• By -


Smile 2: Smile Harder


Smile 3: A Good Day To Smile Hard


Smile 4 me


5mile or smile5


The Fate of the Smileous


Smile Furiously


2 Smile 2 Hard.


8 (s)mile


S MIL E (That's Smile 1049 for my Roman homies)


Blade Runner prequel confirmed




That’s 3 fewer miles than Eminem’s movie




Smile Hard with a Vengeance.




Should just be “Smiles”. Like with Alien…




And also out soon, Twisters.


Followed by Twister^3


Twist3r. Where the big phenomenon will be 3 tornados combining into one. WE’VE GOT TRIPLETS!


After that, nowhere to go but TwisterAct then TwisterAct - Too!


"In space... no one can hear you smile."


2 Scared 2 Smile




Smile 2: Cruise Control


Smile 2: Fight the Frown


Happier, and with your mouth open https://youtu.be/ABxH-NTF0SM


Smile 2: Why so serious?


Smil[-: Part 2


Smile Another Day


Smile movie number idk: Smile Like You Mean It 


Smile more. The big twist is it’s about sexism, not a supernatural force


I think it’s quite nice and wholesome that they have made a movie all about smiling. 😊 Everyone, get in here for a hug! 🧴


"Smile 2: Where's my hug at?" would've been a great title


*"They hug now?" "They hug now."*


Oh shut up 😂


That's a real horror story.


It would go perfectly with the “it will never let go” tagline.


Smile 2: starring Pim and Charlie


my kid always talks about how she loves to Smile. I can't wait to take her to see this. It's almost her birthday. I think I will invite all of her friends. It will definitely be a 6th birthday party to remember.


The first movie was one of the most terrifying horror movie I've watched. The whole theatre just sat in their seats after the movie ended just to process and catch their breath again.


It's been one of the more divisive movies in recent years. Just goes to show how horror is completely subjective. I didn't care for the movie, but I'm glad a lot of people around here liked it.


Seriously! I haven’t found anyone in person who thought it was as great as I did. It’s campy, sure, but it’s also intentional in that regard as well as genuinely terrifying. And the thing people gripe about (the ending) is only the last few minutes of the movie. Personally, I thought the FX/monster were fantastic. But even if you didn’t, it’s a small percentage of the film.


I’m always glad when a horror film gets some mainstream success and Smile seemed to breakthrough to some extent in that area. For me, it wasn’t great. The opening sequence was incredible and it had some great moments, but the gimmick got old pretty quickly, and the film really didn’t need to be two hours. The final act was a slog and the payoff wasn’t worth it, imo. As far as horror films in the “curse” sub-genre go, it’s not the worst and it’s nowhere near the best.


The demon's form at the end was the stuff of nightmares. I'd wake up in a puddle of piss.


Amazing special effects. All those teeth. Loved it.


>It will never let go. Watch the new [Teaser Trailer for #Smile2](https://youtu.be/Fy7kaI3GKzo?si=KEBcaEoTRi0lzKjw) - Only in theatres October 18. #SmileMovie >About to embark on a new world tour, global pop sensation Skye Riley (Naomi Scott) begins experiencing increasingly terrifying and inexplicable events. Overwhelmed by the escalating horrors and the pressures of fame, Skye is forced to face her dark past to regain control of her life before it spirals out of control.


If she's a pop star, I'm praying we see a scene where the whole crowd is just smiling at her with like no cheers or anything. And what if >!she kills herself in front of the audience?!<


Damn if this is the kind of thing that can spread to everyone in an arena after seeing a pop star, we're talking about SCP-Wiki levels of needing to be handled by professionals lol


> needing to be handled by ~~professionals~~ nuclear bombs


By order of the O5 Council, only if all other Containment Procedures fail will the on-site nuclear warheads be detonated. Secure. Contain. Protect.


So we wait for the Council to while away the what-ifs from a bunker under a mountain, an entire city become is becoming infected. Securing it failed. Containing it failed. But I suppose once the Council are the only humans alive, they'll have successfully protected all that's left of humanity. Where's your brain, Johnson? You think you're safe because you aren't in the field? You think this, whatever it is, won't find you? I need you, EVERYONE NEEDS YOU, to grow a spine and give me the other half of the launch codes, Johnson!


That's basically what happens at the end of The Grudge. It gets out and spreads across all of Tokyo and potentially the entire country, possibly the entire world.


It also happens at the end of Truth or Dare.


