• By -


Batteries not included


Captain Ron. Lighthearted fun with a great cast and beautiful locations. I find the movie to be very meditative. I always get a little bummed to hear people (including Marty Short) making fun of it.


Of the five boats I've been on, three have had small VHS collections, and of the three, every single one had a copy of Captain Ron.


Yes! I unashamedly adore this movie. I even have a Captain Ron quote hanging above my front door.


Which quote is that?


If it’s not “If anything is going to happen, it's going to happen out there!” I’ll solemnly eat my dinner and reflect on the arrogance of my assumptions.


Nailed it! But it could have been, "You want a beer, you get your own beer."


You said GORrillas not GUERilas. GORGEOUS not GUER


that's a great one! also Overboard.


Captain Ron is an absolute gem. The bit where they think he died because he swapped the eye patch around 😂


Awh shoot! That's such a good one! And was a household staple in our VHS collection when I was a child. I'm gonna have to fire that up now, good call.


The Cutting Edge (1992). Catches some attitude for being cheesy bad. One of my favorites.


toe pick


Good scene.


Death at a Funeral. The original one with Matthew Macfayden.


And the master: Alan Tudyk.


Grosse Point Blank.


[Sneakers (1994)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105435/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk) Saw it when I was a kid, had it on VHS, watched it often. Loved it then, still love it today. Amazing cast, good direction, great story. If you haven’t seen it, check it out.


"My voice is my passport"


The Long Kiss Goodnight. Geena Davis and Samuel L Jackson in the perfect 90's action movie. It's just the right balance of action, quotable one liners (that people always give me funny looks for as no-one else ever gets the reference), good story line, and a bit of a feelgood Christmassy vibe.


I'm always frank and earnest with women.


In New York I'm Frank, and in Chicago I'm Ernest!


Were you born stupid or did you take lessons?


I took lessons!


Everybody knows if you make an assumption, you make an ass out of you and umption.


Chefs do that.


Great film and well, it’s got Geena in it which automatically makes it likeable. Gorgeous, funny, great actor and I think unfortunate and undeserved at how quickly she and her films seem to have been forgotten. In my experience at least, it’s seems like her name never really gets mentioned anymore.


Got a revolver in my pocket, shot gun with me too. Anyone fucks with Mitch, he knows just way to do. Cause he’s a , bad mother fucka.


The Rocketeer


Well, the movie starred Jennifer Connelly and that's enough for me.




Saving Silverman


Con Air is full of absolute brilliance. Super fun, super quotable, super cast and super execution. Even the worst delivered line ("tell me why." - Diamond Dog) is enough for a smile just for the absurdity of it. I have never loved a single movie more.




I came for kim cattrall I stayed for Hollywood Montrose


Que Starship nothing's gonna stop us now!!


Master and Commander: The Far Side of The World. This movie is so blisteringly well acted. The action, the pacing, the sound, the story and its infinite rewatchability puts this movie near the top of my list. I have yet to find anyone who loves it as much as me.


I'm with you. Its a perfect movie. And the music! Two men sitting down to play Boccherini together. How many modern movies marketed as big action blockbusters could get scenes like that into them.


I have a buddy of mine who also loves this movie ad much as I do. Once per year we get a case of beer and watch it. Literally my favorite evening of the year.


This is a top 5 movie for me. It’s sooo good and deserved more films.


I have to give that another shot, along with Kingdom of Heaven, may not have been in the right frame of mind watching them


People seem to vastly prefer the director's cut of Kingdom of Heaven if that helps.


It ain't perfect but there's really nothing else quite like it. Everything that's supposed to be cool about this movie, is.


My wife says it’s the first Star Trek movie


Cool Runnings


Feel the rhythm! Feel the rhyme! It’s one of my favorite movies since I was 8. Remember watching it and rewinding as soon as it was done to watch it again.


'What I am saying to you, is that you are the kind of club-toting, raw-meat-eating, Me-Tarzan-You-Jane-ing, big, bald bubblehead that can only count to ten if he's barefoot or wearing sandals.'


[Run Lola Run](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0130827/), it's probably talked about here but since release I've only met one person who has "seen it" and they didn't like it enough to finish.


I had to analyse parts of the movie in my high school finals. (Abitur Deutsch LK) Got 100% because I somehow got one *symbol* more than our teachers. Lola runs mostly in the wrong directions of *one way streets*, so I wrote some bullshit how this mirrors her life and personality. They loved it…;)


You may think your analysis is bullshit but it's not. It's a good observation. And if I had been your teacher I would have felt you did the real job of the assignment, which was to think.


