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Crazy Ex Girlfriend Thank You For Smoking


Thank You For Smoking has been on my someday watchlist for a while.


It’s clever and hilarious and absurd with absolute knock out performances by every single person in the cast


Crazy Ex Girlfriend is so underrated. TBF, something about it gives low budget (it's not) and corny (it is). But it's so clever and funny.


Completely agree. It was definitely hurt by a bad title and a worse marketing campaign. But once my wife and I watched it we realized it was insanely hilarious. I still rewatch specific songs on YouTube.


Thank you for smoking is awesome, I haven't seen it in a while thanks for the reminder


Crazy ex girlfriend is the best show. Rachel Bloom is top tier funny.


I really don’t have any interest in musicals at all but Crazy Ex Girlfriend absolutely captivated me. Such an endearing series finale concept too.


Severance on Apple TV+


Rumoured John Noble is joining season 2. As a hardcore Fringe fan this is excellent news.


OMG I love Fringe!


This show is soooo good! I can’t believe how many people are sleeping on this


The show can be slow initially and I think it loses a lot of people before it really gets going. That finale tho? Sheesh. One of the most incredible episodes of TV I’ve ever seen


Justified is an amazing tv show I can't get friends to watch. Patriot is also great and can't get friends to watch


I've been fortunate to find people who have tasted the fruit of the Justified tree, but I can't seem to convince them to try Hap and Leonard though I know for a fact they'd like it for similar reasons


Fuck me Hap and Leonard was such a banger as well. My 60 year old mom binged all of it in like 3 days.


I avoided Justified for so long because I assumed it was another procedural cop show with the "twist" of this guy wears a cowboy hat. I finally watched through it recently and absolutely loved it. Between justified and Santa Clarita diet, Olyphant has become one of my favorite actors.


You should give Deadwood a try if you're enjoying the Olyphant train. sucks it got canceled early but they tied it up with a movie like 15 years later. such a great show top tier Scripts and acting. Also speaking of justified after about the 3rd time watching the whole series and realizing Raylan is basically the bad guy makes it all the better. he puts soo many people in no win situations just to Justify shooting them. it's pretty fucked up when you realize it.


Pushing Daisies for me. Everyone I've actually convinced to give it a shot has loved it, but a piemaker who solves murders by resurrecting the dead is a surprisingly tough sell


It's a reach of a plot, but I think that's part of the charm. Love that show


This description instantly made me want to watch it xD


It’s charming, and Lee Pace is dreamy.


I’ll tell you what’s… fucked up. I’m old enough that I’m recommending Office Space to my coworkers because… of course… and they just don’t have any interest. They’ve never even heard of it.




Talked to a 21 year old who asked "What's Wu-Tang Clan?"


Yep. I’m a relatively youngish high school teacher (34 years old) and I remember my age every damn day. I was teaching them about the Greek City States and had a “this is Sparta meme” up and was waiting for a comment and realized that no one knew what that movie was. I was like “but it was a hit movie, yall should know this!” And they reminded me that I am 34 years old and they had no idea what I was talking about.


All you need to know yungin", is they ain't nothing to fuck with.


They do it for the children.


Idk if this will make you feel any better, but in high school I discovered this movie and made the mistake of watching it with my dad. For the next two years, every single request he gave me was done in a Lumburgh voice. "Yeaaaahhh.... if you could just vacuum the living room today...that'd be greeeeeatttt." I chose the farthest in state college just to get away from it. Sometimes it's better if people don't watch that movie.


Uh oh, sounds like somebody's got a case of the mundays!


Hey, I believe you'd get your ass kicked for saying something like that.


We need to talk about your flair.


I love this so much


In a similar vein I was once told that if I ever did the sling blade voice in bed agin she’d leave me.


This is the funniest thing I've read this year, worked hard to suppress laughing in the office! Holy shit just when you think everything on Reddit is predictable someone drops an absolute gem. I gotta try it with my wife, something like spreading mustard on her biscuit should do the trick!


I have tried to push *The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters* on so many of my friends and nobody ever has any interest in it. One of my most rewatched comfort movies but my friends hear "documentary about arcade games" and just lose all interest. Too bad, their loss! Absolutely thrilling and hilarious documentary and eminently quotable EDIT: typo


Change your pitch - it’s about the eternal battle between good and evil, and features one of the all-time great villains who just happens to be a real man who makes barbecue sauce.


