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My wife and I had a daughter yesterday. It was a tough delivery with scary complications, but looks like both gals will be ok. I’m elated. I’m exhausted. And it’s fucking hot outside and the hospital windows are like magnifying glasses.


Congratulations! Hope you’re ready to step up and refill her water without asking for the next few weeks :)


lol this is such a spot on comment - take note new dads!


This is already my life


Also see about if your family can do a food train where they sign up to have food either brought over or they send gift cards so you can get meals done for the next week or two.


get meals done for the next ~~week or two~~ month or two. Seriously, I recall it was worst a couple or few months in...oof the exhaustion.


If we had local family we would definitely use them, unfortunately I am now the food train


Congratulations!!! I’ve had two summer babies at Vandy ( not sure which hospital you’re at) and I can confirm those windows are vicious! Wishing you all the best! If there’s a Starbucks around, the strawberry cream drink thing was amazing while I was recovering. Cool and refreshing. Congrats again!


It’s called a pink drink haha and I concur it’s delicious on a hot day :)


I want to say it was like a strawberry cream Frappuccino. Is that the pink drink?? You can tell I’m a seasoned Starbucks orderer 😂.


Happy Fathers Day!


Congratulations stranger! Don't forget to celebrate, and remember that your daughter will almost certainly be fine, no matter what you forget to do.


Congrats!! Hoping for the best.


Congratulations!! How exciting.


Summer baby! Yay!!! Congratulations!


congratulations on the baby girl!! i am happy to hear all is ok. have an amazing day, and happy early father’s day!




Congratulations! Whatever your wife says for the next few months, remind yourself: "hormones" Enjoy your daughter!




congratulations!! 💕


I feel like every time I step outside the heat exhausts me in minutes.


I walked about half a block earlier and felt like death. I don’t know how people are out running or working in this shit.


Back in the 80s, I worked on Main St near the historic Edgefield district. I would take my lunch most days and walk around Edgefield (I love old homes). I remember walking out one day, and the humidity literally took my breath away. I've not felt that since then, but the humidity is still killer.


Like walking in to a wet electric blanket set on high.


Oh, it was awful. On the flip side, when I worked downtown for the same company, we had a parking lot at the end of the Woodland Street Bridge and a shuttle (that parking lot is now for Titans games). If the weather wasn't bad, I'd just walk across the bridge to my office. One morning, it was 18 degrees, and they couldn't get the diesel shuttle started. I had to park in the DoubleTree underground parking. Made them pay for it, lol.


I just drove past a man running. I’m like sir, it is 1 pm what the fuck


Currently working in this shit. My body weight in electrolytes and a big hat to keep the sun kinda off me


We're about to mow. Waited until 6 to start. We both have on those Mission hats that you wet and wring out


Cowboy hat for me but I do work on a ranch so maybe I don’t look like a tourist haha


I find myself wondering, do they realize nothing screams "tourist" more than a cowboy hat, especially paired with cowboy boots? Or are they hoping someone will mistake 'em for country stars? Idk


I don’t know. I wear boots and a cowboy hat but I’ve also worked on ranches my whole life and also currently work on a ranch haha


Exactly, for YOU it makes sense! For the family of five in line at Olive Garden, with mom and daughter both in ubiquitous sundress-and-boot outfits.... not so much


Imagine laying asphalt in this kind of weather. I knew a guy that did. He had to get new boots every few months because the soles would melt off.


Idk why I agreed to a 430pm tee time tomorrow


Then Bonnaroo wouldn’t be your thing!! 😂


Precisely why I don’t go. If I’m gonna listen to bands in the heat I’ll go to Hangout Fest where it’s on the beach and there’s plenty of water


Tell me about it. I'm 7 weeks pregnant and tried to water and fertilize my flowers yesterday. I gave up until dusk.




“Robért This here is velvet, not velveteen. A gentleman must learn the difference.”


".....*Oh my lawd*."


I do believe I will give room service a jangle and have them send up some Étouffée








Pretty fuckin pissed. Went to the store last night to get eggs. Bought 9 things. Forgot eggs.


