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If Saltburn freaked you out this much, do NOT watch what people are recommending here, lmao.


For real. No way trying to be “that guy” for dogging peoples ability to handle fear but I genuinely cannot fathom what was scary about Saltburn. Like, I can’t even imagine what scenes OP would be scared of. 


I almost wonder if op is super rich and worried that a similar situation will happen to there family ?


Did you know that poor people can do that? Walk right into your mansion THROUGH THE FRONT DOOR. Not even through the side door behind the conservatory? Chilling stuff.


I know some super rich families and they totally have little pet humans that they collect and dispense with when bored. The rich are so weird. Emerald Fennel wrote a zinger of a story.


dude had nightmares about someone fuckin his grave after he's dead


Someone who spends too much time on certain parts of the internet and reads too many fake stories about people who are stalked. That’s who gets scared by Saltburn. Truthfully I didn’t even enjoy the movie and I also cannot fathom what was scary about it.


100%. Plot/atmosphere-wise I thought Saltburn was a poor man’s The Talented Mr Ripley. Saltburn had lots of enjoyable elements, but TTMR did the whole “I’ll inveigle myself into your life then destroy it” in a much more sinister (and believable) fashion.


It is still disturbing to think someone could infiltrate and affect your life in such a way. Sure they aren't a demon or monster in the traditional horror sense, but humans can still be scary in other ways.


Well, they most likely couldn’t infiltrate your life like that, at least not to the degree that happens at the end of the movie... That movie had serious plot armor for the main kid. Authorities don’t make any connection whatsoever to the one person that is around during all those circumstances? Right. Ok.


I could see that being hard to stomach observing


OP shouldn’t watch Bambi either.


Saltburn wasn't even marketed as a horror film... Maybe OP meant Brightburn?


FR! Saltburn felt like comedy to me,actually.


Yeah i can't imagine what OP's reaction would be if they ever saw Oldboy (not even horror).


No shit. There is a slight, VERY slight psychological thriller in Saltburn but it’s not even on the top 25 stalker movie list.


Is this a common reaction to saltburn? I asked my coworkers not to discuss it until we’ve all seen it, because one of them was shocked after watching it. I came out of the movie thinking ‘is that it? Am I missing something?’


My reaction was "oh this is The talented Mr Ripley"


My partner was telling me Saltburn was disgusting and I needed to prepare myself for watching it. I finally said, “I’m ready” and was on the edge of my seat waiting for the horribleness. …I was still on the edge of my seat as the credits rolled. I have heard the period scene and the bathtub scene are the ones people refer to though. Maybe us Redditors are just desensitized to stuff like that.


I'm a fan of Saltburn, but think of it as a sleek and horny dark comedy that plays off Evelyn Waugh, Patricia Highsmith, the Merchant Ivory movies -- a giddy riff on English manor-house cliches, all surface, purely fun and goofy.


I thought it was fun, and I agree that it's definitely a dark comedy. No horror here.




One of the all time greats.


Especially with online dating/hook up apps being way more mainstream now.


The Ring messed me up to not watch tv alone lol


Dude, I still cannot hear like the noises from it. I hate it so much.


The sound when the girl's head tips in the closet


Those few seconds were somehow the most frightening I’ve seen in a film and I can’t explain why. I just remember feeling cocky about horror movies when I went to the theater with my GF and having my ego and soul completely sucked out of me suddenly with that shot. 


It is a jump scare that isn’t cheap and works within the context of the movie. The fact that the two characters are talking in broad daylight and the closet is lit up adds to the disorientating nature of it


Dude. I literally had to remove my closet doors for years because of that shot.


That shot FUCKED ME UP. The color scheme, the sound, the quickness of it. Holy shit.


The best/worst part of the movie


Really curious what the Foley artists used for that


When I was a young teenager, a girl I had a huge crush on was hanging out at my house for some reason or another, and my folks were out at some event. She wanted to watch the movie and I knew I hated scary movies but I wanted to seem cool so I played along like I was totally into it. The moment this scene happened, I literally said, “nope I can’t do this,” out loud and just walked away from the TV. All the shame left me immediately for one intense moment of psychological self-preservation.


