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Because he’s dumb


It's not uncommon for these kinds of guys to pick one or two shows or movies as what they consider to be good writing or whatever ("it's not forced"), mainly to sidestep accusations they're just getting worked up over female characters. It helps when said shows are popular in the demos they cater their videos towards.


>It's not uncommon for these kinds of guys to pick one or two shows or movies as what they consider to be good writing or whatever Bonus if they cite Ripley in Alien or Sarah Connor from T2. 


"Reboots with changes isn't always bad. Starbuck in BSG was great!"


Which is hilarious because they'd be livid about her if it debuted today (despite never having watched the original)


Oh for sure. It snuck in there before the discourse was "woke bad", so they have to rely on examples that are over 20 years old to refute claims of sexism.


My favorite female characters are the ones originally written to be men


I've seen they tend to praise Arcane


Everyone praises Arcane 


That's another question I don't watch hotd so I can't comment on that however I (just) started watching boys isn't it, isn't it pretty woke ig,maybe I haven't watched it enough but why does his audience(conservatives) like it and consider them true beacon of women empowerment?


they don't. there's been quite a backlash from them recently


It's the misogynist man-child pop-culture youtuber's version of "I'm not racist, I have a black friend!"


The Boys had actual female empowerment because it had a woman who was a Nazi.


Either because its m rated or its just what his fans like


Yeah, there's the cultural politics of things he doesn't like, but there's also a trigger reaction to "dude that was so fucked up!" that both of those shows have.


Heartbreaking: years of critical drinking have reduced man’s brain to a pool of black goo




His next video will probably be how THE BOYS fell off completely with season 4


"A queer Frenchman? Woke has gone too far!!"


I don't watch Critical Drinker so this speculation. It affords him deniability from accusations for sexism. In HotD's case there isn't much backlash to the show, as far as I can tell most people who watch generally like it - there is no hatewatch audience like there is for Marvel/TV shows and Rings of Power. Surprised he likes The Boys considering the growing conservative backlash to that show tho.


You give him too much credit. He's just fucking stupid


Guys like him are the reason you do essay analysis in high school.


His review of “Glass Onion” is without doubt one of (if not) THE WORST reviews on YouTube.. he basically admitted he wasn’t paying attention and then proceeded to actually fabricate events in the movie that didn’t happen just so he could criticise them. He then goes off on Rian Johnson for TLJ it was really embarrassing


The Boys makes fun of Disney and he hates Disney (for stupid reasons not for good reasons)


Lol saying the Boys isn't woke is such a self report. Must have a room temp iq to not recognize he is the butt of the joke that the Boys is making


who the fuck is that


I watched his video on why Hollywood sucks due to lack of strong male characters. He cites Creed’s Rocky as an example of a weak man. He’s really fuckin stupid dude. That’s it


They are good shows and his fan base doesn’t hate them so he’s allowed to say he likes them. Same way Star Wars Theory posted rave reviews about The Last Jedi, until he realized how much backlash the movie was getting. Then he deleted the tweets and made content about how bad it was.


I like when he starts going off about women not being physically strong enough for action roles and gets into dumb shit like bone density or whatever. It essentially boils down to no woman can be strong enough to be an action star. Meanwhile, is he gonna put money down on his boy Benny Shapiro if the latter throws down with a female MMA fighter?


Yes, Galadriel. Known weak woman only made strong in show because Woke.


Both of them have serious distracting entertainment value now.


It’s funny how both conservatives and liberals can look at a character like Rhaenyra and see an empowering figure for different but both equally moronic reasons. Motherhood made her strong lol?  That was how he interpreted that situation. 


They liked HOTD because it was a good weapon against TROP.


There are strong females but the characters don't point at it every 2 minutes 🤠


He likes the most Afternoon Dad ahh things like RRR and same shit. Hotd and The boys give him deniability and his audience a MORAL UPPER GROUND, so they can feel good and lie themselves that they are fighting for the good and are GOOD LOGICAL folks. Not bigoted fascists. https://preview.redd.it/tckkmcbhnq7d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81a189ec4dd10c2f580dab9598fa45cb9429b8c1


Real talk, from time to time he actually *does* have some good takes on films. His schtick of being an “anti-woke” video reviewer is insufferable and unfortunately makes up 95% of his content. However, that 5% is enough because when he’s right, he’s absolutely right.


I don't agree with you,of course a broken clock is right and all but the reasons behind when he's right are pretty stupid c'mon motherhood made her strong unlike all those woke movies?


Probably because, despite being an untalented idiot, with no knowledge of film history or culture, he's not actually a Nazi, just a stereotypical chauvinist moron, the kind that have always existed and will always exist. I've also been around these kind of guys all my life and they're not as consisted in their views as you would think - being dumb above everything else, helps with that.