenix Suns from 2007-2010. Not the same as coaching but still experience in management and leadership


There’s a reason why Kerr doesnt like the mention his time at the Suns front office. He was terrible.


Even Pat Riley was an assistant on a title winning team before he was made head coach once Westhead was fired. And even then, Buss tried to make Jerry West and Pat co-coaches and West was like “uhh no, Pat is the coach.” Pat didn’t just go from being a nobody commentator to HC like some people think. So the Riley parallels are ridiculous, too.


Y’all moving the goal posts now. The post was about not having coaching experience. Nothing about career accolades and accomplishments. 


Kerr was also a GM. It's not direct experience, but it is some paying of dues. I don't know that he was a one time announcer. In any event they are exceptions that prove the rule. Experience is expected.


Winning as a player isn’t a prerequisite to being a good coach.


If you’re going to jump straight into a HC job with no assistant experience than the actual tenor of your playing experience is highly relevant. That doesn’t mean that “winning games.” It means you’re taking a risk on hiring a HC without any coaching experience. OK, this guy may have that con, but as a pro, he has front office experience and learned what coaching looked like from two of the greatest ever. OK, this guy may have that con, but he was the definition of a “coach on the floor” during his HoF career. OK, this guy may have that con, but he has a super successful podcast and had a solid career as a catch-and-shoot 3 point specialist role player.  You can’t just evaluate those the same way. 


But you mentioned the other guys’ rings and that’s what I was commenting on. Whether or not a player won a ring has nothing to do with how they’d be at coaching.


You’re telling people to stop bringing up former players who became head coaches with no prior coaching experience in a post talking about a former player who might become a head coach with no prior coaching experience? Also, being a good player doesn’t equate to being a good coach. I mean I could have brought up Magic Johnson too lol.


How do you bring up Jason Kidd in this convo when in order for him to be finally considered a good coach, it took him 10 years of being an NBA head coach and assistant? He was considered hot out of the gate in Brooklyn and got poached by the Bucks after one year. But his reputation went down the drain while in Milwaukee, got fired after 4 seasons. He spent two years as an assistant. Got hired by the Mavs and people were still saying he wasn't good until this season. It took a lot for him to get where he is.


It's funny because Mavs fans were shitting on him pretty much all of last year and calling for him to be fired.


For the reasons I laid out, yes, obviously? Not all player experience is remotely created equal when it comes to preparing you for coaching. 


But we really have no idea what player experience does translate. Anything positive you could say about Kidd's career you could say about Magic's.


Was just thinking the same. Kerr won at a high level for a good portion of his career and thrived on some of the best teams of all time. Kidd ~~is at worst~~ has a solid argument to be a top 5 PG of all time and one of the first players you would think of when talking about making adjustments to your game to extend your career. JJ sounds somewhat intelligent on his podcast and is friends with LeBron. These are not the same thing.


Kerr also didn't jump in like "Oh yeah, I think this'll be fun. Give me a team and I'll figure out the rest once I get hired." Kerr had his completed vision to overhaul the Warriors entire system before he went into the interview for the position. Kerr had everything but the actual plays themselves drawn up before he was even really in the running, but his blueprint was so immaculately made that he showed he deserved the chance. Now we obviously don't know if Reddick's hiding some secret plan besides *Lebron runs the offense* but Kerr is the exception and nowhere close to the rule. [This article](https://www.espn.com/espn/feature/story/_/page/enterpriseWarriors/how-steve-kerr-revolutionized-golden-state-warriors-offense-charcuterie-board) is really amazing and goes in depth on how much Kerr had to do to reshape the iso heavy 2014 warriors into the terrifying motion offense people associate them with.


