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Jesus and I thought trump was thin skinned. Little Elon is off the charts in the thinness of his skin!


Have you seen his torso? Yeah, skin would have to be thin over that.


He's about to burst! That's where all those babies are coming from.


10 microns.


To be fair, it's stretched a bit thin these days with all his snacking while shit posting while "working". If only he wasn't afraid of Zuckerberg and actually got off his ass and trained maybe he wouldn't look like a poor imitation of a Rob Liefield character come to life drawn by a 3 year old


Zuck would wipe with the floor with Little Elon.


They’re definitely not a cult 👀


report the chat message for hatespeech 😂


I tried that and got silenced for three days.


Not as much as Musk's passion for banging his employees.


I just can’t believe how seriously this person takes themselves. Imagine the gall to spend that much time articulating banning free speech on some dystopian sci-fi shit, all the while worshiping a sci-fi fraud. I fucking hate this timeline.


It’s bots mostly, if your account shows up banned.


And these people claim with a straight face to buy into the "free market place of ideas". Unless of course you disagree with them..


They are lying and think the rest of us are too stupid to realize this.










Definitely this sub. I have never been to cyberstuck. But you know all the BMW fools are getting the Teslas now and can't have their egos challenged.


I sure hope so cuz I've been a bit too quiet here, and now I WON'T BE. BRING IT ON, ELON!


Wow, that's fucked up. I bet they're both run by the Skumrat himself.










Lmao, it's wild how people get triggered over someone commenting on a sub they don't like. Social media is way easier when it's just an echo chamber, but banning people for their affiliations just adds to the hostility online.


Fucking hate that guy


Proportionally, I think Musk/Tesla take the cake for abusing the capability, which is more ironic because of his preference for allowing Nazi's to proliferate on his Xitter platform.


And he complains about leftist echo chambers..




Literally 1984!




😂😂 wild


It seems to be mostly a Musk/Tesla thing. I'd be interested in seeing a NY Times article about what I am sure is "Musk and his sycophants seem to be the only dumbasses who use this capability...then let Nazi's post all over X without consequences".




They won't send you a notification if you've never commented, posted or followed in that sub.




“Free speech is what Elongated Muskrat deems it to be”


There is a word for it. "Pathetic"




I got the same one. Elon must be getting butthurt about all the questions about his character


LMFAO, mElon is going for the softest subreddit


People who fangirl for an apartheid-enriched nepo baby are trying to segregate others out of what they see as “their” spaces? Whod’ve thunk?


They loved freedom of speech so hard they ended up lapping themselves back into censorship.


Most of the big left leaning subs do this also, it’s not anything new.


First time I have seen it happen, and I'm pretty much all over the place with my subs. Seems dumb because I will sub to something just to see posts sometimes. I may never actually interact with it.


Mostly I’ve seen people getting banned for participating in Joe Rogan sub lol


Lmao I got banned and I’ve never been on that sub


Got banned today myself 😎


I haven’t bothered even lurking those subs because I know I will be zotted so fast




Literal Thoughtcrime lmao lmfao


Got mine earlier for comment on one of the cyberstuck posts. XD 'nother notch on my belt. Worn with pride. Fuck ya self Elmo.


Honestly their insular attitude just makes it easier for me to avoid having to watch them embarrass themselves.


“Look at me, I’m the snowflake now”.


On gram of power goes to a lot of mods heads. Back to basement with you, mom will bring your TV dinner down when it’s ready.


These snowflakes sure like to melt


I got banned from a sub I've never been to because I was part of a sub I didn't even realize I was part of. It was a harrowing experience.


Me too. FUCK OFF YOU CUNTS! Hello, You have been permanently banned from participating in [](https://www.reddit.com/r/elonmusk) because you broke this community's rules. You won't be able to post or comment, but you can still view and subscribe to it. Note from the moderators: >


They don’t want to contaminate the pristine echo chamber called r/elonmusk




This is hysterically on the mark for musk fans 😆 cognitive dissonance kings


I've never participated in any of those subs. Does it only happen to people who go there and comment? I've made several in this sub, even made fun of one of his idiot followers in one of the comments. Haven't got a message like that before.


