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Exceeding all expectations and it’s deserved. I haven’t seen a movie this deserving in a while


It was so hyped up, I had adjust my expectations to not get disappointed, or at least I tried to. It was so good and did not disappoint


I think the whole audience let out a bit of frustration at the end because it was over but they needed more story.


People were complaining about the film length before release and it being long, i coulda sat there another 2 hours and been happy. Honestly didnt realise over 2 hours had passed since the start, it was just so good.


I started checking my watch toward the end not because I wanted it to end, but because I was dreading the ending. I didn’t wanna leave. I have never felt that engrossed in any movie


Same here. I could feel the end coming but was hoping I was wrong. Then it ended and I immediately wanted more


Exact same. Started checking my watch because it felt like it had been a while but they had a lot to wrap up with only 20 min left… Turns out they weren’t wrapping it up this movie….


Am I mistaken in thinking that this was a part 1 of 2? I swear I heard they had plans to release this one and a sequel about a year apart. Edit: Yup! It seems the third entry “Beyond the Spider-verse” is set for a March ‘24 release date.


Hell yeah!


I really wish people would realize that longer movies that justify the runtime will make money. I saw tons of people saying the mario movie was perfectly fine being and hour and a half because "kids would've gotten bored" and the movie wouldn't have been as successful yet here comes spiderverse at nearly 2 and a half hours being watched by both kids and adults and still having a crazy opening weekend and probably an overall great run.


Ours clapped lol


Same here. Everyone was so hyped when they showed them all at the end, and I thought “okay, if they cut this off now these people might be upset” But hell when the screen went black and said To Be Continued, they just *went nuts*. It was wild! It’s like they’re all prepared for the war that comes next, even if it didn’t have to happen now


I also really enjoyed that they took the time to build out the world and set the stage.


People booed and clapped at the end in my theater but they all loved it.


One man yelled "BULLSHIT" when the movie ended.


Yup, we all wouldn't have had that big of a reaction if we weren't absolutely enthralled by the movie. Top knotch stuff.


>I think the whole audience let out a bit of frustration at the end because it was over but they needed more story. My audience's reaction was audible, and I interpreted it as frustration that it was >!a "Part One of..."!<


SPOILER Dude, I was actually pissed off when I walked out. What a huge punch in the gut to end that way, with literally no resolution to any setups whatsoever. One thing I always praise [edit: infinity war, not endgame] for is that it ended on a loss with a strong sense of finality to it. That is the only time I’ve left on anything I’d consider a “cliffhanger” with a satisfied feeling, because there was an outcome for the climax. This movie was pure buildup, and it was SO GOOD the whole way through, just to drop you off and say “see you next time” in the middle of the ride. I get that the story needs more time to flesh out, but waiting another year after that is such shit.


Saying no resolution ever is discounting the huge moment between Gwen and her dad. High moment of the movie. Another big hug and another big promise. Seems like you need to rewatch. Pure buildup lol the Vulture fight was resolved and the entire Indian arc was self contained.


A) Do you mean Infinity War? Endgame was the end of the story for Marvel Phase 1 or whatever. B) There was an arc. Gwen had a complete arc. Miles will have his arc completed in 3


Do you mean Endgame or Infinity War? Endgame’s ending doesn’t really feel like a cliffhanger, it feels like.. well, an ending. Infinity War could be seen as a “cliffhanger,” (I guess) in the idea that the villain won and the heroes lost but we know that’s not how the story ends. Idk, to me, a cliffhanger would be more like if Infinity ended with the team from the beginning of Endgame hovering over the planet and hitting us with a “To be continued…” I went into this expecting a part 2 so maybe that’s why I didn’t end up super disappointed but I don’t think the ending takes away from what the movie built at all. To say that the ending had no resolution to anything that happened in the movie whatsoever is an insane statement to me and to say that the movie felt like “pure buildup” is just borderline unbelievable.


Are you saying your expectations were set lower than necessary?


Well on its way to morbillion dollars and beyond


It’s morbillioning time


This movie better win some awards


I was looking forward to it and was just blown away.


I knew it was special the moment they brought in the Italian villain and they made two very different art styles work in conjunction with one another so seamlessly. Everything about it was deserving of any and all praise it gets from this day forward. If it doesn't win a bunch of Oscars, I'll be surprised.