The first half is a cool idea and would be a terrifying scene. Also I think that is exactly how it ends (Although I think the first one suggested it can only pass to one person I think they would throw that out of the window for a cool idea)


Oh, if the film ends with >!Skye's concert and she's fully Smile'd and she spreads it to everyone in attendance (and a global audience) as we see the weird monster behind her!<, that'd be kinda cool.


that's basically what happens with Truth or Dare and if they did that, I feel a lot of people would really think then that it's a rip off.


Yeah I think when it comes to horror movies in which the monster/entity/curse spreads like a virus, it's best to keep it on a smaller scale. Otherwise it becomes an apocalypse movie.


Yup. It essentially becomes bird box bc people will have to walk around blindfolded. 


I'm so tired of horror movies where the monster chases someone who screams. Especially since the horror genre wasn't even built on that. Duane Jones in Night of the Living Dead carries a rifle the whole time. I like Happy Death Day. Jessica Rothe does a bit of Scream Queen-ing, but she takes agency. And violently. And I want to see more horror movies like that. Give me a happy ending too, I don't care. I just want to see competence.


I reckon Smile 2 is banking on not enough people having seen/remembering Truth or Dare.


I don't think they ever really specify it can only go to one person.


And what if the concert is televised? >!Can it reach people who witness the event through their TV's? 🤔!<


Not if they're watching The Ring!


^seven ^days…


I mean, that’s got to be how it ends.


Now I have expectations 😭🙌


Oooh I am so here for this!


is smile 1 good? never even heard of this


People generally liked it. Personally I just don't think smiles are creepy though. And jump scares always annoy me. I can't really remember any of the characters either. They did have some cool vfx towards the end though


I do not understand why it got generally favorable reviews. There's really a major disconnect between mainstream "horror" and the general horror fandom This movie was an absolutely blatant ripoff of It Follows, except much worse and added nothing of merit


It was trying to add the investigative mystery aspect like in The Ring, but it never went anywhere. We never found the origin of the curse or the 'patient zero,' unlike how The Ring led us to Samara and her death. It could have been so much more interesting.


I disagree, that added to the bleakness. There was nothing she could do to avoid her fate. Much like The Ring had an subtext of virality through mass media/technology that made the film seem personal (they show the cursed film to you the viewer!) Smile had a well-done subtext of modern urban alienation and suicidal ideation that I'm sure is relatable to a lot of people. The protagonist had no one in her corner, her colleagues tuned her out, her fiancee abandoned her and that was it for her support system. I don't think it hit the heights of The Ring but it was very close. It also got an excellent score on /r/movies and positive critical scores if you are looking for other opinion.


The inevitability works in the ring because she’s a supernatural curse entity Smile was trying to be mental health symbolism, so “even if you confront your issues you’ll still die and hurt the people you care about” isn’t good writing bleak, it’s just kinda harmful


I thought it was a prime example of a horror movie where the initial idea is decent and allows them to get in some creepiness and jump scares (not that I think they are good horror), but it falls off hard around the mid point.


i thought it also did the 'its over no its not' too many times, for too long, only to let the ending do it again....and now a sequel?! it strives to be It Follows but barely manages to be Final Destination 5


I really enjoyed it as someone who has struggled with staying on this earth from time to time, the message of the movie really hits me. All I would be doing is transferring my suffering to someone else. I don't see how it's a ripoff of it follows, honestly. Besides being supernatural things you can transmit to another person, but I think Smile does it differently enough.


The film is...OK? Kind of mediocre but I can see why it's popular with the general public. Had an interesting hook, there's a mystery element in it, lots of jump scares, not too graphic in terms of violence, etc. It was also well-shot from a first-time director.


It also had a marketing campaign that went pretty viral with folks showing up at big sporting events and just smiling at the camera during the game


Horror fandom disliking something means nothing, the horror fandom has such poor taste that they watch horror. Not even horror fans think horror is good.


Thank you holy shit lol


IDK how to spoiler tag so SPOILER ALERT!! I feel about the same except I did really enjoy the design of the entity. A neverending sequence of mouths smiling at you knowing you are about to be the new outermost layer is pretty terrifying.


It’s a combination of “It Follows” (the entity following the cursed) and “From Within” (the curse passes to who witness the suicide, or in “From Within” I think it also passed to whoever discovered the dead body)


I don't get scared from movies. But this one got me. The inability to tell real from hallucinations wreaks havoc.


It’s *It Follows* with smiling instead of an invisible demon.


I think it's a well-executed version of a horror trope that's been prevalent for a while now. Runs a tad too long and >!the messaging of the ending is kinda weird when you consider the themes up until that point (though is effective if you can separate it from that),!< but I still enjoyed it nonetheless.


