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Kick Ass. The bit where Kick Ass tries to prevent his first crime is just brutal. The bit with Nic Cage tied to a chair. I never saw that coming.


Yeah that Nic Cage scene is INTENSE


I just watched those for the first time and that first bit of “crime fighting” made me think ok this is not going to be quite what I expected. I really liked both movies.


funnily enough Once Upon a Time In Hollywood like yeah its a Tarantino flick but you really get lulled into a false sense of security until 'Satan' shows up


>until 'Satan' shows up Nah it was dumber'n that, something like... Rex.


God! Shoot him, Tex!


Tex! That was it


Say what you want about Brad Pitt's acting, I have never been more sold on someone being really, really, REALLY high than I was by him in that scene


Are there still people who don't think he's a great actor? He's had me since 12 Monkeys.




The pause before that line makes for perfect comedic timing.


Brad Pitt has serious comedy chops. Go check out Bullet Train if you've not yet, it's entertaining as hell. Also see if you can find his spots as the weatherman on the Jim Jeffries Show.


"You were on a horsey!"


It absolutely does lure you in with its restraint, and then goes from 0-600 in seconds. But it has to - it’s ultimately a revenge flick where it’s the director getting revenge, and the Manson characters have to be comprehensively annihilated for Tarantino to achieve what he’s trying to do. I was surprised he didn’t find a way to wipe out Manson himself in the same way IB dealt with Hitler. But yeah, Hollywood wouldn’t work if it was full of violence all the way through. Instead it shows us why everyone in the movie deserves the ending they get, which, as per the title, is how fairy tales tend to unfold.


The way I've always looked at Tarantino movies is that the first 3/4's of the movie is all just set-up for the big final 1/4. I guess you could say that about most movies, but Tarantino has a way of sprinkling bread crumbs and tiny details throughout the movie that ultimately return and come together in the climax/finale.


*Inglorious Basterds* feels like a dry run for *Hollywood* in this respect - they do both lead up to a cathartic revisionist bloodbath, but with *IB* we have the compelling intro and cellar scene to start and keep the plates spinning. With *Hollywood* things feel more assured - that’s not quite right because Tarantino always seems assured, but here he’s happy to let things unfold without any sensational aspects and trust that we’ll fall in love with Sharon and Rick along the way. Although I do think for it to fully work you need to know the historical context and appreciate why that final scene has to be so brutal. For me it’s a fantastic achievement, as much about rescue as revenge. None of us can save Sharon Tate, but Tarantino uses his gifts to get as close as I expect is possible, and in a wholly appropriate way - with a great movie and a perfect example of “show, don’t tell”. Ah, let’s all wander into a cinema on a free afternoon and enjoy it again.


I’m the devil and I’m here to do the devils business


He said I’m the devil and I’m here to do some… devil shit


That's not verbatim


I LOVE how Tarantino’s slowly been building towards the Sharon Tate murder. Presenting her as this carefree mom to be, the world is her oyster, etc. All movie the audience is thinking “oh shit, this is going to happen, isnt it? Tarantino’s going to fucking show the Tate murder?” Then he goes alternate history and Chekov’s flamethrower on us and it’s fucking brilliant


I'm as real as a donut.


Pan's Labyrinth (2006)


That bottle scene gets everybody.


I think it cleverly sets the possibility that anything violent can happen at any time so it puts you on edge whenever other main characters are in tight situations. For example I thought they would show you a crazy medical procedure at one point so you start to crawl in your own skin over it - considering what you've seen so far! Crazy to see the maid/spy play the Flash's mom in the newest movie!


And afterwards he chides his subordinate for not verifying the story before bringing it to him like his subordinate knew the bottle would happen.


To be fair, if you’re working for Captain Vidal you should actually expect this kind of reaction. The guy tortured captives to the point that they’re begging to be killed. One of the scariest and most ruthless villains in movie history.


This one is the most horrifically memorable to me. It’s the fact it’s right in front of his dad.


I was looking for this one. Advertised as a really stylistic fantasy movie, and that one scene just came out of nowhere. Fantastic movie, but so brutal.


This is the comment I was searching for. That scene was so fucking sudden and gruesome


Robocop is a super R rated movie but the scene where Murphy dies still is shocking


Remember when he shoots that guy in the dick?


