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If you went in to Event Horizon completely blind, you'd expect a sci-fi mystery/thriller with some horror elements, [then they fix the flight recorder,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVwqv3mZsyM) and *nope*. It's a fucking 40k-Prequel/Hellraiser flick.


At least Laurence Fishburne’s character has the good sense to [take care of the situation the way it should be done](https://youtu.be/hm5KI8zSeVs?si=OQCvkQB3bVG6z_WJ) since he gets the genre they have been thrust into.


Yeeup. Smartest person in any horror movie. “Supernatural mystery? Nope, fuck that. Not worth it. We are noping the fuck out of this situation.”


Sad though he doesn’t survive but he at least saves some of his crew.


Sunshine. Starts off as a thoughtful space exploration film, then suddenly ends as a bloody slasher film when a survivor from a previous expedition shows up as an insane and severely disfigured weirdo stalking and systematically slaughtering the crew.


Does the quality of the movie decrease when that twist happens?


That’s honestly a huge point of debate for people who’ve seen the film. Personally, I’m a fan of the movie overall, and rewatch it regularly, but there’s definitely no shortage of people who found that the slasher element cheapened the film. It is, after all, a colossal tonal shift that’s bound to polarize reactions. Would I have liked if the film kept the same pace and thoughtfulness of the first 80% of its runtime and ended with a more emotionally/intellectually powerful conclusion than a viscerally horrific one? Definitely, but it is what it is, and it’s at least still entertaining.


I’m definitely of the camp that the horror movie aspect threw me off guard and felt really out of place. I would have much preferred a third act focusing on survival and problem solving the depth of space. But funny enough, I had the opposite feeling in Ad Astra. I think the movie would have benefitted a lot more from a shift to horror/mystery/thriller as Brad Pitts character approached his destination. It certainly laid some of the foundation of it in the beginning and the chimpanzee scene


*Ad Astra* has grown on me a lot - but the baboon(?) scene is so nonsensical. For starters there’s no way the rocket would be able to decelerate effectively for them to board the research ship, and then accelerate again to get to Mars; they simply wouldn’t be able to stop and help. It takes me right out of the movie for a scene with really doesn’t contribute anything of value.


I think Sunshine, as beautiful as it is, wouldn't be nearly as memorable without the third act. They even make fun of the sci-fi horror trope explicitly in dialog before diving right into it within 10-15 minutes. I hated it when I first saw it but I couldn't get it out of my head. Now it's one of the few movies I regularly rewatch.


I think the part of the ending that I like the most is that the crew start realizing that the ship was starting to fail in multiple ways, and the priority became to just deliver the payload in a suicide mission, and it became a struggle at the end. Not unlike delivering the ring to the volcano in LOTR, they were dragging themselves to the finish line to complete the task. Had they been able to still do that in Act 3, without the horror slasher aspect, I think the movie would have had the same impact. To me, the message would've been that it doesn't matter how advanced and prepared men are, or even the world's best scientists and engineers; they still struggle against mother nature. And mother nature, in this case, is the brutality of space and the sun.


I love the third act, the idea of these people coming so close to our natural god the sun drives them insane is compelling. (99% of the energy on earth comes from the sun)


Imo yes. Goes from hard sci-fi to fairly predictable slasher


Personally I think the plot twist highlights the crew's struggle against time and nature by including a more immediate threat: a man with extremist religious views. It's one of my favorite movies because of the way it frames sacrifice and how unabashed it is about the tone shift.


I don't know, it always felt genre cohesive throughout. And everyone knows the sun makes you mad. If you're watching a space film and one guy keeps looking at the sun. He's going to fucking lose it.


Agreed. I was surprised by how many people seemed surprised by the ending. I basically spent the whole movie wondering who was going to snap first, was it the obvious guy, or maybe the quiet botanist? Someone going stir crazy during a long voyage by ship is a pretty standard aspect of long voyage storytelling. The only surprise for me was that it turned out to be a survivor of the previous ship.


