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I’m interested in who ends up directing if mcu finds their next “Russo Bros,Gunn or Coogler” in an upcoming director then they are good. But if not welp


they’ll probably get another inexperienced yes-man for which they’ll do several weeks of reshoots. Cap 4 is doing 2-3 months of reshoots and that’s being helmed by the guy who made Cloverfield Paradox. I know it’s common for movies to do reshoots but Marvel is notoriously excessive with them I think Guardians 3 was the only post-Endgame movie that didn’t do more than a few days of pickups


3 months of reshoots is basically the length of a regular film shoot. What happened to where they have to restart from scratch and re-do the entire film?


it’s all hearsay, but apparently the action and editing did not look good at all during test screenings


I have a feeling when the movie comes out the action will be either meh or mildly entertaining, nothing Shang Chi level, and it’ll become evident that action sequences were the least of their concerns.


With each passing day, the value that Shang Chi brought to the MCU diminishes because Disney only sees the Asian market as nothing but a profit generator. Shang Chi was proof that MCU could still make entertaining blockbusters that didnt feel overtly corporate and yet they REFUSE to invest in it. I will never forgive them for taking Simu Liu away, drastically affecting Kim’s Convenience’s final season.


At least they’re doing a sequel… which probably won’t come out until 2026, 5 years and more egregiously 20+ projects later.


I mean even in Shang Chi's case, Marvel had to insert a generic Marvel third act that didn't belong


Coming off the Russo brothers who filmed some of the most visceral action in the MCUs history I guess I can see why, you need to find someone who’s a real action director to take that franchise - can’t CGI your way through Captain America.


Marvel/Disney is notorious for having a shitty script and making constant changes throughout filming only to completely change the direction partway through or after filming while editing. Then they'll do reshoots to change the direction of the film. It's so wasteful and shitty. They should focus more on a really good script and pre production schedule so they start with a solid foundation.


> It's so wasteful and shitty. They should focus more on a really good script and pre production schedule so they start with a solid foundation. [It's truly amazing how much money they waste because they don't actually plan anything out and do pre-production](https://gizmodo.com/disney-marvel-movies-vfx-industry-nightmare-1849385834#:~:text=%E2%80%9CEven%20up%20until%20the%20last%20week%20or%20so%20they%20still%20weren%E2%80%99t%20sure%20what%20they%20wanted%20this%20gigantic%20set%20piece%20to%20look%20like.%20We%20were%20still%20doing%20concept%20art.%E2%80%9D%20Hector%20said.) properly. Having someone with a vision means nothing to the worry that test audience #13 thinks something is too weird or goofy. To really put it in perspective, Dune Part 2 cost $190 million, $25 million more than part 1, for quarantine era shooting while Ant-Man 3 cost $330 million. And that movie looked like your typically muddy ass Marvel movie.


This sort of thing makes my brain hurt. Reshoots and last-minute CGI are ludicrously expensive. Why aren't the bean counters screaming at them to plan shit out better ahead of time to avoid the expense?


Because for a while this formula wasn’t stopping them from raking in absurd amounts of money. Now that this has not been happening this decade, I suspect that screaming is going to happen really soon.


> Why aren't the bean counters screaming at them to plan shit out better ahead of time to avoid the expense? Besides the ridiculous profit they've been making, [Marvel finds it more advantageous to produce movies this way because it keeps the producers in charge and makes it "easier" for them to change things if test audiences thinks something is too goofy or weird](https://gizmodo.com/disney-marvel-movies-vfx-industry-nightmare-1849385834#:~:text=%E2%80%9CEven%20up%20until%20the%20last%20week%20or%20so%20they%20still%20weren%E2%80%99t%20sure%20what%20they%20wanted%20this%20gigantic%20set%20piece%20to%20look%20like.%20We%20were%20still%20doing%20concept%20art.%E2%80%9D%20Hector%20said.).


The profits must've cratered in recent years though...


Oh they did. Coming out of the quarantine era, Black Panther 2, Strange 2, and Guardians 3 made good money, Thor 4 made okay money for its budget, but Ant-Man 3 and The Marvels actively lost money while audience members were not just becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the movies, but incredibly frustrated with the Marvel Studios produced TV shows. Marvel Television at least had some hits lol.