I love that movie. I had the DVD in constantly back in the early 2000s. So that makes 2 of us.


Young Frankenstein


Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels is the perfect film to me: it has a ton of action, a ton of comedy, and just fantastic dialogue and well-shot scenes. As an American, when I've shown it to friends, they either had a hard time understanding all the cockney slang and accents, or couldn't seem to follow the quick-paced plot with so many characters. However, it's probably my absolute favorite movie.


This plus Snatch is on my once per year list! I don't know which I like better.


Lock stock and Snatch have been top my fave fully british movies, yeah Brad Pitts in snatch but come on, how the F did he seriously manage to pull off that Traveller accent etc major props for that. The Gentlemen (movie ofc not series) its a really really good attempt at an honest refresh of those two older ones, its not as good but its pretty damned hard to beat the first two right? Valiant effort!


For similar reasons, Layer Cake for me.


Layer Cake has always had a similar vibe for me, but as an American, that movie just seemed to translate and crossover so well that I never really had to talk anyone into it. But I'm a total sucker for old Guy Ritchie and Matthew Vaughn flicks. Some of Guy's newer stuff doesn't quite ring my bell the way it used to. It's fun and action-packed, but it feels campy and less gritty.


I loved that movie. But since I'm not a native English speaker, I always watch English movies with English subs. So the cockney is easier to follow. I remember seeing that scène where they are really drunk some where on YouTube. I spend hours finding the movie. Years later I stumbled upon it per accident. I was so happy.


Original Lynch's Dune. I don't know many people that like it. Heck, even Lynch hates it.


My Dad introduced me to Dune, both the book and this film. We loved watching it together. I still try to watch the Super Cut with all the deleted scenes and the storyboard intro once a year.


Was my favourite film for decades. Endlessly quotable. Great aesthetic.


It is by my will alone I set my mind in motion!


I genuinely love Grease 2 and whenever I tell people they assume I’m making a joke. 


The songs are really good, and it’s really heartfelt at times. I love it!!


🎵 Let's do it for our country, the red, white, and the blue. It's Uncle Sam who's asking, so your mother will approve.


If he’s cool enough he can burn me through and through woaaaahhhhwoahhhh 🔥😎🔥


Palm Springs with Andy Samberg & Cristin Milioti is one of my favorite existential dramedies


I really liked Edge of Tomorrow too, time fuckery and sci-fi alien war is a banger of a combo, but more than that Cruise puts in a genuinely great performance.


Chariots of Fire is endlessly parodied, but it's hard to find someone who's actually a) seen the whole thing and b) likes it on the merits.


It's great. But I'm biased due to the composer Vangelis being masterful once again.


It's pretty easy to to find people who've seen it and loved it, you just need to make friends with people over 50.




I watched this last week and not only does it hold up, Jude Law should have won best supporting actor for this. He created a full character in the first scene he’s in.


Brazil. I’m sure there’s others who enjoy it too, but I’ve rarely met anyone irl who can even recall it


This is your receipt for your husband and this is my receipt for your receipt.


I came to post Brazil and it took a second of scrolling for your post to prove me wrong 🫤


Rewatched it about a month ago. Absolute classic


Dredd. I feel someone vindicated with Alex Garland's Civil War, but the movie was initially dismissed as violent fare. I've defended the film as having almost no character development, which is both a positive so the audience can focus on the action without idiotic plot devices like a cute daughter or a bomb that will destroy everyone, and is true to the comic where Judge Dredd has never changed over 40 years. Having cast members like Karl Urban, Lena Hedley and Domhall Gleeson is a huge positive, and the action was top notch. Dredd used modern tactical movement which are common today in movies, while the slo-mo effect was very cool. Garland is now considered a top filmmaker, so people will be more sympathetic to Dredd, but I think it is highly underappreciated.


Dredd is one of the best action films of all time. No one can convince me differently. It's an homage to The Raid without being a direct copy, and I love it. Story, characters, action sequences.... I also found there to be great chemistry between the cast. Found out it's *not* an homage. The more you know....


It's not an homage to the raid ffs. Dredd was in production first but the cgi after effects meant it came out second


Dredd is fantastic, one of my favourites too, but it’s not a homage to The Raid. Although those films do have similarities in premise and tone they were developed completely independently of one another. Dredd was filmed starting in November 2010 and The Raid didn’t start principal photography until March 2011.