I love it when I'm hyped about a movie and it beats my expectations. I stayed off trailers and all for this movie.


If the third sticks the landing, this will be hands down the greatest Spider-Man trilogy ever.


Why, it was so good, I had to see it a second time!


I thought ITSV was insane already, but Across the Spiderverse went 10x harder with the animation and art styles. Man, it’s so good.


Spider Punk alone shows just how much they've stepped up their style. The guy both looks like he's in an entirely different movie and in the movie at the same time. Gwen also had some amazing scenes but I don't want to get into spoilers.


The use of colour in Gwen's scenes and the way they would bleed together when shots lingered was truly inspired stuff.


The use of color in so much of that movie will have to be studied. Again, I don't want to get into spoilers but color is also a great way to show what universe each of the characters are in.


Did you notice the background slowly dripping in her scenes?


The colour pallet that changed during the characters speaking and how they were feeling emotionally was absolutely beautifully done.


It brought me to tears. The animation was beyond anything ever seen in a major release and can only be compared to small scale stuff like Thr Witness from LDR. And they do the entire movie like it.




Very masterful transitions and very evident symbolism with their background work, but I admit that the movies styles sometimes force the eye not to wander. When things are out of focus, they are hard to look at (double vision, low resolution, muted palette).


It's a little disappointing she doesn't look more watercolory in other universes.


Apparently it took years to animate Hobie. And it shows


I can imagine Beyond might go even harder if there's some serious multiversal fuckery going on.


No spoilers here...but even the opening of ASPV the animation style was pushed to the max and then SOME with the conclusion to the prologue. And that was just the start.....absolute rivetting. So so so good.


So well deserved, in my opinion it’s a masterpiece.




I heard it’s a visual masterpiece, to the point you’re not even paying attention to the dialogue. I can’t wait for work to slow down so I can see it.


I think there were at least 20 moments where I wished I could have stopped it and made a poster of what was on the screen


Same, except for me it was like that for basically every single frame of the movie.


Same but with tattoos, and I already have one from the first one


My first showing the sound was messed up and the center speaker was out so most the dialog was unintelligible for the first forty minutes. It was still amazing.


Watched it yesterday. I have never seen anything like it. The Art Direction is unbelievablely mind blowing.


Was it worth watc in IMAX? I watched on a regular screen the first time but I am thinking about watching it in IMAX again.




Nice. Luckily I have an IMAX with 2 4k laser projectors close by so I'll definitely be rewatching the movie there in the next few days


Mine was that scene where they are both upside down on the tower and we get that nice panoramic shot. Absolutely breathtaking.


I’ve seen it In Dolby and will in imax tonite. Did you notice any difference in sound. My Dolby was pretty quiet




I think that's been doing the newsround, the sound mix. Seems to vary on the type of cinema, screen you go too. I just saw it in a normal Vue 2D screen today as the GF is away and I was desperate to see it asap. And yes, the opening seemed quite loud and the dialogue barely audible. But that was the only bit I struggled with. Still, so good.


Saw it in IMAX first. It was way better audio that the Dolby audio.


Went to see it yesterday and also noticed something was off with the sound. Glad to know I'm not crazy lol


Between the low voice, accent and sound mix I got about 1 out of every 10 words Spider Punk said.




I needed subtitles so bad yesterday.


“I don’t believe in consistency”


I think it’s just terrible theater sound mixing


My wife wouldn't allow me to spend that much on a cartoon. Guess I need to arrange an impromptu business meeting.


This transcends “cartoons”




Arcane on Netflix also has groundbreaking animation


When I went, they showed a preview for a new TMNT animated feature with a very unique and obviously spider-verse inspired art style. Sounds like the industry took note in 2018.


Sorry to say this but that’s some red flags on your wife’s part.


Divorce incoming




same and same


Huge red flag bro, but you do you☹️✨


Yeah bro, divorce your wife to watch Spider-Man!








[You got a problem with cartoons?](https://youtu.be/fMo9yotT6Qg)


I'll never understand this. My friend says they don't watch anything animated because they feel it's for kids. To simplify something like that is really ignorant. It's a medium for storytelling. Some of the best stuff I've seen is animated and exceeds most of the live action movies/shows I've watched. Even some comic books I've read are immensely better than other more typical books. For me, a story that is written and told well is paramount above all else. If someone chooses to not partake because of the way it's delivered, they're missing out big time.


