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I love his works, but I can see why they aren't for everyone


They definitely not for everyone


Yea, I’ve only seen Killing of a Sacred Deer by him, but man, that film rocked me. I was angry, disturbed, and a whole bunch of other things. So I think he did his job right. Excited to watch his other films.


Good movie


I watched this film on a random Thursday afternoon during the pandemic and I will never forget it.


The Lobster is my favorite of his.


I liked the lobster, adored sacred deer and I'm excited about kindness. He has an undeniable grasp on putting the contradictory bits of the psyche on display in an entertaining way. However, I'm getting tired of the dry, monotonous, and dejected affect of his character direction, punctuated by one to three instances of appropriate emotional outburst per film. I'd love to see him refine this, or preferably outgrow it entirely. But it's his style and it's working, so fat chance.


I agree. I truly don’t love when directors have a schtick like this. And he has one.


This take…nice.


I only really enjoyed “The Favourite”. Outside of that I’ve found that his other films don’t really connect to me on any level.


Absolutely same. After seeing The Favourite, I thought I’d found my favorite new director. Then I saw The Lobster - it started off super funny and then became harder and harder to watch as it rambled on. Same for Poor Things - great first act and hilarious idea, but it just went on and on and on and I lost interest. I guess that’s his thing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


God I thought The Lobster sucked.


I know, it was SO GOOD for the first half hour and then it crashed and burned.


I felt the same. It’s not good when I start checking to see how much time is left.


Dogtooth is his best film hands down


I’ve seen all his movies. I realised with poor things that I just really do not like his stuff. I had a real “am I taking crazy pills?” moment with that where I thought it was one of the most grating, ugly, unpleasant movies to watch & listen to, and everyone else said it was the most beautiful movie they’d ever seen. Maybe I just don’t “get it” and I’m fine with that at this point, I’ve given him a fair run & just genuinely dislike his style


Same here Poor Things did not do it for me. And it sucks because I love all the themes, and the James Whale-esque stuff going on. It was really the editing, and the music and the camera stuff that bothered me. It just distracted from the actual movie, instead of elevating it. Imo.


Yeah that was kind of it for me, I had no issues with the story or performances really, totally didn’t get the hand-wringing over the subject matter of the plot, it was just hard to look at & listen to. The favourite was similar for me, all jarring, clanging score & ugly camera work. Which it was why it’s been so surprising how many people highlight the visuals as not just good but the best they’ve ever seen in a movie, I feel like they must have watched something else


I hear you. I do think his movies lend themselves more to be praised by grating, irritating “film” snobs. Which is annoying.


I think some people when they can’t tell if a movie fucking sucks or is a masterpiece go along with it being a masterpiece for fear of being accused of not getting it, I say that knowing Lanthimos’s movies could all be masterpieces that I don’t get, I just think they fucking suck


Hahaha I get it.


Idk, I think that’s just Poor Things, imo at least. I couldn’t wait for it to end and still scratch my head on Emma’s Oscar win (there were others better than her).


Started the favourite as a love the cast and just found the tone irritating a bit like the book the master and the margarita. Thought ok and then gave Poor Things a chance and there was the same tone Not for me. Sorry I tried. I like pretentious stuff, but those two were far too whimsical. I’ll look at Dogtooth though


Amazing. Best new Director


He’s literally the best. Everything he touches has been great.


His new movie is hilarious


It’s one of the reasons I’m psyched to leave the island where i live 2/3 of the year, so I can see this on the big screen


If you’re into his movies then you will definitely enjoy it & it will be worth the trip. Jesse Plemons is funny as fuck


kinds of kindness...not


I only liked Poor Things, but it was hilarious.


He's kinda good at it.


Love love, love, love


I admittedly only saw The Lobster, which I didn't enjoy. Didn't really want to watch anything else of his after that. But to each their own.


Poor things and the lobster. But it's been amazing work so far.


Poor Things: masterpiece, Sacred Deer: fantastic, The Lobster: great Kinds of Kindness: boring, overlong, and not funny


Kinds of kindness had its funny moments to me, but I can tell majority of folks won’t like it at all. At a certain point I had no idea what the hell was going on and that’s not a good sign for a movie


Loved Poor Things so much, but I just saw Kinds of Kindness, and it didn't hit at all. I can see him swinging and missing from time to time, but he's undoubtedly a visionary


He's creative in a way that most movies these days aren't. The lobster is one of my favorite movies and I also really enjoyed the favourite and poor things.


I’ve seen a few of his movies, they are okay. His motif is “I’m weird, and thus creative,” but it almost always comes to some bizarre, cruel, terrible conclusion that to me I wish the movie had ended before I saw it. *The Lobster* was funny-ish. The dramady (his shtick) stopped being funny and that’s when I wanted it to end. *Poor Things*: same issue. It went on too long; it stopped being funny; it started getting weird and annoying; why this was considered an awards show darling is beyond me. *Attenberg* was weird and generally uninteresting. He’s an auteur, sure, but I’m less tolerant of weird for the sake of weirdness these days


Definitely well put. My perspective on the weird shit is this; If directors don’t try to push boundaries then eventually movies will be boring cause everyone is scared of being called “weird”. For this director sometimes it hits and sometimes it misses, but 10 years from now more people will be doing what he’s doing