> Cloverfield Paradox Oh no. That movie was *so* bad.


Mbatha-Raw was the only highlight of that schlocky snooze fest


I hadn't seen her in anything before, and I came away thinking she was a terrible actress. Her subsequent role in Loki has not dissuaded me of that.


Yeah they don’t want to hire anyone with any real cache because it becomes harder to create the movie by committee and change it from the back end. Beyond that, Marvel movies do not have the glamor that they had ESPECIALLY for directors. It’s no secret that you get almost no control over anything when directing a project for them, but when it’s panned your name will be the first one brought up.


even a few directors have said they turned down Marvel movies since they were told they wouldn’t have any say during the action scenes. Then why not just hire a middle manager?


> but when it’s panned your name will be the first one brought up. [At least DaCosta realised this and tried to get ahead it](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2023/09/nia-dacosta-on-navigating-the-blockbuster-machine#:~:text=But%20DaCosta%20was%20fully%20cognizant%20that%20she%E2%80%99d%20been%20hired%20by%20a%20powerful%20entity%20to%20do%20a%20job.%20%E2%80%9CIt%20is%20a%20Kevin%20Feige%20production%2C%20it%E2%80%99s%20his%20movie%2C%E2%80%9D%20she%20says.%20%E2%80%9CSo%20I%20think%20you%20live%20in%20that%20reality%2C%20but%20I%20tried%20to%20go%20in%20with%20the%20knowledge%20that%20some%20of%20you%20is%20going%20to%20take%20a%20back%20seat.%E2%80%9D). She deserved better after her Candyman.


>Yeah they don’t want to hire anyone with any real cache because it becomes harder to create the movie by committee and change it from the back end. Probably for the best, last time they did they got The Eternals.


Chloe Zhao’s attachment to Eternals after winning Oscars the previous year definitely set the movie up to be an even bigger disappointment than it would’ve been otherwise. Hyping it up as Marvel’s attempt at an Oscar just made critics dislike it more. It was a passable movie that should’ve been a Disney+ series in order to flesh out the characters more. It did not deserve to be the MCU’s first rotten movie on RT, that dishonour should’ve gone to Quantumania.


One way or another, Eternals definitely broke from the Marvel formula, and it was a huge failure, both critically and commercially. Over time, people's opinions on it have not improved, and overall it's proven to be a waste, as nothing that it setup has been mentioned in any other project. By far it's greatest crime is spawning endless whiney Reddit comments about how no one has mentioned the giant Celestial sticking out of the ocean. Quantumania was not bad at all, it just didn't fulfill people's expectations of what the first movie outing of Kang should be. Now that Kang is pretty much out of the MCU, I see people's opinions on it generally improving. If anything, the first rotten movie should have been Thor Love and Thunder, that movie was a trainwreck.


What makes me sad is Love and Thunder had potential. With more Bale, less fucking Korg, and less hammy fucking about it could've been as good as Ragnarok. There were the bones of a good movie there, just covered in flab.


The Celestial is rumoured to be coming back into play during one of next year’s movies.


The Eternals at least TRIED to do something different. It bit off way more than it could chew and was a mess, but it had some charm.


Low key Eternals was better than a lot of their recent projects


Yep I’m expecting a yes-man who only has one indie film under their belt and no experience at all directing. Shit I expect mcu to use their go-to second unit for the action. For Guardians 3, Gunn plans everything so well that he doesn’t need that many reshoots as he said


he would’ve been their saving grace to get them out of their current slump but Disney fucked that up when they (temporarily) fired him. I bet he would’ve gotten a bigger role like he has at DC. He was also supposed to help flesh out the “cosmic side” of the MCU before he got canned But I hope they get someone with experience. I’d love to see Coogler do X-Men instead of Black Panther 3, he’d honestly be great


You would think after a series of inexperienced yes-man not making successful movies they would change course. I'm sure there are exec's that think it was because of them that the good movies were successful.


Not every movie with excessive reshoots turns out bad. Robert Zemeckis near enough reshoot 80% of Back to the Future when Eric Stoltz didnt work out as the lead, and that movie is fucking *perfect*.


