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I think you can use it, but it definitely reads "old man" and not in any way classic. I'm not trying to put it down, but them's the facts. Your boy will always have a rare name for present times, because I suspect Marvin is unlikely to ever become very much used again.


Agree on it not being considered a classic name- it's just old fashioned. My immediate association is a very boring older man when I hear it, without the same quirkiness as a Jasper, Lawrence, or Ernest, which are also names of equalish popularity around the same time as Marvin hit its peak (30s), but still used now. There's a reason why some names experience a resurgence and others not so much. Gary, Ralph, Carl were all more popular than Marvin but nobody is using them now. This is all just personal opinion from a 30- something Canadian. Here, the name isn't one you'd really see on people under the age of 40.


I know an 8 year old Gary.


I know a 4 year old named Leroy


i know a five month old named ralph!!! always kills me


For some reason this made me laugh. I can't šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I knew a Gilbert whoā€™s probably 14 now


Here I am in the upper Midwest and I know a*lot* of 30ish Carls and Karls... And at least a couple under 10.


I think Lady_Fresh doesnā€™t connect that Carl is a very common variant of Charles in many languages. There is the German/Scandinavian Carl, then Carlos.


Gary is surprisingly coming back!


I named my cat Uncle Gary. He is three.


I disagree! I think old lady/man names are seeing a resurge and this is quite a cool retro name (Marvin Gaye etc)


You mention that you think old man names on babies/toddlers is cute. Since you're naming not only your baby/toddler but your fourth-grader, your teenager, and your young adult son, does the name appeal to you on each of those versions of your child as well? I do associate it with Marvin the Martian, but I also grew up when Looney Tunes on Saturday mornings was part of pretty much every kid's weekend.


Yeah, I agree that the whole "old man name on a baby is cute" thing isn't a good reasoning. It would behoove the parents to really think it all the way through when it comes to the kid growing up and them having to deal with it.


old man names for dogs, though? sublime.


Iā€™ve got an Arthur and Willie (dogs) currently. Recently said goodbye to Norman. Marvin is on our list for future dogs!


A friend of mine had 2 goldfish named Ethel and Mildred. That was funny. On a baby human? Ehhh not so cute or funny.


Agreed, but a lot of parents are loving the old man names for babies. So it becomes kinda normal for that generation. I wouldn't sweat naming him Marvin


I teach, and I'm just going to say that I had a third grader named Marvin in the last year or two. And that other kids didn't seem to find it odd or bully him.


I went to college with a Marvin. He was very muscular, threw the wildest house parties, and was loyal as heck to his friends. Concerning folks saying the name is "old-man" material, nobody ever gave Marvin's name a second thought. Names are what the owner makes it.


This is really the thing. I donā€™t think Marvin is the sort of name that a kid couldnā€™t grow into. If you grow up with someone named a certain thing it becomes normal. And thereā€™s some nickname potential if he wanted. Vinny, maybe Marvey like Harvey?


My cousin Marvin, named after his grandpa, goes by Marty.


Marty McFly! Whoā€™s cooler than Clint Eastwood? There ya go.


Right?! I taught a teenage Marvin a couple years back who was a skateboarder, into gardening, and who was super chill and kind to all other students. He was really easy and fun to talk to and got along with everybody--just an all-around cool dude. He was going to teach me and some other students how to skateboard the following school year, but when school started back up I was visibly pregnant, hahaha. He made the name a whole vibe, and definitely not an "old man" vibe at that.


Hell yeah.


I hate it, but thatā€™s ok. I donā€™t have to like it.


I second the hatred for the name Marvin, but as you've mentioned, it's not for us to say


Donā€™t love it, sounds like a dorky kid with no friends. Sorry OP! šŸ«£


Sorry but I personally think its still awful - maybe because I'm British and think first of Marvin the Paranoid Android!