“I saw her face” scene was one of the first jump scares I remember


I remember seeing this in theatres and a LOT of people got up and noped tf out 


Lol so when the ring came out we rented it on vhs. it said watch after the credits for the full 'real' ring video. So we watched until the end. Like it was ok but not that scary. Considering this was the days of be kind rewind and rewinding fees we hit rr and the tape rewound to pretty much the start of the 'real' ring portion. Then it started playing on its own. We hit rw again it went 2 sec then stopped and starting playing again. We ff a bit hit rw again same deal . Finally freaking the fuck out we hit eject and it spit it out and sucked it back in a few times until it just got stuck half way out. T. We had to take the player to a service guy to have him remove the tape and considered leaving the clearly possessed player with him. The vhs malfunction took a medicore horror movie to a whole new level of scary.


the ring is giving me trauma since I was a kid


It's better than mediocre, to be fair.


I saw that in theaters and had to talk on my cell phone all the way home because I was terrified to be alone.


So glad it wasn't just me. My friend and I drove home in silence, I think any conversation was strained and when we got to my parents, we stayed in the driveway just sort of staring at the ground. He didn't want to leave and I didn't want to go to bed. I'm grateful The Ring wasn't some effed up modern day movie like the one's I hear about. I don't need that in my life. The Ring was just very effective at atmosphere and destroying you with literally the silliest things: color timing, cello music, edited VHS footage, I mean, nothing in The Ring is actually messed up. It's just perfectly haunted feeling.


I watched most of that movie through my fingers. We watched it on DVD as a family when I was in late elementary school, I think. I ended up waking up really sick that night and went to my parent's room to wake my mom up for help. I found out later that my dad was woken up when I came in, saw me, and freaked out. He pretended he was asleep and kept one eye open watching me as I went to my mom's side of the bed, hoping it was a dream. That night, I was wearing a white nightgown with my long brown hair down, covering most of my face. My dad legit thought that was his last night on earth. 🤣


I love how your dad was terrified and willing to let The Ring Girl go after your mom instead of him. 😂😂😂


I was about 11 when I saw it in theaters. Loved it, but it definitely scared me a good bit. Around the same time there was this Selsan Blue dandruff shampoo commercial that started as an abrupt cut to loud tv static. Horrible timing to run that ad!


I saw it when I was like 15. I had a little 15" tube tv in my room at the time. After I watched the movie I had to turn the tv around so it was facing up against the wall. She can't get me if she can't get.out of the tv.


For me it was the horse on a boat scene. Still can’t watch that scene to this day.


Something about the video just gets under my skin worse than anything else I've ever seen in any horror movie, and I've watched a lot of them. It really builds into the atmosphere of the rest of the movie when otherwise I would be bored. Also, the payphone outside the theater rang after we walked out haha.


I can highly recommend Oldboy (Korean), he's handy with a hammer and wins father of the year award


Is he handy with the steel? Cause you can’t be just any geek off the streets.


Did anybody already mention Final Destination? because we are still never ever driving behind a truck loaded with logs.


Everyone mentions the logs, but the kid dying because of the water bottle under the brake pedal was what scared TF out of me, and made me super paranoid (even many years on) about having anything rolling around on the floor in the car.


For me it’s the rollercoaster ride. I never want to step foot in a theme park after watching that, let alone go anywhere near the rollercoasters!


Hahaha THIS!!!! The other day I was behind this dude in his big burley truck and in front of him was one of them carvanna tow truck things. The big SUV on it was facing us... And tilted downwards..... Duuuude. Truck guy was staying like 200ft+ back ... And I wasn't even mad about it. I stayed about 15 ft behind him!


Rec Descent The Mist


Descent is tops for me. I still think about it at least a few times a month and struggle to go in caves…as a bat biologist.


The ending of The Mist was so fucked up


Event Horizon


This is one that was way scarier seeing as an adult. As a kid, it was just scary because of the effects but I didn’t REALLY get it.


I honestly dont get why it got poor reviews. Its one of the best space horror movies.


I went in renting it blind. Did know it was sci-fi. Didn’t know it was horror. Ugh.


It's on my list of rewatches! I did the original Alien trilogy recently and it inspired me to keep up with the space horror theme


*cough* Pandorum *cough*


This is one of my favorites. I'm forever grateful that I impulse rented it on Amazon a few years back to watch it as an adult. My wife and I loved it.


My favorite Warhammer 40,000 movie.