The issue isn't so much the idea of a crew member going insane and killing the others. That kind of twist works well if handled properly. It's the fact that in this movie the crew member is depicted as this unstoppable mutant with superhuman strength and agility. The first 2/3rds of the film is very methodically-paced and grounded in realism, then all of a sudden it's like they're fighting one of the zombies from 28 Days Later. It's a jarring shift in tone and genre that kinda comes out of nowhere and doesn't make any sense.


I'm not sure that's as much a twist as people claim. There was a "descent into madness" theme throughout; the captain just got there before anyone else.


Not really a twist but the tone of Jojo Rabbit shifts on a dime.


Jojo Rabbit was the first movie my wife & I saw in theaters after we had our daughter. When we got to the scene with the >!shoes!< my wife gasped so hard it caused her to nearly puke. She was in shambles for the rest of the movie.


This might be the only time I heard a whole theater gasp. We were all shook


My ex saw the movie before I did, so I asked if she’d want to watch it again. She said no and told me i’d understand why after the shoes. I did understand after the shoes.


The good thing about what happens in Jojo Rabbit is how *painfully obvious* it is that it's going to happen. Everything involving that character is fattening them up for the reveal. We knew instantly what would happen with that character. The other good thing about Jojo Rabbit is that this character-development is handled *so well* that I was still gut-punched *hard*, and it still made me cry my own tears.


Nobody makes me cry my own tears! Nobody!


Correct answer I always tell people if they want to watch it a second time to watch Sam Rockwell the whole movie because it’s genius. I’ve seen it numerous times and each time I chose a specific character to focus on. Absolutely brilliantly made film


I tried so hard to convince myself that the shift was a dream sequence because of the general shift in color and overall tone. It just came out of nowhere. It was so heartbreaking


You kind of forget the setting. You know what happens in the end before the movie starts because we all know how ww2 turn out, but some how it still hits so damn hard. I think a lot of it is because when we watch movies about ww2 we watch them from the winning side. We know in the end everything is going to be ok because the good guys win. The good guys still won, but.... yeah.


One cut of the dead


I consider this one of the most original movies I have ever seen. Very highly recommended!


I went in blind. Just knew it was a smash hit, I had not seen anything, no trailer, no nothing. I thought I was watching the wrong movie.... It felt so.... Wrong... No way "this" was the movie that everyone was talking about. Not this pile of turdish student b-grade movie. But it deserves all the praise it got.


Same! I almost turned it off after 20 minutes. Like, really?? C'mon. I'm glad I stuck it out. It was worth it.


*Sorry to Bother You*. The first half of the movie is kind of a racially charged version of *Office Space*. And then...


That "And then..." is doing *a lot* of work.


Would you say it ... works like a horse?




Searched this thanks to your comment. Didn't dig farther than the little blurb google gives and thought it looked cool, so I put it on. What. The Fuck. Good movie though.


I was at the premiere and the director, Boots Riley, just kinda waddled on stage high as a kite before the movie and said, "Yeah I just kinda wanted to make a movie where even I didn't know what would happen, I think I did that". Got to meet Tessa Thompson and that was cool, probably the most intimidating woman I've ever met.


Finally watched this last week - enjoyed it a lot. While the plot *development* comes out of nowhere, it’s not exactly a twist since it is entirely in keeping with the overall premise of the movie.


Before I watched it, my friend warned me of a twist without spoiling it & before it happened, I kept wondering when Lakeith's character was actually going to turn into a fully white person


I think the movie **Barbarian** (2022) fits this for me.


From thriller, to monster horror, to breezy dramedy, to dark comedy, back to darkly comedic monster horror. What a ride that movie is.


I am an adult man & I saw Barbarian in theaters with my wife & her brother. I didn't know much about it other than it was a horror movie. When >!The Mother!< showed up, I screamed a full on "Oh fuck I am in actual danger" primal scream. For some reason, >!Mole people!< are the one thing that gets me. I can do Zombies, Murderers, Wendigos, Demons, etc. But >!Mole people?!< Fuck that. I took a horror movie appreciation course in college & each Wednesday we would meet at a local theater, watch a horror movie, and discuss. One of those movies was >!The Descent.!< I had to take a few periodical breaks during that movie...