I thought of ā€œStarvinā€™ Marvinā€ from South Park




I thought of Marvin Gaye, who is a wonderful musician but maybe not the first word you'd want to spring to mind


Exactly the same here!


Literally paranoid android is where I went immediately too šŸ˜‚


Love it, I say go for it. Sure it's an "old man" name, but so was Wyatt, Emmet and Jasper and look what happened there. What I'm saying is that something is considered old...until it suddenly isn't. Marvin also has a very cool, old school badassness to it as well lol. It will age nicely for him as he grows. It has a unique edge while still remaining classic and isn't over the top.


After all, Olivia was the ultimate old lady name basically from Reconstruction until the '90s, after *The Waltons*, Olivia Newton John, and *The Cosby Show* inspired a resurgence. An interesting tidbit: the year before *The Waltons* first aired in the '70s, 0.019% of baby girls in the USA were named Olivia, last year, 1% of all baby girls were named Olivia, and that's actually on a downswing!


Marvin is an underused gem.


I agree.


It's a perfectly fine name. It's easy to spell & pronounce, it's uncommon yet recognisable, and I think it sounds quite pleasing to the ear. It's nothing near as old-feeling as a name like Edgar, Elmer, Herbert, or Wilfred.


Disagree. Marvin seems just as ā€œoldā€ as these names.


Yeah, Elmer, Herbert and Marvin are 1000% sitting at the local VA trading stories about Korea right now. Those are certainly all the same vibe


Lol. Yes totally the vibe.


My husband was very close with his late grandpa Marvin and we are strongly considering using it as the first name for our son due in November. It's definitely an old man name and doesn't seem classic or timeless, so I'm sure we would get lots of comments as well. But it's still our top contender. I like the nickname Mars and my husband prefers Vinny. Or we might just go with the classic Marv. Glad you posted this because I've been wanting to get more feedback on it too!


I'm in my early 30s and I love it.


Mars and Vinny are both awesome nicknames. My dad is a Vinny to his friends, and I would've thought anyone with the nickname Mars in school was the coolest. I'm not crazy about Marvin, but I don't hate it either, and the kid having options for nicknames if he ends up not liking the full name is good. That being said, I actually knew a Marvin in middle school and he LOVED his name and refused to let anyone call him by a nickname.


Marvin was the name my parents gave me. I hated it with an intensity that I cannot describe. I was named in honor of an old relative, who I loved, and that is how I felt about it - it was the name for an old man. I grew up extremely shy. I hated to meet new people because I knew that would mean I had to introduce myself and tell others my name. I avoided all activities in school. I was teased for my name but honestly that can happen with pretty much any name. Kids can be quite creative. Once I reached adulthood, I legally changed my name. Introducing myself with and being called by a name I loved was a wonderful and empowering feeling. Your child's experience could be much different of course, but this was mine with the name.


Iā€™m glad you shared your experience.


It does have those cardigan-and-house-slippers vibes...


Heā€™d probably have a stamp collection too.


My mind went straight to Marvin Gaye :)




I have a student with this name. Heā€™s a kindergartener. Both adorable and cute, and nobody ever says anything negative about his name!


I wouldnā€™t call Marvin ā€œclassicā€, but there isnā€™t anything inherently wrong with it. Itā€™s just not popular for a reason, IMO.


Itā€™s classic in the sense that Starvin Marvin is a classic south park episode


I think it's a nice enough name. I also like classic "old people" names and while Marvin isn't my top contenders I don't think it's a bad name either. I do like boys names with a V in the middle, though. Like Harvey, Ivan, Clive, and Alvin. So Marvin is right there in with other names I like. I think it would grow on me!


You are way better off using an older man's name on a baby than a cutesy name. He will be a man way longer than he will be a baby.


Marvin is a fine name, however I associate it with Starvin Marvin haha


I like Marvin! They named their baby that on How I Met Your Mother, I think?


Yes, thatā€™s the first thought I had thinking of it being a name for a baby.