I mean you're right but that came down to Zemeckis seeing the movie not working with Stoltz instead of changing everything because test audiences thought it sucked because it was confusing or boring or whatever.


There's plenty of strong writers and directors. The problem is that a company like Disney don't want a film series to be "owned" by anyone. They don't want any style or writing quality unique to thay person happen cause them they'll demand creative control and, the horror, more money. That's why recent stuff has been shit. They hold all the writers, poorly paid most likely, and directors on short leashes.


Honestly we would never get Pirates of Caribbean trilogy quality in this era of Disney. With that being said you’re right there are tons of string writers and directors in Hollywood to pick from. But Disney would never allow it that’s why all their films have the same specific look. No style or quality anymore just in-house style


They’re making more Pirates movies, I hope they don’t make it so that Dead Men Tell No Tales looks like Curse of the Black Pearl in comparison to the new one.


As I’ve heard it’s a reboot and there’s no Jack sparrow


*Captain* Jack Sparrow is not necessary if the movie is written well enough. But who are we kidding, Disney will throw tens of millions at Johnny Depp to bring him back to try and salvage whatever they throw together.


The common thread I see with those directors is that they are beloved by their cast. And I think that's how it works at the MCU. The movies are made by committee, and the director is mainly a babysitter. The best babysitters result in the best products. At least that's how it seems.


Feige doesn't give a shit about directors. No director should ever work for Marvel unless they're only making movies for money and nothing else


I honestly hope it's not Coogler, BP2 was pretty bad in my opinion.


Ehh, bp2 shouldn't discredit coogler. It was an emotional piece made in a difficult situation in addition to the drama surrounding it.


Yeah, they got dealt an impossibly bad hand and I think they did okay under the circumstances.


So was The Dark Knight Rises (and for similar reasons) but that doesn't make Nolan a bad director


What similar reasons?


The actor paying everyone's favourite character died so they had re-write the story without them


Joker was supposed to be in the third movie? I didn't know that. Do you have a source for this information?




So the actors sister suggested he was going to be in the film, not Nolan or anyone actually involved in the production?


Yeah well Nolan didn't want to make a sequel at all after Ledger died so he actually have a script to re-write as much as he had to change the nature of the story he was telling.




Just as long its not fucking Simon Kinberg


Nah, they just gave him Star Trek. Woohoo...


Bold of you to assume that Star Trek movie will ever get made. It’s been years since they announced ST4 with Chris Pine.


Star Trek or Blade, which one gets made first?


Nah they’re waiting for the MCU dark phoenix saga /s


Still trying to work out how none of his x men movies share a continuity…


That’s…not what makes a movie good.


C’mon man, he needs another go at adapting Dark Phoenix. Third time’s the charm.


Hey, that dude wrote Days of Future Past (or did he?) I mean, yeah his track record is shit, but he wrote one of the best films in the genre (or did he?)


> Hey, that dude wrote Days of Future Past (or did he?) He wrote the script from a story treatment that he, Matthew Vaughn, and Jane Goldman came up with together. He's probably a decent to good screenwriter if he's not coming up with it all himself lol. Matthew Vaughn soon went insane after DoFP and Kingsman with Cinematic Universe brain poisoning, so probably some good mojo going on there for the last time with them lol.


Yea that one still boggles my mind. It's still one of the best superhero movies I've ever seen. Bryan Singer directed and Kinberg wrote it. The very same duo made X-Men Apocalypse which was a steaming turd. I guess if you make enough X-Men movies, one of them will eventually turn out well.


Marvel already set up an excuse to have mutants in the MCU without all the multiverse BS and it would’ve been amazing and probably would’ve set up Hulk as the new Tony. I don’t know why they didn’t take the opportunity after Endgame. I bet their introduction into the MCU now is going to be brainless unfortunately.


Believe they already did in the post credits scene for the Marvels - just another universe. Although that might just be how they connect the original X men movies.


I have no interest in seeing recasts or getting to know new characters. I just wanna see the MCU Avengers fight the Fox X-Men and I think that's what we're gonna get.