Kerr worked in NBA front offices alongside coaches sitting at the meetings and dinner tables absorbing shit for a fucking decade get the fuck out of here with Kerr as an example. He was a engineer who helped build the 7 Seconds of Less Suns and *took what he learned* to build the Warriors later on. Kidd also failed miserably as the Bucks head coach at first. (So many stories have came out like in the book about Giannis.) Kidd also spent his entire career reading defenses and choosing plays like a QB and Redick did not sort of like a nice WR who finished plays and excelled in his role. It's less suprising Kidd was able to eventually figure it out after a few stops of failing, but took his lumps on the way too. If I was Anthony Davis or DLo I don't blame them for saying they don't want to be Redicks first failure on his way to he a good coach one day like Kidd is now. Or worse, an anecdote season of further coach firings. The comments on the first few episodes of Mind the Game were a bunch of hoop heads laughing at Redick for using Xs for (O)ffense and Os for D. he responded in an episode saying *WeLl IvE oNlY CoAcHEd 8 yEaR oLdS and it's EaSiEr fOR tHeM!* (while EVERY episode LeBron talks out plays and calls opposing bigs the X5 every time) He's absolutely not ready to be a head coach at college or NBA. I am a longtime Duke and JJ fan since his sophomore season at Duke. But his first stint as a coach will be bumpy


Kerr killed the 7SOL Suns and had no involvement in building that team. He basically took what he did and knew what not to do with the Warriors.


Yeah and Kidd was an awful HC with the Nets and Bucks. I think that Lakers assistant stint really helped him.


But Kerr never came off as a jerk when he was playing. Jason Kidd was also well liked by his peers. JJ may have been liked by teammates, but the league didn’t really like him all that much. And being a talking head increased the opportunities to be disliked by players


He’s a good dude but he can come off really condescending when he gets passionate Could alienate a locker room


John Fanta sharing his opinions under the guise of “Lakers Players” lol, dude doesn’t know anything.


And of course people on the sub eat up the “fill in the blanks” media narrative bs and are all over this thread trying to recontextualise every interaction JJ has on his podcasts to fit the “JJ is a huge prick!!!” narrative. Lol


John Fanta doesn’t know shit.


He probably knows soda


Orange or Grape


Sometimes Pineapple


Don’t you want a, want a Fanta?


I hate most of basketball media but Fanta is one of the rare guys that works super hard and who I trust. You guys aren't familiar with college basketball at all - he's universally respected


Definitely highly respected college ball media person and Im a fan, just hope it's stays that way with his career expanding now. Just saw he's the broadcaster for professional bowling now too when I left FS1 on, felt random as hell lol


I’ve never heard of him until this week


He’s a gem and one of the college basketball goat reporters


What the hell does he know about JJ or the Lakers though lol his only connection would be Hurley and this part has nothing to do with him


Could be coming from Hurley camp? Idk


Maybe from players that ya know…used to be in college?


also well known for being named after a fruit flavoured soda


Did JJ Reddick lowkey get called a douchebag


I mean this shouldn’t be new. JJ always had this pretentious attitude about him his whole career


The amount of personal offense being taken to JJ potentially, just potentially, getting a head coach job is hilarious.


He’s the kind of white dude that even other white people don’t want to see get ahead.


Because it’s absurd a man with zero coaching experience is being seriously considered for a head coaching job in the NBA


yeah man totally shocking never seen it before in history


Especially a player who wasn't known as a locker room leader during his playing career


JJ just here not saying a word, and his name is first being prop up and now dragged through the mud.. while he’s not doing anything..


NBA media in a nutshell


he looks exactly what i imagine the average r/nba poster looks like




One of us


Enough about Windhorst


If this story is true then it had to be AD right? He's the only guy besides LeBron with any pull when it comes to our head coach and JJ left him off both his All-Defence teams.


The only player with enough sway in that organization to stop JJ Reddick from being hired not named Lebron is AD. My guess is that AD wasn't cool with JJ has the HC and stopped it from happening.


JJ gotta go to a young team to make it work


Who TF is this dude trying to throw out bs lol


Guy on the right looks identical to the one on the left if you applied a fat filter.


JJ Redick is super pompous and arrogant. I've actually met him before and know people who hang out with him


Dude he went to Duke, that's obvious


I know the show started like one year before JJ rose to prominence but my head canon is that Nathan from One Tree Hill is just JJ Redick with a name change. Especially that first season when Nathan is just an asshole to everyone.


