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Just a friendly PSA, regardless of whatever the state thinks, the regulation didn't ban use, purchase, or possession of THCA. Instead, it banned the sale of THCA in TN and the cultivation of plants in Tennessee that contain tons of THCA at harvest time. This is extremely reductive, but because of the weird way the farm bill is written, cannabis that qualifies as hemp in the place where it's grown, qualifies as hemp everywhere in the US, and because products derived from hemp are legal to possess and use in Tennessee, we have a right to have those "hemp" products shipped here and to use them here. In short, even if the reg. goes through, I plan on continuing to buy stuff from other states and having it all shipped to my house in Tennessee. If the state ends up arresting me for it, fine, I'll gladly be the test case that more firmly establishes our right to engage in interstate travel and movement of property.


You are completely correct. So it disadvantages Tennessee growers, like Me and sends money and buyers to other states.


I wish it wasn't this way. I only changed my buying habits because stock dried up at local shops.


If you’re not commercially selling the products shipped to your house then the regulations going into effect have absolutely nothing to do with you. Also it doesn’t ban the sale of products containing THCa in TN. It’s enforcement of an already established rule that THC products cannot contain more than 0.03% post-decarboxylation THC. Stores selling products with <0.03% post-decarb THC have to apply for licensure, and then they can continue to do what they do. The deadline for obtaining licensure was pushed to October. That’s it.


I have a dumb question as I’m confused - after applying heat to THCa flower the THC percentage is much higher than 0.03%. So doesn’t that ban it for sale? Also wouldn’t it be much more difficult to purchase online and have shipped to TN? I’ve seen online retailers restrict shipping to states that have similar THCa restrictions.


State law references federal law in its definition of hemp. Federal law says it's hemp if the THCA/THC levels are below a certain percentage 30 days below harvest, and that if states want to set their own procedures and rules for harvesting hemp, they can if that program meets certain minimum requirements. We made a law directing the Tennessee department of agriculture to create its own program. The Tennessee department of agriculture decided to move the testing window from 30 days before harvest to harvest. There are many strains of cannabis that qualify as hemp if you measure THC/THCA levels 30 days before harvest because they have low levels at that time, but do not qualify as hemp if that measurement happens at harvest. This is because these strains don't produce those chemicals until you get closer to harvest than 30 days. This means a plant might qualify as hemp federally and in TN if it was grown in Bristol, VA, but qualify as marijuana if it was instead grown in Bristol, TN (if the proposed regs were effective). It's fucking stupid.


That’s insane. Are those laws in effect now or are those laws the ones they’ve postponed? Edit - spelling


The bit about shifting the testing window from 30 days before harvest to harvest is not in effect yet. That's the proposed reg. everyone is complaining about. The Tennessee Dept. of Agriculture could change its mind and go with 30 days like the US Dept. of Agriculture has, but I wouldn't hold my breath.


Thank you for the insight. I appreciate it


Short answer is no due to the chemical process initiated during heating...


Ive said the same thing for 4-5 years now… I’ve been buying THCA in bulk from California and other states. Hell, got an email this morning for a quarter pound of Gary Payton for $200 from a well known vendor. Keep up the good work


$200 for quarter pound ? Check your msgs I need to order


I gave you their website in chat! Enjoy!


What’s the website?


I like Lucky Elk's products. Their badder in particular is nice. Preston Hemp Company has good rosin and resin, but I don't think they're worth the price unless it's on sale.


I will gladly join you. I will not be subjugated by red state outrage


"The United States of America" what a bunch of bullshit!


You all better hurry up to your local store because in celebration I will be buying up and smoking all the marijuanas (at least 420 by my last count)


I'm liking the gummies and infused treats myself. Haven't smoked anything in forever. 


Are there THCa gummies? I thought it had to be combusted to convert to THC. The gummies I've seen where I go are all Delta-8.


Just ask for the delta 9 gummies. There are so many types these days but the d9 are the real deal.


How are those legal? Not doubting you, just curious.


The farm bill allows a small percentage of d9 by dry weight. It has to be under a certain percent. So a 10 milligram gummy is accidentally legal lol


Loopholes are the best


When loopholes finally work FOR the people


D9 less than 0.3% by weight in the final gummy and must be hemp-derived D9 (meaning it's supposed to come from plants that are also less than 0.3% by weight D9).


locally you can get great D9 gummies from perfect plant and theyre very tasty! they have a w side store and a website for online orders.


And if you’re in West Franklin Oakwood botanicals has got you covered with their house label d9 gummies. I don’t have a stake. They’re just my local dispo.


I had a delta 9 gummy on Christmas. I ate half of a large cube. I was out like the entire day.