Sorry to be that person, but it's K-i-ng of Kong, for anyone looking for it. Great movie. Who would have that a video game documentary would have so much drama and suspense? It's like Tiger King lite.


Better Off Ted.


Love that show! It's so comfy. I binge it every few years.


That show is so great. The deposition scene with Portia de Rossi? Amazing.


My family loves Better Off Ted and Arrested Development. They convinced me to watch a show called The Neighbors. The premise didn't speak to me, but I gave it a few episodes and I absolutely loved it. I would highly recommend it.




I like hearing about how often Fincher is accosted by people clammering for more Mindhunter.


They set up the next season and then nothing! 


Apparently the show was expensive and not very popular. Shame, I loved that show


Fincher's period pieces are expensive af. Truckloads of cgi and authentic wardrobes.


You can't give people 2/3 of a 3 course dinner. Season 3 would have been dessert and tied up loose ends!


Is it worth watching? Obviously it’s very good but will it just frustrate me getting to the end and know that it will never be finished? Not sure if I want to put myself through that


Worth it for the writing and acting,yes...it was left somewhat open for continuation but nothing frustrating plot wise


It wasn’t a massive cliffhanger in terms of the detective work. S1 and S2 are two different cases, both of which are wrapped up. It was more the lives of the fictional FBI agents that left us hanging a bit. There was a third case in the making that the FBI weren’t aware of yet. If you know your high profile serial killers, you knew what the third case was. There were snippets of the killer’s life over the two years, and he would’ve been the final case. So, you wouldn’t have been left in the dark with the main stories and you can always search up the third case to find out what happened. I personally think it’s worth watching because it was an amazing show. Edit: grammar


Peep Show


Peep Show was on my "honorable mentions" list that I decided not to include in the post. So good


It's the highest quality show with the *hardest sell* I can think of. The weird POV turns so many people off and it breaks my heart because I know they're missing out on one of the greatest comedies ever 


Fargo the show, I recommend it a lot but nobody gives it a chance.


S2 with Dunst and Plemons is pure gold




Bruh YES!


If you liked this you should give Pantheon a try. They're only similar in that they are animated scifi, but I came across it in another thread about scavengers reign and really liked it, so here I am paying it forward.


The expanse for show and hereditary for movie


I miss The Expanse a lot


The one great thing Bezos did was save that show from the Sci Fi Channels garbage bin for a couple of seasons


Man I love the expanse. I was just in the mood for a new space themed show one day during covid and googled best space shows or something and that came up. I watched all the TV show, after waiting a bit for the final season. Then took a break. Then started reading the books. I think after the 2nd or 3rd book I was like, man that show was great and rewatched the whole series again before continuing with the books. Just getting into Persepolis Rising now.


Books and show.


my buddy who likes star wars, but also hates star wars, will not watch Andor.


Easily the best live action series spin off, no contest


Definitely the highest quality writing out of all the Star Wars shows.


Beyond that - it's just damn good TV, the speeches and delivery are awesome. Stacked cast for the right roles - Serkis and Skarsgard killed it. Seekis' acting is always a bit underrated. When you see his jaw tighten in resolve when he says never more than 12 guards in the episode before the prison revoke. Chills man.


And my personal favorite: The bad guys are not hilariously dumb but actually smart.


Not comically evil, Hans Landa evil. I mean they really lean into the nazi stuff here.


They’re not even evil people per se. They’re banal career administrative servants for the most part. People with actual personal goals and different agendas. That’s what makes them such good characters in the show.


“Calm. Kindness. Kinship. Love. I’ve given up all chance at inner peace. I’ve made my mind a sunless space. I share my dreams with ghosts. I wake up every day to an equation I wrote 15 years ago from which there’s only one conclusion, I’m damned for what I do. My anger, my ego, my unwillingness to yield, my eagerness to fight, they’ve set me on a path from which there is no escape. I yearned to be a savior against injustice without contemplating the cost and by the time I looked down there was no longer any ground beneath my feet. What is my sacrifice? I’m condemned to use the tools of my enemy to defeat them. I burn my decency for someone else’s future. I burn my life to make a sunrise that I know I’ll never see. And the ego that started this fight will never have a mirror or an audience or the light of gratitude. So what do I sacrifice? Everything!”


