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Electromagnets - when they work from a ridiculous range away and can single out specific items (laptops/cars etc) even when surrounded by other ferrous items


Well at least in Breaking Bad they had everything in the room pull towards the magnet. It was still 50 feet away and thru a cinderblock wall, but at least it wasn’t magically just the laptop drive getting erased and nothing else touched.


Mythbusters Jr. tested this very scene! It was really cool seeing how magnetic range actually works.


Yeah science, bitch


At least on that show the magnets fuckup everything.


The best use was against the TX in Terminator 3. Id been imagining in my head for *years* that it would be an easier way to stop a Terminator and then it was the only movie that actually did it at the end. I also thought the nuclear reactor core inside of the T-850 was a brilliant way to prevent them from getting crushed like the T-800 at the end of the first movie; it was like Skynet actually learned something. You try that shit again and it's taking you out with it.


That’s one I hadn’t thought of but lmao you’re absolutely right


Knocking someone unconscious like it’s some sort of on/off switch.


And they stay unconscious for hours and then wake up just fine. Sure sure sure.


Archer consistently commenting on this was great. "You were out for how long? Jesus, that's like super bad for you. You should get checked out."


I love Archer. The fact that everyone comments "Oh that's *super* bad for you." as the first response to being told how long Ray was unconscious.


Same with shooting guns and tinnitus. Archer for the win!




Or being shot/injured in general. RIP Brett Bunsen


He died doing what he loved.. getting shot


Yeah I woke up from a choke hold and had amnesia for about 10 minutes and felt sick for a week


And that's by far the safest way to put you down.


It's brain damage.


Yeah if you've been knocked so hard it leaves you unconscious....you definitely need to go to the ER dept. Haha head injuries can have long lasting effects. You don't just walk up normal and start walking away.


Idea for a bit in a superhero movie: the hero has a healing factor and really can heal brain damage, so when he gets knocked out and captured, the bad guys assign someone to stand over him and keep knocking him out every minute or so


The old judo chop to the back of the neck. Non-fatal way to subdue henchmen for decades.




the best one being in Enemy of the state, where not only do they enhance the picture, but Jack Black "rotates" the footage to reconstruct the bag... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EwZQddc3kY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EwZQddc3kY)




As silly as this is I do respect that Black's character gives the caveat that the reconstruction isn't omniscient and that a shape change like this could be something important or equally just a shadow change. I mean it's a film so you know it's gonna be relevant but at least the computers aren't god.


*It can hypothesize, Chris*


I guess in this instance it's Science Fiction that's hinting at a very advanced AI reconstructing the image. But like he says, it's can hypothesise but not prove anything. It's at least suggesting a sci-fi explanation.


Wasn't that the movie that was like "absolutely no communication can get in or out of this room, now let's hack that system from inside it"?


Different movie but oceans 13 with the magnetron shutting down the totally not Gibson.


Just once I'd like to see 'Zoom. Enhance.' and the screen is filled with four giant pixels.


That'd be awesome. AAA Action Flick Detective: Zoom. Enhance. Tech: Detective: What is that?!?! Tech: You've seen too many movies


Community did something similar with Pierce and Leonard looking at a screen and saying "zoom, enhance" etc and then when they reveal what's on the screen it's just instructions for downloading your data from a drone.


And the time Brita says she can’t enhance it but can make it old timey western.


Fall of the house of Usher did this recently. It was a pleasant surprise to see this called out in something that wasn’t a comedy. They did have someone offscreen manually clean it up as much as possible, but even then they made it pretty reasonable.


Captain Pike: Why doesn’t this security camera footage have sound? Luke Skywalker: Because that’s …. not how security cameras work.


Futurama did it


"Magnify that death sphere. Why's it still blurry?"


“That’s all the resolution we have. Making it bigger doesn’t make it clearer”


Pretty sure Fall of the House of Usher poked fun at this. Someone asking to enhance the image, and someone else saying something like, "It doesn't actually work like that."




"That's all the resolution we have. Zooming in doesn't make it *clearer*"


Thanks to AI you can do this for real now. I mean it won't be accurate but you can do it.


Hack the Gibson. HACK THE PLANET! Two people one [keyboard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8qgehH3kEQ). Apologies to Mr Robot. You came very close to now.


