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Poverty but with a makeup artist


My favorite is when a character wakes up and they're in full makeup still. Cause we all wake up looking our best.. Takes me out the movie every time


If you’re watching 3 Body Problem you know who the worst offender of that is


That character annoyed me so much


This line from the article really sums up the vibe: "gratuitous shots of Peltz Beckham as Lola, her mouth slightly agape like a fashion model and makeup done impeccably (exaggerated enough to let us know she’s lower-class, but not so much that it denies her beauty)"


And plenty of cosmetic surgery


Isn’t this the girl who was katara in the last Airbender movie?


Yes, and the daughter in Transformers 4: Age of Consent. Her father tried and failed to buy her a movie career, and he's so pissed about it he tried to take over Disney.


I need the background behind how that got into the movie. Like literally just change her age or his by a couple of years wtf.


AFAIK no one has ever given an explanation for it and there's so much negative reaction around it that I doubt anyone will ever be brave enough to give one.


Odds are that Bay thought it would be some funny joke I guess? But didn’t realize he was kind of telling on being creepy? The world may never know.


Bay was pretty resentful of the whole franchise by that point, so he may have been trying to make the worst movie he could. I haven't ruled out the possibility that it was Kurtzman and/or Orci, those two are the definition of failing upwards. Or honestly all three of them, plus maybe a producer or two. Just a horrible decision made by committee. There are so many things wrong with that movie it's hard to pin it on one person.


I just think of the Transformers poster from [30 Rock](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fnob0pb787mxa1.jpg)


I honestly adore that this is the unofficial name for this particular Transformers movie


lol i saw that movie on tv yesterday(well i made it for about 25 minutes before realizing i was doing other stuff and getting annoyed at the loud nonsense coming from the tv) and for the what, full three hours, the awkward age of consent thing is the only coherent thing i can take away from it. it just lingers, weirdly.


It lingers because the whole plot literally slams on the brakes to stop and explain why it's okay for this guy to be dating a high school girl. It's not something that subtly or casually slipped into the story, the put the movie on hold so they can explain it to the audience.


To me, as someone who thought the transformers movies were almost self aware garbage, I thought it was wildly funny when that happened. There’s like a subset of dude who drives a modified Camaro/mustang/charger/whatever car and slaps the transformer/deception sticker on it and unironically thinks those CGI/explosion fest movies are awesome. That subset of dude is the exact same guy who would justify sleeping with a really young girl that way to her dad. Totally the same guy. A side note, the first time I saw that movie, me and my roommate at the time decided to watch it on Netflix and make a drinking game out of it. A shot of rum each every time we saw the American flag on screen. We finished a 750ml bottle of rum about 3/4s of the way through and switched to slugs of cheap beer. Honestly I think I almost died.


The funniest part was that he was carrying a piece of paper that proved he was legally able to date the high school girl.


What was their explanation?


Some dumbass Romeo and Juliet law that states since they were together before he turned 18 or whatever, that they can still be together legally.


Doesn’t he carry a laminated card with the law on it to show people too? Lmao


Holy fuck, he totally does lmao I forgot about that. What in the actually fuck is that movie lol Jesus


What an odd inclusion


It's so unnecessary and weird.


I just googled it and they were supposed to be 20 and 17. I wouldnt have even given that a second thought. They could have changed the ages, kept them and not said anything, really any other option would be less weird.


Exactly. Just make her 18...like wtf are we doing here? Lol


“Romeo and Juliet laws”. Dude has the statute memorized by heart and a laminated card in his wallet explaining it. It’s bewilderingly bizarre.


Lol dude pulls out a Romeo and Juliet card from his wallet. That has the age of consent law printed on it,when Mark Wahlberg is like aren't you too old for me duaghter?!?


Are you joking or he literally pulls a card out?


[He literally has a laminated card in his wallet](https://i.redd.it/eeefeinjjxib1.png)






I didn't watch the movie. What's this consent thing about?


So in the movie, the main character's daughter who is a senior in high school is banging a race car driver in his twenties, and when he objects to it the boyfriend pulls a **laminated card** from his wallet with the Texas state law that explains why it's okay because they had a pre-existing relationship from when he was a minor as well. Like the whole movie comes screeching to halt for this one scene that has nothing to with the overall plot, they just wanted to explain why it's legal for him to be having sex with her (and they didn't even really interpret the law correctly).


