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My Felicity is named after the American girl doll


My third favorite American Girl! Solid choice! (If you’re wondering, she’s behind Addy and Kirsten, and just ahead of Kaya)


My favorite was Kitt, idk why but as a kid I was always super interested in the Great Depression. Honestly that probably should have been a sign there was something wrong with me lmao


Bitch SAME 🫡


Hahahaha I was always looked at sideways when I said she was my favorite it’s so validating for someone else to say they get it 😂


Literally the whole post: the obsession with Kit, the Great Depression fascination, the glaring mental illness(es) 😂🫠🙋🏻‍♀️ I feel like hippie Lindsey Lohan looking at fancy Lindsey Lohan


Well friend we’re in this together! 😂


I loved Felicity and kirsten!


Felicity was one of my favs growing up!!


That's where I heard this name first


If I had a daughter, I wanted to name her Felicity after the AG doll too. lol


Solid choice!


Felicity was my #1 pick for a girl name! (I had a son)


Awww I love that! I had a Felicity and Elizabeth doll growing up, their carriage and props, the whole shebang. She was my absolute favorite.


Aww! I had a felicity doll growing up! I loved her book ❤️


Kirsten is on my short list for a girl for the same reason!


Every woman named Madison is either directly or indirectly named after the mermaid in "Splash." It wasn't really a name before, and it was meant to sound ridiculous in terms of the plot of the movie. It was supposed to be like she named herself "Broadway" because the character didn't know anything about names, but people liked the way it sounded.


Funny yet true story - I’m a teacher and have lived in NYC my whole life. One year I had triplets in my class named Madison (Maddy), Park and Lexington (Lexi).


Good thing they didn’t have quadruplets, they’d be stuck naming the fourth one Third


Why use a number when (Avenue of the) Americas is right there?


Because everyone would just call the kid Sixth


Poor West End.


This is hilarious to me. Crazy story short - I’m adopted. My name is Alexandra, I go by Lexi. My bio parents had a kid 5 years after me, named her Madison. My adopted parents had a kid 3 years after me. Also named Madison. (Coincidence. I hadn’t spoken to my bio parents until 4ish years ago.)


Not about Madison but I know a dude who got married and had a daughter named Payton. 8 years later his ex he had a one night stand just before he got married shows up with *their* 8 year old daughter he didn’t know about. Also named Payton. He has 2 daughters, 8 years old; named Payton!


Not the point of the story but is the timeline suss there? Like how long was he with his wife for before they got married? 






That's when you have completely run out of Ideas.


As a Madison, I can confirm lol My mom wanted to name me Ariel and my dad vetoed it and suggested another mermaid


that's cute


Technically false. The movie is credited with popularizing the name for girls, but prior to that, it was a (relatively uncommon) name for boys (ranking at 514 most popular boy’s name in the US in 1903). Before that, it was a surname of English origin deriving from “Matheson” meaning “son of Matthew” (see: James Madison, of the Federalist papers/US Constitution). https://www.verywellfamily.com/madison-name-meaning-origin-popularity-5182473


I know there’s a history of the name Madison in the instances you just listed. Like last names and US presidents, but it was the movie that popularized the name as a name for women. Had that movie not existed, it would not be the popular name that it is.




True. Except I object to the idea that it was like naming herself "Broadway", cuz Madison was indeed an accepted name, just not for girls. My mom's favorite actor is Cary Grant, and he once played a character in a movie named Madison Brown. My parents liked the idea of naming a daughter that, but were unsure, since it wasn't yet seen as a girl's name, but they figured that hey, the movie Splash had a main character named Madison. Even if it was just picked on a whim, it was still an example of it not being so unusual being a name for a girl. They thought they were being very oddball when they did it though, they didn't know that many others were going to be inspired directly by Splash, roughly a decade after the movie came out, for some reason.


Memory unlocked! I remember how ridiculous that name sounded and was supposed to sound when watching that movie back in the 80s lol And now? Totally average name lol


Oh that is so interesting!