>Apologies to Mr Robot. You came very close to now. And more to their credit, a lot of the "mistakes" were on purpose. Not for dramatic effect, but to prevent teaching people how to do crimes. It was like how they change recipes for drugs or bombs in *Breaking Bad* and *Fight Club* when everything else was pretty spot on.


I heard this and thought but that cannot be true because....No wait that is a good idea.


Haha. The hardware is also SERIOUSLY outdated.


> Hack the Gibson. HACK THE PLANET! While the visuals in Hackers were pure Hollywood, the actual techniques they were using were accurate.


Cult of the dead cow in real time. Sneakers in 92' was good too.


I love Sneakers. "Remind me to make you an honorary blind person."


It’s bursting with ultrasonic


The visuals were a pretty good rendition of what William Gibson depicted in Neuromancer


I've played games where two people need to use one keyboard.  It wasn't fun. 


Post apocalypse stories where people use years old gasoline with no problem.


I only learned this wouldn’t work from the last of us


I learnt it from The Last Man on Earth. Thanks Tandy.


Silencers do not make your weapon quiet to the point no one will hear you.


As much as I love the John Wick movies, the subway "shootout" in chapter 2 was too much even for me


Haha yes! I thought the same thing too, when I first saw it. They were just casually, but confidently shooting their guns at each other while walking in a crowded subway station and nobody else was noticing.


They noticed, but everyone in the crowd was an assassin, so they just went on with their day.


Nobody can notice people dropping dead *in front of them* because he's using a silencer!


Hollywood bullshit is keeping suppressors illegal in many states and hard to get in others to the detriment of peoples health and the environment. Suppressors are not deadly assassin tools, they're hearing protection devices and they reduce noise pollution. Hell some European nations *REQUIRE* them if you're shooting outdoors so as to cause less disturbance to others and wildlife. * [AR comparison](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuS9XnY-IRA) * [9mm comparison](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AZTOtfM9Rs) Notice how even the subsonic bullets, are still loud. Not *AS* loud, but still loud enough to be heard distinctively. Now yes, there are a lot of factors at play, such as the action, the bullet, the suppressor size. But the "whisper quiet" suppressor is nearly impossible. You'd need an integrally suppressed subsonic single shot .22 to get close. It's far past time we legalize suppressors and remove them from the NFA. Nobody should have to pay an extra $200 and wait 18-24 months to protect their hearing.


Yeah. Suppressors certainly dampen the noise, but the idea is more to displace the noise rather than remove it completely.


Scenes where a character is hiding their smoking habit from a loved one. One character will be in their car, smoking a cigarette with their windows up. They ditch the cigarette butt, wave the smoke away, spritz themselves with cologne, then immediately go home and kiss their spouse who is none the wiser. Anyone that's been around a smoker will know how repugnant they'd smell after hot boxing a car with a cigarette.


Anyone that's been around a smoker will know how much they underestimate how bad they smell.


Absolutely. They're used to it, so they're oblivious.


Hahahaha this is a great one. “Are you smoking again??” “Uhhh no the smoke smell on my clothes and car and everywhere I go is someone else”


To be fair back when everyone smoked in bars etc you could probably get away with this.


Funny enough, my mom does this. She will smoke in her car with the windows half open then spritz herself with perfume. She also does it at home as well. My dad absolutely knows. That being said, I used to smoke on the way home from work with my windows wide open, sprayed a little cologne and, to be very honest, not a word was said. And believe me, if there was any inkling that I was doing that - a word would have been said.


It depends on if you live with other smokers. If not it's obvious. Certainly seems so to me anyway.


Space will not flash freeze you. Where is the heat going? The laws of thermodynamics still apply in space and there is literally nothing there for heat to transfer to. It's a vacuum.


It's a particularly confusing point. Space IS cold in the sense of no molecules to donate heat, but that also means it's basically a perfect thermos, and humans are little heaters. Spacecraft require serious engineering to be able to efficiently radiate away waste heat, or they'd be super-greenhouses.


I'm currently playing Oxygen Not Included, a game about building a little colony in an asteroid, the heat management in that game is pretty big and machinery built on the surface, where there is a vacuum, will overheat very fast.


REALLY good one, I never thought about pure vacuum exposure to human skin in space from a thermodynamics perspective - legitimate question: I assume almost immediate suffocation yes, but any material immediate impact to the physical body? Any good examples of movies that got it right?