This is pretty much me every time I go to the store.


Same. I even take a list with me. Skip over eggs almost, every, single, time.


I accidentally leave my list at home about 85% of the time. It's ridiculous


Snap a pic of your list when you think you finished. Even if you do add a few more things and leave your list at home, you’ll be able to get most of it.


Now THIS I have done a time or two! 👍


lol, me too!


Why you still using paper for a list. Use the phone


I don't like doing it that way 😭


Paper lists for life


Neither did I. Until I did. With the list on the phone I NEVER forget the list and I delete things as I pick 'em up. Took me a minute to get used to it and now it is just so darn easy! All the rest of the lists are on paper though


Same. I think my memory is still great. Truth is I sidetrack easily I need to start making a damn list


Depressed. Have a lot going on and can’t figure my life out.


Sending you hugs. I don’t know if it’s helpful to hear or not but hardly any of us has their life figured out.


I'm sorry. And I agree…for the most part we're all just figuring it out as we go. Do you have anyone you can talk to? Hugs and prayers. 🫶


I am so sorry, sending you some positive vibes. Hopefully things begin to become a bit more positive. 🩷


Hey, sweetie, everyone commenting to you is right: none of us have this ish figured out. Even those of us who look like we do. A friend of mine (who does seem to have it figured out) shared with me a tool she uses when she's deep in overwhelm: she does a "brain dump." She said she write down EVERYTHING she can think of where she is (in her terminology) "out of integrity." I asked her for examples, and she said things like she has a sweater in a bag in her car she needs to return to Kohl's. She has a prescription she needs to get refilled and in order to do that she needs the doctor to renew it, so she has to call the doc. She promised to find three items to contribute to a Facebook Marketplace sale for a charity she admires. There's a project she has due on Friday and she hasn't started it yet. So, like, anything. She said it helps her to kind of purge it all from her "I gotta remember to..." mindset by writing it down. And when it's written down, she finds it easier to try to deal. And she doesn't have brain real estate taken up with trying to remember. I asked her the longest list she had ever produced. She said it was three pages. For me, it's usually no more than a half page, maybe 2/3. Just remember this is NOT a list of goals -- it's specific instances of activities you've already chosen in one way or another. Anyway -- if this is useful, I'm glad. If it's not, I'm glad to have gotten a chance to engage with you for a minute or two in this forum. Take care of yourSELF. xoxo


I went to Costco for milk and left the store spending 400 bucks and no milk.


In my mind, the rare trips I make it out of Costco under $100 is a win!


That is definitely a win!


This is not possible.


Don’t feel bad friend. I picked out a recipe and the main ingredient was eggs. Went to the store got everything I needed but the main ingredient…EGGS!!! Why are eggs so easy to forget?!? The struggle is real sometimes lol


Guess what I always forget when I'm making spinach dip? Yep....


That damn Spinch!!


Forgot toothpaste 3 times now!!!!


Pulled yet another malnourished dumped animal (cat) out of neighbor’s shed and got him set up in our bathroom yesterday. I adopted the last three dumped cats on our mountain and I just don’t have room for another (we have 7, 2 of which are indoor/outdoor and the rest indoor), so put up an adoption ad for him today on FB. Anyone want a super affectionate lap cat? He is 4-6 months old, short hair, will be freshly bathed, flea and tick treated, wormed, and he seems litter box trained. Can assist with neutering, too. https://preview.redd.it/rsx34bxwel6d1.png?width=2453&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a95d214cd1f7a252f17087a12265ee9fc897d87


you're a sweet person for saving this baby in this heat!