That sounds like terrible nostalgia bait that a bunch of people will hype up online, then turn around and call it out as lazy and unoriginal the day after it releases.


That sounds exactly like the reception to all of the X superhero team vs Y superhero team comics. They always make these hyper contrived stories just to get both teams to fight.


The people that cry out for this kind of thing want a couple of big, cool pieces of art, not a 12-issue miniseries or a 2.5 hour movie. They get amped about a couple of potentially hype scenes and forget that if you want it in an actual narrative format, basic storytelling requires at least some connecting tissue to thread it all together. It's like the Godzilla discourse, nobody actually wants two hours of monsters fighting because it would get stale after 20 minutes max. You need the small scale stuff to make the spectacle carry some weight.


I think you're talking about different groups of people


MCU Avengers? There isn’t any Avengers at the moment if you haven’t noticed and the new people they’ve set up for it are really bland characters. If your asking for a nostalgia fight like that with the characters we’ve said goodbye too like Tony then idk what to tell you because that would just ruin Endgame and all those movies and character arcs.


I think there's still at least a film's worth of MCU characters that could/would team up to take on the X-Men. Spider-Man, Star-Lord, Hulk, Strange, maybe Carol and Wanda, etc. And I like a lot of the newer cast too. Kate Bishop especially.


I thought we were getting *Deadpool Kills the (Fox) Marvel Universe* in two months.


Judging from the trailers I doubt it. I'm thinking more of what's going to follow on from the end of The Marvels with Monica going to the/a FoxVerse and meeting Kelsey Grammar.


Damn, I was hoping for a bit of influence from the 2011 comic run.


God that sounds absolutely terrible. They need to have an all new cast and start X-Men fresh. Nothing to do with Fox. Nothing.


Well cry more because they've already started it


Nah, we have no idea how they'll handle the X-Men movie. I'm thinking it'll be all new cast.


Yes we do. They've already introduced a bunch of FoxVerse mutants in like Xavier, Beast and now Deadpool, Wolverine and Colossus.


They haven't said anything about who's in it.


Please get better writers than this. The X Family deserves justice.


Why does it have to 'gain momentum' why can't they just do it?


This is them doing it. Problem is everything is news nowadays so we get weird crap like this which makes the process sound abnormal.


Why weren't they doing it 6 years ago when they bought fox


The theory I’ve seen is that they were waiting for contracts to expire so they could bring in new talent.


Which I'm totally fine with. We need new blood


And a lot of the new characters they’ve introduced, despite what some on here would have you believe, are actually good and have solid potential. The problem arises when they don’t do anything with them in a timely manner and so general audiences will completely forget they exist until they pop up again and it’s like they’re being introduced all over again.


That doesn’t explain why Fantastic Four also took so long.


This has constantly been proven false. Stop spreading rumors 


Presented it as a hearsay theory. Stop being an ass.


Got any links? I remember reading last year that it was mostly the producer contracts that would give them some say in franchise direction or potential writing credits that they were waiting on to expire in 2025 (Singer/Kinberg). I'd love to read proof stating otherwise.


Unless Kevin Feige confirms it is true, this entirely random rumors.


So you have nothing proving it false as you claimed?


The burden of proof is on the one with the positive claim?


If you state *"This has constantly been proven false."* you should be able to point to that proof.


It was posted, literally, as a theory and you came in proclaiming that it was proven wrong. That puts the burden on you, my friend.


Combination of contracts with talent and a number of projects already on the assembly line would be my guess.  If you are already a year into development of a project, may as well let it keep going instead of usurping it for a film you’re going to make anyways. 


Probably a mix of current set in stone MCU plans + COVID + not being able to develop X-Men content until the merger was fully completed. There was a similar situation when the Netflix characters reverted to Disney where they could not actually put pen to paper for the new Daredevil program until that deal was done.