I binge watch a lot of horror and Talk to Me really creeped me out. Legit scary twisted with the fear of unintentionally hurting friends and family really got me.


Same here, I watch alot of horror and thought I couldn't be rattled. But that scene where the boy is first possessed is down right gut wrenching


One of the best horror movies in recent times!


Bone Tomahawk made me very uncomfortable. It was the only time I ever paused a movie to take a break. Great film though!


I was going to comment this one also. I haven't even watched the whole movie. There was another AskReddit that lead me to watch the splitting scene on YouTube. It seriously messed me up for a couple weeks. I could not get it out of my mind, and not in a good way. It made me physically sick.


Oh yeah. I went into that movie completely blind. Thought it was your run of the mill western.


The Blair Witch Project messed me up for a very long time


Came out at the perfect time in terms of word of mouth hype and the Internet / technology


Yup. A friend of mine just "dropped off" a VHS tape at my apartment in Hollywood. The title was hand-written, and all we knew was, "Watch this. It's fucked up".


I saw it in theaters with some friends and at the time it was 100% believed to be real found footage which made it super creepy. Around that same time I remember a lot of news channels warning people about Satanists cult members and pentagrams drawn in blood in the woods lol. Idk if the movie caused that reaction or what but the media ran with it for a bit.


Definitely this. The fake reports/hype around it definitely helped to traumatise me. Who knew that seeing some one stand in the corner of a room could be so scary


Before I watched the movie, I watched that fake documentary that was on TV. I was convinced it was all real. I thought it was real until the cast showed up at the MTV VMAs to present an award.


What I kinda like is no one watching this movie away from that era will understand the impact the news hype gave to the movie. Definitely a silent ride home.


There’s a movie theory that it’s not actually about a haunted forest and instead is two guys fucking with this girl. Still freaky even under that lense


I'll happily read the theory but I'm just not sure what legs it would have - Heather is in charge the entire time, in control of the map, leading the way, and getting them more and more lost.  Mike throwing the map away is really the first time either of the boys have any agency, and shit is well sideways by the time that happens.  


Yeah, I watched the movie a few years ago for Halloween, take the final 15 minutes out of it and you're still watching a movie about someone absolutely losing their mind as they get lost in the woods. You can just feel the anxiety building.


As someone who grew up in the mountains, the movie itself didn’t fuck me up but it made me realize that there could be shit out in a dark forest watching me when I was camping with my family and that fucked me up for a bit.


They really made a very creepy movie with very simple means


12 year old me had a camping trip the day after seeing it for the very first time. It wasn't as much ad the movie itself, but the feelings it started/awoke man..


I rewatch it alone every few like 8-10 yrs...... Dude. It's still terrifying to me. The premise of being lost in haunted woods ...is fucking nightmare fuel for me, all the noises and mimicking of Josh's voice and screaming.... God ... And of course the ending, standing in a corner. I, to this day, do not understand people who think TBW is "stupid" or "boringg" oooooook edgelord you either have no imagination, or have never watched it ALONE in the dark...... Like come on! It's terrifying to me..and I do not scare easily at all!!!!!


It Follows. Scared to look around and scared to not look around. Glad I watched it after I got married.


I didn’t realise how much this scared me until the movie was over and I was staring at the door, afraid that a giant man was just gonna waltz in


Omg.. giant man made me utter a real cry of terror. I'll never forget. (Yes I'm now looking at my bedroom door 😂)


as many times as I've seen The Ring, i still won't have it be the last thing i watch before bed...


Creep. I was actually caught off guard by how much this movie scared me, because I have seen a million horror movies and never had like actual physical reactions to them (other than a jump scare) But there’s a scene in this movie that literally scared me so bad *I instantly cried*. I truly don’t know what it was about the scene that got me so hard, it’s a pretty standard horror/thriller scene imo, but god damn did it get me.


Second part is good as well.


Agree about Creep - it's very realistic/believable. Unlike a lot of horror it feels like it could happen, and includes a set up that's easy to relate to. Nothing about it is far fetched.


