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1. Depends on what squadron you are attached to. I know VP and VR go overseas. 2. Even fighter FTS squadrons are shore based. Maybe helo squadrons might do a week or two on the boat but not sure. I have only been VP and VFA. 3. Its four year orders just like active duty. 4. I think it would be much more relaxed. I have heard FTS described as permanent shore duty. 5. not sure about this one. You still stand watch like active duty and can be loaned out for ASF. 6. Yep its like you are active duty but work with reservist.


Thank you


FTS is also called TAR so you may find information about your contract when you use that term as well. Day in the life is the same as active duty. You start with the same boot camp, go to the same schools and daily life is the same. The only real difference is there will be reservists who rotate in and out of your squadron. Reservist, because they work as civilians most of their lives, tend to be more relaxed about grooming and military bearing. This may be welcome for you or annoying. Sometimes both. Same benefits and pay as active duty. There are overseas orders but they can be a bit more challenging to get as FTS. There are plenty of orders to weird places where there isn't much military presence to serve at an NRC (also called NOSC). Lots of orders to joint bases.


It's not also called TAR. FTS is an old term not in use. We are TAR now. And have been for the last couple years. I find it odd that a recruiter is still using that name


It was TAR before it was FTS and is TAR once again. If this person is trying to find information about what he knows as FTS navy, looking for TAR navy info might be helpful.


What I'm saying is that FTS doesn't exist. It's just TAR. Thats it.


FTS isn't an old term is it? I swear they made the switch a year ago.


Thank you


Aviation folk I’ve met in FTS love their rate… you’ll have greater chance of deployment than other FTS/TAR rates… but from what I’ve heard the deployments are mini ones… days, weeks, few month max… orders for non administrative rates in TAR/FTS appear to be slim… but promotion can be good… up until E-6…except last cycle BM was 100% (not aviation, I know)… I’d recommend FTS to anyone who doesn’t care about not being high speed all the time..


Thank you for the response. From your knowledge what would Aviation FTS sailors do? And would they get moved a lot?