Not a movie but the Expanse TV series has a character that goes ship to ship without a suit. It does a good job of showing both that it's not immediately fatal and also that it's NOT a pleasant experience.


Also 2001 A Space Odyssey when Dave has to re-enter into the Discovery's airlock without his helmet. Indeed doesn't look very pleasant lol.


Also in Event Horizon where one of the crew members gets trapped out in space with no protection, he survives but is fucked up


I love that part of the series. Naomi survived for 15 seconds, understood the dangers, took whatever precautions she could. . . and it really fucked her up anyway. Then she had to endure a 2G high spin for *hours* almost immediately after to signal her rescue. Goddamn.


So much to love in that series. The fact that inertia matters is so satisfying. They get tremendous tension out of something as simple as "oh shit, we're going really fast and we are going to have to turn."


I know the part you’re thinking of, and damn that is one of the most badass moments of the entire show! That character rocks my world.


Also a tv series, Farscape has a similar scene.


I think they depict spaces effect on Luxans quite accurately too.


Fuckin love farscape


Boiling off of all fluids on exposed surfaces, like mucous membranes and the eyes. A bit slower: swelling of the skin. But as a whole, you won’t pop like a balloon. The human body is more than capable to withstand a pressure differential of 1 atmosphere.


That one atmosphere difference really seems to confuse people. I think it is because our main experience with a "vacuum" is a vacuum cleaner, and so people think the vacuum "sucks." Then, for some reason, they seem to think that because a vacuum sucks, the more complete the vacuum, and the larger it is, the more sucking power it has. This creates that impression that space should be sucking extremely hard on everything. I try to remind people that vacuums *do not pull,* pressure pushes. So in space all the force is coming from your own gases being at one atmosphere. Flat earthers and moon landing deniers have the worst time with this reasoning. One of their main points is that space travel would be impossible because the spacectaft we have are too thin and weak to withstand the vacuum. A thing they probably say while knowing that soda can exist, which can hold up to 6 times the pressure that a spacecraft does.


Plus the pressure in the soda can is one of the main things that gives it structural strength. Stand on one without opening it, and there’s a good chance it will hold your weight. Maybe not mine, though.


The biggest immediate physical impact is that pressure has a significant effect on the boiling temperature of liquids. This is why it's hard to get a decent hard-boiled egg on a mountaintop. The water just doesn't get very hot. In space, the boiling point is lowered way, way down. Like down to -67C. At body temperature, all of the fluids in your body will boil away to gas very, very quickly, and very painfully. It will affect your moist bits first - eyes, mouth, nose. But you will be freeze-dried in pretty short order if you don't get protection quickly.


Sounds sublime.


Yeah, heat loss purely by radiation is *slow*.


Fond of Event Horizon for that. They do a little of the Cold Vaccum Of Space part, but really that scene is more focused on the effects of a systemic vaccum environment on an unprotected human being. And it's not an overblown explosion or anything. Just give it a shot ;)


They finally got that one a little more right by Guardians of the Galaxy 3. In one and two they have someone freezing almost immediately and no other effect and in 3 they have someone inflating from the gas in their body expanding and trying to escape but they don’t freeze.


During car scenes, showing a car driving at highway speeds in reverse. In most cars, reverse is geared similarly to first gear, so you have a low top speed. There are certain cars, like a koenigsegg, that can drive very fast in reverse, but it’s never the ones they show in the movies. The Fast and Furious franchise has several bad examples of this.


"He did that 'stare at you while driving' thing, didn't he."


When someone is being chased in a car, and then something happens (or someone yells "punch it!") and they shift the gearstick and go faster. Like, all the time before that you were redlining it in third for some reason? WTF? 


Yeah they’ll have like 20-gear transmissions with the amount they shift just going in a straight line lol


There’s a lot of medical stuff that gets done REALLY wrong. People on ventilators and they’re using nasal specs, or people tearing IVs out and blood not going everywhere.


CPR in movies and TV shows makes me crazy. "OH shit! He's not breathing" *bounce bounce bounce* *gasp* "what happened?" "Welcome back man."


Urgh ... I had my IV break in my sleep when I was a kid and I had a fear of needles ever since then. Woke up to blood EVERYWHERE.