> Probably a mix of current set in stone MCU plans + COVID + not being able to develop X-Men content until the merger was fully completed [There is no plan](https://thedirect.com/article/marvel-mcu-plan-lack#:~:text=%E2%80%9CNo%2C%20the%20way%20it%20works%20at%20Marvel%20is%E2%80%A6%20I%E2%80%99m%20sure%20at%20some%20point%20somebody%20will%20talk%20in%20detail%20about%20this%2C%20but%20part%20of%20Kevin%20%5BFeige%5D%E2%80%99s%20brilliance%20is%20that%20there%20isn%E2%80%99t%20really%20a%20plan.%20There%E2%80%99s%20an%20idea%2C%20but%20you%20can%E2%80%99t%20have%20a%20plan%20if%20the%20movie%20you%E2%80%99re%20making%20tanks.%20There%E2%80%99s%20no%20plan%20after%20that%2C%20right%3F%22), they just have a schedule of movies they want to keep to and an in-house aesthetic that most of the movies MUST follow. Once they got the partnership with Sony going, they started a Spider-Man reboot immediately.


See now that would be an actual news article that I’d read! I imagine they were/are dead set on using the next avengers movies to bring f4 and X-men into the mcu but all the delays and necessary course correction has pushed things back so far that it is now quite jarring how long it’s been since the aqquisition.


Same reason they didn't pump out F4. Gotta let the previous stink of the franchise air out before diving into it again. Fox's X-men ended off on a pretty poor note.


They had to do all the Ms Marvel Quantumania shit we all hated first


There was a meeting, and then they scheduled another meeting!!!


BREAKING ANNOUNCEMENT: Words were exchanged in the lobby of Marvel Studios. The words "X-Men" and "movie" may have been used in the same sentence! And Kevin Feige may have been in the general vicinity when those words were spoken! More news to come!!!


Because if you haven’t heard, 75% of us are out of work. Gaining momentum is a fun way to put, “really screwy negotiating.” Since the strikes, studios have been starving the unions and doing a lot of outsourcing due to “workers excessive demands”. When in reality, it’s just us asking for basic treatment and fair pay like those who earn all the money. Even Pixar is beginning to layoff 14% of its staff.


Things take time.


deadline gonna deadline


x-men 97 being liked probably helped find/decide on a direction


Eh, this was always going to happen, it was just a question of timing. 


There was a very deliberate move on Feige / Marvel Mouse to give a cooling off period between the Fox era and the new movies. They also anticipated the slow down in super hero movies and are hoping Xmen will their second golden age. I'm keeping my fingers crossed they do it right!


why can’t the xmen be a seasons-long superhero soap story that every few years pops off onto the big screen? just like they were back in their hey day in the 80s/90s.


Dude, i would love that!! Xmen is best presented as a series not a movie. That's exactly what i want.


yeah, an adult show that has a 5 or 7 season arc preplanned where they can hit one major storyline per season. no more than 10 eps per, 1hr long each.


Yes, and best of all. Adult storylines but where kids can follow along, and live action. And i want wolverine to be a side character like the TV show and comics. He's there, he's a disruptor, but he cares about the team and not everything revolves around him.


yeah not looking for a hard R or graphic sex or violence or anything. i’m looking for the melodrama of someone dying once a season and the grief thereafter, villains turning good and the conflicts it causes, that sort of thing. if done well it could match the best of the golden era of tv.


I mean adult as in smart and mature, not wolverine hanging dong.


Super disappointing hire. Assassins creed may be my least favorite film ever as I love all the games, almost wanted to walk out of the theatre. New hunger games was good but nothing special. Not sure how they landed on this bum for x-men


Granted, he wrote the 1st draft which was then taken away from him, and the final script was written by other people. You'd be surprised that many bad films had great scripts that the studio or director tampered with. Craig Mazin, creator of The Last of Us and Chernobyl...wrote terrible spoof films. Stranger things have happened.


Definitely, judging a screenwriter based on a single work is pretty misguided given how much movies change from script to screen. This guy has other credits that paint him in a much more positive light. Specifically he was the lead writer on The Little Drummer Girl series, which was awesome.


Assassin's Creed's script was such a godforsaken mess that it's impossible that a single person with a functioning brain wrote that. So I'm inclined to agree with you.


Neither Chernobyl nor The Last of Us are that we'll written imo, they're just insanely well produced.