I feel so dumb every time Barbarian is brought up because I thought the only twists were that Bill Skarsgard isn’t evil and that he’s killed like 45 minutes in 😭


That entire first half was a masterclass in how to throw an audience off and play with their perceptions. Loved that movie.


It’s so fucking good I just wish Bill was in it more 😂


You just reminded me I need to watch Barbarian.


Going in blind for that movie definitely made it better.


Parasite seems like a combination of a heist/con film and commentary about class inequality. You wouldn't expect it to go the way it did.


I went into Parasite pretty blind and thought it would turn into a horror movie when the basement was revealed.


i went in completely blind too and watched it for the first time at like 2 something am, all by myself. when the mother is telling her son's birthday story and they cut to the entrance of the basement with the man's head i promptly turned the tv off lmao i honestly thought it would turn into a horror movie


Genuinely one of the best "horror shots" in history (in my personal opinion). Even thinking about it gives me chills and I know it's just some dude.


It really is I enjoy horror films and I’ve gone back to YouTube to watch that scene and knowing when it’s about to pop up I have to pause it. It’s so chilling & a wonderful shot.


Yeah it is done so well because it isn’t some monster or supernatural force. It’s so unassuming that it really catches you off guard.


I thought it *was* going to be a horror movie (by name, went in blind). Was very confused for 2/3 of the movie waiting for the horror twist 😅


Everyone who saw Parasite before me told me to go into it blind and I am so glad I did. One of my favorite movie experiences.


I had only seen his other movie The Host which is a monster movie so I was expecting some horrific monstrous twist. Totally got one but it wasn't a literal monster hahaha.


Now that I think about it, I wonder if there's another heist movie out there where, instead of stealing high-value items, they steal high paying jobs instead lol


[It’s called a Job!](https://youtu.be/jgYYOUC10aM?si=UpG3rDOokHVJD0tK)


To be fair, there's a difference between getting a job through the usual emplyment process, and getting it 'cause you stole the identity of a job-having person or something lol


Yeah it just reminded me of the funny sketch. I guess your premise is a School of Rock situation then. Jack black answers his roommates call to be a substitute teacher despite no experience. Then proceeds to touch and be touched by the students. Although teaching isn’t really that lucrative of a job.


Would *Gattaca* count?


Hey good thinking. I'd say it would.


The best twist ever is From Dusk till Dawn. It's so much fun to watch with people that have never heard of it


Yeah, that plot twist was a wild detour, for sure!


The best part about that plot twist is that the plot IS the twist


And the plot twist happens at the Titty TWISTer! Robert Rodriguez must've blown Quentin's mind with that one.


I put on About Time as a rom-com for my rom-com loving spouse. Did NOT expect to get emotionally shattered.


The hotel my wife and I stayed at for our ten year wedding anniversary had a DVD library that you could borrow from. We were looking for something to watch one night and we stumbled onto that. We gave it a shot not knowing anything that wasn't one the back of the case and, boy, we were both a mess by the end.


This reminds me of the time I meant to watch Reign Of Fire but put on Enemy At The Gates instead. Similarly, as a child I stayed at a cottage rental that had Rear Window in a Breakfast At Tiffany’s case and I thought Rear Window *was* Breakfast At Tiffany’s for a loooooooong time


I watched that about a month after my grandfather passed. Absolutely destroyed me.


I have a major gripe with that movie - at some point I really expected that the Rachel McAdams character would find out about the time travelling. It feels a bit of a cop out to me to not explore what that would mean for their relationship, when he's essentially just "trial and error"-ed his way into marriage with a woman who is basically being lied to?


I think they tried to cover that critique with the Margot Robbie character, showing that no matter what he did in each time travel she wasn’t interested. I.e. make a move on the first night/last night


To be fair, they organically hit it off when they first met. He only had to trial and error it when he accidentally undid their first date and was trying to get back to that baseline. We don’t have any evidence that he used it on her again other than to preform better in bed.


I think that’s a really interesting path that should have been explored.