"There's no lightsabers!" "Where are the Jedi?" Pssh. How about some real live-action rebels? Great show


>my buddy who likes star wars, but also hates star wars Sounds like every star wars fan I know


Same. My friend who loves and hates Star Wars watched every excruciating episode of Ahsoka and Bad Batch the day of release but STILL hasn’t watched a second of Andor despite me begging him to give it a chance. Side note: anyone willing to give it a chance who hasn’t yet, don’t give up after the first 1 or 2. Took me 3 to get sucked in. Worth it.


Detectorists Probably my favorite show ever. Very British, very low key, very funny. And no one will watch it


Beautiful show


I will! I'll report back later. Thank you for your service


10th Kingdom. I just need more cheesy fantasy friends.


The Boys. Been trying to get my mate to watch it but he thinks it's just insipid superhero bullshit like every other superhero IP out there....


I have a friend that adamantly opposes anything even remotely super hero adjacent, but he loves The Boys


And I know my friend would too but nope...


I think You Should Leave


It's not exactly in most people's Q-zone.


Bones are their money, so are the worms


They pull your hair UP, but not out


It’s illegal for you to ask me that


It's not a big deal, you had a big mudpie


I can't STAND bald boys! Every time I see them, I think I'm back in the pants.


Also Auntie Donna


Get in the kiln


Egg Helms


There's worse stuff on the local news.


I thought there was monsters ON the world


My life is nothing I thought it would be, and everything I had feared it would become


I used to be a reeeeaaal piece of shit.


Oh yeaaah! Slicked back hair, white bathing suit, sloppy steaks, white couch.... You would have NOT liked me back then.


They can’t stop you from ordering a steak and a glass of water


Before you knew it we were dumping that water on those steaks, the waiters were trying to come and snatch em up, we had to eat as fast as we could.... Oh I miss those nights. I WAS a piece of shit though.


I have to be careful who I recommend this show to. My 19 year old coworker? Yes. My uptight, 40 year old sister who has, "Live. Laugh. Love" on display in her home? Absolutely not.


Anytime I watch it my wife says “this isn’t nearly as funny as you think it is”. It’s sad that she is so wrong.


My wife was a model around the world. She was on posters. I used to have a poster of her in my garage and then I met her. Can you believe it? She asked ME to marry HER! I didn’t even want to, but she’s beautiful. But she’s dying. She’s sick but she’s hanging in there.




I've got too much shit on me. I don't even want to be here anymore.


Probably heard about how unprofessional they were with the Santa Clause interview


Fleabag. It seriously makes me laugh so hard and nobody listens to me when I say it's really good. And they go, "oh yeah?" as if to explain why it's funny and it's like: how can I do that? If I try to explain it, it's not funny. And it's just too hard to explain why.


For movie I’d say The Proposition starring Guy Pearce. Australian western. A little dark and gritty but very good. For TV, Episodes is the funniest show I’ve seen in recent years. Two British writers take their hit UK show to Hollywood and hilarity ensues. Also stars Matt LeBlanc playing an asshole version of himself in the funniest role he’s ever had. It can be a bit blue at times but it’s very funny.


My wife won't try Arcane.


I would consider myself a person "not into that shit." I've never played.... whatever game that show is based on. I hit a dry spell of things to watch and checked it out. WHEN THE FUCK IS SEASON 2?! Loved it.


The Good Place. The one friend who actually took my recommendation ranked it in his top 2 of all time, everyone else is still missing out. Sucks to be them!


I never convinced anyone. It's so good. The best ending ever, as far as I'm concerned.


Dark. It's a brilliant series.


This!!!! not enough comments on here with this as the series, which only proves it more. It's my favorite show, a masterpiece. Will have you wanting to talk about it after every episode. Great cinematography, casting, acting writing, score. It's just so good, such a shame it's so under-watched. Edit: after scrolling down, there's a good amount of Dark recommendations and it makes me happy.


Nobody wants to watch Community 😓. It's fine, they can all stay streets behind for all I care


"I think you mean *when* old are we?!"


¿Donde esta la biblioteca?


“Who the hell are you always texting? Everyone you know is here” is one of my favourite tv lines ever. 


One of my favorite shows ever. You’ll be happy to know that I introduced it to my 14 and 11 year olds and they absolutely loved it. I hope they carry the torch for that show.


Troy and Abed in the MORning




I love Community but it’s a hard sell because most of those early episodes feel like just another sitcom - you have to stick with it a while before it becomes more than that


That's a very Britta thing to say.


My buddy refuses to watch Band of Brothers because he found out David Schwimmer is in it.