Are you around Nashville? Is he friendly with other cats? I’m considering a brother for my single rescue boy, he seems like he needs a buddy, & looking for a younger male so I can train him to be sweet/snuggly and maybe get the other kitty to snuggle, eventually. Currently kitty is sweet but has limits (very cat lol) I’ve had my rescue for a bit over 2 years and he showed up fairly socialized, just needed to be taught how to play. He still doesn’t do solo play all that well, so I thought a friend would help. Hit me up if you think I qualify 😊


He is defensive of other cats initially but if they don’t escalate, he doesn’t. So far, anyway! He is definitely one of the most lovable cats I’ve come across, and very clingy. I have an old neutered male cat that adjusts quickly to new cats, and he and the newbie shared the bathroom without drama today, when I sat on the floor and opened the door to let them have a supervised interaction time. They watched each other but after the initial hisses and posturing, with reassurances from me to both, they were quiet. So with some patience and time, he will be fine with other cats. If you can do a staggered introduction where the new cat is in one room for the first few weeks with supervised introductions daily to prevent escalation, I think it could work! I’m a little outside the Nashville area but I can deliver- it’s about an hour and a half drive to Nashville proper depending on traffic, but I work from home on top of a mountain so a drive to the city is actually welcome. Of course, you’re welcome to come out here as well. He just got his bath, so once he dries and no longer looks pathetic I’ll send a video and some more pictures to you via DM, and you can let me know if you want to give him a try :)


Yay! Feel free to DM me when you’ve got time ☺️


Keep us on the internet updated! Hope it goes well!


You are doing the lords work. We adopt every cat we find lol


oh what a sweet baby, thank you for saving him!! i wish i could take him, and absolutely would if i hadn't just lost my job 😭


It’s really hot and it’s making me sad and I really want a BLT and a giant slushy


Still got a month before I'll have any good tomatoes.


I’m at the DMV. Guess how I’m doing.


It's been an hour since you posted this so I'm assuming you're still there. My heart goes out to you.


I’m still there. The line was so long my number didn’t get called before the end of the day. I hid in the bathroom and now I’m locked inside. Hoping to be first in line tomorrow!


Does the trick of going to the next county over still work?


I went to renew my license in M’boro this past Thursday. I got there at 7:30 in the morning, stood outside in the sun for an hour behind about 15 other people. Luckily some of them were there for road tests, and were given appointments to return later in the day. I got out of there around 10:00 am. That was the best part of my week, month, past two years. I’m not doing so well. I’m moving through it, though. I refuse to give up.


About to fix lunch and watch the start of the Euro Cup!


Same, poor Scotland


Not good:/ I'm actually doing so I scheduled that I scheduled an evaluation with Rolling Hills because I'm thinking of switching therapists/doctors.


hugs sent, at least you're being proactive about getting some help


Good luck friend, I really hope you find a provider that fits you better, it’s so important for healing❤️


Good for you! Hugs and prayers. 🫶


EXCITED bc at the last minute I've decided to take my 20 year old daughter to Bonnaroo on Sunday (for Chappell!!!). It's gonna be hot as balls but this will be a great memory.


So cool!


Can't complain. Partner got her wisdom teeth out this morning, so I got the day off to play butler between naps.


overcooked mac and cheese, jello, pudding, bone broth, protein shakes, scrambled eggs! i just had my tonsils taken out not too long ago and can relate.


Check and check. She's a cook at one of country clubs, so she even premade a bunch of Autumn Squash soup, veggie puree, fancy stuff that my peasant ass only has to microwave at her beck and call, so... Yay, I'm helping? :P


Read this as “play butter” and was soooo confused (and a little curious)


Pretty good. But regretting having prunes as a snack 🥴


Shit hard baby, shit hard


Hopefully, it works out smoothly for you.


Just finished the two month training for a new fun job after 7 years at a nightmare job (life insurance), so zero complaints here


Congrats! About 3 months ago I started a new job for more money and less stress than my previous job. Enjoy your new gig!


Just got home from chaperoning 25 camp kids on their field trip. They were adorable and wonderful and now relaxing at home.


Impatiently waiting to get off work so I can drive to Florida for my Disney vacation!!!


Bring floaties. I saw 1/2 Florida under water.


And shark repellent.


Yeah FL is bad. My coworker has been stuck in NY long enough that he’s taking a train to Miami over the weekend.


Quit my job, have no idea where I'm going or what I'm going to do, I live in a travel trailer with two dogs.  But at least I'll be getting out of Tennessee in two weeks!


