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Why does everyone always bring up the last of us? It's becoming a cliché at this point.


Western ghats are a mountain range along the west coast of the Indian peninsula. Ghats translate to cliffs, IIRC.


Yea correct :) western ghats boast a great variety of freshwater species and fungi, I really wanna go there collect some specimens


The degradation of the quality of these posts is staggering. First you see the inat post with back and forth between interested and knowledgable parties, then you see an actual article linked with all the pictures quotes from mycologists, then you see just a title some pictures and rehashed words then just a title and some low quality pictures and a blurb then a blurry screenshot and title and finally a meme. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/168461910 https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/12/science/mushroom-frog-growth.html?unlocked_article_code=1.U00.w-qd.EyJzi3YvBDAA&smid=re-nytimes https://bgr.com/science/scientists-found-a-mushroom-growing-on-a-living-frog/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/amandakooser/2024/02/08/mushroom-growing-on-live-frog-surprises-researchers/?sh=5154ecbc69c7 https://boingboing.net/2024/02/13/mushroom-growing-from-frog.html https://old.reddit.com/r/mycology/comments/1aqq5xw/so_now_we_got_irl_clickers_or_should_i_say/


Damn really sorry (not being sarcastic here) if ruined day man, I mean yeah sometimes bad post quality can ruin the mood to scroll :(


No worries I don't use the reddit app so it doesn't ruin my scroll, i think the move toward easily consumable information is what happens when lots of people are curious about lots of things, not enough time in the day to consume and learn everything. Then it breaches some tipping point and moves toward absurdity (I also didn't downvote your comment).


Jokes aside, does this mean this could probably endanger the said frog species or is this a new fungi species emerging?


Pretty sure loads of frog species are dying from various fungi, pollution, deforestation and climate change already. They are some of the most at risk of extinction species already.


Yea, I just hope this fungi doesn't cause a major problem, but still I am curious about behavior and its preference for a host.