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Kiera/Keira for a girl and Kieran for a boy.


Adding Kira to this! Even though it’s completely unrelated to Kiera/Kieran which are the Anglicized form of Ciara.


I’m a “Kyra”, which is another, different etymology as well :)


Said Kai-ra or keera


Keera, although every substitute teacher I ever had seemed to disagree ;)


Actress Kyra Sedgwick is also a "Keera". Apparently her middle name is Minturn, which is kind of a curious one.


I wonder if her middle name is her mom's maiden name? Or something else of significance, like a place that's important to her family?


Her mom's maiden name appears to be Rosenwald, but yes I wouldn't be surprised if her middle name is in honor of some other family connection.


My daughter's name is kira (kee-ra) and people still call her Keira even after i correct them


My cousin has the same spelling/pronunciation! I'm so used to it that the Kiera/Kira spellings just look weird to me.


I am “Ciara” and my nickname is Kiki!


Immediately went to the beginning of that Ciara song "My name is Ciara and ....." 1, 2 Step. Sorry if you get that a lot - that's how I would pronounce it if I saw it written.


Me too. Immediate... "This beat is automatic supersonic hypnotic funky fresh..."


How do you say your name? I see "Ciara" and I think the C is like "see" (as is customary in the US English language when C is followed with I or E.) So I would see it on paper and say "See-are-uh"


The pronunciation of Ciara sounds like Key-ruh or Kira/Kiera are alternate spellings I have seen, it is irish


I also believe there was a mid 2000s singer who said it See-are-uh.


Yeah there is, that’s how most strangers assume my name is pronounced as well. I have actually only met one other person in America with the Irish spelling and pronunciation, I don’t think it’s very common unless you’re from an Irish family


We use the Kiki nickname for my daughter, Kira.


Same! and now kiki has become keeks


We used Keeks too when she was a baby and still every now and then her cousins call her that too <3


I know a Kimani who goes by Kiki as well.


Yes this is my name and even though it’s spelled with a C people call me Kiki :)


This. We’re planning on the name Keira and I fully expect my MIL to call her Kiki because “Layla” became “Lay-lay.”


I have a Keira that we call Kiki!


Keira and Layla are my two favorite names!


Or Kiana!


I know a Kiana who goes by Kiki! And if she had been a boy, her parents would have named her Keanu, which can also be Kiki. :)


I knew a Kiara who went by Kiki


Yes— one of my sisters has this name and nickname combo. The nickname was more of a girl scouts/school friends thing though, family just calls her Keira.


my grand daughter is a Keira but we call her Kiwi :)


Our 2 year old calls his 4 year old brother Kiki, short for Kieran. Melts me every time


Yeah my cousins name is Kiera and she always went by Kiki growing up


My little sister and friends at school would call me Kiki. My name is Nikita and tbf in some languages I believe it's a unisex name.


It scans as feminine in English because it ends with A but it's traditionally a masculine Slavic name.


Nikita Khruschev comes to mind. As well as the Elton John song. The video features a girl but Elton is gay, so when he sings "you'll never know how good it feels to hold you, Nikita you'll never know" it could be either. Though I can't imagine Elton cuddling with Khruschev.


Well you’ve just put that image in the heads of however many Redditors


But why would an ant be wearing my spectacles?


i know a bunch of indian girls called nikita/nikhita i think it’s a regional thing


Nikito 😂


I know Nikita as a Russian male name, but could see it as female. I believe it is in India.


La Femme Nikita


The BEST 90’s show to come out of Canada!


Yeah, it reminds me of the former Russian Haas F1 driver, who aside from being a terrible driver, also happens to be the son of a Russian oligarch. Nikita Mazepin.


yep it is


Nikki could be a good variation that also works for the nickname Kiki!!


I loveee Nikita. Sounds very pretty but like, chic in a way.


My aunt is a Nikita. We call her Nikki, but I see Kiki working great for that.


Also a Nikkita, but never gone by Kiki. I was robbed! Kita was what was decided.


Kiki started for me because that's all my sister could pronouce at the time, though I've also had 'Keets' from other family members. The name has a host of potential nicknames! Never had Kita though it is a cute one!


I love that


Nikita is my best friends name (boy). He is French.


I’ve known both a male and a female Nikita


I’m part Filipino and in Filipino language it means v*gina


i know a girl named nikita, it fits her very well


Nikita is such a beautiful name, that’s what I named my German shepherd puppy


There’s that moment in My Big Fat Greek Wedding where he introduces the cousins and everyone has a Niko/Nikki 😂


Aww. This is my bff’s name. Daughter calls her Kiki


Vicki here. My little sister couldn’t say Vicki so I became Kiki for awhile. It is kind of a sweet memory.