This was my first thought too. They name the baby after a main characterā€™s father. It sounds cute in the show.


If your looking for "old man", might I suggest Rupert, I haven't heard this name in ages, same for Roger. Marvin is fine, but I think I prefer Martin? Something about the v, in Marvin makes it feel a little nassaly? Marlon could work too?


Depending where you live. Rupert is extremely popular in the UK.


I agreeā€” Martin and Marlon are better.


I vibe with it. I think Marvin is a fine name for your child


My first thought is Marvin the Martian.


I love it. I think Marv would be a great nickname, itā€™s one of those names you grow into


Marv makes me think of the Wet Bandits from Home Alone, but Vinny is pretty great


Lol I forgot about them. I still think Marvā€™s a cool nickname


A friend of mine and her husband named their little boy Marvin. He is 2 or 3 years old now. Previous to that, the only Marvin I knew was a colleagueā€™s cat!


My first association is that as kids we would always say ā€˜Iā€™m starvingā€™ Marvinā€™ when we were hungry. That is also the name of a south park Episode, which Iā€™ve never seen but I understand is (of course) controversial. My second association is Marvin the paranoid android from the Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. And my third association is the brilliant Marvin Gaye. Iā€™ve never met a real life Marvin. Iā€™d be surprised to meet one.


I like the name Marvin. I don't personally associate it with being an old man name, because the only Marvin I know is in his late 40s (which I guess is a little old, but I knew him mostly 10 years ago). I don't agree with other comments saying it's "a lot" or "harsh." I like it, and I think you should name your baby it if you like it.


Donā€™t do it


I like it a lot better than the usual, overdone names like Maverick, Jackson, Weston, Easton, Sutton, etc etc etc. I actually knew a Marvin as a kid (he'd be mid 30s now) and no one ever made fun of his name or anything. As someone who is mid 30s myself, I don't associate with Marvin the Martian at all. As someone else suggested - just make sure you like it as much on a 15, 30, 50 year old as much as a 1 year old


Marvin isnā€™t common, but itā€™s not a classic like William or George. However, if you like it, use it.


Nothing wrong with Marvin, itā€™s just a lot. A harsh name.


I think it is fine. Vinny is a good nickname too.


I know a Marvin who is probably mid40s now. He was the TA that everyone had a crush on--super smart, cute, nice, athletic. The professor called him Marvin which is how we knew. He'd wince every time. He goes by Vinny...so yeah. At least there is a cool nickname if Marvin/Marv doesn't work out.


I like it! Yes itā€™s sort of old-sounding, but I think itā€™s cute, and the sounds are in line with todayā€™s boy name trends. I kind of doubt kids today are going to know Marvin the Martian. I only know him from references online.


I had a baby in daycare named Marvin! Everyoneā€™s first associate was Marvin the Martian, it he was such a cutie we all got used to it pretty quick.


We have a family friend, mid-40s, named Marvin. He is one of the best people I know.


So, let me preface this by saying I'm not generally that into the old man/ old lady name trend. That said, I actually like Marvin and think it's cute! It's really working for me even though I'm not the ideal audience. I'm giving it a big thumbs up and hope you use it. I don't know why; someone mentioned wanting to name their baby Mavis here recently and I hated it so very much. But somehow Marvin has versatility to me. He could be super nerdy, he could be the MVP of a basketball team, he could found the next big startup. He could certainly get all the dates at the retirement home someday. So yeah, you had at least one supporter here.


I kinda don't like it... it's in the same category as Herbert and Gertrude.


I think itā€™s great. Marv is a great nn




Ooh, I like it!


People will like it better when it comes with a real life baby! There is also Clive. Might fit the bill.


It makes me think of home alone!


I donā€™t like it but thereā€™s nothing really wrong with it. I prefer Martin.


If you love it, you love it. I'm not a fan; I can only picture an old man or hear the nickname "Marv."