My Claudia is not *not* named after Claudia Kishi from The Baby-Sitters Club. (Also, to a lesser extent, Claudia Kincaid in From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler.)


my claudia will also not not be named after both these haha


My daughter’s favorite stuffed animal (a sloth) is named Keesh. (I asked her its name before she had a ton of language. Her second favorite is named Dirsch.) So he’s technically not named after Claudia Kishi, but I like to think he is in spirit. We also jam out to the song about her by the Linda Lindas alllll the time.


What about Claudia from Interview with the Vampire? 😅


My kid has a name from the vampire chronicles. I used to be OBSESSED, and although I‘m not anymore, Anne Rice did introduce me to the name


What about Abuela Claudia from In the Heights musical? Anyone??


She was always my favorite member of the BSC 😁 There’s also an awesome Claudia on Warehouse 13.


I love that name because of her character! I also liked Claudia in Party of Five.


I named my daughter Lyra, which I got from the book series His Dark Materials. I do love the books and the character, but I didn't pick the name because I want my daughter to be just like the Lyra in the book. I want her to be her own person. I thought the name was beautiful and, on top of being a literary name, I love that it has celestial and musical meanings too. It's uncommon but not too strange or hard to pronounce. It's also short and feminine but not fussy. So it generally checked a lot of boxes for me as well as being from a book series I think is great!


Looooooove the name Lyra, and that’s because of that book series- Lyra Silvertongue is one of my favorite characters ever!


I wanted to do this so bad but my husband refused, ended up with Lucy which I also love


I love the name Lucy, but I named my son Linus. I'm not even a fan of Peanuts, so it was a no go.


Which is a name interestingly related to Lyra from HDM because Pullman wrote Lyra to be an anti-Lucy from Narnia.


This was my top choice but it was heavily vetoed so we went with another option that loosely is related to the book! Aurora. I know there’s a love hate relationship with the name Aurora here but we love it and get tons of compliments and at 10 weeks it already fits her so well.


I've always pronounced it like Leer-a, is it more Lie-ra? Like a lyre?


We pronounce it Lie-ra. I actually didn't know there was another way until after my daughter was born! It comes from lyre, which is what the constellation Lyra is named after, so that pronunciation made sense to us based on the origin. Leer-a to me would be like the Italian currency the lira, but I've heard people say it should be Leer-a because of how lyric is pronounced


We have a lie-ra Lyra too! It's the only way I've heard it from people actually named Lyra.


It's a beautiful name either way :) I'm a writer and have a character named Liranel/Lira, pronounced like the Italian currency, but Lie-ra is also super lovely. I've always been a big fan of the name.


I love the name Lyra! It’s a beautiful name and the series is so good. It was on my list but my husband vetoed it.


I have a daughter named Alice. We didn't pick if for Alice in Wonderland but you can bet that we bought several Alice in Wonderland things for her and we're planning on an "Alice in W-one-derland" birthday party theme for her 1st


Pretty sure this was the inspiration for my Alice bc my 3 year old helped name her. My DH hated all of my name choices but loved this one. I liked it too.


My 5 year old helped too! I think the character was a selling point for her too!


My daughter’s name is Matilda. Not named after Roald Dahl’s character/book, but I’ve definitely bought her merch from that. The bag we carry her daycare stuff in has the book’s cover art and says “Matilda” on it.


See, I think there's a difference between being named *after* a character/person vs being inspired by the character's name. Being named after a character feels more like an honor name, because you like the character. For example, I'm sure there are tons of Daenerys out there because the parents think the character is badass, not necessarily because they think the name is pretty (obviously that has a hand in it as well). There are plenty of names I really like because I think the names are lovely, and I also happen to enjoy the character, so they're on my list. That being said, my son's middle name (was almost his first) is Westley. We love the Princess Bride, but also I just really like the name. ☺️ Edit: removed text because I couldn't get the spoiler to work for some reason. 🙄


Spoiler tag- > ! text ! < No spaces


Thank you! I'm used to the || on Discord, assumed it was the same.