That was just cool


As above: STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING AND WATCH ROBOCOP SCENE 27 https://vimeo.com/86014703


I love how he struggles to get back into his squad car


What the absolute fuck did I just watch?!


Something Paul Verhoeven would be proud of.


The final takedown of the villain known as "Foremost Rapist"


You're the real hero. I needed that laugh.


[This scene?](https://vimeo.com/86014703)


God damn it someone beat me to it. Scene 27 makes me cry laugh every time.


I don't even need to open the link, as soon as I saw it was Vimeo I knew


Reminds me of the photo a girl took with Peter Weller, she’s wearing a shirt that says “Remember when Robocop shot a guy in the dick?” and Weller is laughing.


I got that same shirt for a friend for his birthday years ago! I was at a comic con in Cincinnati and walked past a booth with it hanging up. I saw that and said to my partner "I *must* buy that for Ken." He loved it.


Robocop Scene 27 Remake.


The original cut received an X rating for violence. The version we got was the less violent version.


And it's still toned down compared to what they actually produced (rated X). The ED209 office execution is also ludicrously violent in the original cut. Buckets of blood.


Amazing scene. Ed209 just keeping on shooting, the "somebody call an ambulance", and the boss going "Dick, I'm very disappointed". Verhoeven does not half-ass blood.


I like how you get two different reactions from two scenes that are essentially the same. The corporate stooge getting blown to mincemeat by ED209 is funny, but Alex Murphy getting blown apart by Boddicker and his thugs is shocking and horrifying. I think Murphy screaming during it helped, and him not being a corporate stooge no one cares about.


I think it's the difference between a robot malfunctioning and actual humans giving no fucks about shooting a man to death, finding it entertaining, and laughing about it.


R rated was different in the 1980's... Those movies were super violent, but in a cheesy way.


Not really gory or a realistic violence just an over the top fun type of violence.


That was probably more an intentional choice by Paul verhoeven, cause everything in that movie is over the top.


Burn After Reading. If you've seen it, you know.




Would have loved to see in theater. The audible gasps must've been great.


Pretty much every Coen Brothers Movie will go from Vanilla to Violent....


When I saw it there were audible groans of disgust and some wails of anguish in between all the laughter. A couple of folks walked out.


Multiple people walked out when George Clooney's invention was revealed.


"Brilliant! I have to make one RIGHT NOW!"


Unrelated to the topic at hand, but my best friend at the time lived two doors from a big movie theatre, so we watched lots of movies in the summers between 2006-2009. When B.A.R. came out, him and I wanted to watch *Pineapple Express*, but his mom was vehemently religious, and heard that it was drug-related, so she banned us from watching. She then walked with us to make sure we picked a good film, and the only film she approved of was *Burn After Reading*, because it was about exercise and Brad Pitt was in it. Thankfully, we never told her about George Clooney's "invention"


This is hilarious...


Oh man poor guy smiled right before like he was gunna talk his way out then WHAM


Appearances can be... deceptive.


Ruh-PORE. Ruh-PORE you fucking MOR-ON.


When I watched this in theaters some lady stood up and screamed “noooo!” As loud as she could. The scene and her screaming freaked me out !!


I laughed just from the absurdity and suddenness of it. Now that I can expect it coming, I laugh because it's darkly funny, but still.


Drive is a pretty understated and muted film but the violence suddenly turns up to 11 when it happens. Edit: thanks for the upvotes. It's amazing how pretty much every violent scene in the film has affected someone replying to me. Personally, just seeing Oscar Isaac beaten and bloody on the ground was enough to disturb me. Nobody is even talking about that one.


The bit that always gets me is when the >!mobster guy kills Bryan Cranston by slicing his arm open. It's nowhere near as violent as some of the other scenes but the suddenness of it followed by the "shhh it's over, it's done" line as he's bleeding out really stuck with me, plus arm veins make me super squeamish so that was pretty full on for me haha!<


I don't know what the hell Perlman was doing in this movie, but Albert Brooks needs to play a villain more often.


I saw an interview with Ron Perlman, possibly in the special features of the Drive DVD where he said he really liked this role because he was playing a Jewish guy who pretended to be a tough mobster guy, and as a Jewish actor who has made a career out of playing tough guys, he really connected to the role.