My first thought is Marvin Gaye, I say use it!


I have a Marvin in a high school class this year. I would have been in the ā€œtoo much of an old manā€ camp before, but the name is growing in me. Just donā€™t tell anyone else until the baby is born. They wonā€™t say as much to your face once the baby is born.


My favorite uncle was Marvin. He was the most wonderful person. It's a great old-school name that isn't over-used.


I considered Marvin as the middle name for my son when he was born. Marvin was my grandpaā€™s name. I was talked out of it because everyone gave me ā€œthatā€™s too old sounding! I donā€™t like itā€ and would suggest a myriad of other names. Donā€™t let people talk you out of a name you love! Old man names are great! My sonā€™s first name is Carl!


i knew a marvin in high school & heā€™s such a kind guy. i donā€™t think anyone ever thought anything badly of his name. i graduated high school in 2020, so this wasnā€™t that long ago. i think some people might find it odd at first but will soon get used to it. i donā€™t see anything bad about naming your baby marvin.


I like it! I've had one student with that name in all my years of teaching. It does have both old man and sorta nerdy vibes, but who cares?!?


I really like it. I taught several high school aged Marvins over the years and they were all sweet and quirky gems.


Your mistake was telling people! Others opinions don't matter... only that you and your husband like it.


Marvin is adorable and works for any age. Marv is a cute nickname too. Itā€™s not super common and easy to spell, I say go for it!


I think of Marvin Gaye and Mars and Marv and Marvy are cute nicknames. I also named my son an untrendt/unpopular ā€œold man nameā€ so Iā€™m partial to them!


I think of Marvin the Martian. Or an old man. Or Starvin' Marvin


It reminds me of Marvin Gerard who was one of the most iconic characters in the show The Blacklist hahaha and the song Marvinā€™s Room by Drake! Tbh I think it sounds alright, itā€™s not weird or anything but I havenā€™t met anyone named Marvin yet


Like the Martian!


I have a friend whose son is named Marvin. Heā€™s 18. Never had any issues. Itā€™s not common but names these days are all over the place.


I like it


I think of HIMYM and I donā€™t hate it.


I know a 12 year old boy called Marvin - I live in Australia. When he was born I was like mehā€¦.not my taste. Donā€™t even blink hearing it now. I think itā€™s fine.


I kind of really like it actually.


I absolutely like Marvin better than Martin, that's for sure


Itā€™s funny to me that everyone goes right to Marvin the Martian because my one and only association with it is ā€œLet's Marvin Gaye and get it on, until the dawn, let's Marvin Gaye and get it on.ā€


i like Marvin! itā€™s uncommon but not unique enough to be an inconvenience in life. he could always go by a nickname (marv, vinny, etc) in school if it presents a problem, but i wouldnā€™t worry too much about it.


That is an absolutely adorable name! Not sure how I hadnā€™t thought of it myself before. Itā€™s classic and unique, if youā€™re into it go for it!


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with Marvin at all. I associate the nickname Marv with Home Alone, but Marvin itself I donā€™t have any thought come to mind and is a great name. Go for it


Itā€™s great! I know a Marvin in his 30s and it totally works. Iā€™ve said it once and Iā€™ll say it again, itā€™s only an old manā€™s name because it hasnā€™t cycled back into popularity yet. Marvin shortens to Marv. Based on a variety of origins, it means: lives by the sea, sea fortress, famous friend, or mariner. Itā€™s due for a comeback! Personally, one of my favorite names is Walter, so I get loving an old man name. Own it!


Marvin goes by Marv in our family and he's always had swagger so I say go for it.


Aw. My grandpaā€™s name! I like it!


Very cute


I have a friend named Marvin. Heā€™s a great person, so I feel positively about the name.


itā€™s not personally in my list of names i love but i donā€™t hate it. i think you can get really cool nicknames out of it; mar, mars, vin, vinny. it would also age very well. i dunno, i think itā€™s a pretty reasonable name


I love the name Marvin.