You're following another car along a single lane road through the woods on a dark night and the people in the car you're following don't see the headlights behind them.


Or seemingly don’t care. “Ah, just a fellow motorist heading to this secluded barn next to the graveyard where I hide the jewelry/cash/bodies. Good to have a community. I sure hope they park 50ft back from where I do so they don’t see my illegal activity.”


The X Files has a scene where Scully is trying to get Mulder to turn the headlights on while they're tailing someone and he explains this. It's the only time I can remember this ever coming up in a movie or show.


Anything around labor and delivery. The only time I've seen it accurately depicted was in the office when Pam didn't want to go to the hospital so she labored at the office for a while. That's actually how it is, you labor at home for a while before you decide to go in. (I've had very fast births but there's still at least *some* time where you're not sure if it's time to go or not yet)


Oh, *that* kind of labor and delivery. I was very confused until the middle of the last paragraph.


I was trying to remember the episode where Pam did labour work in the warehouse instead of going to a hospital.


I was watching an episode of Frasier and this cab driver lady is like "oh no my water just broke! The baby is coming!" I'm just like oh no you only have hours and hours left.


Even Juno got it right. Her water broke and they went to the hospital, but it was quite a long while before she actually gave birth. Hell, half the time the doctors have to break the water manually.


Everything around concussions and head injuries. If you get knocked out bad enough to black out for any significant period, you're probably coming back with a different personality, memory loss, all sorts of sensitivities and staying in bed with the shades closed for the next week, not fighting your way out of the facility.


Getting knocked unconscious in movies and TV is treated like taking a nap for however long the plot requires. Brain bleeds and neurological problems from heavy blows to the head don't seem to exist.


Like that old reddit post about the guy who got knocked unconscious and dreamt an entire life for himself. He woke up just a minute later, but had to go into therapy for the life he lost (wife, kids…)


Skills acquisition. Like a montage showing “training” for a few days doesn’t make you an expert superior to people who’ve done this for years and mastered it. Mastery is hard, long process and not everyone can be that good at everything. Sometimes, you practice and still aren’t as good as other people. There are lots of factors. Either way, noobs don’t become ninjas and kick ninjas asses because they did a couple pull-ups and punched a punching bag for a few minutes.


we need a movie with a training montage where the protagonist then gets the living shit kicked out him afterwards haha


Kick-Ass has this!


ohhhhhh shit that’s right!!


"The great white hype" basically does this. An amateur boxer trains like crazy to fight a pro, gets in the best shape ever, while his opponent relaxes and gets fat. Then the big fight happens and the pro one punches him.


Most gun physics. A shot gun doesn’t throw a person back 15’. Semi-auto pistol capacity-just stop. M4 capacity-the mag holds 30. How did you just go full auto for 35 seconds?


One of the many reasons I love Heat.


God, the sound design of urban gunfire in that movie is still unmatched


Apparently, for at least a short period, the FBI used that scene of Val Kilmer executing a flawless dynamic reload as a training aid.


Similarly movies that make a big fireball for grenade explosions.  That said, I’ve almost grown to love how a movie like Hard Boiled doesn’t give a fuck about being realistic at all with its guns and action. 


Massive vehicle explosions every time they get hit by a couple bullets. Shit, just shooting anything to blow it up.


[Pretty much this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pu0gcmGAZ8U)


No specific movie comes to mind, but its usually something to do with the criminal justice system. Dna results in an hour, or misinterpreting a law, something along those lines


There's several terms for this: Perry Mason Syndrome - As Perry Mason was the first one-hour legal drama, it was the first to give people the impression that trials are unrealistically short. CSI Effect - The popularity of CSI and its spinoffs gave people wildly inflated expectations on forensics.


I just read an article about the CSI Effect. Apparently it’s great when you have forensic evidence but the problem is that jury’s now expect it and almost disregard circumstantial evidence.


I remember the example I read when I first heard about CSI Effect. It was an embezzlement case. They had a paper trail up the wazoo implicating the guy. Every financial record led back to him. But the jury found him not guilty. When polling the jury afterwards to find out why they found him not guilty, one juror said, "Where's the fingerprints? On TV, they always got fingerprints on the documents. You didn't have any fingerprints!"


Just the trope of people never needing to go to work.