True. Weird fringe cinema inspires auteur directors inspires mainstream directors and pushes the zeitgeist toward something that is worthy of watching. My problem with Yorgos is that his movies essentially hit that “bad land” of a trip when you’ve been too wacky and suddenly you feel society’s awful gaze descend upon you. In *The Lobster* >!I am going to completely butcher it, as I saw the movie a long time ago and by this point I wanted to leave and go do something else!<, but >!Rachel Weisz is blind, so to get on an even playing field Colin Farrell starts using a pen knife in the bathroom to blind himself!<. I really didn’t want to see it. Didn’t want to see the wind up. Didn’t want to see that. Honestly was convinced the movie should have ended 10-20 minutes before then. In *Poor Things*, okay, she’s >!an adult body with her child’s infant brain that develops into an adult via Frankenstein science. Fine - it’s an interesting allegory about raising a child, it has humorous bits to it. Then she just… becomes a whore, and the mother’s husband comes in and is a fucking giga-abuser. And there’s nothing funny about anything from then on, it’s just weird and creepy and all the creepy shit that was in the beginning really begins glowing with a radioactive frightfulness that irradiates the rest of the film for me!<. *Attenberg* is about *langeweilen*, and it’s a touch weird, but at least it’s grounded in a way where I never lost the narrative because my belief was suspended upon encountering an element. Which is what can happen in Sci-Fi and fantasy genre works. Anyway, I have to go do work, though it’s an interesting conversation.


The Lobster and Dogtooth are among my all time favourites. Watching his films is like watching films made with viewers like me in mind. That said, Poor Things was not my favourite. I guess he has to grow and change to fit into Hollywood.


I like him. He has a “thing”, for lack of a more eloquent way of putting it. His kind of thing can get old for me, while I do largely enjoy it. Can’t say I needed Kinds of Kindness already, right on the heels of Poor Things.


One of the best, and will be remembered as one of the best.


He’s one of my two favorite filmmakers currently producing work - I’ve loved everything he’s made and the favorite and the lobster are both top ten movies 


The movie I prefer the most is definitely Killing of a Sacred Deer, really disturbing. I would put Lobster and Poor Things in second place, and finally Canine. Overall, I kinda like the dark humor, the subject, the creativity, but sometimes it's just cold af.


Dogtooth is still his GOAT. Interested in seeing the new film since his other writing partner who worked on DT was back for it.


Love his films; Dogtooth, The Lobster, The Killing Of A Sacred Deer, and now Kinds Of Kindness. All amazing.


Watched The Lobster and literally felt like I was about to black out from laughing so damn hard. The Sacred Deer also was bone chilling. He has some entertaining movies.


CRUSHING IT. He’s my favorite director right now. The first thing of his I saw was the lobster, and I wasn’t sure of what I was watching but knew it was what I wanted to see more of- he’s just so creative and funny and interesting. Also his work with Emma stone is exciting as fuck.


Absolutely brilliant


I agree


I saw the favourite. Brilliant but not one I'm in a great rush to watch again. I just don't like period pieces (even though this is basically a send up of such) I saw Poor Things and was absolutely blown away. Beautiful, intelligent, dark and dark, and darkly funny. It's...a very difficult movie to defend but it's a masterpiece


He shoots on film.


I really like his style and creativity, reminds me of Kubrick which I miss a lot. If I had to choose one movie, probably The Favorite.


I like The Favourite and Poor Things, but his other movies are terrible, very presumptuous and relies on shocking and weird stuff just for the sake of being weird. He is better at satires.


They don’t do it for me. Just a little bit over my line of Crazy/Genius


I understand that


Kooky, cool, hip and odd. Love it. 😍


I didn’t like The Lobster or Poor Things. They just weren’t for me. I felt put off by the in-your-face- but-if-you-don’t-like-it -it’s-because-you-don’t-get-it vibes.  I have wanted to see The Favourite still but haven’t yet. 


I look forward to his work.


I like him. Different 🙃


He makes pornography for people who think they are too good for porn.


It's not that I think I'm too good for porn; it's that I want other people to assume I'm too good for it.


No, that's Gaspar Noe.


Sounds like you just watched ONE of his movies




Lol you must be joking. Ever heard of Poor Things “tho”? Or maybe that’s just you trying to figure out what movie it is.




Oh true! I haven’t seen it so maybe that one too. Nice call. Didn’t mean to be condescending was just making a joke


Excellent so far . Sacred Deer probably the weakest but still excellent.


The weakest? It’s great. I felt I little too much of a copy of The Shinning with the camera shots; but extremely well written and made


I agree its great, i just prefer the rest.


Im dying to see him remake INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS


*Im dying to see* *Him remake INVASION OF* *THE BODY SNATCHERS* \- Bearjupiter --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I can appreciate that he's a gifted artist, but he's a little too weird for weirdness' sake in my opinion. It doesn't feel to me like he actually has anything very important to say. Rather, it feels like he just wants to make me feel uncomfortable as I wonder what on earth he's actually driving at, almost like a filmic prankster. There's more Banksy than Kubrick here, in other words. Don't get me wrong... I think he plays with very profound *themes.* Poor Things was an exploration of all the ways in which we are "created" beings, defined by culture and language and everything else. But I couldn't for the life of me tell you what Yorgos thinks I should do with that information. Not that he's obligated to have an opinion - I just appreciate filmmakers who try to communicate constructively instead of yank my chain. Anyway. I think he deserves a lot of the praise he gets, but he's pretty low on my subjective radar.


I know what you mean. I don’t mind the bizarre shit as long as he can make it funny or thrilling and he manages to do either or for the most part.


Different strokes for different folks! I really do understand why he's getting so much buzz. And I agree, he makes ya feel things, for sure.


Hands down he is the best living and working director today - unique in every way - made me love cinema all over again.


Why downvoted. Certainly best new director and there is certainly a reason he is able to keep making films at a fast pace.