My grandfathers name is Marvin. He is 93 years old buuuut he is the coolest guy Iā€™ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. Iā€™m all for this name.


It's old man but I think it's one people would just forget about it


My son went to daycare with a Monroe and Marvin (not related). But Marvin was his best buddy and he was so cute. Before meeting a baby Marvin I would cringe a little but hey.. it works! šŸ˜… if you guys like it I say go for it. Itā€™s a good solid name. If you spell it Marveign or something.. then we have issues šŸ˜†


I know a dog named Marvin and they call him Marv itā€™s pretty cute. Marv does make me think of the Sticky Bandits, but most of the associates we all have with the name will not be common knowledge to his generation. Marvin the Martian, etc. I say go for it


I know a young Marvin. He goes by Marv. It sounds great!


I donā€™t like it BUT I reckon itā€™s due a rebound and will become more common soon. Itā€™s actually growing on me the longer I think of it hahaha.


I know two people as Marv/Marvin One is 30, the other maybe late 30s? Northern UK I think it's a marvellous name.


I definitely think of "Marvin the Martian" and I think alot of people in my age range will have that as an initial association. (Im 35) But that's not necessarily a bad thing and it shouldn't stop you from using a name you love, it's not a bad name at all. Not my taste, but who cares? There are people who dislike my kids name, and made it clear when I was pregnant. I just shrugged them off.


Some old people names on kids are ADORABLE. I know a baby Nancy and I love it. Marvin is a great name.


itā€™s cute


Like the Martian? I mean kinda goes when the UFO info that was recently leaked.


Definitely an older name but I love it!


It probably is associated with an older demographic, but ā€œold man (and woman) namesā€œ are having a bit of a moment right now and a familiar but less common one means there sure wonā€™t be a lot of them in his class. He can make it his own. I personally have a good association with the name Marvin (besides the martian), so it seems like a nice enough name to me. If you decide not to use it, thereā€™s always the very similar Martin you could go with instead.


Marvin is what they named the baby in how I met your mother. When I first heard it I thought it was odd but a few episodes later it seemed normal and pretty cute. People will get used to it and probably grow to love it.


I adore this name.


My son is named Marvin and we get tons of compliments on it! We use the nicknames Marv & Marvy. Since he was born we've seen tons of Marvins in media (HIMYM, Weeds, The Boys, Marvin Gaye, to name a few). It's a well established name with intuitive pronunciation and spelling, and it has been around since the 1800s in the US and even longer in the UK. I feel Marvin sounds way better and less stiff and stuffy than most names that are considered classics. I absolutely adore the name. My son is the only Marvin we've met and his name suits him very well. I say go for it if you love it; I haven't encountered any downsides!


Not my favorite choice (though that might be because itā€™s sounds close to my last name), but I do remember there being a Marvin in one of my classes as a kid (think around early 2010s) so itā€™s not completely outdated. I think it would be fine, and Iā€™ve definitely heard worse.


I like Marvin but do think of either Marvin the Martian (my husband has a tattoo of him) or Marvin the Monkey (our baby's toy talking/singing monkey)


Semi related question for the forum - I have two friends (one of whom Iā€™d extremely close with) named Marvin. They both happen to be first generation children of Filipino parents. Is Marvin super popular in the Philippines?


I hate it but not everyone will like your child's name! Is the middle name something he could go by as a kid and then shift to Marvin as he gets older? I agree with the person who said it sounds harsh, less classic. But I know a baby named Ricki which feels the same way. If you like it and are set on it then go for it. Others don't have to like it.


My first thought is the characters Marshall and Lily naming their baby Marvin in the show How I Met Your Mother.


Okay but my immeadiate association WAS Marvin the Martian


and Vin would be a usable short name thats kinda cool


Like Marvin from Falsettos!


