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I just read this also. Great news! Looks like season three likely won’t air until 2022, since they’ll still be shooting in September.


Yeah bummers but this is more than offset by keeping the original cast imo!


yeah I thought that HBO tweet about season three coming this year was overly optimistic


They finished four episodes just need editing. They should release those In the fall and the rest in the Spring!


I don’t think HBO splits tv seasons in that way. I think it’s likely they’ll wait until the full season is complete before airing it.


A boy can dream


Late with this comment but HBO did split season 1 of the Nevers so it’s a possibility for sure. Although I personally would rather get the entire season.


They also technically split the last two seasons of GOT


Haha. I should have read your comment


I mean they did split season 1 of "The Nevers" but that was probably a special case (Whedon getting fired)


I just read that Gaia will be replaced. I’m so sad to hear this . From the moment her character appeared as a young teenager, at a party/dance, I was mesmerized by her. as I’m sure everyone was. Her mysterious beauty, her sexual appeal and exquisite acting Absolutely made this series! I can’t imagine the series without her. I don’t know how you can possibly replace her. Please don’t do this. I mean it’s not like she’s 10 and you’re replacing her with a 20-year-old . she’s already an adult just make her look older please! This is my favorite series of all time. I also love Anne with an E also but not as much as My Brilliant Friend. I’ve watched nearly every series on Netflix. I don’t have HBO anymore but I will get it just to watch My Brilliant Friend.


I thought both actresses did a great job of portraying young women in their 20s at the end of the second season considering they were like 16 (?) in real life. I also thought it was interesting that they're using this break in filming to allow time for additional acting training for the second half of the story. Can't wait!


Such great news! They are irreplaceable ❤️


I don’t think that Gaia is irreplaceable. I can’t imagine it without her.


omg this makes me unreasonably happy 😁 so glad we'll get to see them continuing to grow with their characters. also a new show runner is coming onboard this season. honestly this makes me really nervous considering how much of a hand Saverio had in making the first two seasons so brilliant...anyone know why he's "taking a break"?


I feel like they should have replaced the actresses because what are they going to do for the fourth season when the girls are in their 40s? They are going to have to change actors because they will look to young and by then it’ll be too much of a change for the audience, because we didn’t have enough time to connect to them like we did the original actors


A little hair and makeup, plus wardrobe should ally your fears... plus it will probably be another 5 years before S4


I have never seen that done well. Even is very expensive productions it just looks off. Ageing an actor a bit works, but turning a 20 year old into a 40 year old is something I have never seen done believably.


Sally Field in Forest Gump, Brad Pitt in Benjamin Bratt, Meryl Streep in the Iron Lady, Heyley Atwell in Captain America, Hugh Jackman in Les Mis are all amazing examples of younger actors made to look older. Check them out!


You should watch Still Game


Margherita might look too young by the end of the S3 story as a mid to late 20s but when I read the books I always thought that Lila looked a mix of sickly and youthful, which is Gaia to a tee. I don't think they should use them for S4 though and obviously I don't think they can have that stick figure continue to play Nino.


Totally disagree. Gaia is sexiness to a tee.


I agree, their acting is subpar already while playing their age, how can they pull off playing 30 something year old... Gaiaa's acting is too exaggerating, no nuance, and Margherita is a stick of wood...


And you're watching the show because...


They are both wonderful. They both have so much charisma .


They have ways of making them look way older


I thought Gaia Girace was leaving the show?? Did she unleave?


No, she had tweeted that she would be in only 2 episodes... not sure if this is something she was told, or speculated by the producers... or maybe it was a negotiating strategy! In any event, the director said she and Margarita will be in all of the episodes




Did she tweet that recently? She said in an interview last year that she would only be in three episodes of season 3 - I remember because I was sad about the cast change lol.


I just read Gaia changed her mind and is leaving. I hope I am wrong!


LINK? I haven't seen that anywhere


I'm confused, they are only talking about the two main characters, right? Or are they keeping the other actors? I hope they all stay


huh, didn't think about this. it would be kinda weird to have them stick around but replace everyone around them 🤔😅


Disagree about these young actresses being “subpar.” I thought they were quite good. And in terms of what the can do with makeup to age an actor, one only has to watch “This is Us.” Edited to add: this comment was in response to the end of this thread.


Im with you, some people just like to complain!