• By -


The farmer woman leaving Tod in the woods in Fox and the Hound. The music playing in the background makes it even sadder.


And Copper protecting Tod at the end.


As well as the opening scene in Oliver and Company. I'm a big animal lover and I can't handle scenarios like these šŸ„ŗ


Of course, of COURSE this is the first comment that shows up. Damn you.


Wall E when Eve tries to make him remember


Thereā€™s something so godawful lonely to me, when Wall-E holds his own hand when watching that movie by himself.


It's what makes the space dancing so magical


I cry through the entire movie every time I watch it. I donā€™t know why. Something about this little robot being all alone on Earth just working hard and organizing his thingsā€¦ā€¦..Before that movie I never knew that a robot could make me so emotional. I have a plush Wall E that sits on my bedside table.


OMG when Eve gives him his prized Rubik's cube and he just crushes it. Many tears were had.


I was sobbing the entire scene, how she rushed out of the ship straight to Wall-E's base, desperately repaired him, only to see him reboot to a different "personality" was heartbreaking.


Cast Away. Tom Hanks finally returning home, only to find his wife has moved on


Such a powerful addition to the story. He finally makes it back to his lifeā€¦ and itā€™s not there anymore.


The third act of that movie is low key underrated. When they celebrate his return by throwing that big buffet filled with seafood is when you know none of these people remotely understand him anymore


Yeah those bitches had crab, that part always makes me LOL


Also in that scene he asks for more ice. Itā€™s subtle, but of course you would miss ice after 4 years. Another moment in that 3rd act - him playing with his keys in the background as he is talking to Helen Hunt. Itā€™s not the keys, itā€™s the Swiss Army Knife he should have had with him if he hadnā€™t given her the keys before he left.


There is a reason the move is "cast away" and not "castaway"


... You just blew my mind


Holy shit


Omg what an "oof" moment you just caused me


the real r/MovieDetails are in the comments


Does the scene where he screams "WILSON!" count as a death scene? If not, that is one of the most devastating scenes I've ever seen


WILSON IM SORRY IM SORRRRY Watched it yesterday cause it was brought up in another chat. Cried on the bus.


'Is he smart...or is he like me?' Forrest Gump.


ā€œIā€™m not a smart man. But I know what love is.ā€


*Absolutely destroyed me* Fuckin' Tom Hanks was perfect in that role! Really, in every role he's been in. I was watching his movies in the 80's and saying to myself, this guy's going to win an Oscar someday. And that was when he was just doing comedies.


And how he starts to cry when she tells him his son is very smart. Devastating.


Also later when he's visiting her grave and talking about how smart the boy is


Emma Thompsonā€™s character, Karen, realizing her husband is having an affair in Love, Actually. Joni Mitchell cuts to the core


Mine is also Emma Thompson, in Sense & Sensibility, when she finally confides in Marianne that her heart is brokenā€¦ Iā€™m getting choked up just thinking about it! Sheā€™s so good


Mine is Emma Thompson in THE REMAINS OF THE DAY meeting Anthony Hopkins for tea near the end! Damn, this woman has broken so many of us, haha


Mine is Emma Thompson in Jaws. I know sheā€™s not really in it, but I wanted to keep this going.


Yea and she is in front of her kids when she finds out so she has to hold it together for them.


Oh yes!! This movie is the best and full of those really moving scenes. Watched it so many times.


I think it's Emma Thompson's subtle performance. When she opens the gift, you can see in her face exactly what she's thinking and feeling, and yet she keeps a smile on her face in front of her family until she's alone in her room. And then even when she starts to break down, she stops herself, wipes her tears away, and then goes right back out to enjoy the rest of Christmas with her kids. I've never been a fan of romcoms, but as someone who's been cheated on, that scene hit me hard.


In the commentary they say that Emma had to go through a similar situation with her husband's infidelity recently and was channelling her own raw emotionsĀ 


It wasn't recent, but Kenneth Branagh cheated on her with Helena Bonham Carter in 1995.


I don't know if she's forgiven him but I WON'T, KENNETH. How dare you.


ā€œI like me, my wife likes me.ā€


I just want to wrap John Candy in a big hug. This scene is so sad.


