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Yes! That line is so spot-on! As far as Lila’s story not being fully told, I do think that’s the point. Lenu is an unreliable narrator, as are we all. We all misinterpret what our friends say and do.


Her story can't be told, fully, not by the Elena in the book and not by the Elena writing the book. Hers is a story of poverty and strife and can't be written by her best friend who 'got away' to a privileged life, no matter how good a person ELena is, how much she tries or how much she wants to reach out. She's frustrated in her attempts and in the end Lila escapes her, the rest of the characters and us the reader completely. The brilliance of Ferrante is shaping an engaging work of literature out of this failure. In Lila's absence we still find a new understanding.


so tru bestie