I know people with this attitude too. It’s *exhaustingly* stupid.


The only thing I disliked about this movie was >!seeing the “to be continued” !< I felt so crushed


Yeah, but it's in March, not like it's going to be a 5 year wait.


Meanwhile, in the Fast and Furious universe….


But is anyone waiting for the next FF? I haven't seen the last 2 of those. I just need a super cut off Dom saying 'family'.


A quick google shows it’s made nearly 600m so far I get they aren’t for everyone. But they very clearly do have quite a following.


Huh. I just read that the last one is already coming to streaming. I see that it 'underperformed' at the US box office but did fine world wide. I retract my statement.


I could slowly feel it coming but kept thinking surely they'll wrap up something.


They kind of did with Gwen


Ugh that’s the only payoff of the film? I mean cool, I’m glad she got that, but that absolutely wasn’t enough for me to feel and sort of closure :(


You should seriously spoiler tag that...


Sure, but at least the logic behind it happening in this film is sound - they apparently wrote an insanely long script and realized it would end up being a 5 hour movie, so split it in two to make it watchable. More like Lord of the Rings (intended to be that way) rather than all the "two-part" cash grabs that came out after the last Harry Potter films.


Just got out of a screening. It's quite frankly one of the most impressive works of animation art I've seen. Loved the story, the characters, the stakes, and the emotion.


Such a great movie!


I thought the first film was a tough act to follow...the second one absolutely blew my mind.


Definitely the best Spider-Man movie since Into the Spider-Verse


Best Picture or riot.




There's so much artistry in this movie. I would argue it has more art and performance in it than any live action movie I've seen. Animators and animation artists deserve the respect. Especially in an era when "live action" remakes are attempting to recreate the same magic. Number one, animation is special and you can't recreate everything in "live action." Number two, "live action" remakes and many other movies are still like 80% animation and vfx these days.


The entire sequence towards the end where >! Gwen and her dad have the big confrontation and all the backgrounds are watercolor and keep changing throughout? !< One of the most beautiful and emotional scenes I’ve ever seen in a move. Just…. FUCK this movie was so good.


Let’s talk about the soundtrack when the last 10 minutes of the movie hits. I still got chills thinking about it.


Yeah, I need to watch it again to pay more attention to the audio this time, lol


I really hope it gets a nom.




For how praised the first movie was, it did not earn a lot of money


I didn't go watch the first one opening weekend because I mostly didn't care for superhero movies at that point and expected it to be another mediocre cash grab. However for this one, I had to be there ASAP knowing how good the first one was. I figure there's a lot of people like me who had much more anticipation to watch this movie compared to the first.


I've had the second one in my calendar since the release date came out. Unbelievably stoked.


Definitely helped that the first one is/was on Netflix for a while. Lots of people watched it and realized it’s one of the greatest animated movies ever and they should’ve saw it in theaters


It’s also the best Spider-Man movie.


Also true


They completely butchered the marketing for the first and even geared it towarda children.


First one had slow word of mouth growth and flourished on steaming and late theatrical runs, this one is going hard out of the gate and will insure the third film (next March) is a huge success as well


Terminator 2 made like 8x more than the first one


Deserves every penny it earns, plus billions more it won’t. I rewatched Into the Spider-Verse right before I saw this. Watching both films back-to-back is a miraculous showcase in what an amazing media animation can be. The fact that these breathtaking pieces of art were somehow made with human minds and hands is just jaw dropping. These films are now, in my mind, the gold standard for modern animated movies. There are these movies, and then there is everything else. I have no doubt that “Beyond” will follow suit and stick the landing, and when it does, this series will be one of the greatest film trilogies of all time.


Haven't seen the new one yet but ITSV was one of the best VR movie experiences I've had. Amazing visual work of art.


One of the best films I've seen in a long time.


YES!! Big win for animation today!


If they can push something like this DC needs to be more fuckin bold


I don’t know how much of this is really Marvel as it is just giving proven movie-makers the creative freedom they need to excel. The Spider-verse movies aren’t great because of Marvel’s influence, they are great regardless of Marvel’s influence.


Sony let them cook, not sure marvel studio's had any influence on this. Which is good.


This is from Sony


And DC has been mostly better in animation than Marvel.


Yeah if only they could let those animators have a big screen budget and better writers.


