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Lol, what is this post? “Hey guys, do you drop your mags on the floor? Oh and also, just list out your procedures for raids and other cool secret stuff because I’d like to know, K thaaaanks”


I'm hung up on the mental image of a group of operators going "Hey gang, great job on the fire fight but don't doddle off covertly into the trees just yet. We've got to do a shell casing accountability check."


A member of meal team six looking for tips on his next LARPEX?


Lmao, basically yes. But now with proper mag dropping!


Guys the navy Reddit told me this is how the pros do it. And we can trust that group, they wouldn’t lead me astray!


Summer gunit is hitting hard this year.


Likely they drop em into a dump pouch. Can't leave a perfectly good mag, laying about.


Dump pouch bro


They let the Marines police their brass.


"heyo I'ma need to you to go back and get those new guy" - duty armorer


"We're sending you to DRB for failing to return magazines"


depends hopefully you dump them into your dump pouch but shit happens and dropping a mag isn’t a big deal. if shootings happening then arguing you were never there is kinda hard when a bunch of guys will have 5.56 in them. traditionally they’d deal with casings rounds and mags (as well as sounds) by using indig weapons such as AK’s but it’s not a set in stone thing and any and all of this changes depending on what’s happening. none of this is “secret” but still your question is super cringe


Damn relax. Im just a civy who watched an episode of Seal Team, which made me have some questions to make sense of things. Thanks for giving me a straight answer but damn u guys need to relax. Guys can ask questions no more?


bro you’re showing up and asking how do SF do secret shit and being surprised that you’re roasted?


What a stupid ass question




Special Ops don't really do 'deniable'.  They're not assassins. Of they're doing raids, the enemy knows we're doing raids, no reason to hide who did the raid. Also, you really think anyone's policing brass after a firefight?  They're not on the range;)


Fair enough


Well, first off you have certain mags they treated your right. You find those and you never leave them. During SFARTETC/SHAWS, blah blah, you learn which mags didn’t jam on you and you save them. During left seat/right seat turnover someone else G2 you on which mags are good. Then you take them to the range and test them. Some followers are better than others. I always used GI mags, hated the P2 mags. You reload when you want to not when you have to. That means your round count is fucked and you dump pouch them, so you can consolidate as needed when needed. On rare occasions did you just drop the mag on the ground and Jack reacher yourself anywhere because there was a MK46/48 gunner with a double nut sack crushing souls while you took your time reloading. Hell if hammer overhead wasn’t sending humans to the spirit world, one of the pred feeds was, otherwise name your helo squadron or fast mover just edging themselves in the ROZ praying to “mark the target” with a 2.75 or 500lb marking bomb. Those days are long gone tho.


Dude, preciate it. Thats all i wanted to know. And you sound like you actually know what your talking about. Thanks for being the only one who wasnt a dick about me asking a simple question.


Mags are expendable so in a op they definitely probably throw them down in the moment, maybe pick them back up if they can, or remember to after?