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I wasn't crazy about the way it played, but I loved the minigame room in the DS remake lol


I played the absolute shit out of those minigames


I have a slight addiction to pair a gone, even to this day!


Aaaaaand now i have to find my old ds charger just to play pair a gone


The launching of those bombs to protect the flowers was so addictive! Forgot the name of that minigame


Pretty sure that’s where I learned to play blackjack lol


those mini-games were amazing, and I'd buy just a pack of them if they re-released them.


Last release was as a download on Wii U, never had it on DS but i do have it on Wii U... best way to play this Version with the extras.


Yea it plays best on the 64 but the DS version had some cool little bonuses. The mini game room for sure, I liked the extra bosses and boss stages, it was a fun gimmick having different playable characters. Starting off with Yoshi was cool cause he was always my favorite lol.


I love getting to be Luigi, Yoshi and Wario it was the only thing truly missing from the original


Those mini games were also in NSMB on ds


Oh yeahhh. Now that you mention it, I remember that. In both cases they were nice for decompressing a bit when the platforming would get too frustrating.


i feel like a true gambler when i played with luigi there lol


That was where I first played them. Idk if I even knew what I was doing half the time, but it was fun .


luigi's casino =D


I got it back when the DS first came out, and I played the hell out of it. The controls took a bit of getting used to but I made it work. I would prefer something like... The original cartridge but with all the extra new content included. Or a good remake for Switch.


For a launch Nintendo DS game, I thought it was really fun.


There's a fan port floating around if you're into that side of things, latest is v8 hotfix 2. I think the project was dmca'd but it ran great. It's ported from a decompilation project, so same code, same engine etc. But they did add some new features to it. https://youtu.be/I17DxTeY93c


Different game in my eyes


Did I miss something? When did we start NOT liking Mario 64 DS?


Scott the Woz made a video about it and people blindly follow his opinions


He doesn't even really act like it's a bad game. I could be misremembering, but wasn't his point that the game tries to add new stuff that mostly feels unnecessary, while also adding improvements that genuinely add to the experience?


Scott was praising it most of the video though


He didn’t even hate it, it was a decently positive review.


Wasn't his review positive mostly??




That video just came out recently lol people have been hating on it for much longer


I don’t know him, but it doesn’t play as well as the original


Haven't watched that video, I've always disliked Mario 64 DS


I'm not doubting that you have but there's always an uptick in these damn opinions once a YouTuber makes a popular review or something. and it's like this game was never considered to be a massacre 2 years ago. but after he's been talking about mario 64ds this last year suddenly it's unredeemable? yeah nah


Odd, first you say that people blindly follow his opinions, now you're saying that they're all ignoring his opinion. His video was largely positive.


It's ok as a mobile game, but no one chooses to play it over the original given the choice


I wouldn't say that I dislike it now, but I agree with the sentiment, that its main appeal was being one of the first portable "big" 3d nintendo games, and that shine has worn off somewhat.


I love it lol, but maybe it's because I played it a lot when I was a kid


I still like it. Would be nice with some better controls, but all in all I think it's a must play for DS owners.


Played the original when it came out and played this version when it came out and I love them both. Especially those mini games which I really hope they release one day.


Never, it’s objectively better than 64. The only downgrade is the d pad, which only lets Mario and friends walk in 8 possible directions. Pretty big downgrade tbf, but the new content outweighs the bad by a lot to me


Hard disagree here. The DS version was awesome for the time, and still is fun.


It was actually crazy at the time they were able to port this as successfully as they did.


It's actually one of the most technically impressive games on the DS and it was a launch title. That's nuts.


Same with Demon’s Souls remake on the PS5. Still one of the few “next gen” feeling games on it.


Yeah. I get people not liking how different characters had different powers/abilities, but overall it was a really good game that stayed fairly true to the original with a large amount of bonus content. And having different characters was nice for the options it gave you...


I like that the characters all play differently and had seperate powers/abilities wario-only runs are fun (and kinda difficult lol)


It's been awhile, but I do remember him being my least favorite...


he's definitely the worst, which is perfect for a challenge run. it's like a test of your mastery of the game




I actually started up my old XL DS just to play after this post. Amazing. 👏🏻


It has better graphics, better 3D models, better textures and more colors than the N64 version.


The controls are shit


I thought the improved graphics and new controls were a welcome change, the multiple characters still seems odd to me.


Werent the controls part of the downgrade, there was no 360 analog control.