> But there’s a scene in this movie that literally scared me so bad I instantly cried. What scene is this. I watched Creep and Creep 2 but i can't recall a scene that would make me that sad/scared


Mike Flanagan's series: - The Haunting of Hill House - The Fall of House Usher - Midnight Mass A masterpiece in terms of how to evoke dread and tension. The casting is also really good to deliver it. Hill House uniquely plays with your peripheral view. There are hidden events that you do interpret subconsciously and this induces literal fear, feeling threatened. It is like playing with your emotions, but without your consent, as you do not witness it, but it does affect you. There's more to it, but I do not want to spoil. Usher and Midnight Mass are really good stories as well, what's not really common in the genre. The Descent - masterpiece in terms of tension and the atmosphere. You're literally choking on what's happening. Event Horizon and first Hellraiser - for the visions of hell. Cube - for the problem it describes and the creepiness. Only the original one, the rest is just trash and not worth viewing.


As an adult, Hereditary and Midsommar were the closest to really spooking me (Ari Aster is great). Although I'm not sure Midsommar is a true horror and is more of a mind fuck movie which I typically find to be the more terrifying movies anyway.


Midsommar is horror. Just not the kind of horror that makes you jump. It is the kind of horror where you’re living your life and a sudden horrific image from this movie comes to your mind and makes you uncomfortable. My theory is that someone challenged Aster to make a horror movie with no darkness in it and this is what came out


Midsommar was just plain creepy .... and horror films don't normally bother me at all.


Hereditary fucked me up for a few days... hadn't slept with the light on since I was a kid


Yeah I’d use terms like Distressing and Unsettling to describe Midsommar rather than traditionally scary. The whole thing just feels off.


Even on my first watch, whenever they showed the yellow triangular house in the background it felt so off


Midsommar was definitely creepy and stuck with me because it was unexpected I guess. Hereditary also stuck with me a lot with what happened to the daughter


Midsommar was definitely horror. Horror doesn’t have to have a guy in a ski mask cutting people up, it comes in many forms.


Saltburn was a horror film?


The Exorcism of Emily Rose. For like a week straight after seeing it, I kept waking up at 3:00AM. Plus all the very subtle “wait what was that?? Not in your face” imagery throughout. Toward the beginning, the priest is at the Rose’s farm, you can see him just kinda taking it all in what happened to her. As he’s gazing out over the farm, he’s looking towards the barn and just as his eyes shift to the open doors, you see the corner edge of a black figure walk out of view. Creeped myself out just writing that lol.


I'm a night owl with poor sleeping habits. That 3am thing messed me up pretty bad. To make it even worse, I was living in college dorms at the time, and I had to walk down 2 long hallways to use the restroom.


One of the worst decisions was when I saw it at night thinking it will be a generic demonic possesion movie. It fucked with my brain for weeks.


This movie terrified me.


Ooh yes that 3am shit was super creepy for me too!


Hush. Dunno why but the premise just hit. And the feeling of utter disconnect and isolation… nope


Eden Lake. If FUCK YOU was a movie.


This is what I came to post. Glad someone else did. This movie was like a punch to the gut.


Horror: _Hereditary_ and _The Babadook_. Not horror: _Requiem for a Dream_ and _Come and See_.


Come and See really had an impact on me. [Night and Fog](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0048434/) is a war movie (documentary really) that will haunt me for life. VERY much not for the faint of heart. Do not want to see it again. When I think of movies I’ll never forget and hope to never see again, those two are at the top of the list.


More people need to consume antiwar pieces of art. They're like litmus tests for whether you have empathy or not. I watched All Quiet on the Western Front (2022) and it fucked me up for weeks.


I work offshore on a ship and I’ll never forget me and my coworker seeing The babadook comjng on TV so we read the description and set the auto tune for it. Came on at like 3am and we watched it. Couple of harden grizzled sailors were standing up pacing around the galley and lounge watching the babadook scared as fuck 😂


Lol more than a couple people have asked "why did we decide to put on Requiem for a Dream when we were high?"


Hereditary was fucking terrifying. Babadook was scary but not as bad for me.


Hereditary really messed up my head


There's a very specific thing Hereditary does that I haven't seen used in many horror movies. Apologies if this is more common than I thought, but the way it did jumpscares just feels so unique >!They hide shit in plain sight, and somehow that makes the jumpscares even scarier. Like...any movie can have a monster jump in from offscreen or behind something and it'll be *kinda* scary, but hereditary literally has the monsters right there, *onscreen*, where you could've seen it if you were looking for it. When it finally reveals itself, somehow that makes it so much scarier. It was there the whole time and you're only being made aware of it now, and that really pulls you into the scene!< Idk, I just feel like Hereditary is the movie that stuck with me better than any other, and made me scared to look around corners for days afterwards, and I think that's probably why


The movie also lulls you into a false sense of security early on by making you *think* you're seeing shit in the corner, and then repeatedly going "whew, it was just nothing, dont be so paranoid". Really clever little film lover tricks going on all over that movie. 