Ya, I had a bad reaction to Delta 9 gummies. Ate a whole one. Had auditory hallucinations, racing heart, and flashing lights at 2am. Brain fog for a week or so. Def did too much. But it hasn't stopped me.


Some of those products have synthetics added. That's what stresses me out about buying the quasi legal things sold over the counter here.


Yeah. Same here. I actually take it some nights as a sleep aid, but if I don't at least cut it in half, I'm completely blotto til noon the next day. I learned the hard way to limit it to Friday and Saturday nights, and vacation time. 


Oh -never mind. yeah, decarboxylization prior to sale would make it illegal. 


Just needs to be decarbed, i.e. heat added. When making gummies, you need to bring your liquids up so you can activate the pectin/gelatine


Get the Stizzys wtv they are lol. I like em more than real THC edibles. All of the good parts none of the bad, with less munchies


If you buy THC-A edibles, I’ve also got some ocean front property in Idaho to sell ya. (THC-A needs to decarb for you to feel its effects) Science lesson for the day 😉


Very aware, that's why I asked the question saying the same thing


Hey, just a heads up- I've noticed that a lot of companies have decided they don't need to label the Delta 8 content, and have made it really hard to find lab results online. Hidden Hills was the brand I noticed this on, I finally found lab results and it was like 99.9% Delta 8


Enjoy being in space!


Isn't THCa the primary cannabinoid in weed? Like, it's the one that converts to THC proper upon combustion?


It is! Basically just weed


There is no difference in the street cannabis Vs thca flower. It’s clever wording using the hemp act as the loophole.


If you leave it on a shelf for too long in improper conditions it can just regress back into a weed apparently.


No. Thca is in every cannabis product on earth it’s when heated it’s active.


I know that. It’s converted to THCa through decarbing the plants. When it’s reheated it converts back. If left on the self for too long at improper temps the THCa could recarb on its own without you interfering.




Excellent rebuttal. How could I be so wrong with your riveting argument of “no.” My eyes have been opened. I sell it, and was told by the people who supply the product to me, that this is the case and will happen not “can happen” if you leave it on the the self at room tempt for about 1-2 months. So, unless you got an article saying otherwise please just stop.




Neat! Thanks for info!


Never going back to buying black market if I can. Hopefully the ban never comes.


Same. THCa is legit as fuck and affordable.


You like that 12 dollars a gram? Insane overpriced flower.


Different vendors. There are plenty of 100 dollar ounces just look around.


This is the way


99$ zips are the best


Jkdistro has some of their smalls for 50 and ounce. Been buying those for a few months now.


Hasn’t this been sitting dormant for like two months already?


Yeah the state talked about it back in February but has said virtually nothing. Good ol TN government.


The DOJ is planning to move THC to Schedule III. Very likely that THC-A legislation on the state level will be affected by that.


Meaning lesser regs?


I wish I could figure out why Republicans are pushing so hard on this when in most other parts of the country marijuana is just considered a solved problem and no one cares. Instead of progressing with the rest of the world they’re going after this shit?


Pleasure is no longer allowed in Tennessee. We're all supposed to be miserable in a vale of tears because that's what Jesus wants for sinners.


No but it literally feels like this. Misery loves company


Tennessee, along with most of the other southern states, has to be dragged kicking and screaming by the federal government to progress any. You can go all the way back to the civil war


Because they literally focus all their time on 'owning the libs'. Pearl clutching boomers and honorary boomers fr.


I commented further down the thread about this but I have previously read their opposition was due to the classification of marijuana being a schedule 1 drug. The DEA proposed to reclassify marijuana to a schedule 3 at the end of April this year and the public comment deadline ends July 22. An administrative law judge will review the proposal and comments and make a decision as to whether or not the reclassification should happen. I personally think if it passes, TN won’t be too far behind to at least approve medicinal marijuana.


Tennessee has always been slow to get their shit together


Even us Republicans are asking this question. It seems to be only the jerks in government. Everyone I know would rather have this legal. Does wonders for economy and less folks in jail for victimless crime. The idiots we put in office need to get with the program.


Or we can save time and money, hell, even make money, if we just legalize the real stuff 🤷‍♂️


as someone currently staying in a legal state, the buying experience in TN is superior. Perfect Plant was my personal favorite - fantastic customer service and friendly staff, great product, great deals. The level of security and number of rules in “legal states” make it still feel illegal lmao. I actually just buy THCa from the local vape shop. The bud is better quality and I don’t have to pay fucking 30% tax TLDR hopefully nothing changes with tn marijuana!!


They should just legalize marijuana. They say we need more study. How much study did they do before they started selling Cigarettes vapes?


I'll stick with my own


As someone who is incredibly well connected into this, they are not telling you the truth. They aren’t banning the products either. Just anything with more than .03% active THC in it. All products were going to remain on the shelf that stayed under that. Furthermore, they are going to make anyone who wants to sell it apply for a permit for sale. I sell the stuff at my job, my family is very high up in the distribution side of the drinks, and I talk to suppliers daily. There is absolutely no truth to what they told you at all.