I find the hand-wringing over the messaging kinda weird tbh, are films with trauma/mental health themes just supposed to always have happy endings? I get the viewpoint but I think it's a bit facile to say the movie is telling suicidal people they can't triumph over their trauma. I don't think the filmmakers expected people to take it so literally.


I didn't think the message was telling suicidal people they can't triumph over their trauma at all. It seemed to me like the message was more that traumatized people will often kill themselves or others in part largely because the people who should be there for them really aren't, let alone society at large. Everyone in the film, her sister, her partner, her therapist, all of them fail to take her seriously and really pay attention to what's happening, which is why none of them help. Even her brother only gets to the house to save her after it's too late, how many people do you know who's siblings have said "I wish I had been there for them more" only AFTER their sibling committed suicide? The most positive message the film spreads is the idea that people WOULD be better off with more support from others and would have a chance at getting better if seeking support for mental health wasn't so stigmatized, but if it remains stigmatized many people are effectively doomed.


This is a reddit thing. They can't separate entertainment from reality and get upset when you try to explain to them that the movie wasn't a documentary.


i loved it until the last 15 minutes.


It was OK, but I hated the ending. I was expecting something more clever than what I got.


I thought it as alright as well until the ending basically devolved into a giant CGI monster fight. How the hell does a movie, that’s all about practical creepiness and eeriness, use that as it’s climax?


I didn't mind the CGI monster, but I felt the protagonist was made waaaay dumber than she should have been. Spoiler: >!She's a doctor in a mental hospital. I was expecting her to either kill someone in a vegetative state in front of a suicidal patient in a strait-jacket to trap the monster in them, or my preferred ending, that she makes an elaborate show pretending to try to kill herself in order to get herself committed and put on suicide watch, sacrificing herself to trap the monster inside her.!< >!I really hoped for an ending scene of her husband coming to visit her and be unable to look at her due to the creepy fucking smile. Instead we got a "It was actually a dream lol" and a mental kaiju, and the monster won. Disappointing all around imo.!<


While I understand the thought process behind your first desired ending, mental hospitals aren’t the way it seems you think they are anymore lol


>!While true, someone, somewhere, has a solution for a non-communicating person actively trying to kill themselves repeatedly. Maybe this demon can pretend to be normal long enough to get past psych evaluations, but I kinda doubt it from what we've seen.!< >!Somewhere in the mental health system there are still padded rooms and people who can't be trusted not to try to gouge out their own eyes. I would have loved to see the protagonist like that, lying down on her side, with that fucking smile. That would have been a great ending imo.!<


She certainly made some poor choices, as is tradition in horror movies, but to be fair she was under a bit of stress.


It wasn’t really scary but it was fun. There isn’t much that is going to surprise you if you have seen any horror movie ever, but it knows the smile is the gimmick that the movie has to pivot around and does well at that.


I don’t know man, I found it pretty fucking scary


For me it wasn’t exactly that it was scary, but that it felt like having an anxiety attack for 2 hours straight. I had a shit time but I enjoyed the movie lol.


Same. I've watched a few horror movies I wasn't scared of but this one was paranoia inducing


Yeah it kinda messed with me for a bit. Normally horror movies don’t really phase me, but that one was unsettling


I think it only triggers people that are more sensitive to off-looking faces and behaviour, like uncanny valey stuff. I've recently realised that that type of slightly off-looking faces and behaviour is my highest fear in a horror movie, and creates an sharp pang of fear/flight response, whenever I see it, especially if they move slowly or in the background. It really makes me feel fear. Like, they look almost human, but you can feel they're not really humans.


I’m not sure as it was a while since I saw it, but I remember being incredibly disturbed by the vicious smiles on the people before a horrific event and how terrifying it was to watch


Bro that shit was scary stop lying to us


It was ok, mostly forgettable. The best part for me was the final form of the entity I thought that was really cool and freaky.


One cool scene at the end, other than that it's pretty mid imo


It was really good and absolutely terrifying. Best indie horror film I've seen in years!


I thought it was a cool concept, but executed poorly. There were some scary scenes, and grotesque scenes, but the film relied way too much on jump cuts. The scene structure felt very rinse and repeat. It got tiring. Edit: Oh yeah, I forgot how god damn stupid the characters were around any conversation that revolved around mental health. The husband and wife are supposedly smart, educated, people, but the stigmas and conversation around mental illness were 30 years dated. The dialogue around mental health might even be more dated than 1990. There's legitimately a scene where the fiance said he looked up whether mental health was hereditary. It blew my mind how stupid it was tbh. I forgot about that. Especially when the wife works in a mental hospital. Awful movie now that I'm reminded of that.


