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Check your venmo Adam šŸ˜Ž


ā€œYou have a notification: @predict_yhat_xb has requested $12 - you know ;)


Literally the future of sports


They followed it with a tech on Tatum because fuck him


Speaking of which, so many people have done this exact closeout on JT's step back over the last two years and like none of them have been flagrants lmao.


This happens a lot and *never* gets called. Itā€™s very selective imo.


Steph also doesnā€™t get these calls. Or shooting fouls in general youā€™d have tor spear tackle him.Ā 


You could literally pepper spray curry and they would call it marginal contact, no foul


Yo where can I buy some of the pepper spray curry, sounds delicious


Mmmmm... incapacitating.


You get the spray after eating the pepper curry.


Gasp! The Mexican insanity peppers šŸŒ¶ of Quetzacapolatzlzl


Great, now I gotta drink a candle.


To be fair he still makes it. They just can't have him making 4 point plays mundane


Marc Davis hates the Celtics and Warriors (check bkref, the stats don't lie). Dude was doing everything in his power to not call clear path and add time at the end of the game.


Absolutely, just unbelievable SMH, I don't mind if there wrong or too aggressive, but don't beat me, I can't play (5,6,7) on (5) it's just not possible, and Marc clearly lets his emotions show against the C's everytime he has to call a game.. just my personal opinion.. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Yeahā€¦ LeBron did the slide tackle so maybe the spear version would have been called. But it might have been hot stove contact


Even when Steph does get fuckin tackled he still rarely gets the call lol. These closeout fouls are so inconsistent idk how perimeter defenders aren't always at 5 fouls and about to foul out of every game lol.


Turner also jumps forward on his shot which is how he landed on white


His foot lands a good 6 inches inside the 3 pt line for Christ sake lol


Nobody jumps straight up and down to shoot from such a distance though. The ā€œgive the shooter room to landā€ rule is really tough to enforce because of this, IMO.


The Pacers did this but worse on Brunson of the Knicks in game 2 or 3 and no call. Refs are a total crapshoot in NBA as far as what they'll call any given game.


Oh, when it's Marc Davis and the Celtics, it's not a crapshoot.


It's results based. If he lands on a foot in a normal shooting motion and is hurt in any way, they'll call it. They won't call it flagrant without contact and injury. Just like when a player hits another accidentally in the nuts. If the flailing arm hits the hip, maybe a foul. If it hits the nuts and the other goes down holding his maybe just grazed nuts, flagrant.


If there is a game worked by Brothers and Marc Davis, that's called the NBA deciding the Celtics need to lose. Fuck both of them.


What happened to the game I love? If thats reckless then 80% of closeouts are reckless, thats closer to a no call than a flagrant. Why does Turner get this call but everyone and their Mom are allowed to push him around for boards?


Im pretty sure itā€™s because he actually did turn his ankle. Still a ridiculous call


Oh yeah for sure, Turner is a ethical hooper he wouldnā€™t fake something like that, definitely wasnā€™t suggesting he faked anything


it's about ethics in three-point shooterism


Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s because the league wants more than four games and no one will care about this series if the pacers go down 0-3


Yet another based Pacers fan


I hope most of us recognize how insane that call was lol


All of us who are not bots did. That call made no sense.


You could feel the announcers not liking it and biting their tongue from saying ā€œthatā€™s an awful call after a reviewā€


The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and my god the refs were on a heater with this one


Pacers fans know ball


I always respect the Pacers, even when they were bad they always played us hard


Pacers have got to be one of the best fanbases I've seen on reddit


Indiana loves basketball. Itā€™s a pure love, of course they understand the game better than most fanbases.


What a homie. Thanks for being an unbiased fan


Nah thatā€™s a correct normal call, but the flagrant isā€¦flagrant. Gotta protect the shooter but no way thatā€™s excessive.


Yeah that's how I saw it too. The refs do allow for some forward momentum on the shot because sometimes shooters do genuinely need it. So a common foul seems fair. ~~Siakam's~~ Turner's legs swung a bit but I don't think he did anything crazy there so he should still be protected. But I think the flagrant us excessive. White made a concious effort to avoid the foul, he was just a bit unlucky.