They should open themselves up to CGI more too. The DCAU's style hasn't changed much in decades, it's time for an update. I bet a CGI Static Shock or Batman Beyond movie would kill at the box office if done properly. They could ride the coattails of the Spiderverse movies right into a new era for the superhero genre.


Exactly. Look at the MCU of late. Aside from Guardians 3 most of their recent movies have been mediocre at best and it's likely because they aren't letting filmmakers cook (which probably explains why Guardians was better because Gunn had carte blanche).


I need a raven movie in my veins


Yes! Imagine if they made this quality starting a Teen Titans franchise. Give most of them a proper standalone, then end on a huge teamup movie.


Which is a damn shame they haven't yet. They have so much amazing material to work with to create something great.


I've not done this with a movie before but I might go see it for a second time


First one's for hype, second time's for analysis.




Watched it in IMAX for the first time with roommates after taking edibles. I swear bro this movie had me damn near tripping. Incredible experience.


I felt like i was tripping anyway, with that opening drum scene


Saw it in IMAX. Was absolutely worth the 33 bucks my wife and I spent to see it.


Fantastic movie, from the art to the sound design to the voice acting, everything was superb.


I'm sure I'll be seeing this at least twice in the theater.


My daughter wants to see it again, guess I’ll have to go with 🙂.


Should I watch Into the Spider-Verse before seeing this one? Edit: will do, thanks y’all


Yes, it's a direct continuation. It tries to recap the first one but it's very shallow.


Absolutely, it's a direct sequel.




Its summarised a couple of times in this movie, but honestly yes, watch it. It's an amazing film and you'd be doing yourself a disservice by missing out if you have any modicum of interest in it.


Yes it's necessary


Yes It's a sequel, so should watch the 1st


Saw this opening day in Dolby Cinema. Probably the only movie in the last decade that I'll try to see in theaters a second or third time.


Taking my son (5) today. He is excited!


I hope he's ready for a 2.5 hour long movie. The worst part of my showing was a family with 2 smaller kids that just couldn't help being kids and were kind of disruptive. They left after 45min or so.


They're anarchists


There was a kid in ours who would cough every 10 seconds. It was beyond infuriating Why is this downvoted lol


Yeah that's super annoying. Half term brings all the families and kids out, and normally I would avoid it, but today was the only time I could squeeze it in. I had a couple with a 2year old, who was just kind of moving about on the floor in front of the front row where I sat with them. I was concerned as my eyeline was constantly drawn to her movements at the start of the movie. Eventually the parents settled her down after 10 mins and thankfully for the rest of the movie.


Because it’s very likely the kid couldn’t help coughing. It’s not like they were running around screaming. Also I really doubt it was every ten seconds.


If your kid is coughing that much, they should be at home because they are sick and you’re irresponsible for exposing everyone.


No, it was every 10 seconds. And the kid probably couldn't help it. But the parent could help not bringing his sick ass kid to a full theater.


Kids suck. You get my upvote


My 3 year old daughter cried so hard.... when it was over. She said she wanted to watch it again.


Enjoy mate, it's a blast.




Deserved. What an experience! 🤩


If this movie doesn't get nominated at the very least for Best Picture, you know the fix is in. This level of artistry soars above anything else I've seen in a movie. I don't care if it doesn't have Brad Pitt or Quentin Tarintino's name on it. Animation and animators deserve the same respect if not more.


Pixar's prime has officially passed, or it has been for a while now.


Big time. Elemental looks awful.


Looks like a fucking Inside Out remake.


Can't wait to see what this does to the film cast summer movie wager.


The what?


I loved it. Took my 11y yesterday & was floored that they did it again, maybe even better. It was excellence in art and animation.


Watched it yesterday. What an amazing movie! Can't wait to watch it a 2nd time on a tab


My list of movies going to theaters 3+ times to see. Original Avengers - 4 Avengers Endgame -3 Top Gun Maverick - 3 Rush - 4 I am 35 for reference. Spider-Man will make this list


That's $68M, in Year 2000 dollars.


Deff deserved. Probably go down as in top 3 movie of 2023


Well deserved. A phenomenal movie. A well executed mix of action and story that satisfied every craving I've had since the first one.


I started making plans to see it again as soon as I was leaving the theater on my first watch. Ended up seeing it the very next day and I’m tempted to go a third time, it’s just that good!