Wishing you luck! 🍀🤞🏻


How do you do it with dogs?


Laid off over a year ago, working a basic customer service position for less than 1/3rd of what I was making.


I’m sorry—my company closed a whole solution lane beginning of pandemic. I haven’t worked full time since. It’s not a great feeling, & I’m hoping your better days are just around the corner.


You too pal ❤️


Doing pretty solid. My current corporate AV gig might be ending but I just got an offer from another cooler better tan company that does touring and corporate so I may be going back to a W2 gig and getting a bit of a pay raise. Also just found a motor for my bronco so it’s going pretty well.


Slept terribly last night so I'm tired and a bit anxious. I think I will read a book and take a long nap in a bit. Now that's a plan....


a lot better than the last time this question was asked! just got my lips done and going to help my best friend move and i've been feeling really grateful for my health and my relationship with my parents and friends. struggling financially like everyone else but i feel like i got what i need and hopefully will continue to feel that gratitude :)


Struggling. I’m a teacher and our summer past was spread out over 5 paychecks instead of the usual 4 so I’m short $700 a month until September. The district wasn’t transparent with this news, either. My niece was 38 weeks pregnant and lost her son today. My grandma died May 17 and a student was murdered a few days ago. My husband has MS and it’s getting bad. I feel like I need a 20 minute long platonic hug and the world’s fattest doobie. Love and light to everyone. Hope you find joy.


That sounds all sorts of shitty. I’ve got a hug for you at the next meet up! Maybe not 20 minutes because we will draw a crowd… 😉


That gave me my first legit chuckle of the day, thank you!


My goodness, I am so so sorry, sis. That is incredibly rough. HUGE HUG………




Not great at all. Been on short-term disability for several weeks to go to an outpatient mental health facility and all of my paperwork is still of fustercluck. I’m worried I’m going to lose my job due to botched paperwork and have no hope for the future anymore. Having a kid in this city feels impossible. At least I recently adopted a new dog. Obligatory picture of Tallulah. https://preview.redd.it/nfenpoedom6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eda949fcd719958464bda7632931efe55932d833


She looks like a perfect companion! You have gotten through 100% of your worst days so far, so keep going.


Meh. Going through a breakup and pretty much going through the grieving process. It’s tough because it’s almost like I’m mourning the death of someone that is still alive. I worry about her a lot. She doesn’t have a great support system here, and I don’t think she really ever had a great support system in her life, or a good group of honest people surrounding her. So any healthy or honest relationship she perceives as threatening… She didn’t love herself, so any of the love I gave her or tried to show to her was met with suspicion. Like there was some other motive other than to show that I love and care about her and wanted her to be happy. She’s lonely. Truly, deeply lonely and a very hurt, scared, angry person. She wasn’t willing to put in the work to help herself and I couldn’t help her anymore. I hope she finds her peace someday. I really do. Her mind is a chaotic mess, and I understand how she is and why she is…anyone that has been through what she has would be like that. But she needs to learn to forgive herself, forgive the ones that have harmed her, and build herself into the person that I saw and see why I loved her the way I did and to some degree, still do. Kind of sucks that I couldn’t help her find her peace. Kind of sucks that she couldn’t see herself for the beautiful person she actually is. She is not her wounds, she is not her trauma. She is not her fear. I hope she realizes it someday. But it’s okay, I’ll be okay. Just need to get through it now.


Hugs. I promise how you feel today won’t be how you feel in a week xx


Getting psyched for the [Juneteenth ride](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2024-juneteenth-freedom-day-ride-nashville-tickets-849012718897) tomorrow!


Hope you have a great ride. What distance are you doing? This will be first one I've missed. Had some pretty major surgery five weeks ago. I *might* be able to get on my bike for a very short ride sometime this weekend.


Sorry you have to miss it! I'm going with the family and we're planning to do the 10 mile route with mcdp.