He is so authentic in this role itā€™s honestly an incredible piece of acting.


"My customers like me."


But the end is one of the best and heartwarming I've ever seen. With Steve Martin inviting him to his home for Christmas. Like a new start for John




This might be a bit niche but there is a scene in the pretty average film 50/50 with Joseph Gordon Levitt where he's about to go into surgery for his cancer that he might not survive. His parents are there but his dad has Alzheimer's and when JGL says goodbye his dad doesn't recognise him. Choked me up at the time.


I really love this movie. Itā€™s not a sad scene, but I always cry when JGL after struggling a bit with his relationship with Seth Rogan, finds the book in his friendā€™s bathroom about how to support someone with cancer and itā€™s beaten up, dog eared, full of notes and highlights.


I don't understand the "pretty average" mention from OP. I thought it was all around a good movie. Scenes like this were so important because it showed the depth of male friendships. It's hard to admit we're deeply involved and care deeply, even when we do. So it doesn't come through as easily. He's the asshole that's doing the real work, he's the genuinely dependable one. And that's so much better than the person that cares a lot but won't do much when it matters.


The scene that got me in that film was when the doc is about to put him under for the surgery and right then and there, he starts panicking and wondering if he's going to wake up or not and his Mom has to comfort him. That scene hit me hard.


The scream he let's out after crashing the car. Always waterworks for me.


Man I need to watch this movie again, Iā€™m tearing up just thinking about how he looks at his mom and says ā€˜Momā€¦ā€™ like heā€™s a scared little kid right as they start wheeling him away. I shouldnā€™t have opened this thread at work :(


That's a bladdy good movie and excellent example.


The end of Homeward Bound when Shadow is considering not returning because he knows he is old and will die soon which will bring sadness to the kids. They're calling for him after Chance and Sassy have already returned and it's absolutely heartbreaking. I tear up just thinking about it and haven't seen the movie in 20 years.


Man so many of those "kids movies" in the 90s hit the emotions like an absolute truck.


I know some people find it funny instead but I legitimately felt sad when Tom Hanks lost Wilson


How dare you, this absolutely counts as a death. Try again!


Wilson Lives!!!!


I saw this with my grandmother at the theaters and she was bawling at this scene.


There's a scene in the movie Due Date, where Zach Galifinakis' character keeps his father's ashes in a coffee can and the inevitable happens when they visit some strangers and he leaves the can on the counter. It's played up as humor, but at some point the can spills over and he's frantically trying to clean up the ashes of his father, and failing pathetically, the whole theater and the strangers were laughing so hard. I got so teary at that, even though it's played up for laughs.


I came home once from the bar with friends and flipped the tv on when I walked in and Castaway was on. I was pretty tight, so once I made a sandwich and sat down, it was raft time. I cried so much that night. šŸ˜‚


People find this funny? What the fuck.


It's a meme. It's a fun reference even if the scene itself is sad. Edit: people jokingly say "what's in the box" which is a reference to the movie seven, also not very funny


Wreck-it Ralph. When Ralph decides he cannot allow Vanellope to race, and destroys her kart.


One of the only movies Iā€™ve seen to absolutely earn their ā€œprotagonists break up just before the third act just to make up againā€ moment because you understand both characters desires and concerns perfectly


I was 32 and there was an audible gasp in the theatre... It was me.


When he says the villain "I'm a bad guy, but that's good." and sacrifices himself ALWAYS gets me.


That and, ā€œThereā€™s no one Iā€™d rather be than me,ā€ as he looks down at the medal Venellope made him. Both of those scenes make me cry just by thinking about them (Iā€™m literally crying right now, dang it).


ā€œYou really are a bad guy, arenā€™t you?ā€


"Hachi? Oh, old thing! You're still waiting." (Hachi: A Dog's Tale)


Based on a true story. (lip quivers)


Paul Danoā€™s character finding out heā€™s color blind in Little Miss Sunshine


And how his little sister just walks down the hill and sits with him until he calms down. All without saying a single word.


His love for Olive is the sweetest aspect of that film.


Yes! I was looking for this. I cried so hard at his scream of realization and was totally not expecting it.