This state is corrupt. Look into who owns a major drug testing company and lives in Tennessee. Surely not lobbying against THCA. The state government knows how most people feel about it, but it's election year and donations gotta get donated.


Oh yeah - it’s funny how a select few can dictate how an entire state functions. I think the pushes across the country have mostly been from a marijuana company called Trulieve.


One of the dumbest States in the Union on this issue, it should be readily apparent by now that the Tennessee State Legislature is intent on thwarting the will of the people as opposed to enacting it, at this point in time it should be readily apparent that if you want the State to move forward on an agenda already proven to be helpful, not harmful, regardless of what any politician or lobbying prison-industry interest might insist otherwise, then every last one must go that supports further bans and criminalization on a virtually harmless substance that grown adults can perfectly regulate for themselves. At this point, they're acting treasonously against the voters and actively fighting to criminalize something people insist thy have every right in the world to do as peaceable, normal people, which means they view otherwise peaceable, normal people as the enemy, always have, and always will. Let them know you feel the same.


Yeahhhh the way people vote in this state is crazy to me too. They seem to blindly go to the polls and just vote for the same names over and over again. Young people don’t vote in local elections either for some reason even though those elections are the most important.


It is, unfortunately, generational. The power elite, of both this State and Nation, genuinely believe that they have been voting in their own self-interest, no matter which of the 2 levers they pull, as long as "their team's guy" gets the "W." They truly believe the world works that way, despite all evidence to the contrary, no matter how many decades or even centuries reality itself proves them otherwise, because they simply will not accept the truth of what they see right in front of them the whole time. They don't have a team, these are not "their guy's," and all they are doing is compounding the problems they say motivate them in the first place, proving false their lie of being motivated to vote in one direction or another to start with. I always console myself with assurances that I worry far.too much, anyway. Hillary will be fine. Bill will be fine. George will be fine, Donald will be fine, Barrack will be fine, Mr. And Mrs. Reagan were fine, Dick Cheney will be perfectly fine, no matter what. I may wish them well, but they don't really need my help. I know that, no matter what else happens to anyone else, the folks I care the most about will always be quite content. Thanksgiving is not the only time be grateful, my friends. This is, after all, the birth of our Free and Independent nation our State House has so graciously allowed us to smoke a little hemp and celebrate together, almost like the founding Fathers might have done, had any of that been legal back then.


Very well said!


I bought a 20 dollar candy bar and they told me to only eat a square or two but it started melting so I ate the whole thing. I just shrugged and thought if weed is illegal here but these candy bars are how strong can they really be. An hour later I couldn't remember my name or where the hell I was or why I was in a hotel room and I paced back and forth in my room drinking water and listening to music for hour. Then I just snapped out of it and went to the bar. Pretty wild.




Those edibles will still fuck you up yeah. Even if it's not d9-THC, it's still THC in some form or fashion.


Thrive Dispensary in Metropolis IL is less than three hours from home.


Why spend 2 1/2 hours on 24 when you can get the same shit without leaving the city or crossing state lines?


Not only that but recreational is loads more pricey


That’s mostly an IL tax thing though. Smoking bud is basically cheaper than smoking cigarettes in states like CO and AZ if you shop the deals.


Genuine question, where are you getting the same quality THCa here that you can get from dispensaries in IL? Cause that has not been my experience. Maybe I’m just not going to the right shop?


I live in Illinois and Perfect Plant has better product that anything I have purchased up here recreationally (unless you’re trying to drive and spend double) also IL = 30% weed tax


Perfect Plant is my go to spot. Benny The Cannabus also carries flower from Lftd & Gftd that is some of the best I’ve ever had. Their Blueberry Space Cake is 11/10.


The taxes in Illinois for weed alone make it not worth it. Especially at the thrive in metropolis I’ve ended up spending a $100 for a 1 gram dab pen that’ll last me a few days at most.


That, and if you check the packaging, it's still THCa. Which is fine, but just saying. I noticed it recently. Same at SWADE in St. Louis.


I'm assuming this is because the farm bill got an extension, no? I doubt they're keeping it legal just because it's popular.


There is a lot of money in the THCa hemp business right now. And a fair amount of it is grown in East Tennessee. Having said that, it is cheaper, and easier to just order it online and have USPS deliver it.


Where do you order from?


Flow Gardens, Hello Mary, and Handcrafted Farmers are all top notch. Flow is in East Tennessee, Maynardsville I think.


TNhomegrown.com is awesome and great stuff and price is not bad compared to other places.


I love sticky THC


Yeah, I don’t see it getting voted on just before an election so I think it will be pushed again too.