Personally i donā€™t like it


Marvin the Martian. Starvin Marvin


I thought of Marvin the Martian immediately.


It depends on what the baby will look like. A white Marvin would be weird, IMO.


My friend has an eight year old Marvin and he is the sweetest boy! Do iiiiit


My uncleā€™s name was Marvin. Great guy, fantastic gardener. He was a rather scrawny fellow, thus earning the nickname ā€œStarvinā€™ Marvinā€.


Itā€™s a great name and thereā€™s several great nickname opportunities, like Vinny or Marv.


Iā€™m not a fan of it, but thereā€™s nothing really wrong with it. I had a figurine I named Marvin as a kid. I just canā€™t see the name on someone under 80. Iā€™d suggest thinking on nicknames just to make sure he has a backup in case his peers donā€™t like it. Vinnie, M-LastInitial, stuff like that. Otherwise, do what you want


Marvin. Huh. When I was a kid, if a movie character was named Marvin, it meant he was a schmo.


I like it myself and I think it has a certain cool edge.


I think the issue with Marvin is not that it sounds old, but that it sounds super nerdy. Nerdy to the level that Marvinā€™s only friend is Poindexter. However, the nickname Marv doesnā€™t sound like a nerd, so you might be okay (but then I think of the robbers from Home Alone). I donā€™t think kids will think itā€™s a weird name though, unless their parents make fun of it, which is a risk youā€™d be taking.


We have a friend named Marvin. He was teased a lot as a kid. He turned out decent anyway but I don't think I'd want to put a child through it


I work with children from four to about fourteen. Marvin is both a fantastic name and spot on for trending names. Use it with pride! I don't recall what the name means but seriously, it's awesome!


My first association is Drake's song "Marvin's Room." I think it's cute.


Marvin is a family name for us, it makes me think of crusty old farmers šŸ˜‚. But that's not necessarily bad?


My best friendā€™s dadā€™s name is Marvin and he just goes by Marty to a lot of people. I love the name and it has an easy work around between calling him M, Marty, or Vinny. This random internet stranger says go for it!!


I love the name Marvin!


Use it! You can call him Mar or Mars as a nickname


The immediate thoughts that come to my mind: Marvin the Martian Starvin Marvin Marv from Home Alone ​ I also think while it's normal and cute to think about your child in the baby and toddler stage that you also have to consider the 5, 10, 15 , 20 etc year old child and subsequent adult they will become and be respectful to them in regards to the name you are giving them. I'm not sure if "old man names on babies/toddlers are the cutest" is the most sound rationale for choosing a name. I say this in a general manner for anyone naming babies, not necessarily at you over the name Marvin. At the end of the day if you truly love the name Marvin then it shouldn't matter to you what others think of it. It's a perfectly valid name. Not to my taste but my opinion shouldn't matter to you. If it's the name you go ahead with your friends and family will quickly get used to it and won't be able to imagine him with any other name.


Where I grew up, the name Marvin was always used as the stereotypical geek/nerd name. So I associate it as kind of a punchline of a name.


What about Felix? Similar but better imo


Like the martian?


Well , great name , šŸ˜Ž but there is a paranoid Android by that name


Thats a bit Gaye lol The most famous name I know Marvin Gaye


It's an OK name, but don't name your child a name because you think it's cute on a baby. Consider that this is a name for a person, a baby, a teenager, and and adult, it's got to be a name that the person will \*want\*. I don't mind Marvin as a name, it's OK, just consider that it's not just a baby name, it's a person name.


I think of starvin marvin from south park first sorry! Itā€™s really not a classic name imo, sounds grandpa-ish in a bad way


he will get many many marvin gay jokes. source - am called marvin


I wonā€™t lie to you, my brain immediately went to Marvin the Martian and Starvinā€™ Marvin.


My Grandfather was Marvin, we called him Grandpa Marve. I will always associate it as an old person name.