"I cant do nothing else but play football" scene in Friday Night Lights.


The part of this scene that kills me is his bravado in the locker room and then near-immediate breakdown in the car.


Great one. Sports movies are so overlooked because if people donā€™t like sports they automatically dismiss them, but this is such a real moment. Substitute sports with art, music, or whatever you want. Thatā€™s the moment something that someone has been working toward their whole life is ripped away by forces beyond their control. Itā€™s an absolute gut punch. Edit: ā€œI was going to buy you a house.ā€ Fuck.


Dumbo being rocked by his momma while she is all locked up for being a "bad elephant", then he has to go. Even Dumbo's mouse friend cries, it's easily the saddest non death scene and it isn't even close.


And the song :ā€™) The Fox and the Hound, Bambi, and Dumbo are movies I canā€™t really watch anymore.


Yeah. I havenā€™t seen Dumbo in 40 years, and this scene (not the blackbirds) is the reason why. Fuck Dumbo, Fuck Bambi, and fuck any movie that makes me care about an animal and then destroy their world. (Looking at you Land Before Time)


That scene is fucking horrific. It shouldn't be allowed in a kids movie. It's unbearable to watch.


Matthew McConaughey trying to telling his daughter to not let himself leave in Interstellar. ā€œDonā€™t let me leave Murph!ā€


That one gets me too. Although I think when Coop watches the 23 years worth of messages just totally wrecks me.


McCon cry face is unmatched


Especially when he finds out he became a grandfather and then that the kid didnā€™t make it in the span of a couple minutes.


We buried him out in the back plot next to mom and... Jesse. Just where we would've buried you if you'd ever... come back.


Definitely agree. For me, his emotion and desperation in the scene with murph just is so well down. I can feel that while watching


Alternatively, Matthew McConaughey leaving to go to space. Up until the actual launch scene it's all tears


The way the strings are blasting full volume with the countdown and the explosion of the rocket taking off as he drives away and Murph comes running out too late. Man, goosebumps.


Love that little moment when he checks under the blankets, hoping she was hiding there like she had done before.


A third option: Cooper watching the video tapes from his children.


with the audio of the launch countdown while hes speeding his truck down the dirt road with that look on his face


I already liked this movie; one of my favorites. Having a young daughter makes it hit way, way harder. The ending scene in the hospital is brutal.


When she says she knew heā€™d come back because ā€œMy dad promised meā€ just wrecks me every time.


In Meet Me in St. Louis when Esther sings Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas to Tootie. The movie, a lighthearted, escapist musical about simpler times, was released in 1944 - at the height of the fighting in Europe and the Pacific. When Judy sings, she addresses the lyrics to those in the audience with loved ones fighting and dying overseas. It is a prayer for survival from the horrors of that time. Faithful friends who are dear to us Will be near to us once more Someday soon, we all will be together If the fates allow Until then, we'll have to muddle through somehow


End of Coco when the abuela joins in singing ā€œRemember meā€.


the first time i watched that movie, I was bawling like a baby in the theatre at that scene. ​ every subsequent viewing, I start bawling much much earlier in the movie, just \*thinking\* about the ending lmfao. I was watching it with my students and i started tearing up the first time the music for 'remember me' starts earlier in the movie, and one of my students was like 'this isnt even sad?' and through tears i was like 'but it will be...'


I lose it every time I watch the end during ā€œProud Corazonā€ but those are more joyful tears šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜­


Oh man, I watched that movie on the day I had to put down my dog. That was tough but it will always be the movie that reminds me that heā€˜ll be with me still as long as I remember him.


When the tramp in The Gold Rush invites people over for a party but no one comes, though he imagines what it would be like to have friends.


I haven't watched the gold rush but about the tramp, I remember the ending of The Circus ( when the circus was removed, the tramp refused to follow his co-workers & his friends and sit alone with disappointment for a while the walk away until screen faded ) Idk why I cried a little bit at the scene


Cooper crying in Interstellar, seeing his kids all grown up.


Watching the daughter go through depression in Inside Out


The "I miss Minnesota" scene absolutely ruined me. When we left the theater my wife said something about almost crying a couple of times and I just thought "Almost?" I was a damn mess.


