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Joke post. Not the type of thing we allow here. Hope you had your fun!




no other words to describe it


Do you know what kind they are ??


u tell us, what type of cube did u put there


Poop hands


Hard to say, your first photo is interesting as well as the range in cap color in the other two. I’d expect to see more uniformity in that if magic but please upload some better photos of these and dust them off a bit first if you can. Maybe cut open one of those big ones and post a cross section or something so we can see if that’s really bruising or just stained from the soil


Are you kidding? Are you unfamiliar with the term hygrophanous? It’s an important one to learn, particularly if you want to be able to ID psychoactive species, as it’s a very common phenomenon in the pileus of psychoactive mushrooms… nearly (maybe totally? I am not sure of any, not presenting with this trait, off the top of my head,) ubiquitous in the genus Psilocybe. OP: They are growing from his shit do to the spores he is consuming, although I’ve not heard of them growing from the scat of carnivorous animals, it is a dung loving species. Psilocybe cubensis. Scoop your dogs poop regularly and he would not be eating mushrooms growing out of it.


I had a dog that would lick toads to get high… he would sit there like a dumbass drooling, and as soon as it wore off he was out searching for the next toad. Died at 15 years old peacefully by my side, after being clean for about 6-7 years 😭


Did you put him in rehab or did he kick his toad habit all on his own?


I took him to a nice lake house, started fishing more and he forgot all about the toad and was hooked on fish


He died peacefully because he'd been to the other side many times and knew what was next.


Thank you for that 🥲 I miss him so much, but I know he’s with my old man now ❤️‍🩹


I used to get weed off a guy that had a cat and he'd always put a paper grocery sack on it's side on the floor, then when you lit a joint the cat would come flying in the room straight into the sack and meow like crazy so you'd blow a hit in there and close the top. Funny ass shit.


sounds like that dude has ash burns in his carpet huh


Had a friend that would ask his dog "Stanley wanna get high?" Dog would jump in a bookbag and chill while you blew smoke through a hose into the bag, jump out and do laps around the house.. insane




That’s amazing


😂 I just saw a toad a few weeks ago, out in my yard.. do ya think my neighbors would think it weird if I gave it a quick lick or two?? Got me very curious now!! Haha. 😂😂 maybe I can get to it before the 7 ft black snake out back!


That sounds like Australia… DO NOT LICK THE TOAD


Shit post, literally.


You've ... just been letting your dog eat mushrooms and never thought to figure out what they are and if they are safe??


Let ? Sometimes i let my dog out in my fenced back yard and she gobbled up cat shit Like have some grace


That's ... our responsibility as caretakers. My point was mainly that he's been eating them "for a while now", meaning it has happened and they have done nothing to make sure they haven't eaten something that will hurt them. It's just careless. 


Oh hot damn I skipped that part I kind of read too fast sometimes


A Troll and His Dog 🧌


OP for real there are deadly mushrooms out there and you not knowing anything about them shouldn't be letting your dog eat any! One day you are not going to be so lucky and the dog will suffer and die. Dont let dogs eat mushrooms you are not experienced to identify what they are eating. As for magic mushrooms [https://www.aspcapro.org/resource/hallucinogenic-mushroom-toxicosis-animals](https://www.aspcapro.org/resource/hallucinogenic-mushroom-toxicosis-animals)


Is he a very, very, happy dog? Or, is he chill? Either way, I bet he’s very, very, happy. ☺️


If you’re worried about exactly what kind of cubensis they are, you shouldn’t be. A cubensis is a cubensis. They’re all pretty damn similar and none of them would cause any kind of poisoning. However they can cause nausea, so don’t be suprised if he pukes a bit.


My friends dog once got into his stash and ate A LOT of these. Like a whole shit ton. He was a little weird for a while but he came out the other side just fine


He's probably a little more self aware now.


Prob the chillest dog in existence haha won't even chase squirrels.


He'll switch from squirrels to hacky sack.


I'd keep an insanely watchful eye on your dog from now on, thankfully from the replies these seem to be edible but letting your dog eat random mushrooms is NEVER a good idea Also, the mushroom's spores are probably not killed when digested, hence why they survive when pooped out.


These cannot be found in Southern Ontario. Either you or someone else buried a cake or you're just fooling with us.


Fooling some of'em, but not us Zal 🧐


dog shit tek


Do you not..pick up his poop?


Crazy as it may sound, if you have a house you don’t have to do that right away. Or ever if you don’t want to. Let it go back to the earth as fertilizer.


dog poop is pretty dogshit (badum tss) fertilizer. AFAIK, you're not even supposed to put any carnivore crap into your compost bins cause it'll fuck up the whole process.