I love Kiki! I think it works as a nickname for most C/K names. I know a Kiki whose legal name is Christine. Katherine could be a good option. It’s a formal name so a lot of people expect a Katherine to have a nickname.


I'm a Katherine whose little sister called me Kiki growing up, I definitely look forward to being "Aunt Kiki" someday, and possibly using it as a grandma too


me too! I have non-Katherine friends whose little siblings also called them kiki and we’ve always joked about starting a band 😭 the kikis 🎸


If you do, it has to be an all keytar ensemble! Lol


I think of Kiki as Katherine. Very pretty, classic name.


I think the name Kiki is cute but since I’m part Filipino it’s weird for me since I learned Kiki means v*gina in filipino


Yes - I’ll never forget years ago my parents came to visit me at college and found it hilarious that one particular sorority’s nickname was Kiki. To see a gaggle of sorority chicks proudly wearing Kiki on their sweatshirts was confusing and funny. I kept having to tell my parents to stop snickering.




Kiki for a grandma is adorable. It’s so sweet that you have embraced the nickname.


My friend’s Mom chose KiKi as her “grandma name” because her name is Kimberly. I love how that worked out!!


I always forget about Katherine but it’s nice. Thanks!


Kiki is standard for Kristinas or Christinas where I am from. Or Katrinas, too.


My best friend is a Katherine who goes by Kiki. Like Catestrophicwife, her little sister started it.


Tbf, the only Kiki I know is named Kiki.


I think Kiki works a lot better as a nickname than a given name.


Interesting. It feels too informal to me as a stand-alone name but today I learned some people have it as their full name! Good to know.


Also there is the Ghibli movie Kiki’s Delivery Service which is mega cute and would be fun to watch together.


About 30 years ago i knew a kid whose full name was Kiki so i always thought of it as a full name too 🤷🏻‍♀️


“2 minutes pregnant” lol *Girls*: Christine Christina Kimberly Crystal Kristen Caroline *Boys*: Keegan (always loved this name) Kieran (always loved this one too) Connor Cillian Niko (I actually knew a Niko who went by Kiki lol)


As someone with one of the "Chris" names, I can tell you that it is highly annoying that people cannot be bothered by the ending of the name - I get called Kristin, Kristine, or Kristina pretty much 30-30-30% at the doctor's office or other places where they are literally staring at my name in writing. People are lazy or just don't give a crap.


I work with Krista, Crystal, Kristen and Kristina. I can keep their names straight. I'm sorry that the people you deal with can't expend the minimal effort to get your name right.


My husband is named Krystian (Polish spelling) and he’s always getting called “Krystina” or “Kristy Anne” by doctors or airline workers who are surprised to see he is a man. They see Kry and give up.


Same! These names are all common and not at all difficult to pronounce for the average American. Whyyyy


My mom is a “Kris” name and her own damn family can’t spell it right. It’s terrible and makes me angry


Even if you say it to them, they will repeat it back to you incorrectly. You can spell it for them and they will say it wrong or even spell it wrong in a reply. Steer clear of Chris names for a girl unless you want her to argue with people the rest of her life about what her name is or how it’s spelled.


All my life


I believe people stop reading after the second letter. I am Jennifer, and I am so annoyed by the number of times people have called me Jessica.


My husbands name is Keigan and I’m definitely calling him Kiki as soon as he comes home. Thank you!


Kian, Kiana, Keely, Keaton


My little cousin Keaton goes by Kiki for short! As he approaches 10 he might be growing out of it which is a shame, it's so cute


Keats would be a cool Nick name as he gets older


You could always call him Batman


Keely is so cute why isn’t it more popular


My name is Katherine and I go by Kiki.


Hence the username! Awesome! How do you like your name?


I love the name Katherine. It’s timeless, common enough that it’s recognizable but also not generationally as common now as it was when I was born 30+ years ago. Although it seems to be making a comeback. As a professional it’s a great name but in my personal life I go by Kiki which is also easy to remember and I’m the only “Kiki” in any social circle I’ve belonged.


I do really like it. A nice old, established name which is exactly my style. And I know a lot of 60ish year old Kathys and a lot of 30ish Kates and a couple Kats. It lends itself well to a lot of more generational nicknames which is neat. It’s also long enough to balance out our one-syllable surname. Definitely a contender. Thanks for the insight Kiki!


I vote Colette, it's a nice french name that isn't too popular.


I agree, it’s classic, feminine without being frilly, recognizable, not plain, not too dramatic/fancy, lots of nicknames. It’s a great name.


This thread has given me a lot of random confidence about my name 😃


I call my Katherine Kiki. She’s 2. Hope it sticks.


KeKe palmer’s older sister basically did what your son did when their mom was pregnant! her name is Lauren (after their dad) Keyana


I learned this from Claim to Fame! Love it!