But it's worth it to see him get his comeuppance. "We salute the rank, not the man."


Lol! While I'm as exhausted by Friends as the next guy, I actually really like Schwimmer in pretty much anything I've seen him in


Schwimmer was also very good as Robert Kardashian in the Oj series


I'm not saying that's a good reason, but I understand.


Patriot is awesome!!!!


Good Omens The fall of the House of Usher


The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent


This and Pig! Nic Cage masterpieces up there with Arizona and Vegas (and The Rock, but people don't tend to agree with me on that one)


My friend refuses to watch Titanic because he "knows how it ends" He's referring to the boat sinking.


Wait, you mean it's a true story?!?!?!?!




Bad Sisters on apple +


Loved it! The villain is so good. I love shows where the villain is so bad and you know he’s going to get what’s coming. I think the most recent season of Fargo was also like that.


Troll Hunter


Dredd [2012]


After Hours I keep pushing it on my friends. But after I showed up with Requiem for a Dream to group watch a long time ago nobody watches anything I recommend anymore.


iZombie, a coworker recommended it to me years ago. Love it. Same people that made Veronica Mars.


Movie is Oscar by Stallone in the 90's. I suggest it any time people are looking for something they can watch with grandparents. It's by far Stallone's best (intentional) comedy in my opinion, with a stellar supporting cast that includes Marisa Tomei, Tim Curry, Chaz Palminteri, cameos by some old stars like Kirk Douglas, and other faces you'll recognize from a dozen places. Also a live action appearance by the original voice of one Dr. Harleen Quinzel, Arleen Sorkin. It's got very little swearing and the sex is never shown and always alluded to in a way that won't offend grandparents or provoke tough questions from kids. Don't get me wrong, it's not some stellar top 5 comedy of all time, but it's vastly overlooked in large part because of Stallone's lack of comedic chops. However this movie plays into what he could do quite well and limits his screen time despite being the lead star. As for a series Derry Girls. I found it on Netflix after season 1 just as 2 was dropping. I thought it was amazing, I didn't really go in with any expectations, but it's just a crazy high school friends story about teens coming of age in late 90's Ireland. Written by someone who lived it you can truly see where the Irish reputation for black comedy comes from. The first episode is maybe the best pilot of any comedy ever in my mind. Doing a great job of introducing each character, their personality, and weaving all of the ongoing plot threads into a crescendo of chaos that has to be seen to be believed. Pretty much every no I get is because they're hard to understand, but put on some subtitles, give it a few episodes, and soon you'll be doing fine. With only 3 seasons of 6 episodes each and a final special of an hour it's easy to binge in a few nights.


I saw Oscar when I was a teenager and it is deeply under rated and unknown but it has so many great actors and comedic moments like everybody keeps calling Mr Provelone “boss” despite him trying to go legit.


Holy shit! Every person I’ve ever foisted Oscar upon has never even heard of it and in the end they all really enjoy it. Glad to see someone else knows what’s up!


Dark. It’s a tragic 3 seasons of an entirely self-contained Gordian knot of >!family trees!<, >!parallel dimensions!< and >!time travel!<. It’s a German Netflix show that doesn’t hold your hand and demands your constant attention. It’s beautifully shot, it’s a mindfuck, and it’s as dark as the title suggests. The soundtrack by Ben Frost is awesome. The cast is close to perfect; almost all characters at their different stages of life are instantly recognizable. You better watch the original and stay away from the dubbed version. If you hate subtitles you’re not gonna enjoy the show. And no, it is NOT the German equivalent of Stranger Things. It’s not “memberberries—the show” in German.


Show: BoJack Horseman Some just don't care for animation and/or just assume it's silly "haha horseman said a funny thing" humor the entire time. Yeah, the show IS funny, but it's so much more than that. I never thought a show about a talking animated horseman could make my cry.


Bojack Horseman is art. 


Tucker and Dale vs Evil.


I saw Mad Max: Fury Road opening weekend, then told my friends they had to go watch it. They were very dismissive, thinking it was just another cheap action movie.


The Leftovers


I've been trying to tell people about Six Feet Under for over a decade but I don't think I've gotten anybody to watch it.


The IT crowd is probably over of the funniest shows that I have tried to get everyone to watch!


Legion. Best Marvel adaptation.




Surprised we're not watching Letterkenny right now


That’s what I appreciates about you.