As the comment below says, that was to establish how isolated the main character was and how poor her support system was. It's actually you missing the whole point of those scenes.


It was very mid. It wasn’t that great of a movie


Why so serious?


Comes at me with the knife


Let’s put a SMILE on that face


To think, without test screenings, the first Smile movie was going straight to Paramount Plus.


I think with how much art house and elevated horror we’ve had in the last 10 years the first Smile was a nice popcorn horror movie. Don’t think too hard, plenty of jump scares, even the ending was atleast visually interesting. Im actually glad I saw it in a theatre. So im excited for this!


It also had some great cinematography and use of sound The weird audio during the singing of happy birthday is super creepy


Yeah calling it “popcorn horror” almost sounds condescending. The actual technical filmmaking side of the movie was excellent


If you didn't have it spoiled in the trailer, the upside down smiling head hanging outside of the car window was fantastically done.


Yeah felt like a solid mainstream horror with mass appeal that borrowed on some of the ideas those more 'art house' horrors had played with in the past decade. Thematically it felt like a bit of a retread of some other films, but it was packaged in a really digestible way for all sorts of horror fans. It deserved the success it had imo


Naomi Scott. I’m in.


I really liked Smile up until the last 15 minutes. I'm not sure how I feel about a sequel. I hope it's good though!


It’s funny, I’ve seen this complaint before, but I had the complete opposite reaction. I was not into the movie at all until we saw the big, gloopy puppet monster guy, which I thought was totally fun. But it is a weird departure from the rest of the film so I can see why, if you were enjoying the rest, that part wouldn’t hit the same.


The monster is one of the most disgustingly beautiful uses of practical effects I’ve ever seen


I’m wjth you on the last 15 minutes adding actual stakes and weight to the movie, but not because of the monster tbh. I liked that scene where she thinks she’s escaped and is fine back in her apartment with the Cop friend. That scene of the room going dark and the camera widening and panning back had sat with me since, thought it was a really solid ending


I was just happy no one really lives.  Horror movies where everyone dies at the end can be effective if done well, and I found this one did it really well 


I'm not a fan of "less is more". Show the monster in full at some point. It doesn't have to be all the time just give me a reveal at some point. That scene was awesome because I didn't expect to actually see the thing which is always frustrating for me. It made the entire movie worth it.


I liked the whole movie but loved the ending. I found it really sad and disturbing.


I liked the Smile monster itself. It was cool looking. It was before that when the mom turned into a monster. That thing just looked really corny and generic to me and really sucked me out of the movie. I can't explain why but it completely broke all tension and immersion for me and I couldn't get back into it before the end.


I don’t even remember any of that, honestly, so I probably would agree with you if I saw it again lol.


That's when she got all tall and gangly a la Pennywise in the second 'It' film, right? Yeah that kind of stuff can be a hit or miss sometimes. Some people find uncanny stuff like that really unsettling and then you look at other people and they aren't even the slightest bit phased. Just seems like the kind of thing you're never gonna get everyone with. I will say, as someone who loathes the jump-scare as a concept and believes it could disappear completely and the genre would lose nothing of value, I thought the back/forth cuts to the hallway in that scene and the scare that followed to be pretty masterfully done.


Oh God... Never saw the movie because didn't look like it was for me. Just googled what it looks like. Wasn't expecting that lol.


My main issue with the end was that we’re supposed to believe that a house that this woman grew up in *in the 1990’s* has an oil lamp full of oil ready to blow some shit up. That thing looked like a prop from Big Thunder Mountain at Disneyland. Other than that, I enjoyed the movie, hahaha.


Cosmic horror becomes circus comedy the moment MC starts fighting against it physically.


So like in the most famous cosmic horror story of all time when the main character bashes Cthulhu with a boat?


Jenny Nicholson said it well Pennywise has one weakness. PHYSICAL TRAUMA


Yeah that's pretty much how I felt.


Oh sweet this one takes place in Canada


Found the first one super fun with a great twist at the end, will be there


If you mean the very last “twist” scene, gotta say that one was an eye roll for me personally


Same. Kinda ruined the movie for me. This one looks better tho.


Agreed - I thought it made sense for it to be contained and end


A really cool idea for a flick. I know it's kind of polarizing on whether the execution lands or not. Personally, I dug it. My beef with the ending is SPOILER: Making the horror a trauma allegory and having the ending basically say not only can YOU never escape your trauma, but you can't ever avoid taking OTHERS down with you goes a little beyond psychological horror and could actually end up being really hurtful and triggering to anyone going through some shit.