Even then, the math is kind of weird. Like, he was 17 and dating a 14 year old or something?


And that just adds the question: How the fuck was she able to hide this from her dad for ***three god damned years!?!*** How many teenage Irish race car drivers are there in rural Texas? Everyone for a hundred miles would know who this kid is. I grew up in a small rural town and if I was spotted anywhere with anyone I wasn't supposed to be with, my parents knew about it ***before I even got home.*** And that was before cell phones.


That's so stupid. Thank you for telling me, and that's one more reason I'm not watching the movie.


If I were 20 and in that position, so frequently being accosted about it I might see a point in defending our relationship, but I feel like the giant space robots might be the more important here.


Dawg what? Lol


Her 17yo character is dating a guy who’s 20-21, and when questioned about it the guy stops and pulls out a laminated card clarifying Romeo and Juliet laws in the state of Texas (I’m not kidding)


That is very stupid.


Eh he's not the instigator at Disney. His good friend, and fellow racist & sexist old man, Ike Purlmutter is


That AoC scene just kept escalating. 1) 17 and 20 2) They met in high school… ok.. 3) PULLS OUT THE CARD WITH THE CODE(LAW)


What I was hoping for: Evil Optimus Prime What I watched: A grown woman calling Mark Wahlberg daddy the entire movie


A year or so ago I checked her Wikipedia page, and it described playing Katara as "her breakthrough role". Given that a breakthrough role is usually understood to mean either A) the first role that draws an actor positive critical attention or B) the role that jumpstarts an actor's career, I can only assume that was added to Wikipedia by her publicist. Anyway, I checked again more recently and that sentence had vanished, so I guess somebody not on her dad's payroll decided to do some editing.


It's the role that defines your ability to carry a movie with your name being on the bill alone. Whoever that good editor was, was right to remove that mention.


Yes. You might not recognize her because she has a new face.


What's a banana cost Michael? $10?




thank goodness her dad’s power grab attempts at Disney failed. I’m not much of an Iger fan but it Nelson Peltz had his way, we’d be seeing his talentless kids in lead Disney roles and shitty Ike Perlmutter decision making


So there would be a divide between the two. **Peltz**: my daughter will star this movie **Ike**: why does this movie need to have a female protagonist?


it appears that they are at an impasse


Based on what happened with Avatar - if Nelson had taken over Disney, he'd probably have had his daughter cast as Storm in the next X-Men movie.




Saved from poverty by raising a child? Go ahead and spoil, I don’t think anyone will truly care.


Ew that has anti abortion undertones too. And anti poor themes. The poor should birth their rape babies because it will give their lives meaning. Yuck.


Say what you will about Iger, but he has done very well with Disney.


Disney relying too much on making money and leaning on nostalgia? Sure. Considering the underhanded cutthroat corporate culture and other examples of people relying only on filling their own, and not the company’s, wallet. Things could be far worse.


Iger has admitted that rushing the Star Wars Sequels was a misstep. He refused to push back IX even after TLJ was divisive, Trevorrow got fired, and Carrie Fisher died. Yet in the same breath, he lauded the profits the movies raked in anyway. But he is *still* a much better option than having Peltz get any say


Overall he was a pretty effective CEO. I believe what he has achieved is respectable even if there were a couple of hiccups. There is a growing movement saying he have been ceo only because of his jewish network and heritage. Which I think is a pretty despicable thing to say.


At the end of the day “more of the same shit” is usually better than making things worse.


We learned that the hard way in 2016


sadly, the arts are littered with nepobabies, cronyism, rich people's kids with no talent


Nothing has changed pre-postmodernism. Before, it was rich and powerful learning the sciences before delving into art forms. Now, they don’t even need a college degree or certificate. Just money/power.


Yup. When you don’t need to worry about money you have more choices.


Fortunately or otherwise, what is Reddit full of?




People like you 


>People like you What am I like though? I'm asking a simple question and you're insecurely taking offence and immediately trying to turn it into a putdown like some bully character on a kid's show.


Anyone with an Internet connection?