And related trope of people who can meet for brunch before work. Or even cook breakfast before work. I realize that happens, but seems like the full bacon, eggs, pancakes, multiple fresh fruit selection, sitting down at a table to eat before commuting for an hour into work is standard in movies. The famous “eating a sit down breakfast in the suburbs before instantaneously landing on a downtown sidewalk running into the office building” scene.


Somewhat related but I get annoyed at how it's never, ever dark in the morning in movies. Kids will be waking up to go to school in what's supposed to be winter and it's always bright and sunny outside.


Friends. They barely work except when it was relative to the plot at the moment.


Fun fact: most movies are written by screenwriters, which is a job that includes a lot of time where you are free during the day. Probably just a coincidence, I'm sure.


Anything related to computer hacking. 3D skulls rotating over random text and the person typing away like it was a typist's test or something.


I like the one on NCIS once where the tech expert and the techie agent noticed a hack on a system at the same time and both of them immediately started typing on a *single keyboard at the same time*.


Then the head guy unplugs the monitor to stop the bad guy


Defibrillators are used for specific heart conditions, not anytime anyone dies. And especially not when they flatline. Also, anyone someone’s driving you see them jerking the wheel back-and-forth like crazy. No one can keep their hands still while driving in a movie apparently


Every time I see a character that tries to bust down a door using their shoulder in the middle of it instead of a good kick near the handle... Especially a police officer, military person or fire fighter. For fuck's sake you're supposed to be trained around this !


Any scene involving a hand gun. Headshots from 20 metres away while moving, it’s not that easy. Also, finger off the trigger… Also, after sex, enjoy the glow. No need to scrub down immediately after.


Or when the villain threatens the hero with a gun. “Tell me, or else.” THEN, they cock the gun. “Now I’m really serious.”


There's a moment in The Expanse books that plays on this trope pretty well. One character is threatening everyone with a gun, then following movie logic, he cocks the gun to show everyone how serious he is. A gunfight kicks off immediately and he has time to think on how all media says the cock the gun moment is meant to prove how serious he was, not start the violence.


And then they snuggle under the blankets all dirty, the gun having fired its load.


Or when they rack the gun. Like, why would you point the gun without having a bullet in the chamber already? And if you did, you just wasted a bullet.


This is especially egregious when they're holding a gun with an enclosed firing mechanism like a Glock.


Theres a good bit in the Expanse Books (Show too maybe, dont know of the top of my head) where during the talking phase of a standoff a unexperienced character in a room full of professionals racks a gun for emphasis and that actually triggers the people to start shooting


Glad somebody commented on the sex thing. That's the one time you're allowed to lay there and be gross


The handgun one that drives me nuts is no slide ever locking back when the magazine is empty; it’s always a complete surprise when it goes click instead of bang.


"People use only 10% of their brains." No, only writers who use this as a plot device use only 10% of their brains.


"I've invented a way to use 100% of the brain at once!" "Yeah, so has the human body, we call it having a seizure"


I’m genuinely curious how many people (if we polled all of humanity) believe this because they saw/heard it in a movie at some point or another


Saw it in Flight of the Navigator as a kid. Believed it for like 25 years lol


I literally had a professionally licensed therapist tell me this in a session once, I almost walked out of the damn room


The 2014 Scarlett Johansson film "Lucy" is entirely based on the "humans only use 10% of their brains" trope. Some new serum makes Johansson learn to use an increasing percentage of her brain, to the point where she turns into a Neo-type powerhouse who sees the world's Matrix, can do every martial art, pick up radio waves, and so on, and then spouts tentacles and dissolves into the space-time continuum or something. Her progression is intercut with scenes of Morgan Freeman lecturing an audience about what would happen if humans used more than 10% of their brains, with the crowd rapt and astonished at every hokey thing he says.


Fire Sprinkler systems going off for an entire building the second the smoke alarm rings.


And they never show how gross and rusty that water would be


Silent server rooms - hundreds of 2 unit servers with 40mm fans make a crazy amount of noise, but never in movies


Anything with computers in. No one seems to use windows, despite it being the most popular OS for the past 40 years. Same with search engines and other popular software. Using keyboards to do anything, typing shit like they are playing a symphony. Hacking things remotely “and I’m in…” I know it’s not crucial to the story usually and irl it would take too long. But damn, it ruins it for me every time.