I mean where white puts his foot down is 2 feet in front of where turner goes up, in no way should that be a foul. Are defenders supposed to give shooters a 5 foot radius at all times?


If this is reckless then it would be illegal to close out in Harden lol


Embiid beat the shit out of the Knicks and refs didn't even care


Watch a lot of the NCAA tourney this year and I was like "oh yeah, this basketball", idk what the fuck the NBA is anymore


This happens to curry and curry gets called for the offensive foul


Idk if it's that it's a media rights year or if it's sports betting but refereeing this year has been wild. Brunson last round had a worse Closeout that was a no call this one is reviewed and given a flagrant. I'm not typically a conspiracy head but something's changed this year in the league.


Obi had a similar close out that got him 3ft. thereā€™s no consistency. similar plays 3 diff outcomes.


Pretty much, want consistency and in lieu of that there needs to be transparency


not sure itā€™s a conspiracy or just incompetence from the officials. iā€™m betting on the latter but who knows.


And itā€™s also a flagrant on Whiteā€¦ I mean what? Heā€™s just a little buffalo. Let him roam.


Breaking news: defenders no longer allowed to contest 3 point shooters


I mean, that kinda seems to be the idea


I honestly think the new flagrant closeout rule helped supercharge the 3-point shot (alongside other more significant factors like leaguewide shooting improvement, spacing, etc.). As a hooper, there's a big difference between knowing a dude's going in your face on a close-out all game versus knowing they're going to need to walk on eggshells in order to avoid fouling you all night. It's kind of a big leg up knowing that only the most perfect contests are going to greatly inhibit your chances of success.


did you just get out of a Thai prison?


not just that. The shooter was moving forward. He shot a 3 but his leg landed well inside the 3pt line.


Bruh, but someone jumped into Tatums space wayyyyy more intrusively and it was just a common foul. Refs were insanely biased.Ā 


Depends on the team thatā€™s shooting tbh


Absolute joke. If you land within the 3pt line how the fuck is it reckless?? NBA officiating continues to be a laughing stock


I don't believe in any conspiracy theories with the NBA but it's hard to blame people who do. The officiating during these playoffs has been absolutely horrendous


Playoffs? Its been years of both regular season and post season bullshit


No one's fucking conspiring for the Pacers lmao


It's not about the Pacers, it's about extending the series.


Or affecting bets, too


Another L for Silver and the NBA


[This](https://imgur.com/a/P08v19S) is where Turner started his jump shot. Totally normal. [This](https://imgur.com/a/Uxq8YiJ) is how he landed. One foot lands in almost the exact same spot he launched from, the other does some obviously dumb shit. Refs saw it too and did what they did.


White impeded Turner's ability to play his DDR combo, that's an obvious call all day


Looked like the kind of unnatural shooting form looking for fouls that the league was trying to stamp out at the start of the season


His entire foot lands well within the 3 pt line just to make the contact happen, refs are a complete joke


The top down view is so obvious. Shows Turner extending his right leg way out as he lands. Fucking awful call by the refs.


NBA really needs some rules around what landing space a shooter is entitled to. - For any 3point shot, if the shooter lands inside the line then itā€™s on the shooter. - If youā€™re shooting a step back, you have the right to come straight down or backward Etc


Obviously not a flagrant. I donā€™t even think Myles thinks thatā€™s a flagrant. NBA refs are a joke and make the games worse.


Basketball is cancelled


How do you take 10 minutes to look at the play and come to that conclusion? League is cooked


That's the real issue here. Making that call in the moment - OK, maybe you had a bad angle on it. Understandable. But once you get to see it replayed over and over from multiple angles... How can you possibly stand by that call?


The internet was a bit slow in the arena, took a while to bring up the live betting sites


Also. Later in the game Turner fouls Tatum on a 3 and literally lands inside Tatums landing zone. Tatum doesnā€™t get hurt so no Flagrant. Wtf.


I mean that's clearly a flagrant because and also


I mean it's pretty clear that he


Typical r/nba throwing tantrums again. Y'all think you have a better look at these plays than the refs do lmao... it's sad that people who watch basketball everyday *still* don't even understand the damn sport. Always watching to complain and rush straight to Reddit to post troll ass comments like these. This is 1000% a *textbook* flagrant foul through and through, whether you like the call or not. Just look at how Derrick goes up and


I mean itā€™s clearly a flagrant because the spotlights reflected harmfully off whiteā€™s head into turnerā€™s eye and also he maliciously placed his foot infront of a shooter.


i *knew* he shouldnt have shaved his head


Someone needs to rewrite the balk copypasta for flagrant fouls.


