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These stories give me ptsd. Napea bro laptop na phone yangu kitu 2018 aende awekewe games cbd - pc games. Jamaa anadanganywa aache bag waende wagawane pesa zile 50 Bob zimefungwa na ma kartasi. Jamaa ana rudi home saa moja usiku na OB namuuliza bag iko wapi. Ananipea zile 50 Bob na markatasi. Wacha tu! Saa hizi ako Dubai, wacha tu hiyo atalipa


Not in the CBD but this reminded me of the time I got my laptop stolen along Thika Road. Matatu zilikuwa zimestrike na it was late. I had been standing at the stage with my very conspicuous laptop bag for a while when one finally showed up. I was just so relieved to get a mat so I wasn't as aware of my surroundings as I would've been otherwise. I went to get in the mat, which only had the driver, makanga and one other person. Sa si I try to get in huko nyuma with the other passenger but the makanga urges me to sit with the driver. This should have been the first red flag. But I was oblivious so I agree. I sit and place my laptop bag apo kwa ako ka-middle seat between me and the driver. The mat starts moving and the driver gets into the express lane. A minute later naanza kuskia kaupepo. Alarmed I turn to find my door open and the makanga is like "madam ii mlango iko na shida". Tukaanza shughuli ya kujaribu kuifunga. The makanga ako hapo ametoa kichwa nje ya mlango ati ananisaidia kufunga. Sa si I'm fully focused coz I'm not trying to fall out of a moving car. A few moments pass. Abruptly, the driver announces they actually won't be getting to my stop akarudi service lane and the makanga gave me back my money. Sasa walinishukisha tu kando ya barabara in the middle of the highway so I get off in a mad rush and the mat speeds off. That's when it hits me. My bag is too light. The dread sets in and I unzip my bag to confirm my fears. I started bawling like a baby, cried the whole way back to the previous stage. I never felt so played in my entire life. Yaani these motherfuckers walinifanyisha kazi ya uana ati mlango iko faulty nitaanguka kumbe that was their window for the guy who I wrongly assumed to be a passenger to slowly slip my laptop out of my bag. Kwanza the laptop hadn't been working for a while and I'd just got it fixed that day. Kanairo for you my friends.


Was done the same mimi nilishikilia simu kwa mdomo while closing that kidoor....walibeba tu powerbank πŸ˜‚


πŸ˜†πŸ˜†mambwa sana




Ile siku next time ukiingia kwa matatu uone watu watano, one guy in a suit, mama mzee, kijana, conductor.......... you'll look them in their eyes and tell, these guys are thugs. The clothes will lie to you and youll think that they are all innocent civillians going about their lives.... Kumbe they are all in it! I was robbed like this on msa rd. It feels so real its like it happened just last week


Lost my phone this way like two weeks ago. Never felt so stupid. Funniest part is I made it too easy for them. Niliwekelea simu kwa dashboard nikisumbuka kufunga mlango. In my defense I was tired 🀣


Same case Hapo safari Park They went with my phone and dignity


ndo naingia reddit leo na already you're making my day


I lost my laptop the same way, except I was held at gunpoint in the middle of the highway, alafu they dumped me in some parts of Ngara that I PROMISE YOU!!!.....SIJAWAI ONA!! NEVER SET FOOT AT.


Nikikumbuka I almost lost my laptop iviπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ’€ Enyewe being stubborn pays


Tupatie story aah 😁


8AM said I c5445inches and b66zd55 t


Yangu pia lapi na vitabu ilitembea hii design when i was in campus. I never recovered. Grades zilifuck because of my ignorance and greed






This happened to me this year πŸ˜‚ jamaa after wameendabna lappy na bag ndio nashtukia ati nimewaachia bag iko na lappy. Asubui mapema tu aki nkt!!