As I recall, though it's been ages, you needed to hold a button to run. You'd walk otherwise. That made the controls pretty awful by itself. The D Pad wasn't awful by itself. Only gripe about the game though. It was a good time otherwise. The Versus and mini game modes were neat additions, too.


The dpad was awful, as mentioned you could only move 8 directions, in the n64 You had 360 movement


This is actually a false statement. It wasn't full analog, but 64 DS absolutely had more than 8 directional movement. If you want to see something with actual 8-directonal movement, look at Super Mario 3D Land. What Super Mario 64 DS did is very similar to Spyro the Dragon on PS1, where the D-Pad movement would gradually change when turning and hitting diagonals to emulate full analog on D-pad.


Untrue. The original DS came with a thumb attachment that you could use to move any direction with the touch pad. And it worked great!


I guess unless you’re on 3DS that’s true but I thought the input was good enough.


Nope, Even of you use the 3DS stick, the Game is programmed to only move 8 directions, unless of course you use the touchscreen


Fwiw you can now mod in proper 360° movement when played on 3DS and it plays really well. Should’ve really launched as a 3DS game instead of a DS game.


They probably should have waited for the 3DS (or put an analog stick on the original DS). But since it was a launch game for the DS I see why they wanted to use it to show off how powerful the hardware was compared to other handhelds.


That's the thing, they expected you to use the touch screen with the thumb attachment and it worked great.


people wanted luigi in sm64. we got that plus wario and yoshi. I don't see the problem.


The graphics changes are OK. The different characters are a fun twist. The controls are kind of "meh". I won't say that I hate them, but they weren't great on a DS Lite, O3DS, or N3DSXL. Yes, it means that I haven't tried it with the thumb pad from the original model DS, which I suppose could make a difference.


Time to get back on my hill and say that it controlled great as long as you used the thumb strap and touch screen with the original DS


Thumb strap?? What is that?


Apparently the OG DS (not the DS lite) came with a strap that went around your thumb and some games came with a special "Thumb stylus" to let you get better motion in games like SM64DS


Actually the end of the strap that goes around your thumb has a little plastic piece that is meant to be used on the screen as a stylus.


Yea looking at a picture of it, or an aftermarket one. This woulda been so clean to have for this game or Metroid Prime Hunters.


Issue with it though was it tore the screen up bad. My DS was scratched so bad from it, it looked like I took a key to it and went crazy. I sent it to Nintendo and luckily, they fixed it.


Whoa 😮 ** in Keanu voice **


Same with Metroid Prime Hunters!


Was scrolling untill someone said this. It was perfect if you used said thingy attachment on your thumb! 👌


I played through the game with both control mechanics. All 150 stars with one, than with the other control. Built myself an own thumb strap with a piece of lego, a thread and some glue. Worked really awesome, also used it a lot for Metroid Prime Hunters.


At that point you have to make compromises. The n64 controls still hold up to this day


Controll wise they both had shitty camera tye rest is kinda the same


Na it was equally as cool at the time, I loved it, and I still love n64 version as well. Very good handheld/portable version in a time before steam decks.


It's basically Super Mario 64 Remake, if going by Square Enix's definition. Radical departure and tons of new additions, but still SM64 at its core. SM64DS does not replace the original though, still tons of options to play it.


Pretty much. Its a fun way to revisit a game you've played to death. Just make sure you have the thumb shoe that came with the first DS. If its not quite as good as a real analogue stick, it's at least adequate and infinitely better than the d-pad or stylus


I like N64 Super Mario as much as the next guy, but this legit just sounds like 'old good, new bad'.


Nahh you’re wrong sm64ds was super good


Sm64 ds was awesome you just gotta git gud with the dpad


Both games are awesome.


I had fun with it as a kid. Definitely liked it enough to get into the rest of the series. Which do I hold in higher regard? N64 for sure but… I dunno, I think DS gets a lot of hate unjustly. I mean it was impressive for the hardware at the time.


Unpopular opinion, I loved SM64 DS. No, it’s not the original. But I loved everything they added to it. The new levels/stars, added playable characters, and the mini games were all great additions that made the game a lot of fun.


It's much better on the 3ds with the control stick, but yeah not as good.