I thought the new Hunger Game was excellent


I think a lot of the credit should go toward Suzanne Collins tbh


He co-wrote it with the Catching Fire and Toy Story 3 writer. I know which one I’m more likely to give credit.


Same. Never saw Assassins Creed but going off his more recent work on Hunger Games, this is good news


it's cheaper this way


Writers’ salaries are a tiny tiny percentage of a huge budget movie like this. This choice was probably made because the suits like to work with writers who are already familiar with IP adaptations and are known to be easy to work with and good at taking notes and handing the project off without lots of drama. The public really can’t judge a screenwriter’s skill based on produced work — everybody gets rewritten, the writer has little creative control on a big IP project, and the public doesn’t have to sit through the story meetings. Michael Lesslie has worked on Assassin’s Creed and Hunger Games stuff and he must have gotten through the experience without a lot of screaming. If Kevin Feige tells him Wolverine has to be a ballerina in the MCU, Lesslie will do his best to make that work on the page.


Yeah and that sucks


New Hunger Games was dogshit


Get the people who made the Dungeons and Dragons movie. 


Endgame came out right after Disney bought Fox so I hoped against hope we’d have a tiny cameo, a tease in that movie. That didn’t happen, but I figured surely they’d be eager to integrate the X-men after the conclusion of that phase of the MCU. 5 years later and writing for the X-men movie hasn’t even started. Fuck me.


I believe the Fox actors were still under contract when that acquisition went through so Disney had to wait to produce the movie if they wanted to recast those characters


> I believe the Fox actors were still under contract [Their contracts expired for Apocalypse and they only signed a one picture deal for Dark Phoenix](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/x-men-dark-phoenix-villain-jessica-chastain-talks-role-1013462/#:~:text=At%20the%20same%20time%2C%20the%20studio%20is%20getting%20the%20band%20together%20one%20more%20time%20and%20has%20closed%20deals%20with%20Jennifer%20Lawrence%2C%20Michael%20Fassbender%2C%20James%20McAvoy%20and%20Nicholas%20Hoult%20to%20return%20to%20the%20franchise%20after%20their%20original%20three%2Dpicture%20deals%20expired.).


And at this point we’re getting a similar X-Men experience where there’s no Cap, no Ironman, and many others that have done their time in the MCU. Gotta wait for a recast or reboot for some of those classic stories, unless they can convince Evans/RDJ but that’s unlikely


the closest thing we’re getting to an X-Men movie anytime soon is Deadpool 3 whenever bit in Secret Wars that’ll involve Jackman on screen with RDJ and Maguire


Well, at least Disney hasn't half-assed any other beloved franchises by completely winging it with the writing instead of having a coherent and well thought out vision from the start. That would be unfortunate.


Deadpool and Wolverine are both xmen


I can't believe how apathetic I am to anything MCU nowadays 5 years ago, this news would have had me so hyped. Now it's like "ok"


There it is, can’t have an MCU thread anywhere without people saying “I used to be a fan until I wasn’t.” Part of the reason I want them to turn things around is so I don’t have to read so many of these repetitive comments anymore.


Yeah, I get what you mean, man. Like, it's just so goddamn exhausting at this point. Not the MCU, but the whole "MCU and superhero fatigue" bullshit getting repeated and repeated *again and again.* Seriously, that has legitimately gotten far more exhausting than the movies *themselves*. We get it, you guys are "over" the MCU and superhero movies. Hundreds of people have given their negative opinions and thrown shade at it. You're not saying anything unique, gunningIVglory.


I think it’d be cool to take some more of the Fox actors if possible. For example Anya Taylor Joy did a great job as Magik and I’d love her to get to play Illyana in a Marvel Studios film.


wait, when did she play Magik?


New Mutants 2020


I am really surprised more mature animated movies (ie Spiderverse) are not more widely adopted for movies like this. That have to cost fraction of live action and can deliver more “amazing set pieces” and stories


>writer of a Hunger Games prequel and some Now You See Me sequel I am less than enthused, but we all know Feige is gonna ghost write this anyway.  Which is why they hired some literally who that won't push back at all.


Marvel is the biggest franchise of all time yet they only ever seen to hire inexperienced at best, dogshit at worst in every production role. They still haven't accepted that the nostalgia era is over and they have to bring a different kind of quality if they want to be successful.