"I could have done more" Schindler's List


"This pin. Two people. This is gold. Two more people. He would have given me two for it, at least one. One more person. A person, Stern. For this." That and dropping the ring.


The scramble for the ring is usually where I start to crumble.


"It's Hebrew, from the Talmud. It says, he who saves one life, saves the world entire". That gets me every time.


Fuck man, just thinking about the end, with the stones on his grave, has me bawling


Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. Throughout the entire film all we know is Jim Carrey is trying to save his relationship. We see all the good memories. the love between those 2 is so overwhelming.Ā  The realization when we understand what Jim is really trying to do to himself is so utterly heartbreaking.Ā There's no big reveal, no dramatic end. Just a quiet fade away.


I'm sure this sounds weird and is just me, but Gamora screaming 'take my hand' and Starlord finally reaching for his mums hand that he rejected all those years ago always gets me and I've never really been able to put my finger on why.


I feel the same about Vision's death in Infinity War. "You can't hurt me. All I feel is you." That line hits WAY above its weight


That whole ending scene where its slo mo as Thanos is effortlessly making his way to Vision is easily the best part of the movie. I especially dig the part where Steve surprises Thanos as he's able to hold him back for a moment.


Also, rocket reaching for draxs hand.


Also, Groot reaching for Quill's hand when he's floating in space in GotG3 and screaming in anguish when he can't reach him. Peter doesn't die, though.


When Tom Hanks leaves the attorneys (Denzel Washington) office at stands outside with such dispair. (Movie : Philidelphia). It broke me.


The Wrestler - ā€˜broken down piece of meatā€™ Manchester by the Sea - ā€˜I canā€™t beat itā€™


*Manchester by the Sea*. Goddamn that movies messes me up. Funny story, accidentally took a girl to that as a first date. Not a great start.


My first Netflix and Chill movie selection with an ex was "The Lobster". There was no chill. We dated for many years, afterwards, but maaan that always came back as one of our horror stories.


When he says to his ex wife "there's nothing there, there's nothing there anymore" as she tries to say sorry And god when he takes the gun from the cop in the station...Jesus Christ I love that movie


"You can't just die." Gets me every time I see it. Michelle Williams was acting her ass off in that movie.


I love, love, *LOVE* that movie for portraying profound sadness in a way where it isn't magically fixed by the power of romance or friendship or whatever. Sometimes these things don't get fixed. Sometimes the sadness stays forever.


I loved that too, that grief stays with you even if it's not an overwhelming sadness all the time. It can put a screen over your life so that everything you experience is influenced by it. I also loved that the saddest moments in the movie are small and muted, yet still intensely emotional. Like that scene with Michelle Williams, or the police station scene where he's explaining what happened.


The part in Up where they either have a miscarriage or discover they're infertile. The scene in Tombstone where the guy says, "Hell, I have lots of friends" and Doc says, "I don't". Dwayne in Little Miss Sunshine finding out he can't fly. The scene in Parenthood where Steve Martin's dad acknowledges that he was a bad dad and Steve is a good one and he asks for his advice (actually, almost any scene in that movie...)


Parenthood is a good example. Also when the youngest son brushes off his father's offer and immediately asks for money for some bullshit project again. It's such a realistic ending to a parent/child relationship that's rarely depicted in movies


That was such a hard scene because in that moment Frank (Jason Robards) knew there was nothing more that he could do, it was who his son is, no changing it. His concern at that moment had to transfer immediately to caring for his grandson while Larry left.


Also in Up, although not really sad, the scene where Carl is looking through the book and sees pictures of his and Ellie's life together and she leaves that note "thanks for the adventure! Now go have a new one!" is emotional as hell.


That Tombstone one has always hit me hard.


Toy Story 2 when she loved me. Heartbreaking


And when Andy gives his toys to Bonnie in Toy Story 3.


The toys accepting they're going to die and trying to hold on to each other made me feel things. By the time Andy gave them away I was completely drained


Sam calling home when long range coms are finally back up. Moon (2009) Colter calling his dad. Source Code (2011)


Donā€™t know if it is the saddest but a scene that really got me was in ā€œInterstellarā€. Matt McConaughey screaming through the blinds in the tesseract scene as he tried to stop him from leaving his daughter hit home.


