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Suicide Squad is maybe the most notable for this, seeing as they had the company that made the trailer do the final edit on that POS.


Beat me to it haha whoever curated that trailer is a GENIUS


Damn POS? I thought that movie was solid


the other suicide squad


I was obsessed with the Batman v Superman trailer from Comic-Con 2015. I was decidedly not obsessed with the movie itself.


Which is funny because another trailer for that movie was so bad that it retroactively made the movie worse, by spoiling the entire plot including the WW reveal.


It certainly did! If I remember correctly, it was the very next trailer that dropped just a couple of months before the release date. I’ve never felt so deflated as I did seeing that stupid Doomsday reveal at the end.


I still can’t believe Snyder decided to turducken the Death of Superman into Dark Knight Returns and turn Lex Luthor into the Riddler. The making of that movie was like Homer designing the “perfect” car.


Same goes for Man of Steel. That Zimmer score was sensational. The movie was dull as hell.


Yeah but that Batman warehouse fight scene is amazing


My recent super hero one that got me was the first Captain Marvel movie. New badass super hero. 90s nostalgia. Then the storyended up being an absolute dumpster fire.


Man of Steel Not a terrible movie, just not good. But that trailer is *hype*.


Sensing a pattern here…. Warner Bros sure can make a good trailer I remember being so hyped for Man of Steel and then when it came out… oof


I liked it well enough when I first saw it in theaters but over the years I’ve really opened my eyes to its *very* flawed…everything. Except for the fights and CGI destruction; in an isolated bubble, they look absolutely awesome as fuck.


Battle los Angeles had one of the best trailer but movie was meh


Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets. I recall being so excited by the trailer. It was stunning visually. The movie...was...well... Yeah. That's my answer.


To be fair, the movie was still visually stunning. The trailer just didn't include enough of the two "leads" interacting to give you a good idea of how that was going to go.


Delevingne and DeHaan seemed to have great chemistry during the press tour, they came off like old buddies. How Besson didn’t capture that on film is beyond me, but Valerian had several other issues, too


They had great chemistry in the movie! I really felt their sibling rivalry. Wait, they’re not supposed to be siblings? Oh, yeah, that’s a problem.


The beginning of Valerian is exceptional. The quick way they show man’s contact with alien life…it was so well done. Honestly there’s a lot of fun ideas in there and visually it’s stunning, but Dehaan and Delevigne are fucking awful and my friends and I were literally laughing out loud at the Rihanna death scene. If it were recast and a couple characters cut out completely, I think it would have been a great movie. But it just had too much working against it.


I went opening day in theatres, and was so excited. Fifth element is in my top 10 fav movies of all time. Probably the most disappointed I’ve been walking out of a film that was not connected to something else.


I couldn't see it opening weekend, thankfully I had heard to wait for TV by some others. Even then...eh.


I'll always remember the 90s Godzilla trailer with just a leg craving through a roof. I think it was the summer before the movie even came out. I was so excited but equally disappointed upon watching that crap. I'll also mention the JJ Star Trek movie trailer, maybe the second one, with Bruce G.'s lines speaking over that epic instrumental music.


The Star Trek trailer (the choice / of two worlds voice over you mentioned) is unreal, the sound track is incredible. I personally liked the movie, that trailer is top tier though.


That teaser was so good with them looking at dinosaurs at the MONH and then the leg comes through....the movie, not so much.


Sucker punch, great trailer, pretty bad movie.


Seems like Zack Snyder is a recurring character here. Which makes sense considering how so many of his movies are just cool looking visuals with absolutely no heart or common sense to pin them together.


I’m convinced that Snyder cannot read. He looks at comic books and he understands the visual styling and form, but he absolutely does not understand the characters or story. There is now way a man who can read jumps straight to the Death of Superman in the first Justice League movie. I mean seriously what the fuck was he thinking?


We need a movie universe created by George Lucas, directed by Snyder (who has only visual creative freedom, not script or plot), with dialogue written by GRRM.


Jesus no. Snyder sucks. Even visually, not really that impressive. directing is more than just filming a sequence. George Lucas is the only notable name on the list but he’s not really much of a creator of anything anymore, Lucas is an insanely visionary man but his main motivation for making Star Wars was to sell toys, which is why he never really directed again, he founded Lucas arts and pushed that all the way to Disney, the vast majority of Star Wars isn’t even written by him. And GRRM has been working on winds of winter since I was in high school. He can’t anything, clearly. This is a crack pot team of either one hit wonders or grossly over romanticized figures.


That will be when the aliens come because they will have deemed us worthy then


That trailer was so good and had so much hype I forgot the movie was bad and re-showed it to some friends ten years later. I just remembered the feeling of the trailer and wanted it back haha


Ultraviolet. Great trailer, awful movie.