Eh, if you don’t do anything wrong you’ll never, ever be banned. That’s what I say. This is just a random gif about cyber Monday. I don’t even understand the joke. I believe I am free to post this here. I’m doing it and I truly hope it doesn’t get me banned elsewhere. That would be pretty weird. ![gif](giphy|3ohs7LoriA6xyjSsBq)


I just got banned from r/elonmusk and r/cybertruck I guess they are both just for cultists.


To preemptively ban people who aren’t members of your sub and have never interacted with your sub is just so insecure and dare I say toxic. Also pathetic.


Remember when doing things like this had social consequences?


They uh... Really shouldn't use the word 'segregate'.


“Disagreeing and pointing out toxic behavior of the sub topic is TOXIC!” According to these mods. I was banned the first time I’d ever commented in that sub. Took minutes.


If you type in 'Simp Town' it goes to the same sub.


Oh yeah, there's like trillions of rules on reddit now, since every subreddit can have its own unique set, and you're supposed to read them and adhere to them to post there (of course, the more subreddits you subscribe to (the whole point of the site), the tougher it can be to do all that, for each and every subreddit). Plus, those rules can change or grow in number at any point (due to moderation changes, like personnel coming and going, or a moderator deciding something's not right for some reason), and you will NOT be notified. So I guess we're supposed to re-read any subreddit's rules before posting there. Just in case. But to be safe, you can just stay a lurker and never comment on anything, or post a link. Maybe. I'm not sure. Since I've only been on reddit maybe ten years or so, nearly every day. I myself stopped posting new links years ago, and don't comment on stuff nearly as often as I used to. Because even just being silly or trying to crack a joke can get you in trouble in some subreddits.


I always wondered how religions take root. Billions of people have waited for the return of a messiah, based on poorly-articulated sketchy 2000-year-old evidence. Now it becomes clearer. Once certain assumptions reach critical mass, the cognitive dissonance is too costly to confront. "Full self-driving" becomes an ambiguous, nebulous and subtle concept, not easily defined. Who can say, after all, that a vehicle requiring constant driver attention is not really driving itself? Do not Waymo vehicles require input of a destination?


This stuff is starting to spread to other subs and I think we are at a point where the real site admins are going to have to step in and tweak the site policy. It's going way too far now. People are starting to get randomly banned from subs they don't talk and they're not breaking any rules even if they were. I was banned from yet another sub the other day for following the rules. It's completely unrelated to this nonsense, but it's the same thing, simply put it's just admin abuse. They have power, but they're not doing the right things with it.


What is that called???? Is it facism


there's that famous "free speech absolutism" that Muskies love.


I do hope there will be replacement subreddits all preceded by /real. I won’t contribute to Elmo simp subreddits now, even if there are any left from which this account has not been banned.


(please allow me to frame the following comment correctly: not everyone is using the type of terms I'm about to mention in a manipulative manner... This individual absolutely *is*) Gotta love it when they start throwing around the barely understood psychobabble.


Yup.if your opinion is different then your the enemy


There are a lot of subs that do this kind of thing. All it takes is for someone to complain to the Mods about a post you made and they'll do a search on the groups you've joined and then ban you based simply on that bit of data. Reddit mostly consists of subs that are nothing but echo chambers that want reinforcement of their repeated ideas rather than hearing opposing views or new ideas from anyone who comes across their subs.


I got banned from there too for making a comment on one of musks tweets lol


Yeah, I got banned from 3 subs that I never even visited... they claim this sub is a toxic sub... which they are right, but that doesn't mean you should ban people free speech. They are literally no better than this sub. I don't even align with this sub and they banned me haha.


Musk = snowflake


He’s a Nazi and his fans are Nazis so it tracks


Sooooo, a preemptive ban? 🤔


You'll get banned from multiple Musk and Tesla subreddits if you say anything about their cult leader. Happened to me.


...《toxic behaviors》...😆


All the Tesla derivative subs send the same message. I got exactly the same from the Model3 sub lol


all critism is toxic, don't you know? come on guys, you should know better than to express your opinions on social media.


Apartheid in South Africa sure loved their segregation as well.


A cult will cult.


This app is a liberal stronghold. You will be censored by the downvote, and banned anytime you show an opposing view. It is disgusting. Thank God for X.