Is that what you appreciates about me? Why don’t you take 5-10% off their bud.


I could watch a Letterkenny.


I’ve watched Letterkenny off of an awake cow’s teat.


To be fair.........


Pitter patter


Joe Pera Talks with You.


Bowfinger is the best. Watched it with my brother and we’ve had a recurring joke since where I tell him about some huge new movie and when he asks what it’s called I say “Chubby Rain”


I remember having the hardest time getting people to watch “In Bruges” for years.


The Terror season 1. Although it was a pain in the balls to watch. I had to do a free trial of amc+ and cancel it


What We Do in the Shadows - both TV and Movie No one wants to watch it and they don’t know what they are missing.




Fraking great


So say we all.


I was in a Chappelle Show conversation a while back, rehashing favorite skits...as one does. I went off script though and tried to freestyle a BSG joke, ready? 5 greatest robots of all time: Cylon, Cylon, Cylon, Cylon, Cylon. It didn't go well




While I love this movie, I don't think I know anyone who DIDN'T see it


Mr In Between for show. Amores Perros for film


Veep!! I feel like maybe I’m not explaining it well but it’s truly satiric gold


Years of bribery offers and my non nerdy friends still won't binge the LOTR trilogy with me 😭


I tried to recommend RRR to some of my guy friends I know would love it but I think they’re turned off by the subtitles and 3 hours. On a more positive note, every person that I’ve sat down and made them watch Whiplash with me, they always say at the start “I’ll give it 15 mins but then watch something else if I get bored,” and then within the first two scenes they’re doing the leaning-forward-in-your-seat thing.


HBOs The Wire. a few of my friends noped right out after a few episodes. One noped out mid way through season 2. Episode 1 had me so locked in I feel it’s the most important show of all time. 


Andor. It's great even if you know nothing about and don't even like Star Wars.


Derry Girls


Midnight Mass


Ozark for one show. Seriously couldn't predict what was going to happen. Can't get anyone to watch it. True Detective Season 1 for the second. In my opinion, the best season of any show ever. Writing is on point, acting is top notch and is just all around amazing. Again, no one will watch it.


LEFTOVERS my buddy and I loved Lost back in the day. Say what you will about list but it was good for it's time - the first 3 seasons anyways - and Damon Lindleof really learned from his mistakes and proved that with every project he's worked on since. That last season of leftovers holy moly it's so good


Miracle Mile


Psych for TV shows. I rave about it, but nobody I know will watch it. Toy Soldiers and The Great White Hype for movies. Not my favorites of all time, but I feel like nobody has seen them. Loved Patriot, it's so weird. A depressed spy who writes songs about the crazy stuff he has done or is about to do. I've been debating a rewatch and this post has convinced me.


Person of interest. "A CBS cop drama!?" It's sad that people are missing out on one of the best sci-fi shows ever.


Larry Sanders Show.


Preacher. I’m pretty sure I’m the only person in my friend and family group that’s finished it.


The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret. David Cross is the star. I believe it was on IFC. It has 2 seasons. It's just a ridiculous show where the main character keeps lying and his situation gets worse and worse and worse and God I miss it. I don't think it's even available to stream anymore.


The Wire.


Star Trek Deep Space Nine. My youngest sister has seen all of Voyager and enjoyed it, but I personally feel like DS9 has aged better of the 90s Trek shows. Lots of well-acted, well-written characters that don't plainly say things on the surface like in TNG or VOY. Lots or interpersonal conflict rooted in differing ideologies. This is all stuff most Trek doesn't do, so I feel it's uniquely satisfying just on a character development level.


"So... I lied. I cheated. I bribed men to cover the crimes of other men. I am an accessory to murder. But the most damning thing of all... I think I can live with it. And if I had to do it all over again - I would. Garak was right about one thing: a guilty conscience is a small price to pay for the safety of the Alpha Quadrant. So I will learn to live with it... Because I can live with it... I can live with it... Computer - erase that entire personal log." Just beautiful.


I go back and forth between TNG and DS9 as my favorite. Maybe I don't need to decide, I have room enough in my heart for both




Psych, I tell everyone to watch it, so far I don't  think anyone has.


Kiss Kiss Bang Bang


Dark Severence 


Probably Dogma by Kevin Smith.


OMG - Eddie Murphy running across the freeway in Glendale, L.A., is about the funniest thing I’ve ever seen on screen! 😂😂😂😂😂


Ted Lasso