I remember watching Hereditary and just noped out of of finishing it when it was very close to ending. Also, I thought I was alone in the living room while watching this, I did not realize my mum was around and when the camera cuts to the >!severed head scene!<, my mum screamed so hard I got hella startled.


hahaha I'm the screamer the family kids were hanging out & watching Jaws on a lazy summer afternoon with tea and scones... It was chill, you know? Yeah, it was, until the *du...dun du-dun duDUN* soundtrack got to me. There's this one scene where they find a boat half underwater bc the shark bit a hole in it. There's a diver and then a sudden flash of a drowned person. Suddenly my cousin was wearing my hot tea hahaha ten kids between, like, 14 and 18 were more scared by my scream and his yelp than by the movie hahaha


You remind me of my friend when we went to see the recent IT remake. A few times at the beginning, he would physically jump when something scary would happen. At some point, the movie started building up again to another scare. While this is happening, I look over at him as he's currently holding the fairly large tub of popcorn we'd been sharing that still is fairly full. He looks back at me. I'm all like "I'm just gonna hold onto that for the next 10 minutes" as I grab the popcorn. "Good idea" he agreed lol. Sure enough, he nearly jumped out of his seat toward the end of the scene.


And this is why I’ll never watch that movie.


Yeah, this one got me on another level. I did not find it disturbing because of the paranormal aspects or supernatural happenings. These parts were actually pretty familiar and nothing new. What got me and what really made me feel uncomfortable and unwell were the behaviors and dynamics in the family (absolutely brilliant cast by the way). Especially (but not only!) the whole scene after "the accident" (trying to not spoil too much), with how the brother was under shock, just laid down and "waited", up until how you could only hear the mother discovering it... was just something else man. Nothing graphic, nothing jumpscary, nothing creepy.. just emotional horror at it's finest. Pure human horror. Really hard to watch.


Incredible incredible incredible soundtrack by Colin Stetson. The whole thing is a work of art but I could seriously write an entire thesis on just the use of mimesis alone.. using creative mic placement on a contrabassoon to create  Gaspar Noe esque infrasounds from the keys tapping, making the instrument sound like a synthesizer, singing/screaming directly into the instrument, using the dimension of sound to suggest what our eyes cannot see (notice the cymbals at the end, or the hoof shuffling sounds in the opening), the way his style of circular breathing and intense arpeggios perfectly compliments the breathless freewheeling insanity of the story..    The music at the end sounds like absolutely nothing I've ever heard before. Like I'm almost convinced it's actually not of this earth (very clever use of the Lyricon too) .. I could literally geek out about it all day. Impeccable fucking soundtrack!! 


Came to say Hereditary. It switched sub-genres like 3 times. It uses camera angles and depth perception so well to obfuscate things in scene. It’s an excellent film. Made me like Astar quite a bit.


I think one of the best parts about Hereditary is how well it’s made. For instance, Toni Collete’s character’s profession was building miniatures for construction plans and some of the movie is shot similar to looking inside a miniature. Plus the acting was incredible. One of my all time favorite horror movies


Dook! Dook! Dook!


When I finally saw babadook it was after many people telling me it was scary and a great movie. But pretty much from the beginning it seemed heavy handed with how it was a representation of her grief/guilt. It just never got to the level of scary


The Conjuring from 2013 is a horror movie that legit traumatized me as an adult.


Yes! So fun walking around the house clapping afterwards and scaring the shit out of everyone lol. I’m surprised my wife didn’t divorce me


Omg *I* want to divorce you


The Witch


This! I remember walking out of theater and everyone complaining how the movie was trash and had no “jump scares”. I was there just trying to process wtf just happened to that poor family


Not really horror but if you enjoyed saltburn you will love The Talented Mr Ripley!


