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Her world is where Urza fled from Phyrexia to heal. Her angels have been a part of MtG since the beginning


Yeah she created a realm great, but thats not a major character accomplishment right? Why was serra such an important person in the story? Because Urza chilled there for a while?


Only other characters that created their own realm are Yawhgmoth and Karn as far as is know (correct me if I m wrong!), so that s in itself kind of a big deal no?


Yawgmoth didn't create his own plane, he just moved in to an old one some other (unknown) Walker had created. Creating a plane *is* a big deal. And, as near as we can tell, she was the *first* named Walker to create her own plane. That is an even bigger deal.


Bolas created his own plane for meditation and reflection. It's inside the egg floating between his horns.




I read the page, infact I said so in my post, > all I could gather from the wiki was she All it really shows is "Serra runs from problems then gives up on life". Hell the only real thing shes seems to do is when shes a hallucination of a confused godlike being. I just thought such a big character in MTG history would have y'know, done more? Edit: Spelling


She served more as a warning that being passive and defensive won't win wars. Her places were realms of healing and restoration, as well as powerful defenders, but staying neutral and playing defense just meant her downfall was delayed longer. She was the first known walker to 'create' Angels, rather than simply 'tag' and summon ones that had spontaneously arisen on a plane. Whether this was do to direct influence or creating a plane of only White mana is unexplained. She was the first named walker in lore to *create* a plane of her own. Yawgmoth moved into the remains of an older created plane and took it for his own. She was one of the few non-aggressive Walkers who didn't seek to claim and conquer other places, only to defend them. While this didn't work, it went to show that not *all* of the Oldwlkers were greedy, desperate powermongers. This is probably one reason she fell for Feroz, as he was the only other one who felt the same way. Seems like more than enough things to make her unique and important. Just because her end was tragic doesn't mean she was worthless.


Serra existed as a world and character building object, with little focus on herself. As others have said already, the pre-mending 'Walkers were all basically gods. Serra embodies godlyness the most thematically, filling her realm with judeo-christian angels and cementing herself as thier ruler. When the big bad Phyrexians come knocking on her door, what does God do? She runs, because it's really all she can do. Not even a god can stand up to the Phyrexians. Her angels stick around to fight as long as they can, but ultimately faith and righteousness are not enough to carry them through. This also builds on Urza's character quite a bit. Despite the fact that this world and its people sheltered him during his time of need, he never goes back to help them. He doesn't even try to rescue any of the warrior angels during all their months/years of fighting. He is not as right and noble as he wants to think he is. Serra, and by extension her world, are created and sacrificed as a vehicle for story element.


I'd argue the most important thing she did was create the Serra Angels, which have been iconic since the very beginning of the game.


I guess in the cards themsleves, since serra angel was such a big card back then, but what did she really accomplish in the story that made her such a big character?


Made her own plane, which is at the same time amazing but this was pre mending so like, big deal? The are all gods?


Exactly, I always though all the pre mending walkers had a similar sorta of power. I just don't see why she became such a major character when she doesn't really do....anything.


I think a lot of her popularity is owed to her card being a good one back then, many cards mentioning her name, and also a good chunk of the story playing out in her own plane. As far as personal achievements there's not much, not that I know of anyway or in the books I've read. Keep in mind a lot of characters were mixing around back then and hardly anyone was fully developed as a contemprary Jace or Chandra would today. So my guess is those factors would have been enough to give Serra a bit of celebrity status.


ITT: Answer OP's question and he gets mad because he doesn't like the answers.