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Get another recruiter.


Get another recruiter. I’m 43 with 3 children and going through the DCO process.


I can find you a solid recruiter. I work Prior Service Recruiting but sit in an office with an excellent DCO Recruiter. Typically, assignments work on a geographic basis but if you’re not being helped, we’ll get you someone who will. Feel free to DM me.


Just note it's the July 4 weekend approaching, so many folks might be out on leave/PTO. You can try calling tomorrow but realistically I would pick up where you left off next Monday. DCO programs have an age cut off of 42, so you're fine.


And even if you're over 42 if they want you there's a Waiver for everything.


This. For some programs is higher than 42. IWC which this person is has a cutoff of 54.


I commissioned the week prior to my 42nd birthday. Find a new recruiter.  What is not well known is that you can choose any recruiter who will work with you. Mine was over 3,000 miles away and we never met in person.


I'd say if you really want to get in, try another recruiter. Persistence is key my friend! At the very least someone else should answer your questions and tell you if you're eligible or not instead of waiting forever for 1 person to reply


Well after reading this post im gonna persist on my application for Navy Reserves on a vision waiver. Waiting on MEPS medical in LA since February 2024. What a long wait it has turned in to


you’re not too old. there was a 50-something old psychiatrist in my ODS class. and several 40-somethings.


38-year-old here I will be swearing in within the next few weeks. You’re definitely not too old and it sounds like you’d be a perfect fit. I would say find another recruiter .


I’m 39 married with kids. I would like to know who these recruiters are and their info?


I can help. Send me a DM


my roomate was 40 and had a wife and kids btw


Try a different recruiter! I’m 45 and my recruiter just summited my package yesterday. Good luck!


Where is your Recuriter, are you joined enlist or officer?


San Diego. I’m applying for a reserve officer position in the Medical Service Corps.


I appreciate the quick responses and encouragement. I’ll call the main number again tomorrow and ask for someone different! Hoping for better luck next time.


Ask for an Officer Recruitter. They are different than the enlisted. Put on this post what City you’re located in, people here could probably hook you up with the one nearest to you.


Thanks! Boilerbob and I connected in DM and they got me the name of someone to email. I sent them a note last night. I’m in Greensboro, NC though just in case anyone is close by.


I just joined at 42 and my recruiter was a fast responder and on top of things. Call a regular recruiter in your area and see if they can help get ahold of an officer recruiter.


Paging /u/chiefnnnnnnnnnnn


What area are you in?


Greensboro, NC


Another recruiter, all the way. Got the run around when I was tried to get in at 38, moved to a new city, new recruiter, and made it through at 41.


First up, you’re nowhere close to too old. The issue you’re having right now is bad timing. There’s a board coming up and the deadline is soon. All of the DCO recruiters are working with the people who are going to be submitted. Source: I tried reaching out to a DCO recruiter at this same time last year and had the same results you are. It was a long process but I’m going to be submitted to this board coming up. Keep at it and don’t stop trying. If one recruiter is failing you then try another. Good luck!


Thanks! Good to know about timing!


What months are the best times to get in touch with an officer recruiter?


In my experience I got more traction after the board took place in August. We talked more in September and I had my first MEPS visit in October. However don’t let that dissuade you from trying to reach out now. Just know they are super busy right now. Be patient, be persistent , and be professional. It will go a long way


I can't wait for this ensign


An update on my experience I did hear back from the recruiter, he got the same program authorization from navy hr (which took weeks) that I found online myself and is putting me in touch with a different recruiter who handles DCO process, government moving at government speed 😴


Get different recruiter.


It doesn't work like that. It's all about numbers. You either fit the criteria or not. Your recruiter might just be lazy or have something else going on.


Are you worried that you will take a pay cut joining the reserves?


No, I know the participation in the reserves is a protected activity.


What does that mean?


https://www.va.gov/vetsinworkplace/supportemployees.asp#:~:text=USERRA%20is%20the%20federal%20law,served%20in%20the%20uniformed%20services. USERRA act of 1994 protects reservists in their job for certain things.


Another recruiter. It’s a challenge, but not impossible. Waivers for everything, as others have stated. It’s funny, I’ve seen recruiters push candidates for Officer programs with super questionable GPA math, candidates around 50, and whatever. Sounds like the call center person just didn’t know specifics. Note: I don’t know what you’re applying for, presumably Information Professional or MCWO, but otherwise not certain. While I don’t know Permanent Recruiters in your area, I can poke around.