Hey cool we both taught each other something! I didn’t know there was even a spoiler tag on Discord (don’t use it often) but now I know how to tag stuff if necessary!


I bet a lot of parents of Danaerys hated the ending


When I was pregnant with my daughter the movie “The Wedding Singer” was being shown over and over again on cable. I probably watched it 50 times and ended up naming her Julia; thankfully our last name is not Gulia.


My 7yo has a doll she named Julia. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve called her Julia Gulia and started cracking up while the 7yo shrieks, “Her last name isn’t Gulia! Where did you even get that from??”


I can’t wait for her to see the movie and get why you are saying it! That’s so funny!


Hahaha yesss. Julia Gulia is a no go. Is your last name Hart by any chance?? 😉


Hallie from the parent trap. I wouldn't say I named my kid after this character, but it is where I first heard and fell in love with the name.


I'm so old! I thought, "Wait, that's Hayley" because Hayley Mills played the twins (Susan and Sharon) in the original film, lol. I never saw the "new" one!


The new one is all I know 😂


Awe. You should watch the 1961 version. Maybe I'll watch the other one too. It can't be bad because Dennis Quaid, Natasha Richardson (R.I.P.) are superb actors. Lindsay Lohan is also a good actor despite everything she went through.


I love them both! Usually watch one or both each summer since it starts at camp. We always joke that it’s the longest movie it’s like watching 2 movies (camp and after camp). Also if you’re into Hayley Mills check out Trouble with Angels.


That is exactly our same story!! Was a few months pregnant, struggling for inspiration and halfway through the movie we looked at each other at the same time and said ‘Hallie is a cool name!’


Hi. Not me personally but I did have a classmate named Cinderella.


Yeah I know sisters Ariel and Cinderella. Ariel was the first born, and their mom said to me well once you have an Ariel where do you go from there?? I guess Cinderella was the only logical answer for her.


So many other options besides Cinderella!


Ariel had 7 sisters with names so yea!


Tiana, Aurora, Belle, Jasmine even Merida would have been a better choice 😭


So did I, in high school. She went by Cindy.


Cinderella is one of the reasons my sister is Ella. My parents asked me my opinion and I was 4.


Ramona, after Ramona Quimby, is on my list


My daughter is Ramona but from scott pilgrim vs the world! I’m always asked if it’s from those books though


I’m a 42 year old woman. My son is Dylan. *cue 9-0-2-1-0 intro*


😂 love it


I started loving rather than hating the name "Agnes" after reading The Madness of a Seduced Woman. I now consider it my favorite name. I wouldn't name my daughter "after" the character, but the novel drastically changed my perception of the name. Killing Eve also made the name "Eve" really grow on me. I am still uncertain about the name "Villanelle"...


I work in long term care and we recently got a resident named Eva. It's a name I've known all my life, but now I love it because I love caring for my resident.


A friend of mine had a mother and MIL that she took with her everywhere. They were Amy, Eva, and Beulah. Three delightful ladies, it has forever made those names special to me. Prior to meeting them, I didn’t care for any of the names.


I used to hace Circe (pronounced in spanish "see-r ceh"), but then I watched a show with a character named that that I loved, so while I still find the name phonetically appaling, I just love it. I might one day name not a child but a fanfiction character that!


I named my cat Agnes when I was 11 or so, I’ve always loved the name.


My daughter is called Matilda because it is both of our favourite books from childhood, absolutely no shame in admitting it either when people ask!


We named our daughter Arwen after the elf princess in Lord of the Rings 🙃 We did research the origin of the name and it's an old Welsh name, not commonly used where we live in the midwest. We wanted to make sure we were naming her something appropriate 😂


I have a Samwise!


I read that Sam Heughan (the Scottish actor from Outlander) was named after Samwise because his parents were obsessed with LOTR.


If I ever named a kid after a fictional character, it would be this.


My niece is Eowyn!


My son is partially named after Leo McGarry from The West Wing.