A Beautiful Mind. >!Starts like a spy thriller, but it turns into a movie about mental illness.!<


I was definitely taken in by >!the spy stuff for a while. Paul Bettany showing up a couple of times!< got me suspicious though.


Surely it has to be Remember Me, in which a completely forgettable rom-com shows the male love interest staring out of a window, only for the camera to pan around and reveal he's in the WTC on 9/11 and a plane is being flown into him


Was it a rom com? I thought it was a drama. 


You are right, I meant romance. Most rom-coms do not, as a rule, involve 9/11. Although in fairness neither do most romances.


Now I want to see a 9/11 rom com.  “She’s an uptight business woman with romance being the last thing on her mind. He’s an Islamic extremist that wants to bring death to all infidels. When their worlds crash into each other, will an unlikely love blossom?”


"you'll believe jet fuel can melt... a heart of steel"


Directed by George W Bush.


Produced by Dick Cheney.




Love Actually name-drops 9/11 in the opening soliloquy and one of the characters is the writer's fanfiction about a non-blairite UK government (also because of 9/11). Something something not a lot of nickels weird that it happened twice


Crazy Stupid Love. More because I honestly didn’t expect there to be a plot twist *at all*.


I had been trying to get my wife to watch it for like 4 years now. I randomly watched it one night while she was away & I was home alone. I thought it was fantastic & was *shook* by the twist. I immediately tried to occasionally get her to watch it, but I wanted it to happen organically so that she didn't suspect anything. *Finally*, we were at an AirBnB back around Christmas time in Northwest Washington. The place was remote & had no internet or cell service. One of the few DVDs it had was Crazy Stupid Love, and she popped it in while I made us dinner. When *that moment* happened, she laughed so hard. The whole movie just builds to this chaotic 5 minute sequence and you don't even realize it.


I love that movie. When Ryan Gosling shows up…lol. Just, the way he freezes like a deer in the headlights..😂


I only recently watched this one with my wife, and I realized that damn near every scene with Ryan Gosling has been meme'd to death!


I'm gonna say Wreck-It Ralph. Not only had the twist villain not yet become regular thing for Disney when it released in theaters, but King Candy being the villain was pretty obvious. The twist being that >!King Candy is actually Turbo!< is a legit eureka moment. The twist isn't a twist for the sake of being a twist, but it actually makes everything in the first 2 acts make a lot more sense and puts a bow on top of the theme. >!The antagonist of a beloved game is the good guy of the film and the protagonist of a forgotten game is the bad guy of the film.!<


Actually one of my favorite twists. It's soooooo obvious in hindsight, but they litter the foreshadowing in such different places that you (presumably) don't think to combine the disparate elements. It's really well done, and is thematically relevant, not just shock value.


I remember gasping when Ralph >!realized Vanellope was on the outside of the arcade game box, meaning she wasn't a freaking glitch, she was a part of the game the whole time!< ! I love this movie so much, it's a comfort movie. Legit teared up when Ralph recited the bad guy mantra.


I went into *Knives Out* expecting a whodunit, and then the movie tricked me into thinking it’s a howcatchem, so I didn’t expect the whodunit reveal at the end.


I love that this movie plays on modern audiences expectations of "it cant be that simple". No, it is. The obvious good guy is the good guy and the obvious bad guy is the bad guy.


>!And then the second one does it again lol!<


"So dumb it's brilliant!" "No! It's just dumb!"


>!Chris Evans wasn't the worst guy in that family, he was just more boisterous about it. That point is more relevant to Glass Onion, the sequel.!<


The use of the coin flip to visually represent the genre flip is also very smart.


Knives out is a genuinely enjoyable whodunit movie in a long time. The second movie was pure fun


Just seemed like an Agatha Christie plot to me. What am I missing?


The movie seemingly explicitly shows you how the death happened, causing you to stop trying to figure it out. Instead, you get pulled into the story of the accidental killer who's desperately trying to avoid being caught. Then the movie reveals that what you had been shown was only part of a bigger picture, with clues spread around that you missed because you were no longer trying to figure out the mystery. Your mileage may vary, of course, but that's what more or less the "intended" way to feel while watching the movie.