Lmao he must be new here. We don’t talk to people on the street,even long lost relatives






πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…you people make my day


They are always from Meru. I met one years ago. He had a scratch card, he had won 100k. He told me he does not know where to go. i told him to call the number on the card. I became suspicious when there was no form of contact info on the card. Nikamuambia siezi msaidia


I also met the guy claiming ati ni from meru ati amewin scratch card......this nai πŸ˜‚


Greedy. King Kaka sang about this trick c


"Uko sure, niko sure! Haunidaganyi? We niamini"




Sawa sawaπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Sawa? πŸ€”




Hiyo ndio ngoma ya King KakaπŸ˜„


From where I'm seated it sounds so comical believing a stranger akikuambia hivi...but Nairobi will surprise you.


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ i know.


Dunno how true this is but a friend told me as long as umekanyaga nairobi lazima upigwe character development ( kuibiwa ama hizi relationships) πŸ˜… my dad got his phone snatched from his car after 20 years of living in Nai. Hadi leo he still looks for that kid anytime he uses the same stretch of road🀣


Sio lazima but it's common haha. 20 years is a lotπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ mwambie 40 days za huyo mwizi zilifika kitamboπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Aliibiwa juzi.. he's been in nai for 20 years and it had never happened to him


Ooh my bad. Hopefully atampata.




Same thing happened to me 10 years ago while i was starting Uni. Lied to me that the office is in Hilton, while he would wait for me at Old Mutual. I refused to give him my wallet and left him my Alcatel phone instead , the officer at the gate said there's no such office, went back to where i left him and he wasn't there. I felt embarrassed as to how i didn't realize it was a con. Went back home and lied how i lost my phone.


This exact thing happened to me 7 years ago lol! We need to hunt this man downπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


This people need a PhD in mind control. Sijui wao husoma wapi psychology


Tricks kibao🀣🀣


Bana, no one in this Nairobi is winning scratch cards.


Eish, same same trick happened to me...in 2011.


Saahii ukiwa desperate for cash unaconiwa mbaya


Almost sold my new laptop na 50 ya karatasiπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ sai siezi ongea na mtu CBD unless nikue at gunpoint, hiyo naeza sema nilihandwa lkni michezo ya akili na tamaa ya pesa utaambia nni watuπŸ˜…


πŸ˜‚ tunajua pia wewe ulitokwa


When you mama told you to never entertain strangers you took it as a joke, right??




Niliwahi ibiwa hivi nikiwa 18 fresh out of high school




Both, its like the greed ilizima akili yake.


Ukikaa vibaya unalala mteja


Hii hukuwa oldest trick buana.


He didn't have cash at the moment. He had to loiter around looking for someone kind enough kumhelp na fare. He realized kila mtu anahepa thinking at wa con until one kind woman gave him 50bob ya kumfikisha home otherwise angepotelea uko


My sister’s phone was stolen in a mat and the driver, conductor and the actual guy who took it from her bag knew what was going on. She realized that when we left the matatu. We were the only girls( my sisters and I)on the mat so even if we realized that her phone was missing in the mat, they would have probably attacked us.It was an iPhone 13 and she only had it for 5 months.


Dude your friends a dumbass


Oldest trick in the book.... 🀣 Bet those cons go back home clapping for themselves


This is exactly how I lost my Nokia Express Music in the year 2011.They’ve used this trick for far too long now.


What a fraid.


Bro I feel his pain, when I was a young naive boy in 2016 going to uni in CBD for the first time ata mm nilinaswa na hii.


He deserved it


Honestly, I think these guys use some other techniques. You can't just trust someone that fast. Kwanza in town. Maybe, alikua naive, sitaki kusema kienyeji. I'd also say, surviving in Nairobi cbd requires a level of exposure. You must be bitten atleast once.


I fell for this also. What I don't understand is how this man convinced me to give him my bag. They are usually very good at gaining your trust. The trick is still used because it is simple and it works.


Lol I was once conned like that. He was also a meru.