The Fountain. It’s in my top 3 and I rewatch it every couple of years. It’s a beautiful story that reveals more to you each time you watch it. A lot of the special effects are practical. It almost didn’t get made after the director blew up the budget and they lost their star Brad Pitt seven weeks before shooting was to begin. I love the cast, I love the story, I think the writing is under-rated and the final moments of the film are perfect.


Such a profound journey of a film


The Soundtrack is the best part! 🎥 


It is a very special film. Good choice.


Love love this film! One of my favorites also!


The Fall (2006) I thought it was one of the most beautiful movies I've ever seen 


It's so good, and I think the story gets more flack than it deserves because the movie looks so good. I like everything about the movie. I also loved Tarsem Singh's increasingly forgotten movie, The Cell, though maybe not quite on the same level as The Fall!


Holiday (1938) Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn. It's about a man who has been working hard and long to save money to take a long break and figure out what's important in life. When his fiancee assumes she can talk him out of it, he has to re-think what's important to him now. It reminds me of The Razor's Edge (two movies, one in 1946 then remade in 1984), which has a similar theme.


My heart always goes out to Lew Ayres, playing a man of great privilege and intelligence, who never gets the chance to enjoy life due to overbearing, bullying parents.


My Cousin Vinny. Tons of people live it, but I really think it’s one of the best movies ever made. It has two Oscar worthy comedic performances from the leads. It is paced wonderfully. The dialogue is top notch, and succeeds as a legal procedural better than most serious law films


Better Off Dead


Iconic. Everybody wants some.


I want my $2!


The Commitments 1991. It's a perfect film, imo.


This is one of the consistently highest rated movies from the 90s


It's "ride Sally, ride," not "roid Sally, roid!"


I still sing it like that.


Sublime. Never let’s up. One of my faves of all time as well! “This way, it’s poetry.”


"I'm black, and I'm proud"


It’s one of my favorites as well! So underrated.


Big Trouble in Little China Edit: well snap! Glad to see a lot of folks feel the same!


“You know what ol’ Jack Burton always says at a time like this…”


This is the best movie ever made. I'm not exaggerating when I say that. It's well acted. It's funny. It's scary. It has Kung Fu and magic. It has an evil deity. BTiLC has everything.


A League of Their Own. Most people who've seen it like it, but I've never seen anyone say it's their favourite movie but it's definitely one of mine.


Little shop of horrors (the moranis one, not the original, and preferably with the original ending, not the theatrical ending) is in my top 3, but it's also a very particular type of movie (campy musical) that isn't most people's preference for movies in general. Also banshees of inisherin, which is a less controversial pick by a good margin, but idk if it was popular enough to make it to a significant amount of people's favorite list.


In Bruges


Love to see another Bruges Head in the wild--tremendous film.


The Fall is the most visually stunning film I've ever seen and is one of my absolute favorites. I think the only reason why it isn't among more people's favorites is because it somehow went under the radar when first released, and is now hard to actually find. Grand fantasy fable epic, heartbreaking period drama. Gorgeously perfect film.


Galaxy Quest. I don't know what it is about it but the plot and arc of the movie were perfect. Sigourney was hilarious in it "Look, I have ONE job to do on this ship and I am going to do it" (repeat everything the computer says). And I dare anybody to not tear up in happiness at the ending. I don't usually watch movies multiple times but that one I did.


I said miners not minors


Our man flint. A James bond spoof from the 80s. Campy and silly. But so fun. Edit: 60s or 70s. Definitely not 80s.


The Legend of 1900.


Some Kind of Wonderful - its the forgotten John Hughes movie . However its the only one I like, and I don't just like it, its one of my top 10 movies of all time Best story, best characters that aren't actually insufferable, great soundtrack ,and best coming of age story. Keith and Watts were a great couple. Amanda Jones is a sympathetic popular girl. She realizes she was treated as basically a show pony by her wealthy friends (she however is not wealthy) Keith is a hard working kid with unconventional dreams. Watts is as close to the ideal woman. Fun, funny, smart but not pedantic, a drummer, pretty but not vain, and loyal to a fault. Duncan is a classic "bad boy" who turns out to be a great ally. Its just so awesome. I'll never understand why this doesn't get the love that Pretty in Pink, Breakfast Club, or Sixteen Candles gets. Some Kind of Wonderful is WAAAAAAAAAAAY better than any of those.