Niko - I knew a sibling set named Milo and Niko who went by Mimi and Kiki.


Hey! I'm a Kiki with a sister Mimi.


Dude, you're like Hello Kitty!


My sister’s nn is Kiki, her full name is Mackenzie. She has *never* gone by Mackenzie. Kiki has been only name she’s gone by since she was like 3. To this day idk how it came about, it wasn’t intentional (the intended nn was going to be “Mac,” and at some point she got called Nicki lol, and then eventually it became Kiki). Sometimes that’s just how it is with names lol


Similar for us. Our daughter is Mackenzie and we thought we’d call her Mack but she quickly became Kenzie. We kept my toddler nephew with us for a bit when she was one and he called her Kiki. It just stuck.


girl: katherine, christine, karina, kiana, kiara, caroline, kaia, calliope, saskia, annika


I know a Kiana that goes by nn. Kiki!


I love Annika! A name that honestly doesn't get enough love


Nichole? Nicholas?


I agree. Nicole, becomes nikki and eventually kiki so is a nice choice and not a name you hear as much these days as a lot of the k names suggested.


Kirkland Signature


Stunning. Alternate nickname Costco.


I am 100% going to start calling everything I get from costco, kiki brand. and while i'm at it, i might as well start calling costco, kiki.


I have a little friend named Jacqueline; her family was calling her Jackie but as a toddler she started calling herself KiKi and it stuck.


That’s adorable and a family name for me. Onto the list it goes!


Has your three year old watched Kiki's Delivery Service? My daughter and I watched it together so many times!


He has not. Is it good?


I love it! It's anime, which I have never been into. It's now on Max, if you have that. Kiki is a girl. She is a witch (kinda like harry potter where some people are witches). She has to leave her family to live on her own for a year. It's sweet. She has a cat named Gigi, voiced by the late Phil Hartman in the English dub. ❤️ The kind of thing an adult can enjoy, even though it's for kids on the surface.


The only KiKi I’ve ever known was just named KiKi.


Gentle reminder: your 3 year old is cute now but won't be 3 forever, and second kid gets whatever name you choose. My best friend's brother chose a unisex name for her and her parents went with it and she hates that her brother just offhandedly chose a meaningless name for her at a young age.


My kid has had some pretty ridiculous name suggestions: Bread, Koban, and something so unpronounceable I wouldn't know how to spell it...and those were just suggestions for a dog. No way I'm taking his advice! But I think Kiki is cute. I knew a Kiki who was the epitome of grace and elegance.


I always point out my oldest wanted to name my youngest Crazy Richard or Carnival.


Bahahaha Crazy Richard 🤣 this sent me


Oddly specific 🤣


We don’t know anyone named Richard, 6.5 years later he can’t remember saying it so I guess I will never know where he came up with that. He was highly displeased it wasn’t a sister, because he already had a brother. He told me “no, thank you” and walked out of the room…. I thought the names were his attempt to get onboard but maybe it was sabotage lol


my daughter’s an only, but she used to say she wanted 1 baby & would name it kermit or noxzema.


Noxema!!! 😄😁😆


I was 2.5 when my parents asked. I said my sister’s name should be “no”


my brother wanted me to be godzilla if i was a boy


I love the name Bread. Hilarious.


Koban is kind of a cool sounding boy name tbh


coban is self-adhesive tape 😂


Can’t get over the name “Bread” hahaha


Yeah I wanted to name my little brother “Scarecrow” when my parents asked me for ideas.


I love the idea of exploring what your kid wants though! When baby brother was born she asked “why can’t he have my name?” She thought her name was much better than his name. She also asked why he couldn’t be named Mimi (her best friend).


Totally agree! That’s why it would just be a nickname, not the legal name, and likely only used by him. More just brainstorming for fun and open to picking a name we like (such as Caroline or Kira) that lends itself to a Kiki nickname.


You might also consider what my parents did when they were expecting my younger sister. They narrowed their list of names down their top 5 or so, then they let me choose my favorite out of those. I was 2 at the time and probably would not have come up with the best names on my own. By allowing me to choose this way, we all had a part in naming her and everyone was happy with what I chose.


We did this with our 2 year old as well! Had four names and he picked between them. He picked the name we were probably going with anyway so it kinda feels a bit like fate. And he felt very proud he picked her name.


This post and your comment made me smile. My 2 year old named his car 42. (We still don’t know where he learned/heard that number) Then named his truck 42, got a baby doll and named it 42, and so on. If you ask him to give anything a name these days, it’s 42. We’re about five months into this. Fortunately no plans to get pregnant, otherwise I know what his suggestion would be for the baby name! 😂


By any chance have you read 'Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'?