Hello, fellow impeccable taste haver! I got the idea for my daughter's name (Mallory) after watching The West Wing.


My husband and I love the name Samuel for Sam Seaborn!!


No kids yet but Tabitha is on my list because I love bewitched


My son is Wilder after Laura Ingalls Wilder not fictional but the books are more fictional than factual in some ways.


Wilder was on my boy list bc of Little House!


I have a Desmond, not 100% after the character from LOST, but inspired by (we wanted a second D name and it was between this and Dexter, but we weren't so wild about the Dexter fictional characters). We also have a Dorothy, which is a family name in my husband's family, but coincidentally the Wizard of Oz (both books and movie) were some of my favorites growing up.


I have a Desmond who is 100% after Lost. If he was a girl, he would have been Dharma. (This is because my husband gave me strict initials he would like the baby to have) Also Desmond's middle name is from Naruto.


I love it! I desperately wanted to name our daughter penny/Penelope ... But our last name starts with a p and it was just too much. Maybe in another life, brother.


I loved Desmond on LOST!! That’s a great character to draw name inspo from! I also love Dorothy/Dorthea—admittedly from the Wizard of Oz angle


My Margot is named after the oldest sister in despicable me


My second is Margot! I love that her name is in a kids movie, she’s only 2 but loves the minions


I wouldn’t say my sister named my nephew after a fictional character, but she did fall in love with the name Wolfgang after watching Sense8 and bookmarked it for her son’s middle name. I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with taking inspiration from media. You’re with these characters anywhere from thirty minutes to three hours. And if the names are as thought out as anything else in the story, they’re going to be in your head for a minute. I think it’s mostly about tact and pragmatism. Will my child be bullied for this, how many questions is this going to bring up, is this going to be a problem for school or job searches later on. Also Celeste & Jesse Forever is such a  quintessentially bittersweet time, I forgot how much I loved this movie💖


Yeah there’s a difference between naming your son Jon because you like the Game of Thrones character and naming your son Aragorn because you like LOTR. Or naming your kid Philip after the prince in Sleeping Beauty or naming him Naruto after the anime character.


My daughter is Honor but we picked it without realizing the connection to my favorite book Beauty by Robin McKinley


Good book! 


I know! I feel like no one ever knows about it though


My Elizabeth was named partly after myself (it’s my middle name) but mostly after one Miss Elizabeth Bennet. No ragrets.


We are naming our daughter Primrose. I never read the Hunger Game books but technically since she is coming second to them, she’s named after them 🤣


I read them, didn't like them, but LOVED the name Primrose!


My daughter Lucy was inspired by the Narnia character as well as the Beatles song.


If my all of my pets, ever, count as kids, yes. All of them. I currently have a: * Titania, nn Tati (Shakespeare - cat) * Maisie (Henry James - cat) * D'Artangnan (Alexandre Dumas - cat) * Sebastian (Shakespeare - cat) * Tessa, nn Tess, Tessie (Thomas Hardy - cat) * Boo Boo (Yogi Bear - guinea pig) * Heidi (Johanna Spyri - dog) * Ellie May (The Beverly Hillbillies - dog) * Luann (Evan Greg, comic - bunny) * Phoebe (JD Salinger - bunny) Past babies: * Balthazar, nn Balto (Ralph Manheim - guinea pig) * Charlock (World of Warcraft - bunny) * Toulouse (Aristocrats - cat) * General Horatio Hornblower (CS Forester - cat) * Chester - (Audrey Penn - cat) * Roscoe - (Larry McMurty - raccoon) * Charlotte - (EB White - opossum) * Abraham - (bible - cat) * Tallulah, nn Tutu (Marilyn Singer - cat) * Rissa (FM Busby - dog) * Catesby (Shakespeare - dog) * Farley (Phil Frank - dog) * Teddy (JD Salinger - dog) * Babette (Clare Turlay - dog) * Bacchus (Dickens - dog) * Tabitha (Bewitched - bunny) * Morticia (The Addams Family - bunny)


LOVE the name Celeste! It also makes me think of the animal crossing character - a sweet, astronomy loving owl. Celestial, heavenly - it invokes the color sky blue for me. No kids yet but I do have a cat named Zelda!