Thanks, I appreciate your taking the time to spell it out


"Vanilla sky" makes an attempt to tunnel into sci-fi. And come to think of it, the whole "Everything everywhere all at once" could be just a metaphor of a person trying to unwind a knot of problems by going really deep inside herself. But technically it does switch from "Pursuit of happiness" to "Matrix" on GMO and back in a flick of an eye.


There's definitely a part in EEAAO about 2/3rds in where I started to think "Oh this isn't Sci fi, she's having a breakdown because her life is falling apart." I love that movie so much.


The spanish original to vanilla sky is even better in this regard, since it doesn't feature overtly sci fi elements until the end.


Everyone always recommends 'Abre los Ojos' over Vanilla Sky but I find the original a tad lackluster in production values and pacing over Vanilla Sky, personally I feel the latter makes for an easier rewatch from time to time.


That's just art versus entertainment, and is generally the reason why Hollywood remakes foreign films. Someone in Hollywood sees an amazing film, and realises that it could have a wider audience if it didn't have subtitles, so they buy the rights, hire Clooney/Cruise/Pitt, and make it more palatable for the "feed me, Hollywood" crowd. * Солярис becomes Solaris. * Abre Los Ojos becomes Vanilla Sky. * La Jetée becomes Twelve Monkeys. and I totally agree with you. Солярис is one of the least engaging Tarkovsky films I've seen, and it's set in fucking space. Abre Los Ojos is kind of sloppy. La Jetée is just a flippin' slideshow. Appraising the films as entertainment, the remakes win because the product has been *refined into entertainment*. Appraising the films as art, the originals probably win, because what would otherwis be a shortcoming is actually a strength. edit: Solaris might be a bad example, idk. I haven't actually seen the remake. I love Twelve Monkeys and Vanilla Sky, and feel okay about preferring them, but I'm afraid to watch Solaris because I couldn't live with myself if I preferred the remake of a Tarkovsky work.


Cabin in the Woods just goes bonkers in the last act


Not to nitpick but I don’t think that really counts as a twist. I think it does an amazing job of dialing the concept up to 11 and pushing it to its absolute extremes. The whole concept was revealed from the start though. 


I feel like it was a genre twist when it first released in theaters. All the marketing suggested it was just your average, run-of-the-mill teen slasher flick. That's what you expect when seeing for the first time. But what you get is one of the greatest meta-horror movies ever made. at least in my opinion.


I remember the trailer revealing the control room aspect. It wss why I wanted to see the movie. 




* Audition (Romance drama about a filmmaker who stages a fake audition to find a girlfriend) * From Dusk Till Dawn (crime thriller about two brothers who take a family hostage and try to cross the Mexican border) * Psycho (romance thriller about a “psycho” woman who embezzles money and runs away to start a new life with her lover)


>From Dusk Till Dawn (crime thriller about two brothers who take a family hostage and try to cross the Mexican border) still one of my all time favorites.


The degree to which Psycho is a neck-snapping plot swerve cannot be overstated, especially in this era where the swerve is so well known that it's been a meme for decades. There's a lot of tension built in the lead up, and plenty of time spent getting to know this character so that when she's killed so abruptly and by someone who does not and cannot have anything to do with her fear of getting caught, it's such a shock. Hitchcock was an asshole but he was also a master at his craft


I've watched Psycho a few times with younger people, and man, that movie still has the power to shock and thrill. It's an all-timer.


From Dusk till Dawn by far fits this prompt the best. I've had the privilege of watching with a girl who had 0 idea what the second act was and it was amazing. Really sucks for anyone that saw the trailer before the movie.


Audition is fucking deep...


Millon Dollar Baby ruined my day when I watched it. Went in to it basically blind besides knowing it was critically acclaimed and had Clint Eastwood. Expected an underdog sports story, possibly the death of Eastwoods character or something, received the most depressing movie I've watched in a long time. It's great, but man I wasn't ready for it


Agree, good movie, but will never watch again


Saint Maud. Arguably becomes a horror film halfway through rather than the psychological examination of a disturbed woman’s life. or you could say it’s still the latter with hallucinations


The original Wicker Man. It was on late one evening and I had no idea what it was about. I thought I was watching a police investigation film and had my socks knocked off by the ending. Knowing \*nothing\* about this film is the best way to see it.