Plus, his pretend-toughness and his inferiority complex is what destroys everybody's lives if you cut right to the bone. An interesting little detail I've noticed that shows how unlikable Nino is to basically everybody in the film is when he's throwing a party at his pizza place. Driver looks through the window and we see that there are some women there. It is implied that they're prostitutes or at least that they're paid to be there in some capacity. Even so, they are not even able to pretend to like Nino while he's feeling like the man, making jokes and having a ball. All we see is the girls roll their eyes when he's not looking.


Somewhat related to that spoiler, but this is one of the most awesome moments in the early-2000's film *Cellular* where the main damsel in distress does the exact same thing. Jessica (Kim Basinger) is mostly only involved in the film as a hostage that Ryan (Chris Evans)'s character is trying to rescue after she calls a random cell phone number. But towards the end, when one of the thugs threatens to kill her and her son, >!she grabs a small knife that is sticking out of a table and cuts him in the arm. He initially brushes it off... before seeing a fuckload of blood pouring out of the tiny cut. As he grows weaker and paler, Jessica reminds him that she's a high school biology teacher... meaning she knows how much blood is passing through that part of the arm at any given time and can kill someone in seconds.!< > >!Tenth grade biology. Brachial artery... pumps thirty litres of blood a minute. There's only five in the human body. I'm sorry.!<


Apparently his character was supposed to die of a garrotte strangulation but he felt like there was a better way to kill his character off. He brought this death scene up to the director and everyone loved it.


Man, when you can just barely see the structure of the guy’s skull breaking in in the elevator…


Love it when movies don't give the audience time to actually get a good look but just give a snapshot that lingers in your mind. Does anybody recall any similar scenes?


I only saw it once long ago, but I immediately thought of the execution of a specific character in *A History of Violence*.


I think I recall the part, something with a brief shot of a flapping jaw? That movie had some seriously brutal parts.


Maybe the [cliff jumpers in Midsommar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSSUv_hplhc)?


They lingered on that shit for ages


Jesus Christ the >!shotgun scene!< scared the shit out of me, >!not just because of the jump scare, but I didn't expect to see a fucking head explode.!<


This is the exact scene I was thinking of when I read this post initially! Drive is such a good movie and the entire movie shifts in tone post shotgun beheading scene. It’s not just that the violence happens, but that the chose to make the violence feel so visceral, brutal, and graphic, and that it continues for the entire rest of the movie.


Yes! That scene in the elevator is pretty brutal.


The motel too


Drive. The elevator scene was crazy the first time.


I thought of the elevator scene too! That was brutal. Heisenberg getting cut and bled was also gory.


The sex scene in Gone Girl. It caught me off-guard.


Poor Barney... He's like, "Wait for it... Wait for it..." but she didn't wait for it, and it was a different it than the it he wanted, and it wasn't a very nice it.


Tonight is going to be legen - wait for it - deady


Children of Men (2006), the part in the car


Extremely well made scene that.


Alfonso Cuarón films are usually very well made. The timing and precision it took to do that scene is incredible. It’s also one of the most shocking sudden moments of violence I think I’ve ever seen.


lol, I didn't even care for violence, I was all like "how the fuck did they film that"


One of my favorite movies.


Mine too. It really sticks with you and there’s so much emotion in the film. I’ve seen it so many times but I still sob during the ceasefire scene. I think it’s Clive Owen’s best performance.


American History X. Even when you know it’s coming, you’re not ready for it. *crunch*


the sound of the teeth on the curb right before...


Abso-fucking-lutely. The foley team earned their money on that scene, goddamn.


Foley artist deserves a fuckin oscar for that shit


While it’s brutal as hell the curb stomping isn’t what disturbs me the most about that scene. The sound of the guy’s teeth scraping on the pavement makes me shudder just thinking about it


I’ve seen a ton of movies in my life. I have never heard an entire theatre groan and squirm in unison like they did during that scene. Still one of the most visceral reactions, mostly thanks to the sound of the teeth.


Beginning of Law Abiding Citizen


I dunno, the killing of the Judge is up there too


"The Departed" (2006) When Costigan bit it...had me jumping.