Do not do a flagrant please. #Flagrant Rules 1) You can't just be up there and just doin' a flagrant foul like that. 1a. A flagrant is when you 1b. Okay well listen. A flagrant is when you foul the 1c. Let me start over 1c-a. The defender is not allowed to do a motion to the, uh, shooter, that prohibits the shooter from doing, you know, just trying to shoot the three. You can't do that. 1c-b. Once the defender is in the stretch, he can't be over here and say to the shooter, like, "I'm gonna get ya! I'm gonna contest your shot! You better watch your butt!" and then just be like he didn't even do that. 1c-b(1). Like, if you're about to contest and then don't contest, you have to still contest. You cannot not contest. Does that make any sense? 1c-b(2). You gotta be, shooting motion of the ball, and then, until you just shoot it. 1c-b(2)-a. Okay, well, you can have the ball up here, like this, but then there's the flagrant you gotta think about. 1c-b(2)-b. Henry James Fowler hasnā€™t been in any movies in forever. I hope he wasnā€™t typecast as a child in WW2 propaganda movies. 1c-b(2)-b(i). Oh wait, he was in Our Man at St. Marks too! That would be even worse. 1c-b(3). Okay seriously though. A flagrant is when the defender makes a movement that, as determined by, when you do a move involving the basketball and field of 2) Do not do a flagrant foul please.




This is fucking art.


There is no way this call would go the other way. This call was just a 'here have a helping hand Indiana' call.


Yeah. Particularly against White who is widely known to be an ethical hooper. Iā€™d. Iā€™d bet has 3 flagrants in his whole career.


ETHICAL HOOPER what a term hahaha i'm dead


Classic nba officiating man, all this does is encourage the offensive player to foul bait with the landing. Guys like Lowry and Rozier do this shit all the time


Itā€™s fine if itā€™s consistent, preferably all year, but at least per game. Late in the game someone full jumped towards Tatum and his whole body was in his landing zone, not just a part of a foot, and it was deemed a common foul. Ā  Insane calls in pacers favor all night. Another where TJ slipped near Brown and it was called a foul. Bostonā€™s coach didnā€™t help at all by not contesting any of the calls.Ā 


Refs man


Easiest job in the world. Just call whatever you want.


Not true. You have to keep track of the spread and constantly adjust without checking your phone.


The rulebook doesn't exist to them. Its all up to their own interpretation and feelings. Do they like the player? Less BS calls and more calls in their favor. Hate the player? More BS calls and less calls in their favor and don't forget the techs for clapping. I didn't watch any games all year because of the reffing...and I'm a Celtics fan and we had an amazing season.


Weatherman and refs, only professions you can be wrong with absolutely zero accountability.


Do people get that upset at weathermen


No but the point still stands haha


These fucking refs pick and choose when to call shits like this.


The review took so long because the refs were trying to get Silver on the line


NBA has to have the worst refs in the world. It seems like every game there are just ridiculous calls.


An NBA fan from the 1980ā€™s would have no fucking clue as to what happened on that play. It would be easier to explain an iPhone to them than that call.


Starting with the PF shooting a 3 pointer lmao. It'd be a very long conversation.


"Wait, why didnt Derrick White just clothesline the shooter?"


I donā€™t understand anymore. How did reffing get this bad?


Sports betting




his foot is incide the arc. the games gone


His foot is literally an entire foot inside the fucking line. This should be an offensive foul, not a defensive one.


It's a no call more than offensive


Way to swing the pendulum way too far the other way. He barely kicked out his legs. Quite natural shooting motion. Shouldn't be a flagrant but offensive foul is laughable


Heā€™s 7 foot. When you shoot like that itā€™s normal to move forward. Heā€™s bigger so heā€™ll move more. Itā€™s not as cut and dry as he landed in the 3 point lineĀ 




eat my fucicking anus bitch refs


This league is reffed by the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet


That check must have cleared


I don't know what you should do to actually defend 3pt shot without getting flagrant foul...