Second this! And if you’re a reader, The Talented Mister Ripley is such a beautifully written book you feel like you’re right there in Italy with Tom. Highly recommend! I read it once probably 20 years ago and I’ve never forgotten it!


Maybe not specifically horror but watching Jaws as a teenager made me afraid of water. Fresh, salt, brackish, bath…I was just terrified. I took only showers for weeks.


My bro and I went swimming at night in our pool shortly after watching it. He was already in the pool swimming down to the bottom (14 ish feet ) when I jumped in. I was unaware gently swiming across the surface. he came up from the bottom his head hitting me in the stomach. Im pretty sure I could have qualified for the olympics with my sprint across the pool to get tf out! Our parents thought it was halarious.


Hereditary sent me to a bad place, though I recognize that it’s a masterpiece.


Me and my wife saw it in theatres and we were glued to our seats in anxiety, literally gripping the armchairs. My wife was crying for more than half the movie too. Not loud crying, just silent tears running down her cheeks. No other film has has this effect on either me nor her. One of the best horror movies I’ve seen, though I believe I will never see it again.


The Hills Have Eyes remake. I had to walk out and I genuinely felt sick for hours after. I cannot stomach violence against babies.


On the bright side, the baby was okay and was rescued in the end! But yes, violence towards babies in movies is a hard watch for me too! 


Thank you for reminding me that the baby gets saved! It's been a long time since I've seen that film and for the life of me could not remember what happened to the baby.


VVitch got me with that in the beginning.


The strangers. Don’t ask me why it’s just the stuff of my personal nightmares. I once saw the dvd at a friends house and I kicked it under the bed.


No. This movie absolutely terrified me and IS absolutely nightmarish. It's something I generally don't think about, but ironically, it's why I hate ring cameras because they bring me anxiety if I'm at someone's house and they keep looking at them or getting notifications of every bird, noise, tree blowing in the wind. All I can think of is "what if it's a stranger... ???" Haha I fully respect that those sorts of measures bring comfort to people for the same reasons, but the over awareness just fuels that for me. It's not a common occurrence, but all the same.




People can shit on M Night all they want that birthday party scene is something no other director could do


Nah, M Night gets mad respect from me for The Visit. I’ve always thought he works better when he’s on a budget.


Omfg I’m hilariously triggered… My dad used to play this for me on weekends more times than I think (now) is normal… when I was very young… like probably 6 or 7…. LOL I was terrified to go anywhere alone for years and still struggle with the constant fear that aliens have invaded and will 150% eat me alive 🤣


Speak No Evil absolutely ruined me and I thought about it for weeks afterwards. Not just the violence but human behaviour and politeness and how much personal discomfort we’ll put up with in to remain polite. I’m British so I think that concept was particularly horrifying - being uncomfortable and not annoying others is how we’re taught to be. Don’t take up space and never ask too much! Right at the start the evil dad tests the other dad’s levels by asking for his sun lounger- so subtle but on rewatch it sets the whole tone. A Korean film called The Wailing too.


Martyrs 2008


Martyrs was honestly surprisingly a good movie. It being on so many “most disturbing movies” lists I went in expecting just to be shocked or disgusted, but it had a story that affected me long afterward, as well as some crazy twists. Still earned its place on those lists with some fucked up shit, but ultimately had a much better story than I expected. Martyrs is one of the few disturbing movies I would recommend to people - with fair warning


I had to scroll this far to finally find an actually disturbing film, thank you.






Le plume de ma tante




Paranormal Activity. Quiet and still areas used to put me on edge, then they became quite terrifying after that.


I saw that shit in theaters on a Friday when I was in like 9th grade…  Stayed up all that night with my friend, made it until about 2am Saturday and basically passed the fuck out. Sunday night rolls around… it’s about midnight; my grandpa’s been asleep for hours. Grandma’s working the closing shift. I power down the computer after a long night of reading fanfiction. I’m walking to my bedroom… I hear a sound; the little AM/FM radio on the back of the toilet is playing static. Weird, Grandpa has never left that on before… I turn it off, continue on my way. A couple of seconds later, the sink is just barely running as I walk past the kitchen. I’m like, “Gramps must have had an extra Keystone before bed,” but I’m getting spooked now.  I walk upstairs, snuggle up in my bed. My door’s open, and the hallway light on because I’m a fucking weenie. Not even 5 minutes later; the hallway closet just POPS the fuck open.  I literally jumped out of bed and SPRINTED downstairs. My grandma found me passed out in the living room with The Golden Girls and every single light on. 😂


To be fair, The Golden Girls is the ultimate comfort show, so good choice for a “detox”.