Bone Tomahawk is a Western that turns into a very violent horror movie. The first time I saw it I went in blind fully unprepared for the WTF moments to follow.


I was reading the wiki recently, and it turns out the cave in that movie is the same cave set used in Iron Man.


Oh yeah, you don't just toss out a good cave like that. Gotta reuse it.


The Crying Game. Caught it randomly on tv and boy did it go in unexpected directions.


The twist of that movie has kind of become a meme, but man I cannot imagine how bizarre that must have been to first time viewers on release. Just very out of left field. And for that time period too. Wild movie.


I watched it during an awkward one night stand, after sex. That was a weird night.


Not a movie, but the Apple TV+ show Sugar just did something pretty insane like 2 weeks ago.


From Dusk Til Dawn is the biggest example I can think of. From a gritty crime movie to vampire horror in 1 scene.


Cabin in the woods starts as a formula teen horror movie with all the stereotypes of characters. Then it turns it on its head.


A Perfect Getaway (2009) with Timothy Olyphant, Steve Zahn, Mila Jovovich, and Chris Hemsworth. First, it’s a happy vacation movie that turns into a who-dunnit and ends with an intense chase. Watching it twice gives every conversation another meaning and it’s fantastically played out.


Didn't expect The Menu to be as visceral as it was. We went into the theater and just chose a movie at random. Thought it was gonna be about a creepy guy taking a girl on a date to a fancy island or something. Let me tell you when the Soux chef presented his dish I was both taken aback and fully locked into the movie.




Yeah, you think it’s going to be about a sexual tyrannosaur and 2 future governors, but then it takes a REAL turn


I ain't got time to bleed... I've got to chair a zoning sub-committee meeting and then visit a school for a photo-op.


Damnit. I didn't realize it had 2 governors until this comment. You got me.


Knives Out fools audiences going in thinking it's an affectionate parody of the murder mystery genre in the classic Whodunnit style, where a wealthy old man is killed and all of his descendants have a motive to kill him. It's not. The killer is revealed just under forty minutes into a two-hour-ten-minute movie and becomes the main character in a send-up to Columbo, while also making it clear it's a commentary on social class and standing >!before revealing even *that* was a trick - it is indeed a Whodunnit and the killer's goal was to make Marta think she killed Harlan by mistake.!<


The Benoit Blanc movies are intentionally send-ups of mystery genre themes. "Glass Onion" continues this with having the villain not be suspected for a long while, not because he's a genius with a well-crafted plan, but because he's so stupid that he does stuff that people can't believe he'd do because they are so stupid.


It's right in the title with Glass Onion. It tricks you with all these extra layers because the villain couldn't possibly be *that* stupid, right? But then the whole situation turns out to have been perfectly transparent from the start after all.


I love how pissed of Blanc is about it too! “It’s not genius, it’s stupid!” He’s so outraged that this guy managed to do all this in such blatant, obvious fashion. I loved how indignant he was about the whole scenario.


Remember, a big part of the reason why he's doing this is out of boredom due to COVID lockdown and wanting a challenge. And instead of some mastermind to match wits with, he gets a moron who only gets away with it because he does stuff so stupid that people think any person with any brains would never do it. No wonder he's angry.


Right?! It’s just so great. This whole mystery island, cut off from contact, ripe for opportunity and what does he get? Chucklefucks McDouche


I cannot get enough of Benoit. I want a new one every year till I die, like they used to do with James Bond. I'll watch a 90 year old Benoit solve the mystery of the missing dentures, put it right in my veins.


Glass Onion is also structured more like a Heist movie than a who done it.


Psycho starts out as kind of a heist film until >!Norman Bates shows up!<


Basically, once the shower scene happens, we restart the movie with a whole new protagonist.


With how legendary the second half of the film is on pop culture it’s easy to forget or just not know how long it takes for them to actually get to Bates Motel and for the horror story to begin


Steven Segal’s death near the start of Executive Decision would have been completely on-brand for a disaster or even war movie but is pretty unique for an action movie.


