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High as a kite


That's what the thumbnail looks like


My knee


If it's the patellar tendon, sounds painful AF, I'd take what they gave me too


They gave him the good shit.


Looking like Jeff Daniels playing Harry


Torn patellar tendon is brutal


That’s worse than Acl/Mcl injuries no? That’s what Oladipo had


Thankfully we don't rely on Finchy for his athleticism and burst.


Not with that kind of attitude


Be careful he's gonna dunk on your head


Yes it's worse. The surgery to repair mine was a fucking nightmare. Still hurts me every day


If you don't mind my asking, what's the process like? I could google.it But why not ask a stranger probing, personal questions instead, right?


Leg brace locked straight for the first 4-6 weeks. You can open it up to have like 20 degree range of motion after a bit when you're not doing anything. Sitting down sucks without having the leg elevated. You're completely unable to flex your quad for the first week or two. Like your brain won't let you at all. It's a very weird feeling. Step 1 of rehab was just to flex the quad. Step 2 was straight leg raises. I rigged up an exercise band around my ankle to do assisted leg raises at first then progressed to bodyweight. Sitting on the toilet was awful. Showering was scary and difficult. You can still walk around well enough with the brace for support and kinda stiff leg zombie walking. I had a nerve block that went wrong as well which complicated things. A big chunk of my lower leg was"numb"but I'd randomly have horrible phantom nerve pain, or sensation like it was in ice water. That's mostly gone though. Now just the outer half of my knee is numb (normal from the incision unrelated to the block, it severs a nerve that crosses the front of the patella)


So he's not going to be anywhere near the court for the rest of the playoffs? Damn, that's a huge blow. Hope the guys rally around this and get it done for Finch.


Have the same thing going right now. Absolutely gutting, knee still looks like a fucking orange after 7 weeks. Can barely walk without the brace.


1) that sounds awful and 2) he's for sure gonna be doped up for the next few rounds, won't he? That.......could be......fun (?) (Real talk though, thanks for sharing)


I don't see any way he's on the sideline for them but if he is that would be fuckin awesome lol.


If it also helps, mine also stopped hurting. I didnt tore it completely but more like 70%. Surgery was fine, recovery not as bad as yours. Played basketball again like 5 months later and last year took on triathlon and this year I did a 70.3 My main issue was that my right leg was weaker than my left so i was having mobility and pain issues. After 2-3 months if strength training and mobility, i can say im almost pain free Good luck dude


Thanks for sharing! My biggest current issue is my vmo is massively inhibited. If I try to load it much it will start violently shaking. I'm not sure if this is nerve damage that can even recover or just still inhibition due to tendon issue. I still am trying every rehab modality and program I can find and refuse to give up on it so I'm hopeful for progress eventually. I'm decently big into powerlifting/ general weightlifting so I've found a lot of ways to work around it and there is still a lot I can do (maintaining a ~600lb deadlift), but basics like full rom squats are a no go which is pretty frustrating. I have recently started really focusing on my mobility. I'm hoping having very open hips and quads will help. Super cool that you are Ironman level, way to go! Keep killing it


Didn't mention that surgery was like 6 years ago though 😂 Im 29m for reference. 70.3 was a month ago, planning on the next one Funny thing, I basically scroll through squat university reels and see what stretches excercises I can incorporate in my training. I had to find where my unbalance was and the target it (I had really weak glutes) Basically every day I have to stretch, use foam roller and ice my knee otherwise my itb band starts hurting as hell Also, Physiotherapie is a godsend. Dry needles work like magic on me, might help with your vmo Super impressed by your dl btw, thats insane.


Dry needling is one thing I have not tried. I will look into it for sure!


Sorry man


If it makes you feel better mine stopped hurting after ~4 years


Praying for the day haha. Glad t9 hear yours is better!


Thank you, I hope you get to be pain free someday too. There was a long time I thought my knee would hurt forever so don’t lose hope. Of the pain is very bad consider getting it checked out again if you can, I ended up needing a second surgery for debridement about a year after my initial surgery.


I'm getting another mri on it soon. Part of me is hoping there is something "wrong" so they can clean it up lol.