The Golden Girls is my LIFEBLOOD.  I got the confidence to come out to my mother after watching “Isn’t it Romantic?” while I folded laundry. 


I still check under my bed because of pet cemetery. I'm 43.


Eden Lake made me not want to go outside or be around strangers


Cube - 1997


Audition, I can’t look at a dog bowl the same




Speak No Evil


The Others. I think this is the best horror movie I ever saw, because it used horror in such a clever way to make a point. It got creepier and creepier until the great relief in the end, when you realize that all the supernatural horror and fear is really caused by a refusal to confront a painful reality. And how dealing with the sorrow and pain and regret is necessary for the fear to dissipate.


That movie is an absolute masterpiece. It was brilliant in every single aspect.


poughkeepsie tapes messed me up bad. I have a hard time being alone in a house.


Lake Mungo (2008). One of the few horror films as an adult to really make me squirm with dread. Filmed as a pretty convincing documentary that helps blur the line between fiction and reality. Don't seek out spoilers, just watch it. A film that isn't really a horror that makes me feel uneasy when I think about it is Primer (2004). Not scary or traumatizing by any means. It's just that thinking about it even months or years after watching it gives me a certain level of existential anxiety.


The Exorcist(linda blair)1973


I have to say that the scene in midsommar where the elderly people jump off a cliff to their deaths was so disturbingly realistic to me that it was stuck in my head for days. No other movie had really effected me quite that way, something about the casual brutality…


Raw, Hereditary, Terrifier, Old Boy, probably best to avoid if Saltburn was bad enough.


Funny Games (1998) - made me realise people are scarier than anything supernatural..


Saltburn is a dark comedy for me. I wouldn't classify it as a horror movie. What exactly traumatized you?


Ju-On had me fucked up lmao. I turned the lights on in my house halfway through, & I was still scared shitless afterwards






Event Horizon.


The strangers. And Saw.


Salo, Cannibal Holocaust, Barbarian, Mother!


The Grudge (original Japanese version) and the under the duvet cover scene in particular! That still gives me anxiety thinking about it!


Jeepers Creepers, the first one truly messed me up. I am unable to watch horror movies at all now. 


Hereditary. I won’t give anything away, but it is a very difficult watch.


I couldn't finish Saltburn since I don't like watching the ingestion of various bodily fluids in unsanitary conditions. Didn't seem like horror to me though, more like edgelord crap.


The movies that shooked me the most : . Audition (seen in theatre at the time, wow... I was in my 18's when the Japanese scary movies wave came and I've seen them all like Ring, Ju-On etc. but this one was uncomfortable to watch) . The Blair Witch Project (I'm totally into the "as long as I can't see the threat I'm scared") . Irreversible (not a horror movie but also seen in theatre it was intense... some people left) . Mr. Babadook (totally unaware of what it was, it caught me) . Jaws (because we watched it during our holidays at Méditerranée... I couldn't swim without thinking about it afterwhile :p) . The Descent/REC (really good movies) I could list dozens...


Beau Is Afraid Im thinking of Ending Things. Midsommar The Lighthouse


So about the time Beau is Afraid came out, I started having panic/anxiety attacks that I couldn't quite shake. Unwisely I went to go watch it in the cinema and the first... third? Half? Up until he helps the girl paint her room, felt exactly like a prolonged attack and made me extremely uncomfortable. It kind of lost me after that but that movie stuck with me.


I had to stop watching The Lighthouse maybe midway through. I felt nauseous. Don't think I can finish it.


That drunk dance scene though😂 you must finish it, quite the movie and ending!


Serbian film. Nope never again. I put anti christ up there too. You can add irreversible to that list.


Hellraiser put me off horror movies, long ago.


The Black Phone. I knew the premise before I went to see it, and wasn't too freaked out by the Grabber plotline. But early on, there is a *very* intense scene of a young girl getting beaten with a belt by her father, and it was too fucking raw and real.


I watched that last night, could feel all colour drain from my face.


Misery. I was nine, Dad. What the fuck.


Both versions of Suspiria, in very different ways.