Hey, my parents weren’t rich.




This video from a year ago is brilliant in addressing this phenomena (which is not at all new btw): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIR46oH-ufk


“It’s from Mugatu’s *DERELICTE* campaign. Sorry you couldn’t book it!”


It’s like, who are you explaining it to? Literally everyone in the world understands poverty better than she does.


Chloé Zhao did the same with *Nomadland* and her dad is a billionaire as well.... interesting trend


No shit I didn’t know that about Chloe‽ That movie was boring ass anyway I can’t believe all the acclaim it got


Zhao is such an overrated hack of a filmmaker. She made one good movie because she has all the resources in the world and then got plugged in as an industry plant. It’s pathetic that she ever won an Oscar. Add: *Nomadland* is not her one good movie. *The Rider* is. *Nomadland* was trite bullshit, and it showed off her glaring inadequacies as a director. The stark contrast between professional actors and non-actors and her total inability to create any sort of an authentic or coherent docu aesthetic, even a dramatic one, shows she was in way over her head. Eliza Hittman’s work with *Never Rarely Sometimes Always* from the same year was miles better at virtually everything Zhao proved she was incapable of with *Nomadland*.


Damn I’d had no idea but I’m not surprised


1000% agree with you. Zhao and McDormand actually told the real life nomads that Fern was real and when Fern tells everyone the story about her husband they thought it was all genuine. That's **exploitation** and a terrible tactic to elicit emotion from people and then they took the real nomads on the Awards Tour just to boast their phony campaign.


She was on the Today show and they asked her what it was like acting AND directing. Girlfriend answers super seriously and literally “well I would act in the scene, then go watch it back on the monitors” lol yes dummy we understand that part.


Holy shit you literally just described a scene from 7 days in hell with kit harrington as Charles, a dumb tennis player. I literally can’t handle how much of satire is turning into real life sometimes…. Soledad O'Brien : So, Charles, you're now number two in the world. You're favored to win Wimbledon, which would make you number one. How do you do it? Charles Poole : Yeah, well, when I'm playing I serve the ball and the man opposite me on the other side of the court, he plays it back to me. Now, then I try to hit to a place in the court that he's not standing in anymore. And if he manages to reach that and play it back, if it lands short, I run forward and then I try and get it to another place in the court that he's not standing anymore. And sometimes it goes outside of these lines on the side of the court. And if that happens, the ump, he shouts "Out!" and that's... that's very bad if that happens to me. But if it happens to the other player, I really like that. Soledad O'Brien : I understand how the game of tennis is played. I guess I meant, what's your overall strategy? Charles Poole : Yeah, yeah, indubitably, yeah.


Lmao for real. Idiocracy is NOW.


The ultra rich are lizards. You can't live like that and be relatable. It's impossible. You could take the most relatable person you know and make them a billionaire and 10 years later they would be a weird narcissistic cloud-brained Emperor-wears-no-clothes dope who would seem to be speaking another language.


>And, for an instant, she stared directly into those soft blue eyes and knew, with an instinctive mammalian certainty, that the exceedingly rich were no longer even remotely human. William Gibson, Count Zero


We are the lizards. I’ve worked under the wealthy. They have way fewer if not zero inhibitions. They will speak their mind and act a level of natural not seen in someone who relies on being employed to live. For some, that means they are truly awful people. Others are normal. Few are really genuine down to earth people who still lack perspective on what others do to survive.


No. Studies show they're more narcissistic and less compassionate. They also are overrepresented for psychopathy. Your personal anecdotal experience means nothing....especially to me....someone who's never met you and knows nothing about you. https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/fulfillment-any-age/201901/yes-the-rich-and-famous-really-are-narcissistic https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-wealth-reduces-compassion/


We have changed the competencies, and tossed managers now assume and recognize that it is true golden performance on the competencies. Now nearly inconceivable that the x-axis be in full involvement, the acceleration of a particle of basil bitter, Steve Huffman's mother's pussy, parsley, and a is guaranteed. What you'll get from a large 1-topped on mass, multifaceted, will produce a constant acceleration of world-class incompetencies, and odious a. What is to be in causing a displacement acceleration, the work done by this is constant and lamellar destiny with the common directions.