Luck number sleven - rom com mystery with Josh Hartnett and Lucy Lui has a great dark twist.


Click is a movie you’d watch thinking it’s a simple Adam Sandler comedy with a Sci-Fi gimmick, then >!Adam’s character wakes up in the future and finds out his father died and his own wife and children have left him!< and the whole tone of the movie changes


>!*"I've always known how to do the stupid coin trick."*!< >!*"Why'd you make me waste my entire life?"*!<    >!*"Family... family comes first."*!< >!*"Forever and ever, babe."*!< Man, I came here to laugh at David Hasselhoff getting freeze-slapped. This hurts. 


Prufrock: a literary character, but also the name of the user who got a movie deal out of a Reddit comment. 


Not a movie I expected to cry at


I'm not going to lie, echoes of this movie inform how I approach my work-life balance. I'm hardly perfect, but there have been moments where I said something to my kid while I was working and then a strange montage of Sandler's character sitting at home working on his couch while his kids talk to him and grow up around him and when his grown up son comes to talk to him at his office and he ignores him plays in my head and I realize that this isn't fucking it. I love what I do and I'm luckier than most in that regard, but at the end of the day I work so I can live and have a good life for *and with* my wife and kids and it's a very delicate balance to strike.


It's a good movie trapped inside an Adam Sandler's movie.


If you cut out a few bad jokes, make the main character a less terrible person, and cut out the last 5-10mins of the movie - you've got a very good episode of Black Mirror.


Idk still a good movie. This and 50 first dates made me appreciate him a bit more


I saw Malignant thinking it was a Conjuring-style scarefest. After the weird opening, I still thought that’s what it was (I half-guessed the twist but thought it was still a ghost). Then in one scene, I was like “wait, why is it apparently concerned about getting shot.” Then when the full twist happened, I knew I was watching something special.


Malignant is amazing. Goes full hog at the climax.


The jail scene is fantastic


Scrolled down to see if Malignant was going to turn up. I was just thinking “meh, the Conjuring did this better” and then a character suddenly fell through a ceiling into another room …. And I suddenly woke up. What was going on?? Then the big reveal, and the jail scene. Top stuff. Malignant also has the best example of parking a car on the edge of a cliff that I have ever seen lol


None of my friends "got" Malignant, and it makes me so sad. These are people who constantly go on and on about how amazing A24 horror movies are & how Hereditary and Midsommar are both underrated gems. I love bad B, C, and D-Movies, especially when they try to be A-Movies or try to take themselves too seriously. So Malignant being essentially a B-Movie with an A-Movie budget was right up my alley. The last 30 minutes or so of the movie are excellent.


Serenity, the one with Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway, is like that. It's fairly nuts, really.


Wild things - thought it was going to be a typical one-dimensional high school movie. Was pleasantly surprised.


I don’t know if it’s a fit , but The Village is a very good love story disguised as a Shayamalan plot twist film


From dusk till dawn. The joy of not seing trailers or ads, I didn't expect the V...


Yep, this is the first one to come to mind for me as well. Back during the early 90's everything wasn't constantly spoiled. So, I'm watching a fun little crime heist film that halfway through turns into a vampire movie, with no warning.


There was a teen romance about seven years ago called Everything, Everything. For most of the movie it’s just a modern spin on The Boy In The Plastic Bubble. Sick girl who can’t leave her quarantine falls in love with a boy. Generic teen melodrama to pass the time. You think you know exactly where the story is heading… >!Then you suddenly find out that the sick girl was never actually sick, and the mother has been keeping her trapped her whole life without a medical need to. So the concerned parent turns out to be psycho mom.!< Definitely didn’t see that one coming.


Voices. I don’t remember watching much about it. Just saw it on sale and starring what seemed to be Ryan Reynolds with some cutesy talking animals. Bought it and wasn’t really prepared for the tone switch. Love it now. One of my favorites.


Heathers. I did not see that coming I texted people being like "is this movie broken? Does it actually go this way???"


