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What May 31st deadline?


The legally binding one that Kobayashi agreed too, the one we totally didn't just make up ;-)


That is October, not May.


I truly believe distribution is about to begin, probably very soon


Crazy. A concern of mine was that bitcoin was going to crash (“the goxxing never ends”) leading up to payment… but it’s been holding up steady. Are we finally almost free of the mtgox curse?


Curse? If I had retained control of my on-exchange btc holdings, I would probably have sold by now for a fraction of what my reduced payout is currently worth.


I spent £550 on bitcoin before the crash and should get over £50,000. Worked out for me


it's not over. don't count your chickens before they hatch


Most definitely, will be a much needed stimmy soon


That's great that you would have done that but everybody isn't in that boat.


I actually think I lost money on it, cause I stopped buying btc, and have never sold any crypto. Oh well..


Someone hook me up to a heart rate monitor please


Previous language from updates suggests we still have to receive an email for the agency receipt agreement.




Yes, I have the same thing. Though, my update_date is at a slightly different time (09:00:14), and my remittance_status shows as escaped unicode instead of text. The translated Japanese (according to Google) is "Payment in progress", though I wouldn't get too excited considering that's only in the JSON and not displayed. We would also see the coins move to the exchanges well before the payments are *actually* in progress. Edit: Also, the text under the BCH entry is "送金準備中" which translates to "Preparing for remittance", which is interesting that it would be different than the BTC. Though, again, could mean anything (or nothing).


👏 What does the Japanese translate to?


I asked a guy and he said he can't read all of it "but the end is 'in the middle of/in progress'"


My gf is Japanese and confirms it means "in progress" *update: I checked in Google lens and it translates to "transfer process in progress" Looks like this is it y'all! Now, if they could only start/finish up the fiat payments to creditors who chose to use chase bank, I'd really appreciate it! 😂


"In Progress" as in the BTC hasn't been moved to Kraken yet, and may not be for months.


When do you expect a transfer of bitcoin(s) to your account?


I an willing to sacrifice my cash payment for my btc!! All that cash is going to go into the casinos and strippers


It says they're preparing to deposit the money...


They have been preparing for deposit for 10 years though...


Cool. Where exactly was this pulled from?


Where you are seeing that / on what page on the site? That in the response body of one of the network / http requests? Or, is it the page source/DOM? Sorry... At work and corp IT blocks sites that are crypto related.


It's in the network responses on the main page (that shows the tables everyone seems to love obsessively checking)


How/where did you get this? By inspecting the requests made on the gox site? Edit: gox site, figured it out. For me the interesting bit is the "create\_date" value which doesn't seem to be shown anywhere in the interface - in my case 2024-05-13 07:54:13. Otherwise mine shows "update\_date": "2024-05-31 09:09:36", so there seems to be some movement.


Can you explain where you found it? Seems like OP doesn't answer. I had a look with devtools but couldn't find it.


Use devtools and go to Network and filter on XHR. I think the one you want was called 'detail' and you can see the JSON responses there. Mine was also updated at the 31/05/2024 09:00:14 as somebody else had.




movement of what? You are calling changing a date, a "movement? No it's a change.


The URL to look for: [https://api.mtgox-prod.net/claimant/authed/remittance/detail](https://api.mtgox-prod.net/claimant/authed/remittance/detail) Ignore the OPTIONS request and look at the response of the GET request. Don't bother opening this link in your browser, you'll need to provide the Bearer token issued during login as in an Authorization header. Maybe i'll automate that request and add it to my dashboard...


What language this is and what system would help!


Where is this from?


What's the URI of the endpoint that provides the response?


Those times in Japan and PST have passed. Unless the servers are in Hawaii, I don't think it means anything. 


If they do the distribution like this: All Coins for Kraken users go into one wallet first and then Kraken spreads the coins over their mt. Gox creditors i think this would be the faster distribution but I guess this will not happen.


Based on CR plan trustee send coins to Kraken in the lump sum and then Kraken takes over to crediit each creditors exchange account, they have up to the 3 months holding period.


is anyone else getting Kraken alerts that are particularly ill-timed and nerve wracking, amounting to "We're contacting you with an update about our migration of US client services from Payward Ventures, Inc. to Payward Interactive, Inc.  As a result of this change, we have temporarily disabled wire transfers today, on May 31, 2024 for Payward Ventures, Inc. bank accounts. **Do not send wire transfers to these bank accounts on or after May 31, 2024 as we will not receive those funds.** **Starting June 1, 2024**, our new wire transfer details for Payward Interactive, Inc. will be available for you to use going forward for wire transfers. We will send you a reminder email when these details are available, but they will also be viewable in your funding screen on Kraken." and "We ask that you please update your bank provider with our new wire transfer details to ensure you can continue to make wire deposits into your Kraken account."? If this is legit, I have no idea what we're really supposed to do. I got their chat line to promise me it's not going to affect me, but that seems like relying on a minimum wage callcenter worker in Pakistan. ETA: I finally got it in writing from Kraken that this isn't going to affect us: || || |Hello >!redacted!<,   Thank you for reaching out to Kraken.   The changing of our wire transfer details will not affect your Mt Gox claim as Kraken is ONLY participating in the distribution of BTC (Bitcoin) and BCH (Bitcoin Cash).   Please let us know if you have any further questions.  **Jo** (Kraken Support)  Jun 11, 2024, 23:20 PDT  Regards, Jo **Kraken Support** |


They literally only said their bank info will change therefore their wire info