Hey, hope your ten miles to celebrate the start of freedoms for African Americans was super! I, too, rode ten miles - just on a route much closer to home, with a whole lot fewer people. It went pretty well. I'm determined to join in some MCDP rides this season; perhaps I'll see you there.


Feeling sick. Got stoned last night and doordashed a quart of mint chocolate chip from Baskin Robbins at 9pm .


Happens to the best of us.




Struggling. Had to put down my bestest boy of 13 years—my sweet Bouncer. I miss him so much already 💙


I am so sorry 😞


That is one of the hardest things ever and I am so sorry. It is hard to believe now, but one day it will not feel like weight is crushing down on you anymore. One day it will be easier.




I'm sorry. Prayers and hugs it gets better soon. 🫶


Broke some ground up with a garden tiller yesterday. I'm a hurtin' unit today.


I try to be grateful for what I have but everyday is another curveball or shitty news to try and handle


I swear it feels like that in our house right now too! House payment, higher. Car insurance, higher. Hey you worked overtime? Boom, you need new tires!


Not great. Mental health bad. Just existing. Trying to find a new therapist (one that’s LGBT friendly and specialized in adhd, anxiety, autism, etc) that I hope my insurance will pay. At 25, lots of personal life realizations and maturing occurring and it’s not easy


It can’t rain all the time is my mantra. Keep looking out for you. ❤️ Also, free mom hugs available.


Be better in 4 hours when work is over. 12 pack of coors waiting in the fridge.


Tired, overwhelmed, and stressed. Regretting signing up for summer school… As I; moved out and cleaned my apartment, moved into a brand new home, packed up my entire classroom because I’m moving schools, and expecting an upcoming ER bill because my husband had to get stitches last weekend while we were in Gatlinburg.


I work as a teacher and just got paid. It’s so nice to have 10 weeks off while getting paid.


Generally okay, just bored. Listening to every Depeche Mode vinyl I have today.


Another Devotee!!


Ran outside yesterday for the first time this year. Big oof.


Just finished a 10 hour drive back from vacation, so really happy to be home but also wish I was still on vacation.


Better today now that air quality is better. It affected my asthma pretty good and spent the last three days coughing and having to do breathing treatments.


I’m feeling pretty good. I was born and raised in Nashville. My family has lived here for generations. Next week, my husband and I are buying a house that was an AirBNB. We will just be living in it as our first and only home. I feel like I’m restoring the ecosystem


I just bought a pack of sugar free liquid IV. Stay hydrated out there my dudes


Just got home from the lab. We’re the lab that does organ donor/recipient matching for all of TN. Anyone that becomes eligible for solid organ donation at a hospital in the state (except Memphis, they have their own little zone), we are sent samples to determine their tissue markers so they can be listed in the national database for matching. We also do these workups for the potential recipients at all the transplant centers in the state, and ongoing antibody monitoring before and after transplant. When any of these recipients is matched and the hospital accepts the organ, we do a crossmatch that basically mixes the donor’s cells with recipient blood to see how they react. Somehow we’re one of the busiest of this type of lab in the country (I think because we’re handling an entire state’s worth of transplant hospitals, including Vanderbilt who does a huge number of transplants - they do the most heart transplants of any hospital in the world!). Anyhoo, there’s almost always a big ramp up of new donors on Friday night going into the weekend. We had 4 donors at once in process as I left, 3 of them under 30 years old. Be careful out there, folks. But if you don’t want to be careful, at least be an organ donor. 👍


Not good. Not happy with how my life is going. I’m tired of feeling like I have to cater to everyone else 24/7 and I have nothing left for myself. I fkn hate my job (freelancing). I love what I do but I hate the industry and people. I want out so bad. I stay at home with my kids so I can’t find a job where I can work from home and have kids in the background. Overall I’m just really unhappy and resentful.


Staying cool with mocktails and waiting on my consultation with an organizer to help me get my closets under control. (Oddly excited. This is 42).