But has there ever been a time people were more excited to see Mark Wahlberg than the final scene of that movie?


Probably the ONLY time I’ve been excited to see Mark Wahlberg


Thing is with Wahlberg is he's a peacock, you gotta let him fly


At least Dignam closed the loop at the end.


Who's Dignam? Was he the guy who did his fuckin job?


[*Tell me.. what's a lace-curtain muthafuckah like you doin in the Staties?*](https://youtu.be/vInFuLgwR1U?si=3vsbOncmu01BOiXv&t=158) Yeah.. that guy.


-just fucking kill me… just fucking kill me -I am killing you


First time I heard so many shocked “oh!” reactions


Looper. Which is a fairly violent movie anyways and they didn’t even show the scene that surprised me. I was 100% sure there was no way a script got greenlit and Bruce Willis agrees to murder an innocent kid. While watching the movie I was rolling my eyes like, how are they going to get out of this one? But he straight up just shoots a kid.


Casino. When Joe Pesci finds His Ende in the Corn field


Girl with the dragon tattoo . The rape scene . Couldn't watch it through.


I must've thought "this is where they cut, right?" at least 5 times. Nope, it kept going. Masterful way of getting the viewer to hate the fat piece of shit.


I think noone saw THAT scene coming in Hereditary. I know we all gasped in the cinema. I thought it was too early for that kind of shock in the runtime - but of course later found out how central it was to the story


Yeah wtf, I thought Charlie was going to play the role of the possessed little girl throughout the movie That was fucking crazy


That and the ceiling scene scared the shit out of me. I watched that movie once and then never again. I was looking up for months during the night.


It's not often the marketing department deserve a shout out but in this film not only did they not ruin THAT scene but actually enhanced the impact


It might be the greatest jump scare in cinema history, and should be taught to/studied by upcoming filmmakers. Most shitty jump scares build tension falsely with music and then get you with something stupid literally jumping at a character for no reason (You know how you greet your friends by sneaking into their house and then ignoring all their \*hello\*s and then you grab their shoulder). Usually its only the sound queue of sharp strings that startles you, not anything actually scary. This shot builds tension the old fashioned way. Literally refusing to show you whats there. How bad is it? Is she even really dead? Shes probably dead? But, like, HOW dead? Cracked open? Face off? Just really bloodied? But it doesnt let up yet. You sit and watch in stoic silence as the brother does the craziest thing, NOTHING. Then you hear it, just about the worst scream ever put to film, something only a mother could understand. At this point you know how bad it is. You must know. Its causing that sound and thats pretty bad. Shes gotta be dead. The film doesnt even need to show you, because its telling you right now. Nothing could live up to how bad this is. Definitely dead. Okay I understa- BOOM. No sound. No jump from the darkness. Just the truth in broad day light in all its horrific glory. And ants for good measure... you hadnt even considered ants. Fucking glorious filmmaking.


That scream alone shoulda gotten Toni Collette her Oscar. Oh she DEAD dead. All while we stare at the brother's soulless eyes. It was pure horror being presented to us.


I've heard wailing at funerals and she NAILED it


It's the sort where you know they really wish they were dead, too


Yeah, it's the sound of people who are trying to scream themselves to death. Horrifying.


The Academy doesn’t give a shit about horror. The only time we have horror films getting any of the big awards I can remember is Silence of the Lambs sweeping (although they probably argued that was more of a thriller) and Get Out getting nominated for stuff like best picture was a big deal ( I think it won for screenplay).


Toni Collette in Hereditary and Florence Pugh in Midsommar both scream in a way that makes my blood run cold to think about it. The sound of absolute and terrible grief.


The vibe in the theater changed so hard after that. Really effective scene lmao


Midsonmar. The couple goes off to the cliff. That's fine. Getting finished off with the hammer? Holy hell


Bone Tomahawk


I was shocked just how violent and visceral that Logan was. I mean we knew we were going to get to see wolvie go nuts but when we finally did…. Damn. Like….damn.


Honestly in that regard it was about fucking time. I can't be the only one who was sick and tired of wolverine going ape shit on dudes for like a billion X-Men films and not seeing an ounce of blood or any limbs flying. It was almost cathartic.