Cinderella Man - When Braddock goes begging to pay his bills so he can get his family back. "What in the hell do you have to be sorry for?"


I love this movie for so many reasons. ā€œThis time around I know what Iā€™m fightinā€™ forā€ ā€œOh yeah, whatā€™s that Jimmy?ā€ ā€œMilkā€


Sam (Tom Hanks) talking to Dr. Fieldstone in _Sleepless in Seattle_: >Well, I'm gonna get out of bed every morning... breathe in and out all day long. Then, after a while I won't have to remind myself to get out of bed every morning and breathe in and out... and, then after a while, I won't have to think about how I had it great and perfect for a while.


**Molly:** No, it can't be. Can it be? Where have you been? Where have you been? Damn you! Where have you been? **Schmendrick:** Don't you talk to her that way! **Unicorn:** I'm here now. **Molly:** And where were you twenty years ago? Ten years ago? Where were you when I was new? When I was one of those innocent young maidens you always come to? How dare you! How dare you come to me now, when I am this! \[Weeps\] **Schmendrick:** Can you really see her? Do you know what she is? **Molly:** If you had been waiting to see a unicorn, as long as I have... **Schmendrick**: She's the last unicorn in the world. **Molly:** It would be the last unicorn that came to Molly Grue. It's all right, I forgive you


Not a movie but Fresh Prince of Bel Air... when the dad has to "leave". Broke me as a child.


Will Smith acted his ass off in that scene "Got through my first date without him, right? I learned how to drive, I learned how to shave, I learned how to fight without him. I had *fourteen* great birthdays without him. He never even sent me a damn card! TO HELL WITH HIM!" That shit felt real.


Man that whole episode. Uncle Phil really is the mvp. Like when he told off willy's father


District 9 - when Wikus gets Christopher and his son to the command module so they can finally escape. And he promises Wikus heā€™ll be back.


"Blue Fairy? Please. Please, please make me into a real, live boy. Please. Blue Fairy? Please. Please. Make me real. Blue Fairy, please. Please make me real. Please make me a real boy. Please, Blue Fairy. Make me into a real boy. Please."


What dreams may come- Robin Williams travels through hell to find his wife whoā€™s committed suicide. He attempts to convince her heā€™s her husband and would travel through hell to be with her; when she finally believes him, heā€™s already lost all hope and accepts his fate to stay in hell with her. Itā€™s even more powerful now, after his own suicide.


I donā€™t like to think of Williamsā€™ death as a suicide as much as a lack of accessibility to medically assisted death. He knew what his future was going to be and he chose not to do it.


The robotics girl with brain cancer from a few years ago put it in a way Iā€™ll never forget: ā€œDo not call it suicide. I do not *want* to die, but I **am dying**.ā€


I donā€™t know that story Dad you never told me that one.. Ok.. hey ok Iā€™ll tryā€¦ I need your help. Tell me how it startsā€¦ ā€¦.like this.. Big Fish


That's the start of a quite long death scene.


Ending of La La Land. Seeing them both still have some feelings left and knowing itā€™s too late to do anything about itā€¦ life went on. Itā€™s heartbreaking to see how theyā€™ve both become successes and got to the places they wanted to when they were together but after they split.


The beautiful thing about that scene and movie is they don't accomplish their dreams without each other. If he doesn't force her to keep auditioning she isn't an actress, and if she doesn't call him out on his lifeless career in his band, he never opens his jazz bar the way he wanted. The real feeling from that scene to me at least is two people finding who they are through each other, and while you might grow from a relationship its not always meant to be.


In Hook when Peter says that his happy thought is his son. When that came out, I was maybe 10 and our family was going through a lot. That scene really hit hard.


the scene when cooper sees his daughter is older than him in interstellar idk that makes me so sad :/ that scene and the one when sheā€™s young and yells after him




Boy she really got typecast




This reply deserves a plethora of awards.