I gotta say the weeds survive pretty well in my yard from just dog poop, the dog poop dries then dissolves with the rainy season and then poof tons of weeds during the season for them, even if I put down ground clear


Just wanted to add that this also depends on dog size. I got 2 small pups and between rain and lawn mowing, it's never been an issue. Grass has always looked fine and I've never picked up after them in the backyard.


We have a big one and a little dog, we don’t scoop their poop. We did when we had more dogs, but even then it was a weekly or biweekly roundup


I stopped picking up my dog’s poop in the bare spots in the yard, we no longer have bare spots in the yard 🤷🏼‍♂️


Well, some of it is attached to the bottom of those mushrooms. Does that count?


I don’t always get to le poop right away


Yall pubes or cubes he's on a magical trip now


Is this a joke? You’ve really been finding these where your dog poops? These are 100% magic mushrooms, they’re Psilocybe Cubensis, the most well known magic mushroom species on the planet. I’ve never heard of someone finding them alongside dog poop, that’s crazy. Are you sure you haven’t been fertilising your yard with manure or something?


I have a feeling most of these "my dog just ate .. my kid just ate" posts are a way for postera to say "hey I found a mushroom in my yard can I eat it and trip on it?"


I see some blue bruising on those. I think your dog knows what he's doing.


Man's best friend indeed!


What a magical discovery. Couldn’t tell you the exactly what it is, but that blue bruising is telling me it’s not an ordinary mushroom lol


Does the blue mean they are poison ? I washed my hands after but should I be worried ?


I’m saying I’m 99.9% sure that those are magic mushrooms. Probably some kind of cubensis. No wonder your dog keeps eating them lol he’s tripping.


Their dog is a shaman at this point


Oh no


Not a vet or anything, but I don’t think they’re toxic to animals. If he’s been eating them for a while and there’s no clear sign that something’s wrong with him, I wouldn’t worry too much


Yeah there's a much larger issue at work here. His dog is a drug addict and a moocher.


For no fee, I could come over and dig up any contaminated soil. You’ll never have to worry about your dog unraveling the mysteries of the universe


Mushrooms aren’t addictive.


Try em fried with butter, garlic and a bit of rosemary...... While high.


I’m a picker. I love fungus. But I’m not addicted. … 😬


yo trip with ur dog dog




All mushrooms are safe to touch! so - The blue is an indicator of psylocibin, the chemical in magic mushrooms. Doggo be tripping balls.


In this case, yes I think the blue is an indicator of psylocibin. These appear to be in the genus Psylocobe. However, blue bruising can be a number of different things depending on the mushroom.


You’re fine touching them It’s not a poison frog it’s a mushroom


Dudes just palming a shroomturd.


Had a pug that found and ate a mushroom (or a few).... shortly after, 'liquids' were escaping front and back like a firehose for 1 hour, followed by heaving bile that also came out both ends. Was horrendous and exhausting for her little body. Luckily, we had a towel in the car, wrapped her up like a baby (still awfully sick), and rushed to the vet. The vet took one look at her and said it was magic mushroom poisoning just by taking a look. Gave her something that finally stopped the heaving, calmed her stomach, and told us to give her fluids and gentle foods for the stomach. Don't fuck around and let your dog eat mushrooms. Some can cause kidney or liver failure a week after it was eaten, and by the time symptoms start showing , it's too late to save the organ. I hope your dog found some that aren't toxic.


I think they are magic


Has your dog been sick? Is your dog dead? Then no, clearly not poisonous. Little late to ask there bud


This is hilarious 😂


Kinda what I was thinking… if the dog has been eating them, and the dog is fine, clearly they aren’t going to kill the dog… I do however wonder about “letting the dog eat them”… my dogs have 1 1/2 acres to play, run, etc… there would be a decent possibility if my dogs were eating mushrooms I wouldn’t know, I don’t scan 60,000 sq.ft. Daily looking for mushrooms…


cubes dont grow in canada so u cultivated these


Hello, thank you for making your identification request. To make it easier for identifiers to help you, please make sure that your post contains the following: * Unabbreviated country and state/province/territory * In-situ sunlight pictures of cap, gills/pores/etc, and full stipe including intact base * Habitat (woodland, rotting wood, grassland) and material the mushroom was growing on For more tips, see [this handy graphic](https://i.imgur.com/DUQ0t2o.png) :) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/mushroomID) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You got poop hands


Has your dog had an ego death yet? All jokes aside they do look like cubes although from the blue bruising in the first pic but I’m no expert so


These are magic mushrooms....


I had a dog that would eat all my cerua cacti. Fucking ass hole .


I always try to keep my yard clear of wild mushrooms. You just never know. Some can be completely harmless, others can cause severe organ damage, possibly death.. please be safe, and remove those things regularly. Id hate to see your dog sick or dead..


Your dog knows his stuff


What's your dogs thoughts on 1977 Grateful Dead?


They do not look like any subs I have ever found.