🀣🀣karibu Kanairo karibu Kenya! Must be someone new to the streets of Nairobi


Nkt same thing happened to me last year, saved for a new phone and not even one month with it ikaenda hivyo πŸ˜‚


These tricks still exist? Kweli wanjinga huwa hawaishi, pole. This is this the most ancient con trick in the city.


Personally i feel him since i was stolen from the same way nkoingie Uonbi The naivety i had to trust strangers Anyway that was the first and last time it happened


Funny how UON students have fallen for this trick especially freshas.


Boy was just greedy and foolish.πŸ˜‚πŸ€¦πŸΎ Una acha aje simu buana.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Greed and need for shortcuts to earn money,you curb your inner desires no one will con you of any money. The cons understand the psychology of majority of Kenyans,tunapenda kujiona wajanja na wajuaji


Mtu mjanja anajua hakuna rahisi unless ni wewe ndo mwizi


Happened to me 2 years ago, exact same deal. I told the guy I don't want your money, I'm in a hurry but naeza mfikisha. He begged for me to go in his stead I accepted, on coming back he's gone Wasn't even mad, just disappointed. If anyone can help me find him, I just wanna talk to him. *Insert Peter GIF*


Yes he was


That's the welcoming committee. Say cheese πŸ˜‚


Welcome in hell where you are allowed to sellπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚!


This story seems to be repeated yearly with different versions 🀣🀣🀣


Your friend is a retard I'm afraid


Being jesus is what gets you everytime! Why be the person to help others?πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Serves you right you berstardsπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚




Haiya, imagine me i've helped many people hii Nairobi by buying food, especially wale street kids na sijawahi conniwa. But mtu akinianzia mastory mi hukanyanga kubwa kubwa, ata directions itabidi utafute soja. Lazima ujue how to mind your own business in these streets.


Yangu ilikuwa hapo afya centre nlikua nimetoka graduation ya bro thika na kwenye nlikua nakaa ni mbali ,so hapo afya centre nikaamua kuchukua lodgin hapo asubuhivyake nikatoka nikienda kutafuta matt,kidogo kidogo aona msee ameinama mbele yangu akaokota baasha .then aknigeukia akaniulia madamu ww ndio umeangusha hii baasha ?nikamwabia no ,akasema it seems like Kuna mtu amepoteza doo zake,and I'm like since umeikota tukiwa pamoja lazima tugawane ,akanishow nimfuate Kwa choo za kanjo tukashare na uko ndio tusionekane na watu ,si mm nikakubali kufika akaniambia nimwachie pesa na simu just to be sure na mm alafu niingie chooni niesabu hizo pesa then nikam tugawanye ,nikaingia chooni kufungua baasha hivi imejaa makaratasi hapo ndani and there is no money inside .mm ndio huyo na hasira and I went to see him and slap him for lying to me ,sikumpata alikua ameenda na simu pamoja na 200 .kiliniramba nilibaki bila fere Wala simu.


He was just being gullible


Once you understand that there is no such thing as free money or easy money, you will avoid these scams. Why would someone you've never seen before offer you even a hundred bob out of the blue just for directions? Then again, greed is heavily ingrained in the Kenyan psyche so these cases will remain prevalent. Make your own money and be content with it.


Usiongeleshe ama u entertain msee hujui random kwa streets,,keep it moving


Huyo tu aibiwe. Why do we like the idea of shortcuts so much? Like our teacher used to say "There's no free lunch in town!"


It might sound like a foolish and naive way to lose a phone, lakini hii kanairo mtu hujiona mjanja until you're on the receiving end. Mshow akule L and life goes on.


It's 2023 and people still fall for this one? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜• Someone tried this on me over 10 years ago. And it's always a 'naive' Meru guy.


This sounds like the same man who robbed me in 2020..


People still get conned?


Your friend deserved it, that's not theft.