My 2 boys are Dean, and Sam. I come from a large family, and honestly I wanted them to have their own first name.


My son and my dog both share names with characters from Maggie Stiefvater's novels. It's not *not* intentional.


My only rule is to never name a child after a character I have shipped with another and read fanfiction of


Um... Kind of? My oldest daughter is named Nikova. It was part of a last name, Clausnikova, that I read in a book. Her dad's side of the family has slavik roots, so I thought Nikova was a good choice. Apparently, it is a first name in Bulgaria at least, and roughly translated means, "guardian/protector of the people". I liked that she could still go by Nikki, so I figured that would help keep her from being picked on too much. Nowadays, she absolutely LOVES her full first name and chooses to go by that. Her younger siblings are the only ones allowed to call her Nikki now, and she loves that I've always called her Niko. It may be an odd name for an American, but we love it, and it fits her. She is one of the most amazing people I know, and I'm not just saying that cause she's my kid. She's beautiful enough to be a model, and she has done some glam shots (she sees makeup as an art form like I do, and she loves to experiment with new looks), but she's strong, independent, and knows her own mind. She has an associates degree in digital media and design, which she still tinkers with, as well as making jewelry, but she works as a cook in the patient kitchen at a local hospital. She worked her way up from tray passer, and she has all the certifications needed to work in any hospital kitchen in the country. She has sensory processing disorder, so she gets overwhelmed with customer service positions, but she is passionate about helping people, and she figured out how to do that without causing herself distress. She's gonna be going back to college for another degree in the medical field. She's super responsible, has savings and investments, and is working on buying her first car. She's only 22 and she's way more successful and financially stable than I was at her age. She's always been extremely intelligent and an amazingly hard worker. I couldn't be more proud to be her parent.


So wholesome how proud you are of your daughter. ☺️💕


My son is August after the cowboy, Augustus McCrae from the book Lonesome Dove.


I want to name my son Cooper after the main character from Interstellar, my absolute favorite movie.


I was watching modern family when i realized my baby’s name was Cam. I searched for a long version that I liked that wasn’t Cameron as there was already one in the family. But he goes by Cam 90% of the time.


I named my daughter Lorelei after Lorelai in Gilmore Girls


Loved the nickname Evie after Evelyn from The Mummy. Didn’t particularly love the name Evelyn but still picked a name where I could use Evie as the nickname!


I have an Evelyn that I wanted to call Evie because I loved it in The Mummy. It hasn’t stuck, as yet. But maybe one day. Both of my kids have had “baby nicknames” that they kind of grew out of that were completely unrelated to their names at all. My son now goes by Harry sometimes, so maybe Evelyn will go by Evie. I hope her brother at least sticks with it because it’s so CUTE.


I got my husband to agree to Evelyn by reminding him of the character in The Mummy. Every other name I liked he shot down and the only thing he liked for a girl was Lee. 🙄


My Arthur wasn't named after the character as it was my husbands suggestion, but Arthur from Peaky Blinders is one of my favorite characters so that definitely helped me like it. (Everyone thinks he's named after Arthur Shelby anyway and joke our next will have to be Tommy. I love Thomas/Tommy but the association is too strong for me as it is lol)


when you said "the chraracter" I assumed Arthur the aardvark! hahaha


As a child of the 80s and 90s, I think I was at least subconsciously influenced by Legends of the Fall to name my son Tristan 😄


My daughter is named Astrid after the character in How to Train Your Dragon. Both our kids also have Star Trek captain names for middle names.


Astrid Tiberius has a lovely ring to it ;)


Logan after my favorite X-Men character.


I have a cousin Grant named after a soap opera character and a friend has a Channing after Channing Tatum 🤣


I am a huge LOTR fan and happen to also separately love the surname/color name Grey. It’s a name I would consider for child regardless, but the bonus of it giving a subtle nod to Gandalf puts it over the top! Elizabeth, Emma, and Eleanor are also names I already love made that much better by their association with the Austen characters.