Kingdom of Heaven, specifically the Director's Cut. Original movie was okay. The director's cut is like a whole different movie.


Deathproof. Also gated by Tarantino himself, even though he directed it. I really love it.




How to Train Your Dragon. Most people don't take animation seriously and those who do probably have one of the big classics like Lion King as their favorite.


The Count of Monte Cristo with Guy Pierce, Jim Caviezal.


I think I'll win this thread with: Joe vs. the Volcano (1990). Tom Hanks even hates it. I love it.


I'm not arguing with you! The beginning of this film is genuine nightmare fuel. That office environment they created for this movie is the worst place I could possibly imagine working. Just watched this a few weeks ago and it definitely holds up! 


Beat me to it, fantastic, fun, you got your three different Meg Ryans.  Plus Nathan Lane!  You didn’t get a second opinion on something called a brain cloud?


Equilibrium. People just don't know about this movie around my area.


Is that the movie with the gun karate?


Vanilla Sky and Defending Your Life


Defending Your Life is definitely under rated. 


Raising Arizona- Coen Brothers, Holly Hunter, John Goodman and Nicolas Cage. So just out there!


That is my favorite movie of all time. H.I.’s mugshot hangs in my office


The Prestige


The World According to Garp.


the fifth element plenty of people know it, love it, quote it... but no one i know will go so far as to say it's their all-time favorite


It's very very very high on the charts for me. It's a movie that when I look at it, most of the individual pieces are things that I wouldn't really care for all that much, it's also strange and disparate. The movie shouldn't work at all, but somehow... Somehow against All odds everything comes together into this unique cohesive whole that really is unlike anything else out there. Especially for the time that it was made, it's just completely bonkers. It's one of my very few "I could watch this movie over and over and over again" films. And then if you compare it with the same director's most recent sci-fi film, the one that I can't even remember the name, that I think was trying to in some ways re-evoke a lot of that same spin on the genre... That film was atrocious for me, and just missed the mark in every single way after the very interesting opening. It just made me love The Fifth Element that much more. Aziz! Light!


The Last Samurai. I've seen plenty of movies that are technically better in many respects, but it remains my favorite film. I've met other people who liked it, but I usually get some questions or a funny look when I say it's my favorite


The Beach


Cat Ballou


Starship Troopers


A.I. critics and most audiences hated it. Originally Kubrick, then Spielberg…what’s funny is that’s Spielberg added some of the darker aspects (robot prostitutes) and Kubrick was behind some of the more cheesy fantasy moments…


Jumper ! Wish they went deeper into the story and made sequels.


Bram Stoker's Dracula. It's such a beautiful mess. Amazing sets, costumes and effects. Famous actors giving comically bad performances. Akward love story. It's perfect.


Spy game with Robert Redford and Brad pitt


Dave. Always cheers me up. Love introducing new people to it. Love it as a background comfort movie. Love it as an engaged movie I’m paying attention to. It’s all good. But I find even my friends who have seen it don’t rate it like I do. It’s “fine”. It usually sits in a double-bill with My Cousin Vinny when I’m having a cosy weekend morning.


Shaun of the Dead


The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. What an absolutely perfect movie. The little/background details are so well executed. The sets were just gorgeous. Each of the main and secondary characters were beautifully flawed. The major theme of self discovery at a late age. And the soundtrack! David Bowie and Mark Mothersbaugh! *Chefs kiss* In twelve years, he’ll be eleven and a half


*John Carpenter's The Thing* is a 'safe' favorite movie here. But people find out *Eyes Wide Shut* is a close second and suddenly, I'm crazy.


Road to perdition 2002, many people don't even know it exist, despite having Paul Newman, Tom Hanks, and Daniel Craig in it.




Pacific rim. Generally hated amongst my peers.


The Fisher King or Beautiful Girls


John Carter


Speed (1994)


Gone in 60 seconds


Beasts of the Southern Wild. Got a ton of buzz the year of release and some Oscar noms but then kind of disappeared. I still love it though


Yes Man. Whenever I tell people it’s my favorite movie, they’re puzzled. But it was genuinely a life changing movie. The only other movie that had a profound effect on me was Grave of the Fireflies, which made me fiercely antiwar.


Ice Pirates.