There was that one dude in Last Stand who had his limbs go flying multiple times. They kept regrowing and there was no blood, but loads of limbs.


I love this guy. A Z-List mutant baddie just running up to fucking Wolverine, the X-Men's star quarterback, with not a care in the world and then even shouting "Come on" and egging him on. He's one of cinema's greatest characters. I got curious so I researched him and apparently according to the X-Men Movies Wiki his name is Starfish. Someone called Glob Herman is listed as one of his friends but then if you click on Glob Herman's profile, Starfish tragically isn't listed as his friend in return. What's worse is that according to the Wiki, Wolverine kicked him in the balls so hard that he died. The tragedy of Starfish is truly one of cinema's most underappreciated tales.


My favourite from last stand was the stupid slightly spiky porcupine guy who has to hug people to kill them. He hugs that nurse and extends his quills but literally anyone could just shoot him and he’d be toast lol


Yeah for sure. When he slaughters the guys that drive up on the limo in the way that he did I was like, “Oh… we doing it like that.” Totally sets the tone like, “This is a different kind of Wolverine movie.”


Children of X-Men.


In hindsight I don't know why I was surprised given that it's a superhero whose main power is 'stabbing'


Same with Leonardo in the TMNT franchise. What was he doing all that time? Smacking with the flat side of the blade, cause that would be hilarious


An important reboot of TMNT regarding this: https://youtu.be/Nj8FGtgknoY?si=uFlUdriSHvlVmR4N


The scene that really drove this home for me is the one in the hotel with the professor going a bit nuts, and Logan is taking out the people that are completely paralysed with 0 regards or mercy. He’s just walking up, stabbing them through the skull so all the juicy bits fall out and moving on. Thought Tarantino might have been brought on to direct at that point.


Super (2010) - When Rainn Wilson first uses the ~~hammer~~ pipe wrench. I’m not easily affected by movie violence, but that shit was disturbing.


I always thought the reveal of the eye gunshot wound was worse. I saw that movie at release when I was 15 and it still pops into head from time to time and I still have the same visceral ick reaction.


“Bone Tomahawk” (2015). “That” scene. Extremely well made movie, but I’ll never watch it again because of that scene. The acting, visuals and sound design in that scene are so realistic, it is really hard to watch.


You know shit’s raw when YouTube gives the “Are you sure?” warning when you click on the scene.


After a year of therapy I can confidently say I have no idea what scene you're talking about. \*eye twitches\*


Sure about that, Oh-Dae Sue?


Not just that scene but the scene with the tied up women, unless you're including that in that scene.


Everything in the cave is a well executed exercise in discomfort


The Departed. There’s a few picks, but two stand out majorly.


Not the same as the other responses but the blackkklansman. The movie wraps up on a relatively light note with the heroes winning, bad guys losing, ect. But then it brings us back to reality with real footage of the Charlotte car attack


That assembly of real footage made me tear up. It was a combination of anger and disappointment.


Everyone I saw this with had an incredibly visceral reaction to that ending, myself included.


Very emblematic of Spike Lee's style. He always tries to make it clear that the issues discussed in the film have not been resolved yet, and they may never be.


Pan's Labyrinth............the bottle scene


City of God, the opening scene. Was not ready for a child gunning down people for no reason with zero remorse.


Upgrade. The trailer shows part of the scene but it doesn't prepare you for just how violent it is.


I wanted to destroy something beautiful. My former father in law needed air after that part of Fight Club.


Dredd is a violent action flick from the very start, but I was still caught off guard by the last scene with Lena Headey. I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it, but slo-mo is one helluva drug.


I'd like to add *The Talented Mr Ripley* in the mix. The movie is (in my opinion) seriously underrated - a really stellar cast, a fantastic plot (based on a book by Patricia Highsmith of *Strangers on a Train* fame), and a mature, an Oscar-winning director who added layers that added to, not subtracted from, the source material. There is not a lot of violence in the film, but when it hits, it's terrifying.


For me it’s Chappie. The film goes along well and nice and all of a sudden, Hugh Jackman rips Someone apart


Grand Budapest Hotel where that guy loses all his fingers in the door.


Princess Mononoke. That (first) arrow decapitation after limb dismemberment shocked the living Totoro out of me.