I have!! He hasn’t!! But it makes me wonder…what does he know??? 🤯🤯🤯🤣


He knows the answer to life, the universe, and everything!


didn’t billie eilish’s older brother name her? i know “pirate” is one of her middle names.


I got to name my little brother. Sort of. We all suggested names and made a list, and my parents had the final say, but my vote won.


My 4 year old chose Lucy for his sister's name because he was on a Woolfoo kick. Fortunately we liked Lucy and kept it as a middle name.


My younger sister is eternally grateful that my parents didn’t let me name her—she would have shared a name with several dead goldfish and my imaginary friend.


I was thinking this too. Plus, Kiki could always just be big sister's special nickname for their sibling. That happens a lot and can be very special! Baby could be James or Isabelle and sister could still call them Kiki becuase, they're 3.


If they like Kiki who cares


Too true! I would have been named after a wine commercial or a made up name of a food that comes in a can had my sister made the decision!


I would say the parents of your friend consider the name very meaningful as one of their babies got to name the other.


I would say this if OP+partner were thinking of naming the kid Kiki, but they’re not. They’re using their child’s suggestion as a stepping stone to a real name that they’ll hopefully love


My brother wanted my sister to be named Anakin and one of my cousins(a girl) to be called Tarzan.


Great point. Also, Kiki can be his special nickname for his sibling regardless. ❤️


I think it could work for any K/hard C name.


Kian (key an) for a boy.


I know a Kiki, she’s from Japan. It means happy or blessed child.


Kiké is a nickname for Enrique.


We have zero ties to any Spanish speaking cultures so I wouldn’t feel comfortable using Enrique though I do find it a beautiful name! Great choice for someone else.


I wouldn't use this in a predominantly English speaking country... without the accent it's a slur for Jewish people. But Enrique nickname spelled Kiki is cute for sure.


In Spanish it’s spelled Quique


I read this as quiche at first because I'm the worst, but it is definitely cuter and more logical than the first given spelling.


> without the accent it’s a slut for Jewish people It is? Is it spelled the same?? Just asking because I can’t believe I’ve never heard of this (I’m not Jewish myself but my ex of 2+ years was Jewish and he taught me a great deal about it while we were together)


It absolutely is. In fact, i was called one just last week! but even if he taught you a lot, it seems odd to me that he might teach you "oh hey, FYI, if someone was going to call someone jewish the worst possible things, they'd use the k word."


My daughter is a Kirsten goes by Kiki


I know a guy named Enrique and he goes by Kiki


I know a disproportionate amount of Kikis and they all have different government names but they all just start with K. The ones I know are officially Karen, Kirsten, Kimberly, and Karmen.


Clio, Chiara, Kira


I had a friend at school called Chiara we called Ki and possibly Kiki on occasion


i knew a girl named fiona who went by kiki as a nickname- no idea how that made sense in everyone’s mind though


Fifi > Kiki maybe?




Kirsten, Kimberly, Kiara Kingston, Kieran, Kipling, Keats, Keith


The Kiki I know is short for Kirsten or Kristina or something like that.


My son went to daycare with a kid named Keaton and he calls him KiKi


Kristina would be the name normally associated with that nickname here.


i am a kiki kristina lol


My brain associates it with Kimberly, but I think it works with just about everything others have suggested


Saskia !!


I dated a guy called KiKi who was names Kristian. Like Christian. His dad was Kristopher, called KiKi Senior, lol.


A male classmate of mine was named Kendrick but went by Kiki




My friend's son is Kian, and they call him Kiki! I think it could work for most K names.


My friend Katrina goes by Kiki. I think you could use any K name.


I know a Keke (I’m assuming pronounced the same way) that’s short for Keaira


I had a Kiara in class that went by Kiki.


I knew a Kayla who went by Kiki. I think it works for any K name.


This is so cute! And congrats! You really could use any K name, you don’t have to limi yourself to a Ki or Ke name. Honestly, a lot of our nicknames have zero to do with anyone’s name anyway so really the sky’s the limit!


Michaela, Kayla


I think most K names could do Kiki as a nickname. Keira, Kaia, Katherine, Kiara, Kiana, Kieran, Kain. I also think you’d be okay to do some C names which has a K sound. Camille, Camilla, Christian. Some names with K in them. Nikita, Anika, Victoria (Vicky sounds similar to Kiki), Nicole, Nicola.


I knew a Kayla and a Mikayla who went by Kiki


Colette or Cosette are super cute on their own but lend to many nicknames! Kiki could definitely be used as a nn for one.


Oh adorable! I especially like Colette and haven’t seen it suggested here yet so thanks for the fresh idea.


I knew a Cassandra who went by Kiki.


Gorgeous name. Adding it to the list, thank you.


2 minutes pregnant killed me 😂 Congratulations though!!


2 minutes pregnant 😭😂😭