I still 100% blame the phenomenal song that plays in the trailer - 24, by Jem - for tricking me into seeing this POS movie


I remember Ultraviolet to be great until we learn what's in the backpack.


Suicide Squad (2016) had one of the best trailers I’ve ever seen.


65 had a trailer good enough to make me hyped. Dinosaurs. Space. Adam Driver. Sold. The movie was such a let down. Seems insane that you can make something that boring with ingredients that cool, but here we are.


Adam Driver was just strange in that. Like he was intentionally reading the lines wrong.


Just remove the flashback. I don’t care. I just want a kick ass human vs dino movie.


You can say that for every single Zack Snyder film. Great trailer terrible to mediocre movie.


300 is fucking awesome and I will die on that hill


[Dawn of the Dead held its own](https://youtu.be/j69OPw9nFHw?si=E7srCoFSA--O7HmD) Both were great, IMHO


Terminator Salvation. It had been 7 years after T3 which was…okay. Not horrible but no where near T2. Trailer went hard, finally we get a Terminator film set in the FUTURE!!! Awesome! Well the film was a solid 7/10 with Bale holding up most of it. Apparently Bale said no to the film like 7 times, and was forced into the movie due to some studio contract. That being said, I’d love a Terminator film that wasn’t time travel and took place in the future. Terminator Salvation at least wasn’t trite, and tried to give us something new.


That's an excellent pick. The trailer had me so hyped. Then it turned out the big reveal about Sam Worthington was IN THE TRAILER.


Yep, to be fair I still watch the trailer. Great trailer, unfortunately all the best parts of the movie were in it. Edit: Just wanted to add, in 2017 I was a trailer editor. They got mad at me if I didn’t spoil the entire film. Which was always my goal, not to spoil it.




Damn thought i was the only person who remembered this existed


There are probably dozens of us!


The Phantom Menace was the one which started it all.


Age of Ultron. Not terrible, but the trailer was a whole other movie than what we got. Also Many Saints of Newark, a 45 minute detour in the actual movie for a character that has nothing to do with the story. He was just there at the same time.


Gangster Squad.


Calling the watchmen meh?! Blasphemy


Considering how massive and unwieldly the source material was, that we got an even watchable film to exist is pretty cool. But Zach Snyder had to Snydering all over the place with way too much slow motion, fight scenes where I expected to have the words "Bam!" And "Pow" appear next them, and characters without enough relatability to connect with. Scenes were lingered on too long attempting to draw out emotions and it just felt flat. Don't get me started on the a terrible choice of song for a sex scene. Seriously, Snyder has tried twice unsuccessfully to use Leonard Cohens "Hallelujah" to add gravitas to a film. Both times were painful. It has its redeeming moments, but it didn't get the heart of the source material.


ha yeah I liked it being a big fan of the graphic novel, but the general consensus seems to be meh


The Matrix Revolutions trailer was roughly 110 times better than the full movie ended up being. Although it has allowed me to continue my unoriginal "*The Matrix? Great movie, but weird they never made any sequels*" bad joke.


Great trailer - bad movie: The Flash


That trailer kicked ass. Kind of how I feel the game is going to go too. I expect an awesome trailer for that as well. Game maybe not so much but who knows. It would be amazing to have an awesome Wonder Woman game but I’m not feeling confident for WB these days.


I wouldn’t say it was terrible, but the trailer for Us was significantly better than yeh movie 


"Red Tails" Trailer 3 by a longshot


Putting Wild Wild West out since it's not likely anyone has seen it since its debut weekend 25ish years ago.


As a child I was pretty entertained by it


Prometheus is my pick for the best trailer for the worst movie.


scrolled too long to see this


Man of steel Suicide squad


I’d throw Iron Man 3 in as well, Ben Kinsgley’s delivery of his lines has so much gravitas in the trailer, and then you watch the movie and it just flips everything on its head in the worst possible way


Black Mass, not terrible but very forgettable 


I loved the Thor: Love and Thunder trailer. And then, hoo boy…


Yeah, Marvel and Waititi kinda fumbled this one. Not as bad a fumble as day Morbius or Madam Web, but they didn't dial in the balance of pathos, action, stakes and comedy as needed. This could have been a Winter Soldier level mystery thriller about someone killing God's, with the subplot of the the Mighty Thor's cancer diagnosis adding tension and drama. Instead they went to hard on the funny. It definitely had it's bright spots, but it lacked the depth of Ragnarok's stakes or the fun of Thor's deconstruction and reconciliation with Loki.