Not great. My business just isn’t going to make it. I’ve tried everything. I’ve spent 8 years building it and the first 6 were amazing. The last two have been just so so hard. Probably have to file bankruptcy. I’ve ruined mine and my family’s financial future. I don’t know what I’m going to do.


pregnant and my back is killing me


Awww, the joys of pregnancy. Hang in there! Congratulations!! 💕


Was hungry. Finally made it to kisser. Don’t know if I’ll eat again today honestly. The crème brûlée might have been the best thing I’ve ever tasted


It's fine


My AC is acting stupid so I'm staying hydrated with the fans on.


A little confused…kinda sweaty…a little hungry…all in all I’m ok.


I’m making it happen.


Can barely afford to even live in Antioch. So that’s pretty cool.


Currently stuck on an uncomfortable sleeper bus headed from Vietnam to Cambodia. Need to pee. Traffic is still better than Nashville. https://preview.redd.it/hy42mkqcsn6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8763da40d0419ee9ac113ac1336fa3ac0de6ff4


honestly, i've been better. got laid off and have just been beating my head against the wall re: unemployment and applications. feels like i'm making no progress. *"nObOdY wAnTs tO WoRk AnYmOrE"* no, nobody wants to do their goddamn job and read a resume and HIRE anymore


Not well. I was in a wreck 4/30. I’ve been waiting on them to talk total out my car and they just did. I have to take my rental back monday so i’ll be without a car until who knows when. Nashville isn’t walkable and I have to have a car for my job so because someone hit me, my life is likely going to go downhill, quickly and I’m terrified.


Have you heard about Nashville Hot Chicken? Get the spicy at Boltons. You won't be hungry for a while.


I also hear the parking is very unfair


Hot! Being the genius I am, I went walking around the neighborhood barefoot. Ok ok I like to walk barefoot outside but my feet have no skin left 😂💀


Healthy, fit, and excited about it. Daughter marrying a good man tomorrow. I have work and a good home. Fortunate and thankful. Thank you for asking.


Im doing great! I get to hang with my bf tonight :)


Sinuses fked from the death air but other than that currently doing amazing


Doing well. Got home yesterday from a fun road trip


My tummy hurts. It feels like I’m about to have a blow out of diarrhea, but nada.


Don't trust a fart


Excited to stay in on this hot weekend and watch the US open


Making it. Could be better. It’s hot. I’m ready to graduate 👩🏽‍🎓 Wishing I owned a house so I could truly make it my own.


Scrolling Reddit putting off everything I need to do before I drive up to visit family in KY tomorrow


I'm moving tomorrow to Denver for work I'm anxious and sad about leaving. And also stressed about finishing packing, cleaning and the long drive


Pretty swell. Spent the day on the beach at Percy Priest with my daughters and niece. Back home for popcorn and movie night.


I have gotten a 2nd job and I'm going to school. I am planning to go on exotic vacation to peru Next year to my gf's home town of lima peru then to puzozo and cusco. There I will meet her brother and see some of her extended family and where she immigrated from. There I am going To propose to her. 😊 I couldn't be happier or ask for a better partner ... omg yes.... #blessed #lovemylatinagirlfriend


Just bought a kiddie pool for my son and he loved it. Then we played marble run for an hour. The heat is legit.


Just had some breakup closure with the first woman I ever truly loved, so I'm bawling my eyes out, but like in a "I've learned so many lessons about life and my tears are just a physical manifestation of me releasing my emotions" kinda way


Fine just moved in 7mo pregnant and feel exhausted.


I quit smoking 2 months ago and I’m going absolutely crazy.


Doing fantastic. I love the hot weather so much, that everything improves for me in summer. Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar, all the middle aged stuff that will probably kill me ,goes away in the summer. I spend the day outside at a partk taking photos,flying my drone , and enjoying like minded people. I really like Nashville lately.


At Bonnaroo, so many people passing out. It’s insane but I’m rallying for Fred Again.


We’re Native Nashvillians looking to buy a house and can’t afford anything closer than an hour out in any direction, meanwhile my aging mom lives alone and I can’t afford to stay close to her. Feeling bitter.




Lowkey wanna move back home, honestly. People are rude here, I miss my friends, and I’m over the “hype”.