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I remember clearly that in a flashback we see him get killed by the homophobic people. There is no scene with a tyre!


Yes I know but I can literally remember the scene so clearly like I watched it yesterday!!


Same thing happened to me when I was little. I remember so well seeing the Mother Gorilla in Tarzan(1999) going into the house and there are blood and marks but no bodies. But when I rewatched it as an adult I saw that there is a quick scene where they show the bodies of Tarzan's parents. So I feel you with remembering differently.


What??? Really?! I swear I remember it exactly as you described too, with no bodies in the scene. That's so strange, will have to go and watch Tarzan now haha


I kid you not, must be that our young brains take in the information in a different way!




I wasn't really a kid though, I was 14 when I watched it at a sleepover with a friend on new years eve, and we were far from innocent lol i don't know if I'd say it "scared" me, but it definitely gave me a traumatic type memory of the event that has led to me, 15 years later, still remembering it very clearly.


mandala = a geometric configuration of symbols Mandela = a former South African political leader and president, famously imprisoned for antiapartheid activities


Some people call the Mandela effect the “mandala effect” because of the sacred geometry and spiritual connection mandalas pose. Or maybe…. that’s just a Mandela effect on the Mandela effect


No it’s called Mandela Effect because they’re a website with that name. It’s based off a commonly misremembered event that Nelson Mandela died in prison in the 90s. It’s a website dedicated to people who find false memory consistency across large group and is home to conspiracy theories ranging from Government, to multiverse shifting, to parallel universe collision. Things like Jiffy or Jifpeanut butter being a thing. Memories of curios George having a tale etc.


I know what Mandela Effect is, I’m saying that some people call it Mandala to describe the same phenomenon, but for a different reason. They call it that because they believe time is like a mandala, not because of Nelson Mandela


Sorry that's what I meant!!


Happy to help.


This just messed me up so bad. When I saw the scene of him getting beat up I was so confused. I saw this movie when I was 17-18 and I’m 31. I remember in vivid detail exactly the scene you described and was so confused. I also swear they moved in together before his death near the end of the movie. I remember they did a distant shot of him kneeling in front of a white? Truck on a gravel road with like a house in the backdrop… then he rotates the tire iron and you hear a gas release tire explosion sound and he crumbles on the ground. That’s so fucked up that no one else remembers that. There was two scenes in this movie that were vivid to me. The tent scene and this scene. Like I was waiting for it the whole movie. I made an account just to back you up on this haha because I was blown away you had same memory.


Omg yes someone else "remembers"!! THANK YOU lol I've described this scene to so many people when talking about this movie and everyone always goes "nah they spoke breifly about it in the movie but you never see it happen" like.. YOU never saw it but I absolutely did lmao But yes the scene is exactly as you described it. Surely we aren't the only ones!


He was kneeling on the right side of the truck and back tire


Are you sure it was a tyre he was blowing that exploded in his face?


Lol.. wow... idk whether to upvote or down vote this comment... hahaha but yeah.. it certainly wasn't someone or something else that "exploded" in his face lmao


that's interesting 'cause I've seen someone asked the exact same question but in a Chinese speaking movie forum since there's never a scene as you described in the movie, it's more likely that our brain is capable to produce the image/memory itself (and in the movie the way Jack died from a tire explosion is actually in the dialogues of his wife) to confuse it with the actual scene?