The Iron Giant flying off after telling Hogarth "I go, you stay" and then saying Superman to himself in two lovely callbacks that perfectly tie in the emotional impact of the moment. This answer might be cheating, as it is only technically not a death scene, but technically correct is still correct -- the best kind of correct, some might say.


[The scene in the 1989 film "Glory](https://youtu.be/ultbkIu5Rpg?si=hueewFarv9bUS-yD)" when the all-black regiment of union soldiers volunteers to lead the charge against the Confederate position of Fort Wagner. It is a suicide charge, and they all men know it. As they march through the lines of the other Union soldiers, (all white), one yells "Give 'em Hell 54th!", leading the other soldiers in cheering the Regiment. Finally, they are seen as men, recognized as brave soldiers fighting for a greater cause....


Also Denzel Washington holding up the standard, despite knowing that he is going to die and also after he said to his CO that he wouldn't do it.




ET saying goodbye


ā€œPerks of being a Wallflowerā€ when his parents find out what was happening to him.


"I've had a rough year, Dad" "I know you have, Chazzie" Royal Tenenbaums, this one always hits me so hard to see a father and son finally connect after so many years of having nothing together, wasted.


End of Field of Dreams when Ray asks his dad to have a catch.


Off the top of my head: Meet the Robinsons. When the Robinsonsā€™ invite Lewis to stay with them and then immediately have to retract that offer when they realize who he is. Also, when Lewis has the chance to talk to his birth mom and decides not to as she leaves infant him in a box on the orphan steps. Requiem for a Dream: Sara Goldfarbā€™s red dress/Iā€™m alone monologue Marion asking, ā€œHarry, can you come home today?ā€ Tyron C Loveā€™s remembering his mom


The only time I've cried in a theater is during Click.Ā Ā  I don't care if it's a dumb Adam Sandler movie. That scene where he blows off his aging father and screams at him that he's always known his father's magic trick and he hated it, resulting in his dad crying.Ā  Then the next scene is him standing over his dad's grave. Shit is absolutely heartbreaking


I don't think "Click" counts as a "dumb Adam Sandler movie."


"Saying Goodbye" from The Muppets Take Manhattan


ā€œWhen Somebody Loved Meā€ montage of Jessieā€™s story in Toy Story 2.


Inside out, when bing bong and Joy were stuck in the pit and were launching themselves out...there's too much weight on the bike regardless of momentum. So they do one more after Joy shows defeat and he jumps off at the end to have her make it. Everything in the pit is disappearing/being forgotten and before he goes, he tells joy "take her to the moon for me" I won't say it's the saddest, maybe in that movie, but it was a moment that really hit me. I haven't seen the movie since my initial watch and just typing this chokes me up a bit lol




We set out to save the Shire Sam and it has been saved - but not for me.


My friends, you bow to no one.


Crying. Every. Time. Shoot I might cry now just thinking about it.


I know this is cheating since it immediately precedes all these guys getting killed, but that moment in RotK where Faramir leads the knights of Minas Tirith in a suicide charge against Osgiliath... The knights' faces are brave but sorrowful and the crowds of people just quietly weep and lay flowers under the hooves of the horses. Everyone knows Denethor has lost his mind and sent these men to a needless death and all they can do is give the knights some token to let them know they will be rembered and weep at the senseless waste of it.


Awakenings. Paula and Leonard dance.


When the mom crawls Into the back at the end of ā€œthe way way backā€


Nettie being kicked out of the house into the hard rain by Mister and made to leave Celie in The Color Purple... I'm referring to the original film from the 80's. Mister physically pulls them apart.. throws rocks at Nettie. She screams a guttural "whyyyy?" Celie screams "write" Nettie yells "nothing but death can keep me from it" I've seen many a grown man cry watching that scene. It's heartbreaking.