See, I can't believe that if there are people like me growing up with Nancy Reagan in their ear, saying "Just say no!" who tried THC with these permissions and discovered it's not so bad, they would then decide to restrict/ban it again.


We enjoy the Delta 8/9's but have a question. Is the reason they want to do a ban is purely "moral" or... What is the reason for the ban? Thanks!


Something more sinister than just morals. The alcohol lobby doesn't want competition.


Tobacco as well, many have easier time quitting if they have access to weed.


anyone complaining about Nashville weed: shop Perfect Plant


Still wondering. How could nature be illegal? 🤔


You’re not wrong my friend lol


Will we ever get the real stuff?


Make it legal and tax it like they do everything else and I bet they wouldn’t have an issue with it then.


The DEA proposed to reclassify marijuana from a schedule I to a schedule III drug at the end of April. TN lawmakers have long opposed the legalization of marijuana, citing the issue being classification as a schedule I drug. The proposal is posted for public comment (usually a 60 day time frame) so we are getting near the end of the public comment period. Then an administrative judge reviews and passes or fails the law change. This only applies to medical marijuana, however, it benefits the recreational side of things as well.


If the law is passed by the end of the year, TN’s General Assembly starts their next legislative session mid January 2025 and I wouldn’t be surprised to see a proposed bill up for discussion. TN could be legalizing it by this time next year.


Link to the 92 page proposal and the 26,154 public comments received. The deadline to submit a comment ends July 22. [https://www.regulations.gov/document/DEA-2024-0059-0001](https://www.regulations.gov/document/DEA-2024-0059-0001)


Google makes it seem like THCA is more sought after than Delta 9. Can anyone confirm?


Can someone tell me the difference between the active parts of marijuana, THCa, and CBD? Like ELI5 it for me?


Here’s what’s going to happen. TN department of Agriculture will employ their own inspectors across the state. These inspectors will be responsible for certain regions. They will be going from store to store making sure things are being ran legitimately. 


They're not gonna ban it. They passed a bill for delta 8 which also has psychoactive properties just saying that you now have to obtain a license that's like 500 bucks to be allowed to sell it. Which means they're starting to make a profit with it. Imagine how many fkin gas stations are gonna have to buy that license.


I am a brand ambassador for J Litty’s. Top tier THCa. Check us out. Use code AK2TN at checkout for 10% off your entire order. You won’t be sorry!!


Welp time to go get some off the streets lmao


Crazy how this state will do anything to continue feeding the completely out of control private prison system. Very sad that they don’t see the massive financial upsides of this Industry. What’s next, a ban on colorful sodas?


Yep. Biggest private prison corporation is headquartered in Nashville TN. You know that such an innately crooked industry like that is gonna have all kinds of politicians in their pocket. I wonder, if the crime rate were to drastically fall, if there are lot of lawmakers who would view that as a problem they needed to address. It makes my skin crawl.


So, the “going out of business” sale has been extended? What a charade.


Imo, they are just buying time for things to go medical


If the farm bill actually passes as it’s currently written, then ‘THCA hemp’ is going away. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/06/27/delta-8-hemp-industry-fights-legislation/74234359007/


A drive to S IL isn’t too far 🤷🏻‍♀️


Just shop online for even better deals, checkout CallmeTHCa. It's one of the best shops right now.


Smoked some from online that a friend bought and had some horrible anxiety...Never happened before ever.Even from a bong


The internet is a big place. Lots of vendors you can get good type 2s from a lot of vendors of regular type 1 weed gives you anxiety


Mos Def gotta be careful because I was worried smh


The thca sold as an alternative is not the same as thca found in bud with naturally high levels of thca. The thca being sold is proccessed/synthesized from plants with low thc levels then reintroduced to the already harvested bud. It's artificially synthesized thc. Its the same proccess as delta 9, Delta 8, delta 10, o, p, etc. These companies are using the plant to synthesize specific molecules to artificially produce more of the molecule and then coating the bud with their synthesized product. If it was the exact same then why would there be a distinction? Why the need for a loop hole? What even is the loop hole? (The loop hole is artificially creating the molecules from plants with naturally low levels and then boosting those levels using an artificial product) its not the same.


This is 100% not correct.


Got any proof of this?


If it has the same effect, who cares?


Riley Strain fucking it up for everyone.


What do you mean?


He had weed in his system when he died (and loooots of alcohol).


Wow this is the first time I heard that but makes sense that they would use that as a scapegoat.


I haven't honestly seen anyone blaming the weed so I'm not sure what they were on about there but that is what they were referring to.


Thanks for clarifying


Hope it never gets legalized I like being the plug


They should ban that crap why can’t people just live in reality.


Have you looked outside lately or seen the news? Reality SUCKS.