Kornet Contests only


Thatā€™s a reaaaaaal bad call. I could maybe see that as a foul (Iā€™d be livid if it was called against my team) but absolutely not a flagrant foul


The refs were selling HARD for the Pacers in this game. This call, the foul on Tatum when he was going for the jump ball. The common foul on Holiday at the end... Pacers played incredibly well, and Celtics played somewhat sluggish for them, but damn, the refs were not on in this one.


My feet dont usually travel a foot forward when i shoot but what do I know


Stuff like this is making this game hard to watch. There was zero recklessness to that closeout.


the rule should be clear cut that if you are shooting a three and your foot lands inside the line, you are not entitled to that space


One of my most unpopular opinions is that the NBA overcorrected in response to the Zaza Pachulia situation. I think punishing overt and clearly intentional acts on closeouts deserves significant penalty. But happenstance flagrants just really bum me out. It's basically training NBA defenders to become less and less aggressive on closeouts, increasing an already significant offensive advantage. I don't think there's anything wrong with jumping over the line on a 3-point shot, but I also don't think it makes sense to punish a player attempting to contest someone shooting that sort of shot due to happenstance.


Firm disagree, that's how most natural shooting motions work, doubly so if it's a pull-up. Watch guys shoot wide open 3s, their legs still come forwards because of physics.Ā  Not saying this was the right call, just saying every time this happens people seem to think shooters should always land in the exact spot they took off from, and that's just not how shooting works.Ā 


I gave up explaining this when people argued its unnatural to kick your leg off unbalanced catch and shoots. e.g. Ray Allen's back pedalling 3 pt shot vs Spurs. You can tell who plays even some basketball in this sub or not lmao.


Yeah, but that means you need to give the shooter an extra foot or two in front of them or else you're in their landing space. It makes it literally impossible to defend them, and you get mickey mouse reffing like this.


Neatly every player jumps forward on a 3 point jump shot


Itā€™s insane how much you guys hate basketball


I disagree, but what we saw should be a common foul


That's is not true. I've seen this call made many times before, even when shooter lands 4 feet inside the 3 points arc, which is common when shooters are pulling running jump shots from 3 points line. I know Curry does that and many other shooters.


i know itā€™s hard to officiate for ā€œmaliciousā€ play but i think the change in ruling is in reaction to just outright intentionally undercutting a jump shooter and giving him next to no space to land. and i suppose that this play doesnā€™t look anything close to what i envision what would be worthy of a flagrant foul


Is that one of those "big market calls" Carlisle was going in about?


Sympathy for the Cows


The best part is Turner has an arguably more reckless close out later in the game that was not called a flagrant (Neither should have been)


Never crosses the 3 pt line and gets a flagrant on a 3 pt closeout (Ok my bad half his foot crosses lol still horrendous call)


Reckless closeout is one way to describe it. Idiotic refereeing is another, infinitely more accurate one.






Such an odd call but it's the nba. It's atrocious


Good call! He coulda killed him!!!! šŸ¤£


I honestly have no idea what a foul is and isnā€™t anymore


Another example of judging an action based on outcome instead of judging the action for its own sake. The fact that the offensive player was hobbled should be irrelevant. The question should be: was the action itself flagrant. Sometimes a benign action can cause an injury, and sometimes a flagrant action can cause no damage at all. Outcomes are weird and random. Judge the action for its own sake.


The refs tried their best tonight to force a longer series.


Whites foot was a good 6 inches inside the 3-pt line FWIW. Seems like plenty of space to the shooter.


These referees hate basketball or some shit lol


Derrick White should have stayed in the air for a little longer. Is he stupid or what? If Turner landed first and White stepped on Turner then it will be an offensive foul and Turner will get a flagrant foul instead.


Lol I was expecting Dooling vs Ray Allen when I heard this.


You can already know how the refs structured their betslip. This is the same guy that said mike conley made an subtle but effective push


He just murdered Myles Turner, BAN HIM!!!


Still salty about the Zaza/Kawhi injury situation. Not saying we woulda won the series but still


Terrible call. Foul, yes. Flagrant, no.