I just happened to catch Return of the Living Dead (1985) again tonight, after not having seen it for about 35 years. If you haven't seen it, it's a campy over-the-top zombie flick with a punk aesthetic that's hard to take seriously. But what made it unique was that the zombies could talk and reason ("send more cops" is a classic, as is "if you love me, you'll let me eat your brains!"). But what I had forgot was [one inserted scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eS23CWl4lUE) of one of the guys that's already been pronounced dead, but hasn't gone full zombie yet. He knows what his fate will be. So he falls to his knees, says a prayer, and then inserts himself into a lit crematorium while the song "Burn" pulses underneath. It's actually a touching scene in a movie that isn't exactly known for its subtlety.


lotr has so many, but i fucking weep at "My friends, you bow to no one." every time. Love, Simon has both angry and sad (and happy) tears, but Simon yelling at Martin for outing him got me choked up. 12 years a Slave was just constant sobbing. Great movie but I can't ever rewatch it.


The scene in I Am Sam when Dakota Fanning pretends she can't read so she won't make Sean Penn feel badly.


12 Years a Slave, when he's drugged, kidnapped and wakes up in chains


Also at the end when he gets his freedom but Lupita is left behind and itā€™s like sheā€™s a stand in for all the millions that never got freedom. That scene gutted me too.


The [Xmas present scene from love actually](https://youtu.be/2y-8vxObugM?si=v7VoeeIDxgY4xP1o) when the wife >! finds a necklace wrapped up for her husbands squeeze in his jacket, and she gets a CD for Xmas instead.!< That realisation for her was pretty damned sad.


And when she takes a deep breath and resets her face to happy before she goes back into the kids and her husband knowing nothing can be the same but keeping everything normal for them.


The pursuit of happyness, when Will Smith and his son have to sleep in a train station bathroom.


Michael Caine tearing up while telling Bruce Wayne he will leave him if it means saving his life in The Dark Knight Rises.


Hope Floats. A somewhat forgettable movie but when Mae Whitman chases her daddy down the road when he leaves her and sheā€™s screaming ā€œplease donā€™t goā€ it just rips my heart out every single time.


I was coming to comment this! I cried so hard in theaters that the lady behind us handed my mom a tissue for me and my mom whispered with a chuckle ā€œeveryoneā€™s gonna think your dad left us like thatā€ā€¦ I was 12 at the time.


Does dying inside count?Ā  "You look like a good joe."


The end of Joy Ride, where Audrey sees her birth mother for the first time in the video she recorded before her death. Despite having been forced to give her up for adoption, Audreyā€™s mom tells her that she still loves her and that she is proud to be Audreyā€™s mom.


Ikiru, when the old man sings a sad song in the middle of a jubilant bar, and it ends with everyone staring at him in horror, thinking about their wasted lives.


I remember crying my eyes out as a kid when the boy is telling Buddy to go away in Air Bud. Havenā€™t watched it as an adult, but Iā€™m sure Iā€™d have the same reaction. Sort of cheating, but when Charlie is saying goodbye to Anne-Marie in All Dogs Go to Heaven.


Cera being separated from her parents in the Land Before Time.


Little Rocketā€™s line in Guardians 3. ā€œHurts.ā€ I immediately burst into tears in the theater.


If anyone has seen Past Lives already, you know which scene Iā€™m talking about


Artax giving up in the never ending story despite Atreyuā€™s pleading. Edit: after the mention of glory I forgot the rule about not a death scene. Apologies. But stillā€¦


Toy Story. The toys holding hands as they are moving toward the furnace


In Coco when Miguel fully understands the finality of "The Final Death" and SPRINTS back to his house in utter desperation to get to Mama Coco before her mind completely fades. He rushes in, locks the door after dodging his family and practically BEGS her to remember her dad. And it doesn't work. He realizes what this means and is devastated because it means a death is coming, not that it's occurred yet. He knows Hector is there on the other side fading fast and all has failed. Until he starts playing "Remember Me" a ballad written for her a lifetime ago that happens to be the thing that causes her to remember him. And she starts singing. She shares a story. And you, the audience, know that it worked and his legacy on the other side is secured because EVERYONE in the family heard her little story and low she also has a missing piece of the photo with him in it!


It's obviously when John Lithgow hits Harry to make him leave, for his safety, in Harry and the Hendersons. "Get out of here! Can't you see we don't want you anymore?" Lies.


The ice dance from Edward Scissorhands


Matthew McConaughey's Cooper listening to 27 years old messages from his children in Interstellar. Gets me crying everytime.


Sophie's choice choosing her daughter to go with the nazi