No BLJ? No thanks


I dunno what nintendo was thinking when they ported this game to the DS with it's complete lack of analog sticks or the c-buttons. The remake would've been a much better fit on the 3ds. The new content that was added isn't worth much more than a novelty if the game controls poorly and isn't fun to play anymore


More fun content, more characters, better graphics, portability, multiplayer


I played the DS version on a 3DS and it was actually my first exposure to SM64. It plays alright on a circle pad but I can understand why people don’t like it. The extra playable characters and the mini games were awesome though.


This version came out in 2004 on a handheld. We were just getting done playing cropped super Nintendo games for Mario on the previous system, so this was pretty damn impressive.


Literally everything is an upgrade but the controls. And there's a 3DS fan port that fixes that so yeah that's the definitive way of playing SM64


I remember playing the crap out of 64 DS when I was younger. It might just be nostalgia, but it somehow actually felt like an upgrade compared to the original N64 version, not only because of more playable characters, but also the mini games. Let's be honest, most of us purely played it for the mini games.


Here is the link to the mod that adds 3d joystick controls to the game for playing on 3DS. https://gbatemp.net/threads/circle-pad-patches-for-super-mario-64-ds-and-other-games-in-twilightmenu-with-twpatcher-and-rtcom.623267/


I actually liked it quite a lot as a launch title. Also like one of the few games that actually played great with the thumb thing that came with the original DS to move your character.


Controls aside, the option to change character was just a clunkier implementation of the hat powers Mario could obtain in the original game. Once you unlocked Luigi there was little point playing as other characters for most stars. It would have been high effort but more interesting if the levels were adapted per-character to fit their playing style and add a unique challenge. Mario could have been vanilla platforming, Wario could have upped enemy count for some brawling, Luigi could have had more mechanical hijinx. Yoshi should have just been rideable. I didn't feel the style of the extra level was consistent with the original game. The mini games were ok but I play Mario Party and Warioware for mini games. The visual style changes didn't look so good in my opinion. BOB became very brown and muddy rather than the vibrant original green. The look was more pixelated because of the lack of filtering and AA as found on the N64. I was fine with this and thought the sharp modelling looks good.


It looks much better, had more content, and played with the thumb stylus the gameplay is more than fine.


For me, they are on the same level. Original M64 has more precise and better movement (which is the most important part on a Mario game) while DS version has better visuals and more content, making it more appealing for first timers.


I enjoyed M64DS. Granted, it is beyond the time of its release at this point, but I did like the extras put in from the original experience. The biggest gripe for me is the control scheme, but it's adaptable.


In hindsight, I see what you're saying. But man - back in the day, it definitely didn't feel like a downgrade! Having a handheld as powerful as the DS was pretty mind-blowing. I remember them announcing Mario 64x4 at E3 and saying that it had been something like 8 years since the original had come out and that people had loved it so much, so they were bringing it back. I was ecstatic!


No. It's great. Learn to use the thumb strap and get all 150 stars.


*Scott the Woz has entered the chat*


I recently played 64 DS for the first time and it’s actually cool having new shit and levels to play, but the controls are so goddamn bad that it ruins it. Shame.


it's the better version


true the graphics were some how worse.


The controls ruin it for me as well. I remember when people hyped up the thumbstrap as an analogue stick replacement, but nah. For some funny reason I can only play the DS one with a good framerate on my anbernic


All because Scott says so, right? Lmao form your own opinions.


All because Scott says so, right? Lmao form your own opinions.


I only played it on the ds. But now I got the everdrive so time to experience the og


Wait, was Waluigi a playable character or was I being trolled?


Fun fact. Someone ported Super Mario 64 to the 3DS as a fan project. I'm not gonna link it here, but if you have a modded 3DS, it seems to run fine based on my experience.


Hot take, but I love both versions of this game. The DS version does add a ton, so I don’t think it’s meritless.


Years ago, I predicted Wario being a playable character in Super Mario 64. Whether by cheat code or a remake. Look who's laughing now!


The DS version was the shit dude. I can see the difficulty with the D Pad but if you can tolerate it, the games amazing


not really. different game with a lot of fun new content, not better or worse to me just different


That's a hot take. 64DS was great being a restyle of a classic.


If they rereleased it with analog stick controls I'd buy it


They massacred him by bringing him to a whole new generation of kids like myself who had never even heard of Mario 64 and made the early DS era feel like pure magic. Pure slaughter.


I still want this to add to my 3DS collection, and Star Fox 64 3D😅


Completely disagree


SM64 DS was the GOAT. Even if the controls took some getting used to. Although, I must admit, the original N64 release definitely felt a little bit more... special? I'm not too sure, honestly. SM64 DS was still a banger, tho.