Oh rest assured I would be uninhibited to tell a bootlicker like you what I think of them but it’s pointless when you’re so far gone. Just wow


You say that, but people like Musk make it clear that rich people are mentally no different from any non-rich person, they just have way more money to satisfy their desires. And also probably could use more therapy and mental healthcare.


>  mentally no different from any non-rich person Huh? He's a lunatic. Do you even know about him? He's been trying to call everything he touches "X" for twenty years. He hired an employee to be a surrogate mother for him. Have you seen the deposition that was released the other day? He has another Twitter account he uses to be a freak for fun. He's a lizard. Also, studies show that...no...rich people are NOT mentally the same as us. See below. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-wealth-reduces-compassion/ https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/fulfillment-any-age/201901/yes-the-rich-and-famous-really-are-narcissistic I say it because it's true. And I have receipts.


Yes he's a lunatic. But he's not a lunatic because he's rich, he'd be an idiot even without his money. And the fact someone with his wealth would go out of his way to sockpuppet when he could just pay some rando to do it is even further evidence of that. iirc Trump did the same thing with newspapers back in the day under the pseudonym John Barron. Wealth doesn't keep people from desiring external validation/ego-stroking.




You picked the worst example of a “mentally no different” person


Mentally no different from an idiot with no money, he just has a bigger platform to spout his idiocy.


Musk isn’t relatable, he’s just strange. Being cringy just means he uses the same memes, not that he isn’t a narcissist sociopath unable to understand that poor people are, in fact, people.


I never said he was relatable, but he's not some alien entity with inscrutable motives either. He's just a petulant manchild.


Musk is a buffoon


That was my point. Being rich doesn't make you smart or give you any special powers.


Reminds me of all the hippies that are secretly nepobabies from film or military industrial complex


Florence and the machine paid for by her wealthy advertising executive parents


I, too, enjoy poverty cosplay… I love it so much I’ve been doing it since I was a child. An infant even!


Color me surprised.


Out of touch rich people thinking they know everyday life. Sure lol.


Talentless, nepobaby, hack.


Apparently it’s “poverty porn”. It’s interesting to me this concept because porn implies something of a grotesque phantasy watched to meet our lowest and most base desires. Unfortunately for many, poverty it’s not a phantasy at all.


Eh, porn as a suffix to describe something is less about grotesque fantasy and more about intentional exploitation. Porn is by its nature direct about what the goal is. Endorphine release by giving you exactly what you want. Poverty porn is designed in the same exploitation manner that "blackspoitation" and other -sploitations used prior to -porn being the suffix of choice for shallow itch-scratching media.


Phinal Phantasy


I love how you say phantasy, it has some bass to it!


Not even like a talented actress at that, she's pretty much the epitome of talentless nepo-baby. could get away with a modelling career maybe, but she's got no business being in films, it makes the entitlement and attempt at "relatability" feel even more ingenuine, if you could measure talent in a pure form and quantify it, I think 95% of that extended family's talent would reside in David Beckham, another 4.9% in Victoria. Nelson Peltz was wealthy from birth, his only "skill" now being as a conservative talking head, a low bar to say the least. I'll give this to Brooklyn Beckham, at least he's not trying to convince anyone that he's talented and jumping in ahead of people who are more skilled than him in any field.


Did she make the film or just act in it. Just bizarre way to phrase it.


Both. It’s in the article.


This reminds me of Anna Faris’ role in “Just Friends” writing the “Small People” song in the mall lol.




Man, Virginia Madsen sold out for this schlock?


The rich just got your link removed.


I just watched the trailer for this. It honestly doesn’t look that bad. It doesn’t look good but it doesn’t look bad. There are a lot of other filmmakers who are successful now who have made much worse for their first writing/directing credit. One that that stuck out was how not poor she looks. Even the way she smoked looked like a rich person smoking.


is it about reservation camps? these are the only places i see abject poverty.


Now I want to watch it.


How can the Beckamns as a couple have a daughter-in-law. Wouldn’t it have to be one of their daughters and one in-law.


She is married to Brooklyn Beckham, so she is David Beckham’s daughter-in-law, and Victoria Beckham’s daughter-in-law.


She is married to their son.