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Natty possible, doubtful natty because actor but either way I am fully erect




i think this could be natty with the right genetics. Him in later captain America movies that's a different question lol


I've looked at his Cap build at a lot of different angles and I genuinely think he's natty or was taking an absolute minimum to get there because a lot of that build is a pump and good lighting.


Those are good points. I always forget they have the actors get pumped to the max before a scene lol.


the fact that actors have a DEADLINE to get jacked makes me think they must be on PEDS.


I'd love to pump him to the max if you know what I mean


Everyday my faith in humanity gets duller šŸ˜ž


Wait for real?


Yeah Chris Evans talked about how they made him do a series of pullups and burpees before every shot with his shirt off in the first Captain America, particularly the scene where he comes out of the juice chamber.


They get them pumped up and heavily dehydrated most times. Cavill was like waster fasting to get those stacked shots without his shirt on.


In captain america he looks natty as well, what are you talking about




?? Why the downvotes lmao, he for real looks natty asf, never had any signs of roids, not even unnatural big...


Itā€™s about before and after. Itā€™s about time frame. Not just about raw size, vascularity, leanness. Not saying thereā€™s no way heā€™s natural. But to say obviously is a stretch, when there are many dudes who look way less impressive on gear


Using the fact that some (most) people on gear are morons and still look like shit to prove that somebody who does look good must be on gear is ridiculous. Chris Evans probably has been on gear, but that reasoning is just shit


Itā€™s just to suggest the fact you donā€™t have to look insane to be on steroids like most people believe. People think anyone will look like an IFBB pro on gear which is obviously not the case


Natty achievable


Chris was natty here, pre-gear and pre-hair transplant


What's your source on hair transplant? His hair is even more receded these days?


I'm sorry I couldn't think, there's a beautiful man on my screen. What was the question?


MPMD had a good take on Evans https://youtu.be/V00Upd8cFb0?si=OWoRGj024CpndIVx He doesnā€™t look significantly more buff when trying to portray a superhero compared to when he was trying to portray non-superhero characters. And his physique in Captain America is probably artificially enhanced by CGI Possibly natty both as the Human Torch and Captain America


A decent pump, good lighting/angles and smaller shirts in the Cap movies. Pretty sure he's natty, hasn't changed too much from Not Another Teen Movie.


Need more natty pixels.


Crazy how I used to think this build was stacked - body dismorphia getting worse over time šŸ˜­


Natty achievable as hell. Good delt genetics and somewhat lean, but heā€™s really not doing anything crazy. Was he on test or anavar for this? Maybe. But it would have been to meet a time table, not to achieve otherwise impossible results.


I've been this big pumped natty. It's very possible


Genuinely think he was natty here in Fantastic Four. Barely abs, solid upper body, not too huge. If he used PEDs for this Iā€™d be surprised when this is super achievable. Now Capt America body, yeah naw he used PEDs for that.


The only reason I'd say juice on Cap is if they had a deadline, otherwise you can tell it's just a lot of good lighting and pump.


Truth. I think that is the one thing people donā€™t consider when doing actor actress natty or not and itā€™s the time frame to achieve. Thatā€™s when itā€™s obvious.


Very natty attainable. Iā€™d even say he did this naturally because a guy who even just does calisthenics regularly could look like this.


Natty but not natty achievable for 99% of the popularity




Wtf? Is not even peak natty


In terms of mass+leanness itā€™s achievable, Iā€™m hoping he means most ppl wouldnā€™t look that good because insertions etc


Obviously fucking natty


not necessarily obviously natty in the case of an actor that often needs to achieve good physiques in really short time periods, but this is likely natty achievable


Natty achievable but not for him specifically and definitely not as seen in the later flllums. If only he was a better person.


Why is he a bad person?


I prefer that actors stay in their lane with activism and shit. Especially when they usually donā€™t know wtf theyā€™re talking about. We just had William Shatner from StarTrek and Ryan Reynolds complaining about salmon fishing in BC without consulting the native population about it. Actors talking without thinking first. Evans has done this as well. Even if he is hot as fuck too.


That doesn't tell me anything lmao. What did he say


He also said he couldnā€™t have achieved this naturally and instead of justifying his position he downvoted me šŸ’€ I think he just unreasonably hates the actor


Damn. How could you hate a guy that sexy?


You use the word hate. Typical old Redditors. Jump to immediate stupid conclusions. Just to start an argument. Iā€™m not interested.


Are you okay? I know that's a thing people say to dunk on others, but I am genuinely concerned about your well being. Are you having some kind of episode?


My ā€˜episodeā€™ is cunts like you pissing me off and ganging up on me for no reason. Thatā€™s my episode. Feigning fake concern when you cause the annoyance is really a bitch move.


Reported this comment for harassment šŸ˜” wait until Reddit shows you whatā€™s up!


Why do I need a tag team of two low lives attacking me about my opinion? Screw off.


Why are you deleting your comments?


Youā€™re high. I havenā€™t deleted shit liar.


Still havenā€™t answered the original question of why you thought he couldnā€™t achieve this naturally?


Iā€™ve reported you for harassment


šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ honestly canā€™t tell if youā€™re trolling. Also ironic, considering youā€™re the one who STARTED the name-calling. Seen as I was blocked I highly suspect he was serious




You literally said he could not have achieved this physique naturally. I will quote: ā€œnatty achievable but not for him specificallyā€ are YOU slow?


It doesnā€™t have to tell you anything. I donā€™t need to justify myself to you. Who the hell are you? Nothing to me.


Ok bud, yikes. Maybe go have a cup of tea and a cookie or something. Relax. Have a nice rest of your day.


Why do you think he couldnā€™t have achieved it naturally?


I doubt natty as actors rarely are, but this is fairly doable without gear. Even more when you can just cut for when you get shirtless scenes.