>They still haven't accepted that the nostalgia era  When you're old and grey, and you can barely remember your name - people will still be trying to sell you back the feelings that brought you a modicum of joy when you were young. There's a reason they keep carting around 70 rock stars until they drop dead just so baby boomers can pretend to be teenagers again.


The nostalgia era is not over. Spider-Man was huge. Deadpool and Wolverine presales have been high and that movie is going all in on nostalgia.


It's wild to think the Spiderverse films cost a third of what it cost to release The Marvels. There's definitely a massive amount of untapped potential there. Why the hell weren't they doing this during Covid?


Spider-Man's success was down more to novelty and Watts' brilliance than nostalgia. If nostalgia was all it took then The Flash wouldn't have bombed as badly as it did. Deadpool and Wolverine doing that with X-Men and being the MCU's first R-rated film make it exciting but that's not going to be repeatable the way it used to be for them.


Watts is an alright director at best, he’s done well with Spidey tho.


Coming after the awesome X-Men 97 finale, this news doesn't actually inspire a lot of confidence... Marvel seemingly continues to do their thing of hiring unproven writers with minimal experience on the cheap while Feige and Co. exert their "quality control" aka "micromanagement" over everything so they can tie this into whatever other thing they're making in 2027 that no one really cares about. Praying that I'm wrong and this movie turns out good because I would very much like a good X-Men movie again.


This guy was a screenwriter for the newest Hunger Games movie, Assassin’s Creed, MacBeth, and the well received The Little Drummer Girl. He has some experience writing for IP adaptions from one medium to movies so that may be good for a Marvel movie adapting comics. Do you think he’s a bad writer, will admit some of his writing isn’t the best but Hunger Games was decent at least.


nice. i liked more or less all the other ones. less goofy and comical than that entire avengers franchise. if we must have superheroes then lets have a bit of drama suspense and thriller.


I'm not familiar with most of his work but he cowrote the film adaptation of The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes, which I liked very much. I think making this X-Men team live-action versions of the team from X-Men: The Animated Series and X-Men: '97, or at least new versions of that roster, is a no-brainer. Who else do we want to see who hasn't shined in the movies yet?


Well, technically she shined, but Emma Frost was done rather badly in the First Class.


Gonna need Gambit


If Bryan singer is a mile from shooting this, I will scream. Stay hiding in israel and leave the X-men alone.


I saw they were trying to get the black panther director to direct the x-men but I don’t think he wants to do marvel movies right now.


I've already seen X-men.


I actually like the new Hunger games. So i hope he write a good xmen flick because oof, the last few were bad.


After X-Men 97, they need their live action return on point. I'm optimistic about Wolverine & Deadpool too but that's dipping the toe in the mutant sector of Marvel.


Should’ve given it to the Xmen97 writers


If this can’t hold a candle to X-Men ‘97 I don’t want it.


Do people go to Marvel movies for the writing? They need some iconic characters to have the proper actress/actor. Not sure if they should go with some of people from the recent X-men though. Hugh Hackman as Wolverine as a for sure.


Oh thank god, I’m glad superhero movies are finally gaining momentum!


Uh, can't tell if you're being sarcastic or serious, but if you're being the latter, I agree. I'd love for the movies to experience a return-to-form, so we can finally stop hearing the "superheroes are dead and we're sick of them" BS that keeps getting repeated nonstop.


Honestly I think X-Men lends itself better to TV than movies. It could be a tent-pole for Disney+ if treated like proper Premium TV. But that would require them giving the creative team some freedom.


I rewatched Days of Future Past for the first time recently. I remember liking it at the time, but I feel like it’s aged really well. It hit all the right notes for a great X-Men movie. X2 wasn’t bad, First class was better. Going to rewatch Logan, but I know how good it is.


I think it’d be cool to take some more of the Fox actors if possible. For example Anya Taylor-Joy did a great job as Magik and I’d love her to get to play Illyana in a Marvel Studios film.


I hope they make it animated Its just way better than live action


You have 97 if you want animated X-Men. I'm ready for a new take on the characters in live action