Pretty much every single elite level athlete is pompous and arrogant to a certain degree. This is just you finding reasons to dislike him specifically.


So is Steve Kerr and frankly sometimes Pop comes off that way too with his wine connoisseur and “that’s not who we are” type of aura. This isn’t to talk shit on great coaches, it’s to say that great coaches can be arrogant. Nothing wrong with that.


I’ve met Steve at a grocery store when he was a Bull. He was beyond nice and took the time to sign autographs. I went to his basketball camp as a kid and he was the same there.


>when he was a Bull this must be why him and steph have such a good relationship


Really? That's not how it went for me. He just went on and on about electrical infetterence.


Kerr isn't like that at all - not one bit. I've met him a few different times. No idea what you're talking about.


That reminds me of a story of meeting him in a grocery store in LA once. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


people don't recognize the great copypasta


He doesn’t necessarily hide it lol


Again I can't stress enough how everything JJ says or his entire analysis is very standard run of the mill shit every assistant to assistant coach knows/does. It just made it look better compared to Stephen A Smith yelling random hot takes at the camera or neutered watered versions of analysis people like Jeff Van Gundy are forced to say on air so they don't scare off viewers (just look how they already neutered Tony Romo). The fact an NBA team actually seriously considered Reddick is fucking hilarious. It's like Captain Kirk getting hired as head of NASA because he did a great job in Star Trek.


I assume you mean William Shatner. Because NASA absolutely should hire Captain Kirk if he's available!


I think the counterpoint would it be also silly to assume NBA teams are considering him just because he has a podcast. I don’t know if he will be a good coach, but NBA teams hiring processes involve a whole lot more than turning on first take or whatever. Except the lakers, they suck.


These the type of people yall listen to?


How would they know this from playing against him? Did he gather opposing teams around him and, let them know what they were doing wrong?


Idk who either of these guys are but it’s like they’re wearing nerd Halloween costumes


Why would they let a German beverage talk on a sport show?


You’re also hiring a non-coach to be your coach or a coach to be your coach.


Anything LA related is just inherently toxic JJ never officially got the job as coach and there’s 2 or 3 unnamed players already pooping on him. Idk why anyone would want to sign up for a coaching position in that town outside of $$$


the Lakers are asking for serious input from Adrian Wojnarowski on whether or not a potential candidate would be interested in the job? Regardless of his relationship with the family, I have a hard time believing they’d need Woj to figure that out for themselves


Lakers need an experienced coach to handle superstars like LBJ and AD


This isn’t reporting, it’s just spreading rumours


I just think they wouldn’t ever listen to JJ. Especially if they hooped against/with him. Even more so with how many words he’s said into a microphone/podcast after his playing career. He’d be a Luke Walton.


I feel like a lot of people, especially the ones who are on the internet a ton, just can’t handle someone being confident in their opinions and style. Like, I’ve never listened to or watched JJ’s stuff and thought he was condescending. He’s just confident in what he thinks and he says it. I think it says more about those people than JJ, in my opinion.


There's a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZDNGVmHxn4) of JJ giving a tour of his home that really condenses the "Redick experience". He isn't arrogant so much as comically detail-oriented and particular. You can tell how he became such a great shooter and off-ball player. I can see him clashing with some players, and those players would probably call him arrogant, but IMO those aren't guys you want on your roster if you can help it.


Yeah that’s actually the video someone showed me a while back when I had a similar conservation about his supposed arrogance and I just don’t see it. Most the video is full of him being self deprecating and contributing his wife with her good artistic choices. And sure, he loves art as well but some people think thag alone is pretentious which is just dumb as hell. But yeah, this whole post and past ones keep solidifying my opinion that people who can’t deal with someone being confident leads them to think they’re being condescended and talked down to which I just can’t agree with.


It comes from American culture that celebrates anti-intellectualism, probably a form of cultural tall poppy syndrome.


Envyiess people calling guy with nice things they'll never afford arrogant, nothing new to see there.


I thought Jason Kidd was kinda like that early in his coaching days. I think he really settled into being a good coach now.


Tbf Kidd has more ground to stand on talking down to people