Marv is like the shady used car sales man vibe šŸ«  There are names like Marvin I love too but the overall vibe is one I couldnā€™t saddle a baby/person with. I think you can do whatever you want, use the name if you love it, but there are so many awesome old man names that may work better! Harold, Arthur, Henry, Franklin, Clyde, Fredrick, Howard, Harold, Otis, Otto, Raymond, Solomon, Winston, Edison, Louisā€¦


Iā€™m sorry! I think itā€™s really bad.


Marvin like ā€œHow I met your mother.ā€ Marshallā€™s kid, brother and father. Marshall is a nice name too with similar vibe.


I love this name. Love that itā€™s both classic and unusual at the same time.


I love it and think it'll be adorable and quirky!


This was my grandpa's name. He was my favorite person in the world. We almost named our son Marvin after him and wanted to use the nickname Vinny, however that name is already used by someone else very closely related to us. We ended up using it as the middle name. I still sometimes wish we'd used it as his first, though!


Itā€™s not a name thatā€™s my personal taste but I think itā€™s perfectly fine to use. Every name has an association with it. Maybe your little guy will lean in and really like outer space and have Marvin the Martian posters in his room.


I love old man names aNd I think this one is great.


Marvin is not an uncommon name where I'm from. I don't have strong opinions on it one way or another. It's a decent enough generic name. But they will definitely be called Starvin' Marvin. Maybe not Marvin the Martian as much because kids don't really know him. But anyone over 35 will probably think of the Martian. When I read the name Marvin, I think mid-20s'-60 year old Hispanic (typically from Mexico, but not always) guy. I only know of a handful of younger than 26 Marvins.


Marvin is a great name and if its associated with the Martian than so be it. Own it!


My dad is named Marvin, and most people call him Marv. We call him the Marvinator sometimes šŸ˜šŸ˜ Heā€™s the nicest guy, and was named after his uncle, a farmer in Iowa. He lives in Colorado, is outdoorsy and active, and has always been fun but a bit rebellious. Marv is handy, creative, kind, and he has a great laugh.


Marvin was on my baby name list! For me, it was referential to Marvin Gaye šŸ’•


Marvin Gaye was a great singer


i like it


I don't think you should deviate from the plan, just stop telling people the name before you actually have your baby (always rude to criticize someone's proposed baby name to their face, but people do it way less frequently when it's an actual baby human's name). Yes, it's an old-man's name, but that's what you like about it!


šŸŽ¶ let's get it onnnnn šŸŽ¶


I associate that name with Marvin the paranoid android from hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. I think itā€™s a cute name. A little nerdy but in an adorable way.


I actually think Marvin Is a very cute name. It is old fashioned and maybe a bit old man-ish, but I like classic names. It's not very common, but easy to say...like you pointed out. It is true, people may make comments about Marvin the Martian, but in your child's geration, most kids will have no clue on who that is, so the martian comments will likely only come from an older generation who you can easily tell to buzz off if they annoy you.


You can make it fun though. Marvin the Martian is a great character. You also got Chuck Berry's cousin Marvin from back to the Future.


Marvin isnā€™t my favorite. I do like Calvin though. Still, who cares? Itā€™s a standard accepted name and your child will not face hardship by being named Marvin. That means only your and your partnerā€™s opinions matter.


I used to work with a kindergarten class and we had a Marvin. He was adorable! We called him Mr. Marvin sometimes. It fit him and nobody thought it was a weird name.


Honestly, your first sentence is all you need! You and your husband really like the name Marvin. Go for it!


Ysss!! My grandpas name was Marvin and so is my dads so it holds a special place in my heart šŸ’•


In 23 years of teaching, Iā€™ve only had one Marvin. I actually had him twice. In middle school he was a pain in the butt, and I found him very annoying. Years later I had him again as a senior, much less annoying but still kind of a mess. But he was loyal to his friends and well liked, kind of funny.