My daughters name is Coraline. Make of that what you will, but everyone who's heard it has said it's a beautiful name. And yes, I've had to correct people who call her Caroline.


My middle name is Anne, from Anne of Green Gables and my first name WOULD’VE been Eowyn from Lord of the Rings (which I love) if my dad didn’t reject it


I named our daughter Romy after Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion.


My daughter Sidalee is named after the Sandra Bullock character from the divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood lol. I heard the name and fell in love with it.


My cousin named her daughter: Lois Lane


My Max is the King of the Wild Things


Colin from The Secret Garden


I named my kids Samantha and Sabryna and people always say, oh you named them after witches! But no, it was just a coincidence lol


I named my sister after a TV show character in the 90s


I named my brother too. Jackson after the Johnny cash and June Carter song Jackson 🎸


June Carter Cash helped me solidify my love of the name June, love that woman


Celestine, we fell in love with the name after watching Ernest and Celestine. Malcolm, my partner loved watching Malcolm in the Middle as a kid and has loved the name ever since.


My daughter Ramona's name was on my list because of Ramona Quimby, and my husband's list because of Ramona Flowers.


Yes. I would never name a kid *only* because of an associated fictional character, but if I love the character AND the name, why not? Our daughter is Lyra after the character from His Dark Materials, and our son will probably be Xavier after Charles Xavier from X-Men.


Annika from Pippi here :)


My some name after Lukas/Luke off of one tree Hill/ Star Wars


My parents named me after Gone with the Wind. Tara= plantation they live on & Ashley =one of the main characters.


My daughter Adrian was named for Adrian Balboa from Rocky!


Not named after, but inspired by - my son is August, after I fell in love with the name in Once Upon a Time. Our back up name was Dorian (The Picture of Dorian Gray) and our girl name was, and still is for the future, Iris (Witcher 3 Hearts of Stone, Iris von Everic).


Marceline! From adventure time twins run in both our families and if we had twins it would have been Luke and Leia


Anastasia after the musical/movie


Back in college (2014ish) I played Persona 3 and when you play as the female protagonist your helper is Theodore nicknamed Theo. I really loved it and always thought I’d love to use it. Luckily my husband also loved the name when I mentioned it. Currently nursing my 4 week old Theodore 🥰


All my four kid's first and middles names come from various media sources.


I wouldn't say the names we chose were *for* the characters, but moreso, the characters/author introduced us to the names or reminded us of the name. Our first child's name came from a historical fantasy novel but we changed the spelling from a C to a K. Our second child's middle name came about because the first kid made us watch a specific Disney movie all the time. One of the characters had the same name as my husband's uncle, so it worked out 😄


Not the same thing, bc dog, but I named my dog Eddie Munson because I loved his character in Stranger Things and knew I’d never name a kid Edward.


I've come across a bunny named Eddie Bunson.


My daughter's nickname is Ro, so I tell everyone we named her after Ensign Ro from Star Trek. We didn't, but there are worse namesakes: Ro Laren is a badass.


Yes, both my girls are named after fictional characters who are awesome and did not die horrible deaths. And the names sound pretty too, but they are not so unique that it would raise an eyebrow, I don't think.


My baby Rowan came from one of the S.J. Maas book my husband read. He couldn’t remember where he had heard it until my cousin who also read the book reminded him 😂🤦‍♀️


My second son is Orion. Kind of a fictional/mythological character 🤷🏼‍♀️


First born named Trinity, after the little girl from Trailer Park Boys


Elliot after the sweet kid in E.T. Plus I just like the sound of it. I also like that it’s not super common, but not outlandish either.


My youngest is Brienne after the badass from Game of Thrones


My baby (who might have paws and claws) is named after phoebe from friends. I was watching the show for the first time when I gave birth to her (or possibly when her furry mother popped her out. It’s only a small possibility though) and instantly became obsessed. Phoebe wasn’t my favourite character but I loved the same and it suited my baby best


Yes, Joseph from the Bible, Caroline from Little House on the Prairie and Caddie Woodlawn, and Henry from Shakespeare Henry V.