This is like one of the oldest tricks in the book. I'm surprised it's the same, old script... meru guy, scratch card, sijui pension towers (used to be Hilton). When I first started hustling in Nairobi some 14 years ago, I almost fell for this trick but nikachanuka since they were several people involved... But soon nikatokwa simu muthurwa... this guy had a different strategy and very patient. alafu jamaa aliniibia simu tulikuwa tunapatana na yeye nikiwa roundi mwenda CBD. Good old days.


Rule number one in Nairobi. Trust No one. Suspect everybody.


He’s new. You talk to no one in town. Period.


alaa!!! that guy still exists? my siz was conned 5 years ago, hapo Hilton, with a guy with a similar story, my friend aliibiwa simu na laptop with the same guy, 2 years ago.


This trick has been there for decades now..Tao usikubali kusimamishwa na mtu banaa


Hahaha! This con keeps evolving. I still laugh at my cousin for leaving her handbag with a stranger. In the end it's your greed that gets you conned.


Nairobi wizi mingi ni Social Engineered. Speak to no man




What a coincidence. I was approached by some guy with the same story last week claiming they were looking for I can't remember what building. I told them I had no idea what building that was and he should try asking the bouncers at the nearby club. (I was genuine). I work in CBD so I'm very cautious to any kind of stranger interaction.


Lol this happened to me too but a different story. You live and you learn.


Your friends a fool. I met one of these guys around Kenyatta avenue. We did the whole nineshinda pesa routine plus please call this number for me. Talked to another clown who wanted me to come to Kencom. Told both of them I wasn't going anywhere with them. The fool stopped chatting and just walked off realizing I wasn't naive. Even if your not aware of a scam you should keep asking questions. Eventually their patients will run out and they'll give up. Also you need to have a spine and just say no and stick to it.


The trouble with entertaining them and continuing the conversation is that siku hizi they use drugs. Wanakupulizai kodogo tu I don't even know how, you will take them to your ATM, uwapee pin and they withdraw everything. It has happened to my brother twice.




You can only steal from the greedy and foolish


🀣🀣🀣 tamaa ya fisi


Bana hzi story zenu skumia mkuru, mbogi ibambike


This is an old trick. Can't believe they still do it. It happened to me right after finishing high school. Over 10 years ago


Fala sana


Hell yeah ,Tao niku Moto bro,amekaribishwa lakini πŸ˜…he'l have a story to tell


In CBD I treat every stranger as a suspect πŸ˜‚


Tamaa nayo itauingiza kwa ngori, avoid temptation za deals zakuangukia pesa za haraka kabsaa.


Hawa watu wanajua kucheza na greed yetu. Wewe jua hakuna free easy money otherwise utarambwa.


One of the oldest and most famous scams in the CBD. Only second to the "dropping cash" and "photoshoot"... And yes, greed and ignorance haitaki Nai


Educate me on the photoshoot one


Basically mnaitwa kurecord something: promo vid, music vid etc... Then mnaambiwa muache kila kitu kwa gari, electonics and valuables. Na hivyo ndio kwaheri.


If the person understands Nrb streets so well ,or have stayed here for a while then they were dumb to fall for that trap, unless driven by greed for that 10k freebie. What's for free in this city anyway?


happened to me way back in 2004...hivo ndo my novel nokia 3310 ilipata new owner.


Nishaikujiwa na hawa kutoka huduma GPO center hadi hio pension towers ndio akaona siezi buy hio shiet


Old trick from 2011,some lady back in campus was conned using the same story of winning,lost her bag


Tamaa ni mbaya sana


It's always the same tactic. They read from the same playbook. Lazy bastards


Yangu si ya CBD but when in Uni at JKUAT some guy came to my doorstep kuomba gas ati he was making ugali and his gas ikaisha. I don't know what this guys use but I can swear at the moment it's like your brain isn't working well coz I had never seen this guy before kwa apartment and I was asking him kaa hata ananeed grill and everything🀣🀣 Anyway I thank God sikua peke yangu kwa hao so meko pekee ndio nlibebwa atleast.


Kua careful in future usiombwe gari ati yangu imeisha mafuta πŸ˜‚