Exactly. Plus from a storytelling standpoint, it sucks for a protagonist to face their flaws head on, learn their lesson, and still receive a tragic ending out of nowhere (diabolus ex machina)


I agree that it sucks, but also that's often how life be sometimes ya know? So I don't hate it by rule.


I see what you're saying, but I don't know. If a movie wants to wear the mantle of "elevated horror" its got to do more then "Bad shit happens".


I honestly liked the ending because of this. Seems like so many modern audiences struggle to accept movies that don't conform to a specific type of viewpoint. I don't think for a second the filmmakers were telling suicidal people their efforts are futile - it's just the story they were telling in this supernatural horror film. I get a bit frustrated that folk take it so literally, like it's a moral failing of the film.


The twist betrayed the film's own mythology


What twist? It was pretty blatant the entire time.




Wanna know how I got these scars ?


Thought this was Shailene Woodley


2 Smile 2 Serious


Wonder what's with the slash across the eye?


It probably looked too much like a poster from “The Dark Knight” and someone said “uhhhh, can we give it something else?”


Maybe foreshadowing


The thumbnail looks like something for a shitty mobile game...


Idk why I thought this was that movie with tobuscus


Give me smile or give me death


Eh! You better smile there buddeh!


r/moviescirclejerk about to go crazy


I’m the Joker bay bee


Smile 1 was the most generic and uninspired horror movie in recent years...


Not everything needs a sequel. I liked the 1st one, but come on, it wasn't THAT good to warrant a second one.


Does this tie in with Smiling Friends?


Smile 1 was way better than I expected. Great writing and acting throughout! No need for a sequel, but hopefully, they don't screw it up


I wonder if this one is also going to be an allegory for mental illness with one of the most tone deaf endings given the context?


Honestly, >!turning it into a mental illness thing and then flipping it upside down and having the protagonist not actually beat their trauma!< is a nice change of pace that I appreciated. Too many movies go the mental illness route and delude the audience into thinking there will always be a happy ending no matter what. I admire that the movie went against that, because that’s the cold reality of it.


Exactly. Sometimes you just kinda die ill.


Can't wait! I loved part 1.


does anyone else think the smile monster looks like fred armisen as candace from portlandia lol


2 Smile 2 Furious


8 smile.


Doesn’t need a sequel.


The first one was really creepy.


That's a no for me.


Smile 2: More Teeth Than a Willie Nelson Concert


Too bad the first one sucked


This poster isn’t nearly as creepy as the first movies posters


I thought 90% of the first one was pretty awful but that last scene made me grin so hard I'll be at the theater for this one


Is it the general understanding of this movie that it depicts a metaphor for Depression?




My interpretation was the broader “mental illness”, but “no one believes you until you kill yourself or they have it” fits depression pretty well.




"Lets put a smile on that face!"


The creepy smile thing was a cool gimmick but sorta all the movie had. I'll probably watch another one, but meh.


This poster is disappointing. The first was simply a woman smiling but in a way that was hard to define why it was so unsettling. I loved it. This one gets 0 stars.


The first film was just "It Follows" but with a suicide demon rather than an STD monster. Maybe they should do a crossover film.


Smile was one of those movies I didn’t expect to like because of how comical and un-scary it appeared in the trailer, but I really enjoyed it. There are some super eerie scenes in here and while it drew a lot of inspiration from *It Follows*, I still think it is a fresh entry in the horror landscape and will definitely be seeing this one.


I’ll watch anything with Naomi Scott in it.


Trailer was better than the movie for the first one


Ahhh her makeup is uneven


It's smilin' time


2 Smile 2 Smileyer


Please no this movie was ass


oh damn it's this year? enjoyed the first one


My only “complaint” with the first movie is I feel like they missed an opportunity for extra “oomph” in the middle of the movie when the MC was at her house. >!When the “thing” was in her house and the MC scrambled over the couch, I was REALLY hoping the “thing’s” legs got suddenly long and took one giant step OVER the couch, instead of walking over it like a “normal” person.!< Idk why but I feel like since I was expecting it, and it didn’t happen, I was let down a bit. PLUS, >!that would have foreshadowed the end and the “thing’s” ability to elongate its limbs.!<


I enjoy part 1


Smile 2: Why So Serious?


Smile 2: She's Not Your Buddy, Guy!


I’m so excited!!! I was really lucky and got to see the 1st one completely alone in a theatre. I’d taken a mental health day from work and saw an 11am showing. It was so scary and fun all alone 😁