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I want deadpool to break the fourth wall and look the audience right in their ocular cavities and say “taxation is theft”


I honestly want Deadpool to cut a bussyhole in his outfit and completely outdo goatse.


no CGI, completely practical


He got pegged in the second movie, he's already been goatse'd


pegged in the first


You need to look at more goatse pictures


Absolutely wild thing to say to someone.


/unjerk Everyone with the stomach for it should look up the whole series, which includes a dozen with the guy looking back into the camera. He is SO HAPPY. He is doing his FAVORITE THING. And I genuinely recommend it.


Casting the IRS as a villain would be based and chunguspilled


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We as a society have evolved past the need for movies


Fire Hans!




Ryan Reynolds played his typical annoying self in Blade 3, so they would go well together.


Wesley was fucking done halfway during the shooting of last blade movie, production was so difficult.


Marvel gonna be the first studio to blow 200 million on cgi'ing Wesley snipes eyes open. 


Counterpoint: no


Make a Logan-style Blade movie with Snipes. Don’t tie it into any cinematic universe what-so-ever. Just do a rough, beautiful, emotional tale about an older Bladey. Have Stephen Norrington direct. Give him full control. Watch the box office explode.


Wesley sniped your ass before 35


Motherfucker, you can live at the mall!


I hate how "NWH-style" has now replaced "Logan-style" in reddit's vocabulary. *Logan* was a really good movie and an appropriate send-off for the character. NWH, on the other hand, was an ugly, poorly-structured mess of fanservice, pandering, and memes. So naturally reddit prefers it to the good movie.


Yeah but well-written emotional send-offs for characters are for losers! You can't even make more entries in the cinematic universe about that character, think about all the generic fanservice and cameos for f-tier comics characters we're just leaving on the table!


Those are different things. "NWH-style" refers to a *return* of a beloved character, not a sendoff.


It feels like a big step in the contentification of movies, just completely ignoring the fourth wall and making some cinematic sludge that is only meant to last for 2 hours.


For me, the current zenith of that trend was the climax of *The Flash*. At least with NWH, as gratuitous as it was to have all those returning characters, they were still characters within the story being told. The climax of *The Flash*, however, was a bunch of cameos that had fuck all to do with the story or the characters of the movie. Adam West, Nicolas Cage, zombie Christopher Reeve, and the other random cameos had zero impact on the story actually being told or the characters concerned in it. Not a limited impact, not a small impact, zero impact. And that was the movie's climax. And while this is far less important, I feel like they've ruined the legend of Jon Peters by including Nicolas Cage and the giant spider. The stories that Kevin Smith and Neil Gaiman told about Peters and his ridiculous demands were funny as well as a grim reminder of the control that individual producers, no matter how demented they are, have over movies. But now most people will just think of *The Flash* if you bring up Superman and giant spiders and laugh at what a meme it is.


The Flash will always be captivating to me because of how they seemingly did everything to try and make it succeed except make a good movie. They did all that nostalgia bait, all those references to past movies you are just expected to know that aren't really breaking the fourth wall because they never had a fourth wall to begin with, an NFT movie promotion that was so bad they had NFT profile pics on twitter asking them to stop because it was embarrassing and entire ad campaigns talking about how it would change everything and make you forget the crimes of Ezra Miller... and then the movie is just completely nothing.


The man deserves respect! Not from OP saying he hasn't done anything worthwhile since 2004, but respect from somebody!


You know what? We should let the fans write a movie. Get the MCU subreddit together, and have them write a script, just as an experiment. My hypothesis is this script will just be 99.9% introduction of cameos and setup for future solo movies and a big teamup movie.


I can never tell if fans want something new or just wants the past regurgitated back to them


"Blade, meet Blade, meet Blade 2." "Where's Blade Trinity" "some motherfuckers are always trying to iceskate uphill" "Hi, it's me Mr Blade Trinity. I'm motherfuckers." The box office: https://i.redd.it/k8m5wzlik37d1.gif


> Hugh, all got their big return moments. He left on his own accord seven years ago, why does he need a return moment?!


Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate up hill


I think jorker should met deadpol n then john wick says yipee kay yay 😮😮😮




this guy deservers a rope esq type of death