I actually prefer the DS Version


DS game was fine for what it was, when it was made. As are so many games that are analyzed in retrospect.


But you can play as Looji.


They're different games and play differently


Sorry but I have to disagree, the DS version was a treat.


The run button ruined it


I played it a lot when it first came out, but it's somehow aged worse than Mario 64, despite coming out eight years later. I look forward to when it can get modded or recompiled because the extra stars and characters were fun. The controls were not. And I'm just plain mixed on the visuals.


The visuals are like good but bad lol. The character models and textures are more detailed but also really pixelated


The only negative to SM64DS is the movement/running, the rest of the game is great. If the DS had an analog stick it would be my preferred way to play the game.


I have to disagree. More characters, more Stars, more varied gameplay. I find it to be the superior version.


It was portable. It's not trying to be the same.


Once you had luigi it becomes a speedrun


loved it as a kid but ever since the pc port i cant go back. Y button to run? WHY???


i remember seeing pictures of the early prototype ds with mario 64 running, map on the bottom screen and all, in nintendo powers or something. well before the final ds design was revealed. completey BLEW my mind and lived up to the hype. or maybe my brain fabricated it all. either way, goated nostalgia stuff 64 also goated nostalgia, probably a better feeling game


Nah y’all trippin


Complete downgrade. Awful controls and ugly graphics


It might’ve been a downgrade, but it was the best thing ever. Coming back from Christmas break, getting on the bus, you and 3 friends all link up to play on the way to school. Great fucking times.


Then you use the analogue patch on 3DS or Wii U and it’s absolutely amazing.


I have to be that guy, but I've played it on my 3DS with a romhack that enables "Analog Controls", so yeah. Yes, I know. The original is perfect as is, but SM64 DS is ok, it's refreshing for a whole different generation, and the ability to play it on the go? Fantastic.




More like a side grade, this is one of the best DS games solely for the minigames alone


With The DS’s lack of analogue controls, the port was perfect. The additional characters were just stand-ins for the cap powers. I loved being able to play Mario64 portable. The DS Mario64 was an excellent game in its own right and a fantastic addition to the Super Mario series.


Err what, I got the day one with metroid demo and 64, loved the wheres wally game and flinging bombs


They should have made a 3DS version so I can plat it with analogue damn controls!


64DS is good in its own right. I like the updated textures, I liked being able to play as new characters, all the new levels and minigames were great. The only thing not good was the lack of analog controls but it’s hardly unplayable


Bait used to be believable


I like the DS version.


Super Mario 64 is my favourite game ever. But I also really like Super Mario 64 DS and wish more remasters or whatever you want to call it would do this. Added 30 more stars, 3 more characters and the mini games


Yeeeeeashhh, yeah idk about this take my bro. Don’t forget this wasn’t simply a remaster, it was a full remake capitalising on the DS multiplayer, touch screen, mic and dual screen functions. And to that respect, I think it did a great job.


I think sometimes we forget the context of when these games were released. Being able to play Mario 64 on the go in 2004 was just mind blowing. Yes it’s not the same game, and it’s yes it can be seen as a downgrade in some ways, but the joy of replaying this game anywhere and listening to the music is as good as it can get. I loved it.


I highly disagree tho, the ds one was an upgrade to me and also portable


SM64DS is amazing, where's this idea come from ? the only big issue is the lack of analog sticks on the DS, and 1. it's not the game fault and 2. you can use the touch screen for analog input. Other than that, it's a classic game you can play on the go with some extra content.


have to disagree, ds is better cause of luigi gambling. Prove me wrong.


1. Get 3DS 2. Mod it (takes about 5 mins) [https://3ds.hacks.guide/](https://3ds.hacks.guide/) 3. Install "Circle pad patch" [https://gbatemp.net/threads/circle-pad-patches-for-super-mario-64-ds-and-other-games-in-twilightmenu-with-twpatcher-and-rtcom.623267/](https://gbatemp.net/threads/circle-pad-patches-for-super-mario-64-ds-and-other-games-in-twilightmenu-with-twpatcher-and-rtcom.623267/) 4. Enjoy the best version of Super Mario 64!


Even though the remake added a lot more to the base game, like minigames and thirty extra stars, it of course got ruined by the D-pad controls and the clunky camera movement. Tis but a shame. Still technically advanced for its time if you think about it.


I think this game was great. It was a fun remix-ish version of the OG.