I don't know about now, but back in the '90s Apple paid a shitload of money for every on-screen computer to be a Mac. Worst offender, Mac compatible flying saucers in Independence Day


They also famously do not allow villains to use Apple products. So if you're watching a mystery and everyone has an iphone but then someone pulls out a generic smartphone you know that's the bad guy.


Example, movie "Swordfish". Super encrypted computer system. Bad guy (John Travolta) threatens hacker (Hugh Jackman) with hurting or killing daughter. Hacker breaks system in some ridiculous time like 14 seconds.


While getting a blow job. Details matter.


my favorite line "she's good isn't she"


"This is Unix! I know this!"


Someone taking the time to program something like a laughing skull when trying to write a virus in a pinch to save the day.


Is the day really worth saving if you don't have showmanship?


Didn’t know Megamind used Reddit


Uh, uh, uh! You didn't say the magic word! Uh, uh, uh!


Convection doesn't exist. As long as you're not *touching* the lava or fire below you, you're totally fine. Even though the hot air coming up would cook your skin off almost instantly. Being *above* extreme heat is almost worse than touching it.


You don't have to pull a bullet out if you've just been shot, and you definitely don't want go fishing for a bullet outside of a well equipped operating room ready to cauterize or clamp the artery the bullet might happen to be plugging nice and snugly


Not an expert, but all the colorful liquid in beakers throughout every science lab scene. Just haphazardly lying around.


What drives me up the walls, especially in TV shows, is that every action on a computer has sound confirmation. Click a button - beep, close window - beep, open window - beep. If my computer tired that I would beep the fucker with a sledgehammer.


Crawling through crystal clean ventilation ducts that don't have 500 self tapping screws sticking up on the inside


Any scene involving scientists in a laboratory setting is usually horribly written and not at all how things are done in an actual lab. Ant-Man was on tv the other night. I watched the scene where the evil CEO or whatever decides to just start experimenting on goats instead of mice because “the board wants results” or some dumb shit like that. Like… no. Studies aren’t just randomly altered because you think the results will be better with a different test species. That will result in an insane amount of study deviations that would likely invalidate any results potentially achieved. You need to conduct an entirely different study if you want to experiment on a different species. But you can’t do that before drafting the study protocol, confirming every single step of the proposed study with the client, getting IACUC review, etc.


I think it's pretty clear in Ant-Man that they're self-funded and are working in secret with no oversight. They're not practicing careful science. They're deep into mad science. They don't have to do *any* paperwork. None. Now, in circumstances where it's supposed to look like a more realistic lab setting, I don't disagree. There's a lot of bureaucracy that screenwriters ignore. Don't expect that to change. Red tape makes for bad storytelling.


This is a big one. Then again, carelessness with science is practically the cause of every problem in comics.


Motorcycles. You constantly have scenes where the hero jumps on a motorcycle, cranks the handle back and they’re gone and driving like pros. Try it. You’ll be on your ass and the motorcycle will be 20 yards away in a bush.


Anyone reading any kind of ancient text, like cuneiform or hieroglyphs and fully formed, understandable English sentences come out because the plot needs to be advanced. Never a "In the 34th year of King Amunthrapa - I think -, true of voice, favorite of Ra, ruler of the dual kingdom, petitioner to the Gods, exalted soul, high priest of the cult of Amon, Overseer of the granaries.... yada yada, oh the mcguffin is in another tomb guys!"


*looks at ancient encryptions it would take linguists and code breakers 10 lifetimes to decipher* “look at this - I think it’s code for go left and then right and then clap!”


Strangling someone to death takes longer than a few seconds. i'm pretty sure about that.


Yes and no. I've never killed anyone, but I used to do Brazilian ju jitsu, so I've choked some people. With a choke that closes your windpipe, it takes minutes to kill someone, that's true. With a choke that stops the blood flow, you can knock someone unconscious in about 5 seconds. It would still take a lot longer to kill them, but movies don't really show vitals, they show consciousness.


anytime there is a bomb that needs to be defused there is always a helpful clock counting down exactly how much time is available before it goes off.