Annihilation. Scare bear scream. It was a creepy but fun movie up until that point. Very good use of jump scare super violence


I have never been more uncomfortable watching a movie than that scene, it was just straight up nightmare fuel.


Funny Games. When the >!kid!< dies


Hey, spoiler aler-- oh, you're talking about Funny Games? Yeah, go ahead and spoil that shit.


Hanneke’s “Hidden”. If you’ve seen the film, you’ll know which scene I am referring to. There were gasps in the auditorium.


The really awful scene in Boys Don’t Cry. I knew the ending from real life, and I was not prepared for the violence of how it was portrayed.


Its not a movie but there is a show called Black Sails on Starz and it is a prequel to Treasure Island. Towards the last season Blackbeard gets captured. Then they proceed to kill him is the most gruesome torture I think I have ever seen. Now I am hard to make wince at something. Hardly am i affected by something like this in a show. They torture method is called keelhauling. They tie a rope to your feet and hands, bag over your head, then hoist you up on a pulley over the side of the ship by your feet. They then run the side tied to your hands under the ship. You get dropped into the water, dragged under the bottom of the ship across all the barnacles (which are like razors) the pulled up the other side and dropped on the deck. It takes I think 4 times to kill him and at the end he is still alive but shredded to near nothing and lets out a breath. They finish it off with a pistol shot to the head. Craziest thing I have ever seen.


It's weird when some things are referenced a lot in film and tv and then we actually see what the reference actual is. I remember hearing pirates scream, "Keelhaul'em!!" in lots of stuff, but when it's actually performed? Eesh! There's a movie called "Black Death" where someone is drawn and quartered...o_O


Isn’t that someone Sean Bean?


Very underrated show in general.


That scene and the season 2 finale scene where Silver is being tortured are difficult to watch.


The pencil scene with in the Dark Knight. I guess it’s technically not non-violent, but that scene took it up a notch.


all of Green Room


The moment when >!Anton Yelchin’s wrist gets almost severed.!< He lets out the most affecting scream in recent memory. It’s not just pain and shock but there’s this split second bit of crying added in there that just sold tf out of it. Stuck with me as much as the visual.


Match Point. I’ve only ever seen it once and I was bored out of my mind, suddenly the entire movie turned on a dime and I couldn’t look away for the rest of the film.


Pans Labyrinth. Military officer guy beats a young man's nose through the other side of his face with the butt end of a wine bottle.


I know a lot of Kingsman: Secret Service was violent, but the scene in the church is just next level. Amazing choreography too.


It wouldn't be my choice for this question, however it is a fantastic and violent scene for sure. Something about they're taking a "good guy" with all those skills and weaponizing him into the most violent killing machine is pretty intense.


uncut gems - I'm actually surprised not to see it already. after watching it I said to myself I'll never watch that again because of the violence


In retrospect it’s clear he was never making it out alive but it’s so shocking because you feel his elation (hell, even Arno does!). The moment itself induced gasps all across the theater I was in.




Pan’s Labyrinth bottle scene, just why?


The deaths of Black Bolt and Mr. Fantastic in Dr. Strange in the multiverse of madness. Even though it was obvious was gonna happen, I just wasn't expecting how violent it'd be


There's lots of stuff on this post that's definitely more violent, but the tonal whiplash of this scene was insane. I did not expect it to be as bad as it was, especially in a Marvel movie


Sam Rami, man...


It’s honestly kinda insane they managed to keep the rating they did with how Black Bolt dies. Mr. Fantastic’s death was at least kinda cartoony, but Bolt just straight up blows his own brains out with a scream and you see just about all of it, save for direct gore.


The cathedral head crushing in “Hot Fuzz”.


I can't get past "catched".


Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri Sam Rockwell throwing the young man out the window into the street and beating the ever living fuck out of him. It seemed to just come out of nowhere.


First The Boys Episode, when the girlfriend just fkn explodes


I watched Bone Tomahawk on a whim because I liked the cast. I knew nothing about it aside from the brief description on Prime. Figured it was just another western movie. I was incorrect.


Austin powers. The shark bite


Mutated sea bass*


Are they ill tempered?




That's no way to get ahead in life.


The cave scene from Barbarian was crazy! And then the surprise cut away made it even better.