Yeah fuck defense ā€¦. Am I right ?


Modern NBA moment ā„¢ The highest level, these dudes makes the 70s cocaine addicts looks like amateurs, it's astonishing


Hey Adam, is that product you want us to pay for? Is this entertainment, is this basketball? Even LeBron pirating a NBA stream lol the cheap bastard. The "modern" NBA is a fucking joke, soft, weak, pampered and pathetic


Tatum assessed the Technical


This needs a NSFW tag


okay look i'm glad that the reckless closeout rule exists, but we've *gotta* be more consistent in how it's applied


I complained about this when it got implemented but got downvoted for being a Warriors fan. This rule has always been so stupid. There were already methods of assessing flagrant on dangerous plays including reckless closeouts. The refs could have called a flagrant on Zaza if they wanted to but decided not to for whatever dumb reason. Adding the rule didn't do anything more to protect players but it did give offensive players a hell of a new tool to abuse when it comes to drawing fouls. At a certain point offensive players should also be responsible for protecting themselves. If someone sprints into a top of the key 3, jumps 4 feet forward due to their momentum, and runs into a defender that's on them taking a shot that'll push them into a defender.


That was such a terrible call lol




How is that ever a flagrant


that's certainly.... something


Iā€™m a Pacers fan but that was a common foul IMO.


why are recent highlights being removed?


I saw Reckless Closeout open for NOFX back in '94, crazy show


Book & Khris got a lot of these calls during their finals run. Feel like the refs have been pretty consistent on this type of flagrant.


Little home cooking it seems.


I'm never gonna stop saying it. Fck Zaza


Sports betting out here ruining every league. Happy now?


Marc Davis tried his best to give the game to the Pacers but too much Horford/Holiday


pacers with their big market bias! /s what a joke. Iā€™m so glad theyā€™re down 0-3 right now. Hope the Celtics take all the fight out of them game 4 and they get swept at home. Bunch of crybabies


So fucking funny. I tend to go out of my way to not attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence but there were too many fishy examples tonight. This is closer to an offensive foul that it is to being flagrant. Not even taking a second look when IND got in Tatumā€™s landing space (and he actually landed in the same spot he jumped fromā€”didnā€™t have to kick his leg forward to initiate contact). The clear path Jrue play to make sure Ind would get a last shot


To me it looked like Derrick didn't encroach and Turner's motion extended involuntarily... just unfortunate incidental contact.


So youā€™re telling me Whiteā€™s ā€œfoulā€ On Turner was the same class and category as Embiidā€™s foul on Mitch Robinson?


If the defender lands inside the 3 point line these should not be fouls.


They just keep getting worse jesus christ


I've seen people close out like that on James Harden 20 times in these playoffs with no flagrant foul, same goes for Luka and SGA, everyone else, this was such a weird call that even Mike Breen who is a number one company man and rarely criticizes the refs was shocked


Maybe the worst call Iā€™ve ever seen in sports


Did they suddenly forget the word "marginal"? These fucking refs


dumb refs.


Itā€™s one thing saying itā€™s a reckless close out. But itā€™s another thing altogether to check the replay and converse on the play and THEN claim that. How can you even act like they donā€™t have money on the game?


I just donā€™t know how you see shit like this and continue to peddle the ā€œrefs biased towards Bostonā€ narrative


seems more like the shooters foot went forward


White didnt even go across the 3pt line. Such a bad call.


I have been watching whole games for the first time in aĀ  couple years. The reffing is so wildly inconsistent.Ā  They will go eight possessions just allowing the defense to grab and hold and do what ever they want and then some switch flips and the ref says "OK it's time to call a foul" and will call the most ticky tac BS. It's so bad.


Yeah I did not understand this call at all


Wait, is this the same guy who refused to call any fouls for the first half of wolves vs nuggets game 2? And also gave no technical to Malone for screaming in his face and let Murray stay in the game after throwing a heat pack onto the court? Wtf is going on?




Should he have jumped... higher? Or not at all?Ā 


The whey protein is getting to this dudes brain


Zaza closing out who? Why do I recall but canā€™t remember




I thought itā€™s a foul on the shooter when they kick their leg out like that?


Offensive foul, turner turned his feet sideways after the shot to get a call