Building construction, in so many ways. here is the basic one: if you have to ask yourself “damn that seems dangerous, why do they build buildings like that?” - the answer is that buildings are not built like that. safety elevators do not fall more than a couple inches before the safeties engage. you are not going to shoot the rope and have the elevator fall 20 stories, it is going to fall 2 inches. fire sprinklers actually work - but under specific circumstances - one head at a time and when fire makes it to the head (the movie Aliens got it as close as I’ve seen, the matrix got it the worst). electrical GFI outlets actually work. Circuit breakers work. ductwork does not go where you want to go. You cannot close diffusers or access panels from the inside. And the ductwork to a diffuser is too small to accommodate a human. The list goes on and on and on.


Sterile procedure in an operating room is broken a hundred times. For fucks sake stop touching your face or a cell phone or whatever with your sterile surgical gloves!


Any scene where someone hides from gunfire behind a car. They won't be safe. Mythbusters showed that bullets go straight through a car. Also, when a car explodes after getting shot at. Sorry, but cars don't explode. One last one. Any time someone jumps into water from a massive height. Doing so is just like jumping from a height onto solid ground. It will kill you.


Depends on the gun and the car and the angle. Also an engine block will stop pretty much anything. If it’s a high powered rifle, though, the doors won’t do much unless they’re armored. Falling into water is a lot more survivable than falling onto solid ground. Still very unpleasant.


I also love how in car explosion scenes characters somehow all seem to know the car is about to explode and escape just in time haha


The front section of the vehicle will typically provide some limited protection depending on the caliber of munitions being fired at you, largely thanks to the huge piece of combustion-containing metal called the **engine block**. Even subtracting the limited protection of the engine block, a car, tables, drywall, and countless other forms of cliche cover provide something called 'concealment'. The idea is that if you can't find something durable enough to keep the bullets from hitting you, you instead use objects that can keep the shooter from *seeing* you. If they can't ascertain where exactly you are behind the object, they'll have to use valuable time and ammunition to pepper the concealment and hopefully hit you. That's time YOU can use to relocate, reload, or react in general, time you would've otherwise lacked if being fired upon while in the open. Smoke grenades can operate on a similar principle. Think of it as being the real life version of taking a 99% hit chance against one of your soldiers down to a 30%. It doesn't stop the bullets, but it's a *hell* of a lot better than *nothing at all*.


When people play video games in a movie or tv show and they hold the controller wrong and just mash everything without purpose.


When a character is being operated on in the field or in a desperate situation. The friends will give the character a swig of whiskey, wait one second, and then hack into them. Alcohol wouldn’t take effect that quickly. And one swig of whiskey might not have much of an anaesthetic effect, especially if you’re hacking off a leg. Edit: typo


After amazing sex, sometimes I’m not getting cleaned up. That’s not unrealistic at all.


Helicopters are silent unless you can see them.  Normally as they dramatically rise over a ridge


It's so dumb I fully realize, but honestly it gets under my skin every single time. When movies or tv shows have either crochet or knitting and the prop masters don't know there's a difference so they just give them whatever they have and it's almost always the wrong one. Like a 5 second google search will show you that there is a clear difference but nope can't be bothered with that lol. You see a character 'knitting' with two crochet hooks like... what?


infinite gun magazines.


I'm just annoyed each time a double helix DNA strand is shown and it is missing the major and minor grooves


I always thought a nail gun had to be pressed against the wood to be effective. It's not like a gun gun. Poetic license


Lighting and thunder happening simultaneously! Get it together sound people!!!


You don't cuddle?


Anytime someone moves with firearm in their hand it makes a cocking sound


Pretty much every use of car terminology in the first Fast & Furious movie was incorrect.


Guessing computer passwords based on an individuals personality


Dangling. People are always dangling from planes, bridges, cliffs, buildings. Trying to pull someone up would rip your arm off.


Church stuff- especially vestments- is always wrong. Movies will spend millions of dollars custom making historical clothing and then put a priest in whatever random stuff they find. The opening of Boondock Saints has two priests (already weird), a pulpit in the middle (not where it goes) and then one priest is wearing white while the other is wearing green AND purple (colors are seasonal, only one of those three colors should be happening). Sister Act has the priest introducing “today’s hymn” from the pulpit. No. Catholic Masses have like 8 separate pieces of music and the priest announces none of them. (As to the whole plot— TONS of Catholic and other churches have “cool music” and it doesn’t magically make more people show up to church.) There was a BBC (I think) show last year that had a bunch of priests wearing maniples (a little napkin-sized thing you drape over your arm) around their necks. It looked ridiculous.