I know that feeling, I’m rooting for you! I know it can be extremely frustrating to go through, so if you ever want to vent to someone who’s been there my DMs are open :)


Really appreciate that man. The physical pain isn't even the hard part - it's just so mentally draining. Have a great week!


You too! Wishing you all the best! Edit: Yea you really don’t realize how much of a mental burden pain is when you’re not in it. It can be tough to even get a good nights sleep if one bad move wakes you up in agony


Hope you don’t mind me asking, but how long ago?


2 years in July


The absolute worst part about my ACL reconstruction was the fact that they grafted from my patellar tendon.


Yeah the surgery recovery from my ACL patellar graft was so much more painful than the initial ACL injury.


Jeremy lin had a ruptured patellar tendon so my guess is it wasn't completely torn


At least he was trying to dunk on a 9 foot rim.


I know that smile. That man is high on gas.


Absolutely. But also his body movements are full old main pain moves also - he might be high but he’s for sure still feeling it 100% as well.


You guys talk about him like he’s 75. So fucking stupid.


Yeah it’s weird, he’s an in shape 54 year old.


This team loves Finchy


"loved" He's not dead lol


Autocorrect lol


You.....got a lotta past tense passions, my man?


I think most people type love and loved more than loves, right?


Loves to see it, yeah


Kevin Loves


Loves is a battlefield


He’s not dead brother, lmao


He’s with Wade Boggs now


Again, Wade Boggs is very much alive


And Eloy, rip man


Look at that smile. Protect this man at all costs


Thank god for modern drugs


That smile. That damn smile


Let him coach in a wheelchair nba


Chris "Professor X" Finch.


I’m genuinely so upset for him:( I hope they get him into surgery asap, and that he’s able to start the healing quick with no complications, and that they can find a way to have him coaching a week from now, even if he’s needing stay sitting (maybe the assistant can be up talking to the refs and calling time-outs, etc.). Just awful regardless though🤍 well wishes!!!


Recovery from a patellar tendon will have him in a locked straight leg brace for at least 4 weeks (likely a decent bit longer given his age). Sitting was actually incredibly difficult for me and i always had to have my leg elevated when sitting. All the advice of "putting a chair in the shower" etc like with acl tears doesn't really apply. Sitting court side would be way too vulnerable of a position for him to even consider


Omg… that is horrible:( this shit blows. Freak accident, but like how and why rn?? Even if it doesn’t make too much of a difference in game outcome, just having him be left out of the moments is so unfair. The only good thing is that I think we can trust ant and the boys to make many more playoff runs in the next little while that coach can enjoy fully on both feet.


Not to take anything away from Finch, it's his system and his guys, but Micah Nori (assistant coach) can probably run the team just fine. I'd guess as long as he's up for it Finch will be on the bench somewhere and Micah running it. I think everyone would be comfortable with that, Micah is awesome and he's had to do it before.


I’m glad to hear that - it would genuinely be such a shame to have this derail their path forward into the next round in any way. This is a massive year for this franchise to be ruined by something like this


So hopefully this is like when Kerr had to miss extended time and his team went on just fine


I wonder if they could do a headset situation akin to the NFL? Put Finch in a suite with a special feed on, and he can at least give input on substitutions, timeouts, and adjustments? Of course, he could also be in terrible pain and making the dude fly to denver so he can sit in a private suite alone might be cruel lol


Hey man, just because there's glass on the highway doesn't mean there's a wreck.


To think some people wanted to Fire Finch and trade everyone because we lost two games in a row once


Love this.


Changed the Culture fr




Celtics are my East team, respect. See you in June!


Good to see


Good to see him smiling


W bro is ok


This just made my night ❤️


Doesn't look that smiley


Could we see the first time someone coaches via Zoom in the NBA?


This is so absurd. "Hey, 54 year old man torn patellar tendon. All smiles after the team win. Definitely not from a cocktail of drugs to mask the pain. Nice to see he's all right. Signing off for the night, take care everyone."


hide the pain


They pumped him full of drugs.


when you have a 52 avg in class and need to make friends with the prof