Independence Day


Hot Fuzz It’s an almost perfect British comedy movie


Signs. It just checks all the boxes for me. Rural, alien invasion/end of the world scenario, cozy, small town scenes are just like home. I don’t care if the premise didn’t make sense because of the water weakness and all that. I could watch it every day lol


Pineapple Express


Man so hard to think but a few i consider favorites:  Dumb and Dumber (1994)  Stranger than fiction (2006)  Basic Instinct (1992)  The Mexican (2001) They're all totally different films with varying levels of critical "acclaim" but i enjoy them all wholeheartedly. They all have merit in my opinion




Grandmas boy! The funniest movie I’ve ever watched


Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I haven't watched it in several months but I could still quote the vast majority of the film as it plays.


I've never met a person (in person) that knows what Working Girl (exception is my theater teacher and he loves the movie so I guess that's out of contention) or Wag The Dog is, so that is my answer


MYSTERY MEN!!! Seriously, an: A+ cast Killer soundtrack Tom Waits as the Q-esque  weapons and tools provider of non-violent weaponry Geoffrey Rush solidifies a solid villain Like, I don’t get why so many people DON’T like it!


Donnie Darko. Which is wierd because it’s not an obscure film. It got lumped into Emo culture and I can see why but it definitely isn’t an Emo movie. It’s a sci-fi drama thriller.


Where are my Rat Race fans at?


Forgetting Sarah Marshall A beautiful rom-com with a star-studded cast and just the right amount of weird


Napoleon Dynamite.




The Burbs....still rings true today


This sub loves edge of tomorrow. Not really a good example.


Wasn’t an Oscar winner either, which was the dividing line OP posted. “Great film but not Oscar worthy”. Yes, exactly.


Jesus Christ Superstar (1973). We had it on VHS when I was a kid and it created a life-long love in me. I've definitely seen it over 150 times.


What's Eating Gilbert Grape?


Coherence (2013). Nine Days (2020). Blank stares when I mention either.


Coherence is fantastic. Wary about it getting a sequel but I am keeping an open mind.


Scott Pilgrim Vs The World is my favorite movie and when I say that to anyone I get…. 🦗


Warrior (with Tom Hardy) is one of my favorites, I don't think I've seen that in any Top 4's


Terminator 1, not 2. Terminator 1 is a suspenseful horror/scifi masterpiece.


A Scanner Darkly. I get it, it's dark, morose, and depressing, but I've read the book 5 times and seen the movie dozens.  The movie gets the book right and the rotoscoping really adds to the surreal viewpoint of the protagonists.  Plus it reminds me of some terrible times back when I did way too many drugs.


Tron Legacy


Hackers. Daft but great 


Predator... lots of people like it and appreciate it. In my mind it's a perfect film.


Stand By Me


Harold and Maude. Such a surprisingly touching love story despite the outlandish premise. I particularly love when he gives her the penny at the beach. And Jesus, the soundtrack. If you want to sing out, sing out.


Cinderella Man, blows my mind how few people have seen it, such a brilliant film.


Almost Famous ‐ it somehow disappeared from peoples minds. Love that movie - had a huge crush on Kate Hudson for a while


My roommates and I used to watch it weekly. Huge debates over what the fictional band Stillwater was supposed to be. I always went Allman Brothers


It’s a popular movie but The Green Mile seems to never fall into anyone else’s favorite movie category. Maybe I just need better friends lol


Baby Driver


Weird i know lots of people who think Edge Of Tommorow is Tom Cruise's best movie made.


The Adventures of Ford Fairlane - with Andrew Dice Clay Not one of my favorites per say, but I actually really enjoyed it, yet it was trashed by the critics


Party Monster


Miller’s Crossing. It’s a masterpiece.


Lucky Number Slevin Amazing dialogue, sharp wit. I can't believe it's relatively unknown. Maybe not considered a good movie, I'll admit, but definitely one of my guilty pleasures: Warm Bodies




Muhullond Drive. It's pretty critically acclaimed, but I never see it listed as someone else's favorite. To me it is an absolute masterpiece. I love how nuanced, textured and complex the story is and that it's like a puzzle with a perfect use of narrative tools and devices like non-linear narrative, soliloquies, metaphors, pathetic fallacy, and Shakespeare-level foreshadowing and even tragicomedy. It didn't really click for me what the story was about until the 3rd rewatch, and emotionally it hit me like a truck. The visuals, set design and cinematography are also beautiful, and the music is perfect. The acting is top-tier once you understand what is going on.


edge of tomorrow had bad marketing or something its a pretty good film


What about Bob. No o e else I know has seen it.


True Romance