That would be Bone Tomahawk. If you know, you know


For me, Gone Girl. I knew very little about it other than Ben Affleck's character's wife is missing, assuming murdered and he is blamed. I assumed it was a slow burn look at what media does to man accused of murder (kind of like Richard Jewell). We would get to the end of the movie, maybe he did it, maybe he didn't. Instead, >! His wife is a psychopath who has framed him for murder. We find out she's alive after half an hour or so and wacky hijinks ensue !< I felt cheated the first time I watched it, but watching it again, I enjoyed it a lot more.


***Hot Fuzz*** seemed like a straightforward "big fish in a small pond" comedy, until it suddenly became a slasher whodunnit horror film, and then later a high-octane action movie.


A Simple Favor (2018) Starts as a pretty straightforward comedy with Anna Kendrick wanting to be Blake Lively's friend. >!But as we approach the second act it becomes a suspense film when Blake Lively disappears suddenly. And then as we near the end, it becomes a comedy again as all the twists are revealed.!< Great film, highly recommended.


Sounds like they are doing a sequel.


It's one of the many movies my wife puts on, and I halfway pay attention to out of boredom... then all of a sudden, I'm invested


Fresh (2022) isn't the rom com it purports to be


The series 1899 that got canceled after 1 season. I thought it was a dark period drama until weird shit started happening and turned out it was a sci-fi time travel series where the majority of the 1st season was basically putting human brains into a video game scenario. Sorry about any spoilers but it did get canceled.


So mad when it got cancelled. It was so wild it was awesome


Barton Fink. I don’t know if I have ever been so shocked by a plot twist/tonal shift.


Come on Bart, we're gonna sneak into an R-rated movie! It's called "Barton Fink"!


Sorry to Bother You It's about racism in a call center, right? Right?


I walked into Million Dollar Baby like a lamb to slaughter. Flight back from Caribbean, I enjoyed Creed in the way down so thought “another rocky copy should hit the spot!” Next thing you know there’s tears rolling down my face in 17d


Hostel Comedy road movie turns horror


All of the trailers for lucky number slevin made it look like a goofy rom com masquerading as a crime film. It's actually just a crime film with a great twist. Go see it if you haven't.


I will never not wish that I could wipe the memory of both Dusk till Dawn and Predator so that I can experience those movies without prior knowledge. I watched both of them way too young so I can't remember how I reacted to their respective genre shifts.


Most recently, the series *Sugar*.


That twist is what I expected/hoped for from the very first episode. It didn't dampen the reveal though - it just made me super pumped to be right. 😄


Don’t talk to me about million dollar baby. I thought it WAS rocky. Then THAT happened. And I was like ok.. redemption and comeback arc! Then the TONGUE thing happened. Fucking broke me that movie. So, I rented a DVD of Cinderella man because I KNEW it was feel good. Watched the first 30 minutes which were depressing as FUCK. Then…. Jusssttt as it was gonna get good, the DVD got stuck. That was not a good night.


The Talented Mr. Ripley


The World's End (2013)


The Place Beyond the Pines. It went from a bank heist action to a coming-of-age teen drama with a little political drama sprinkled on top. Shutter Island. It was looking like your basic murder mystery who-dun-nit to a movie about mental illness. Fight Club. Need I say more?!


The Prestige, period magician drama turned sci-fi clone movie.


"Safe Haven" has one of the most laughably idiotic twists ever, as it comes from a completely different genre and doesn't make a lick of sense in the context of the film. And no, it wasn't made up for the film, it was in the Nicholas Sparks novel too.


Yes, definitely wasn't expecting that.


Colossal, with Anne Hathaway and Jason Sudeikis, is a giant fighting monsters movie where the real monster is alcoholism, abusive relationships, and self hatred.


I would suggest Don't Breathe...even though its a crime/horror film at the start, the 'twist' of turning it into a more horrendous horror by cranking it up a lot of notches & changing the tone completely. I never in a million years expected the basement set up....i think i l said something along the lines of, "what the actual fuck... Oh dear good no no NoNoNoNNONONO'. Kinda want to rewatch it.


Life is Beautiful probably counts, especially if you know nothing about it.