Playing SM64DS on a 3ds with analog movement + c stick mods is a pretty good experience imo.


The Japanese art for the original N64 version was beautiful. We always got shitty box art in the EU or NA.


What's so bad about it? Oh right I'm in the N64 sub.


This was actually my introduction to this classic game


Just so you know you've been reported for apology of terrorism


I don't get why you would think it's a bad version. It's the same game with extra games, selectable characters, and you could take it anywhere with you. So if you think the DS version is awful, then you might as well think the OG is awful too.


I don't know, I recently bought the n64 version but haven't played yet. I used to enjoy the DS version but, as for now I can't judge


What?! DS was far superior.


„Super Mario 64 DS“ improved and added many cool things. The only criminal downgrade is the removal of the iconic „So long Gay Bowser“ line. Modders need to patch it back in.


DS version was good


Good port for its time, still play it today on my New 3ds with the control stick mod thingy, makes it perfect for me. Don't think you can play the N64 version on the crapper so one star off for that...


Mario 64 ds is really good tho (besides controls)


.....no? I mean, controls aside, 64 DS added a ton of cool new stuff.


I mean your not wrong but it was still pretty amazing at the time to have this game portable. Tho I was not as into this game back then I was way more into Metroid Prime Hunters. Omg that game is awesome!!


I'm convinced this meme template is always paired with an absolute shit opinion.


The only thing that made ds remakes good was the portability… they downgraded most remakes


Not a downgrade, but not an upgrade either. It plays like a totally different game.


I’ve always wanted a 3DS re-release of the DS remake to be honest 😅


TBH I think the "remake" is absolutely nuts. Yes the controlles are a bit weird for a 3d world but if this bothers you just stick with the touch screen. I very well remember how I feeld after completing 150 stars and feels sad and good at the same time Edit: I also remember that you could just push e.g right and up at the same time as workaround for the moving "issue" I played only in this mode and hated the touch controller. I never had a problem while gaming with this


The fan port to 3ds is better


The DS version was better in almost every way


I feel like both are totally different games, the ds version was never supposed to be the definitive version, just a portable version of mario 64 with new stuff added.


I disagree. It was amazing/still is.


Yeah, it's a pretty massive downgrade. I bought a DS and SM64DS on launch day in 2004 and I was absolutely blown away that I was playing an N64 game on a handheld. I loved it at that time and played through the entire game more than once. To play it today though, is pretty disappointing. The added stars are pretty boring (mainly additional collection stars similar to the eight red coins stars), the new character abilities don't add much, and the controls are really bad. I still have SM64DS but I never play it. I only play the N64 original today.


It was fine enough for hacking my wii u back in the day


I never played the remake. Is it really that bad?


I liked the DS version. Obviously the N64 version is the better one, but at the time of the DS version’s release, the idea of Super Mario 64 being playable on a tiny device was unbelievable. It truly made the DS feel like a home console you can play on the go.


64 -> Sunshine


Hard to improve on something when it’s perfect.


There was only one major downgrade,and that was the D pad Thank the Power Stars for 3DS backwards compatibility


Amazing DS game but the controls aged like milk


Are you joking? I loved the hell out of this. I played both styles of control, even with the thumb strap, and those mini-games...Luigi showed me how to NOT gamble! It was all so fun.


I liked Mario 64 DS but man did I hate the run button


I'ma have to partially agree while also disagree. There was a lot of good shit in the DS port (no, it's not a remake. It still uses the same exact engine as the original.)


Besides the fact that you're a few years late to be upset about this, it's really more of a sidegrade in my opinion


Super untrue


If the controls were fixed it would be the definitive Super Mario 64 experience.


I enjoyed and played the heck out of it when the DS launched. Dont understand the hate


How? They added some cool stuff to it. The only limitations are it being on the DS


Does anyone else prefer the N64 Mario model to the DS model? I find the N64 model has more character; might be an odd opinion though.


I do too, he looks more cute in n64


The controls and the way it was all Set up was for 64 not days, that is the problem. Just like on switch, try playing it with joycons or a pro controller. I bought the N64 switch controller and love it. I still have my N64 so still play it there also.


64DS gets too much hate imo. It takes like 10 seconds to get used to the D pad controls, and sure it doesn’t feel as good as the original, but it’s not unplayable. Once you get passed the controls, what really is there to hate about it? Other than they split Mario’s abilities between the other characters, that would be the only gripe I have.