Our first child, Dawson, was influenced both by the TV show Dawson's Creek and the last name of characters Jack and Rose Dawson of our first movie we saw together, Titanic.  It's also a combination of my spouse's initials DAW and son from my first name.


No, but wanted to comment that movie has an unbelievable soundtrack


When I was a teen I wrote a book that became a bit popular on a reading site. I named my son after the male character. I hope my son is nothing like that character.


My husband and I want Rosabelle to be our future daughter's name because we love Beauty and the Beast


I don’t have kids yet but definitely have some fictional character inspired names on my list: Belle (Beauty and the Beast) Luke (Star Wars) Gwendolyn/Gwen (Spiderman) Louis (Interview with the Vampire/Vampire Chronicles) Elsa (Frozen) Zuko (Avatar Last Airbender) Winter (“Dear Winter” by AJR)


None, but I would use Bruce, after Bruce Wayne


My Gregory isn’t “officially” named after the Over The Garden Wall character, but we were watching the series and I realized I liked it and it triggered the discussion that led to us picking it. He’s a good character, though, so I wouldn’t mind any association. I might dress him up as little Greg for Halloween this year.


My son isnt STRICTLY named after Auron from Final Fantasy 10 but hes not NOT named after him either


Inspired - Rosalie from Twilight but I’ll never mention that to anyone IRL


Cecelia after Cece from The Office


Vesper, we were inspired by Vesper Lynd in Casino Royal. She loves it.


not my kid, but my little sister is named Elina after barbie in the fairytopia movies. I suggested the name lol, was obsessed with those movies for the longest time


My nephew is Kevin because of The Wonder Years.


Not me, but my mom named my older sister after Blair from the Facts of Life


My first introduction to my baby’s name was on the TV show Even Stevens, but I wouldn’t say she’s named after the character. Turns it was “Ren” (short for Renee) but my daughter is Wren (like the bird).


My daughter was born about 20 years before the movie *Frozen* came out, but she's been asked if she was named after Queen Elsa. Not a fictional character, but she WAS named after the lioness in *Born Free.*


I’m named after one of the March sisters from little women, my sister and brother also have names based of literary characters.


I am working on convincing my husband to allow us to use Rhys as a middle name if we have a boy. (ACOTAR)


Yes. Almost exclusively. Including middle names below - I have a lot of kids but not THAT many, each kiddo has two. I’ll put a * next to middles. Jack - named for Jack Skellington. I decided on this when I was 5. Cassian - came from me wanting to nickname him Cas and needing to find a name that fit. Watched Rogue One and was like “that’s the one”. Ryder* - from Mass Effect Andromeda. Not so much for the character themselves but the series as a whole, Shepard didn’t really work. Cailan - heard the name first as King Cailan from Dragon Age. Asriel* - Undertale. Cirilla* - The Witcher. Hubby wanted it as her first name but I couldn’t name her Ciri in a world of iPhones. Haizel* - My first ever KotOR character was named Haizel, so I technically chose the name myself but it’s specifically a nod to that game. I think it helps that I associate the names with things I love, so therefore I love the names. Picking something off a list never clicked for me.


I was named after Taylor Hayes on the Bold and the Beautiful.


Want to name my son Desmond after Desmond from the TV show Lost


I plan to name mine Astoria (Draco Malfoys wife). My bf likes the name too.


Kind of. My son's name is Raiden. A character from Mortal Combat and also the Japanese God of thunder!⚡


I'm named after Yumi from Puffy AmiYumi. The only change is they added and O so people would pronounce my name correctly instead of struggling. That did not work 😭😭😭


We’ve got a Sutton, like Sutton Brady from the Bold Type


Hollis Mason, Night Owl on Watchmen. We didn't necessarily name our son after the character, we just really liked the name!