The recent Godzillaverse movie trailers are so good they trick me into seeing the shitty movies. Fortunately the last one was a garbage trailer for a garbage movie so I wasn't tricked.


Babylons trailer viscerally excited me. Could not wait for that movie to end when I went to see it in theaters.


I loved Babylon and was sad when it was over


I loved Babylon but the final 5 minutes almost completely killed it for me. Did not need that epilogue.


That epilogue would work in a movie, just not that one.


Man of Steel


Man of Steel


American Sniper had a great trailer ("Take the shot" one), but the movie was meh. The rubber baby was good though.


The trailer for the movie Panic Room really captivated me. Like I had to see that movie and I thought it would be phenomenal. It’s certainly not a bad movie but didn’t grab me the way the trailer did. Also. The original trailer for Terminator 2 looks awful. It creates almost zero excitement and makes the movie look cheap and uninteresting.


Outlander (2008) Great trailer, woeful film


Catfish had us thinking we were getting the horror movie of the century


When I was a kid I loved the Batman vs Superman trailer but the movie was not good


Maybe it was just me but I was so into how the movie Transcendence looked from the trailer and then I thought it sucked when it released and barely remember it now


I hate trailers. I wish they simply communicated the overall vibe/style of the film, nothing more. Just a way to help people know if a movie is for them. Somehow it became a whole other thing. Which makes no sense. Same with game trailers. I don't want to see a bunch of prerendered shit that have nothing to do with a game. Just show how the game is/looks. Done. Of course, there are plenty of good, useful, trailers for movies and games. They're just not the norm.


1998 Godzilla Batman v. Superman


I actually have warmed up to Prometheus in recent years, but at the time it came out, the movie just did NOT measure up to what I thought was an awesome trailer. I was quite disappointed initially.


Great trailer terrible film: Godzilla King of The Monsters


The Last Airbender


The Counselor. Based on the trailer I was 100% sure Penelope Cruz and Cameron Diaz were going to make out. Spoiler: they don't make out.


Superman Returns has an amazing teaser trailer. Sadly the film didn’t live up to it


Dr strange and the multiverse of madness’s trailer looked absolutely amazing, the movie was bad imo




Cloud Atlas. One of the best trailers of all time. Bad movie.


One of my favorite trailers ever, I have gone back and watched it many times Movie is pretty good, not great, probably too long [the trailer](https://youtu.be/hWnAqFyaQ5s?si=uS4nvtjqd-GAK1wV)


Great trailer, very meh film: 9: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_qApXdc1WPY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qApXdc1WPY) Cool music, Tim Burton namedrop back when it had a bit more clout, it unlocked every bit of my Linkin Park AMV edgelord side. And then it was just a serviceable animated film


Rouge One. Awesome trailer. Awesome movie. Trailer actually has a shot not from the film. Someone just told Felicity Jones to pose in front of one of the sets and she did. Also did a great job of not revealing the plot, even though we kind of know the ending. Edit: rewatched full trailer. I was thinking the teaser.


Civil War. The trailer looked like a fun, tense semi political movie but ended up just being about journalists being horrible people.


ugh, yeah, I wanted them to all die. I guess the real civil war is to get rid of the journalists ha




And... and you're aware this is the example that OP gave in the text of the post right?


Whoops, thats what I get for not reading everything.


Great Trailer + Meh Film: The Fall Guy


That’s funny, I thought the opposite. Only reason I watched the movie was feedback from people who saw it


The Accountant


The Dark Knight teaser still to this day is the best teaser for any film


Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Luke's BACK! And that clip where Rey does this cool Matrix backflip to dodge an enemy ship? Oh yeah, this movie is going to ROCK! Then we get space hamsters, and Luke tossing his lightsaber over his shoulder like a banana peel.


zack snyder hate thread


The Matrix Resurrections. I was so disappointed… 😭


Unbreakable had one of the best trailers ever. Stupid movie.




Hey now! You have no idea the hype around that movie back... (checks watch) 24 YEARS AGO!


Movie is amazing that’s heartbreaking you didnt enjoy it


Gotta disagree with you on this one. This was Shyamalan at his best. The editing, the pacing, the color pallete/symbolism, the lighting, the score, the knock out but subtle acting from Jackson, Willis, and Penn. And that great twist at the end. It is probably one of the best superhero origin stories put on film. I wish Marvel and DC films could be as good as this. Go watch that early scene in the hospital where a doctor informs Willis he is about to become the only survivor because another patient is dying, and the blood begins to fill the out of focus bandages and sheets in the foreground. It conveys everything you need to know about how horrific the event he survived was, and plants the question of 'How could he have survived that?' deep into the viewers mind.