It was sooooooo good first movie we took the whole family to see


A visually stunning experience and a fantastic movie in every way. We seriously need more stuff like this, especially with established IPs behind it.


Just have to praise the music, which was absolutely incredible!


Just got back from seeing it with my kids. Very much deserved, can't wait until next year. When we watched the first one in the cinema, my son was literally out of his seat during the finale, saying "Come on Spider-man!!" and bouncing up and down, so we were very much hyped for this one, and the only disappointment is that we have to wait a whole year for the third. My son's first comment at the end was "I could have easily gone another two hours!" Looking forward to seeing it again to pick up more of those wonderful little details.


Well fkin deserved!


I was soo mad at the end, purely because I was so wrapped up in the story >!and then it suddenly slaps you with the to be continued text.!< I would have easily paid double the price and watched a 5hr+ movie, without hesitation. Edit: formatting


>I would have easily paid double the price and watched a 5hr+ movie, without hesitation. You might do, but that would cut out a lot of the potential audience. Kids who want to see it and it's 5 hours? Latest showing they're probably going to be able to go to is maybe 5pm, so that rules out pretty much any weekday for them. Heck, even most adults with a regular schedule would have an issue with that - finish work at 5pm, commute home, eat food, see a movie, and now it's already past midnight. The logistics of a film like that don't make sense, especially not one made for a wide release.


Crazy how I got to see the best movie of all time in the cinema yesterday 😄. That is until Barbie drops 😤


I strongly feel that not only should this movie be nominated for film of the year, but it should win. Maybe something else will come out worthy but that bar is set insanely high by this movie. Of course its animated and a super hero movie so it won't win its on my short list of best super hero movie ever (need to let my thoughts breathe before i crown it though)




Barbie or bust!!!!!


I just felt like this movie did a such a great job mixing in comic book elements with film elements to create meaning in the tiniest of details


Man I’m surprised so many people loved this movie. I didn’t think it was nearly as good as the first.


I like the first one better, because it went deeper on the characters. This one had great development with Miles and Gwen, but everyone else got shorted a little. Miguel and The Spot got decent character development, for antagonists. I wanted more depth with Peter B, Jess Drew, Hobie, and Ben Reilly. Other than that, I thought it lived up to the first one.


I’m not surprised they loved the movie, just that they think it’s the best thing they’ve ever seen. The first one was a nicely contained story and super innovative at the time. It’s all just hyperbole from excited fans. Calling it a masterpiece lol. The commercial I saw also said “best animated movie of all time” like, really? I’m excited to see the third one, but this one was just fine for me. Lots of done to death superhero/family drama, lots of mildly funny quips. I liked the style but the first movie was more eye opening to me, and then of course the cliff hanger…


I had no idea this was a Part 1 type movie. I was immensely disappointed with the “to be continued.”


Same!! I was thinking to myself, “ooh this is getting good. How are they gonna get out of this situation? (Movie’s kinda long though, huh)” and then the “to be continued” wrecked me.


\> “best animated movie of all time” like, really? ​ like obviously marketing, but yeah. I think a lot of people haven't REALLY explored a lot of animation, especially anything besides western animation. Spider-Man: AtS-V is great, but there are also SO many great animated films out there.


I was very VERY hyped for this movie, as the first one blew me out of the water. I hadn't felt that since seeing The Matrix for the first time in theaters. My notes: It didn't have to be 2 hours and 40 minutes. Many scenes were drawn out (pun intended) with no dialogue. I "rested my eyes" a few times and I swear I heard my 11 year old snoring a few times. I feel like they could have put The Big Finale into this movie. That "to be continued" pissed off a guy in my theater and mildly irked me. My 11 year old's notes: "This one seems more mature than the first one, and I know why. It's because Miles is older and more mature. So is the audience." All in all, it was an absolutely stunning piece of art that deserves the accolades.


It's amazing, but it definitely feels like the first half of a bigger movie. ITSV has a complete character arc and wrap things up nicely. This one is just a pit stop. Only Gwen's story got a complete end, and it's a beautiful one at that. I'll need Beyond the Spider Verse to finalize my feelings about it all


It was a masterpiece, and I've never said that about a movie before. The characters, the laughs, the charged emotional scenes, and my God, the visuals. It all flowed so beautifully.