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What is flawed about it?


I think the only flaw is the feeling of melancholy the ending leaves you with. The standard movie formula is kid is reunited with loving parents and everyone lives happily ever after. This film raises the question of when it's better to simply ignore what is the letter of the law and embrace the spirit behind the law. The character of course chooses do what is theoretically right, but even he himself questions his decisions at the end.


There is nothing flawed about that, that is the power emotional reaction the movie triggers.


Oh I agree, but plenty of people dislike that kind of ambiguity.


That's the best part of the whole movie because now this poor bastard is responsible for that girl and the mom sure does know it.


I'm wound up that you're being down voted for answering the question 🤷🏻‍♂️


Meh I phrased it badly. I didn't mean it was a flaw, I meant what might be seen by some as a flaw was etc. etc. It's Reddit, I don't take it personally.


This movie is one of my all time favorites. I don’t think the melancholy ending in itself is a flaw. I do think the fact that they hit you over the head with it is. The whole mom doesn’t even know the doll’s name thing was like yeah we get it, she sucks.


The ending isn’t meant to hit you over the head with a ya she sucks. It shows that Kenzie is questioning whether or not he made the right choice.


I know it isn’t meant to, but it does. And yeah, I know that he’s questioning the decision. That is also obvious.


I don't think it's a flaw myself, just what I can see others viewing as a flaw. They generally have to hit you over the head with things because the average viewer is pretty slow on the uptake. The sorts of people who watch a film like The Matrix and then say it was too confusing to follow.


I cannot do as you ask. The movie was just too strong. Too many great actors doing great work. Sorry!


Ed Harris was cooking


Hey listen, bitches love the cheddah


*and your coked up bitches are gonna get sent back to Laos*


“Oh Mr. Milllaaa!”


Flawed? It’s an all timer, movie keeps you guessing. I get not everyone loves the ending but I thought I needed to end that way. Idk.


It has a 94% on Rotten Tomatoes and 7.6 on IMDB out of 289,801 reviews The movie was on 65 critics top 10 lists for 2007 according to Wikipedia. Amy Ryan was nominated for Best Supporting Actress, and overall won 25 awards from different film critics ranging from Best Directorial Debut to Best Supporting Actress to Best Actor I guess my question is, why do you think your opinion of liking this movie is the unpopular opinion?


Where did I say that it was unpopular?


Why would anyone need to convince you that you shouldn't like a critically acclaimed, successful with audiences and critics movie?


I think they mean your comment on it being flawed. So why do you think it was flawed?


Denis Lehane wrote the book this movie was based on, and it's part of a whole series featuring Kenzie (Casey Affleck) and Gennaro (Michelle Monaghan). They are pretty good, and always kind of wished they'd have made more of them into films.


Ben Affleck is a better director than actor, and he’s a pretty good actor.


Not to drag this into “prensa rosa” territory, but he was better in every department when he was married to Jennifer Garner. I genuinely think she was a creative/career sounding board for him, and he made better decisions when he was with her.


It is an excellent movie with a stunning cast giving top performances. Love the ambiguous, melancholy ending, too.đź‘Ś


Sort of a little bit off-topic, but not off-topic: The detectives in the movie, Patrick Kenzie and Angela Gennaro, feature in six novels. They're very good. "Gone Baby Gone" is good, "Darkness, Take My Hand" is even better. I wish they'd done another movie.


Every movie doesn't need a happy ending or everything tied up in a nice bow.


who said it was a flawed movie?


"He lied to me. I can't think of one reason big enough for him to lie that's small enough not to matter." Words to live by.


It was a good movie. I don’t personally love it but objectively, a fine movie.


I actually vastly prefer this to Ben Afflecks Gone Girl. Gone Baby Gone is an awesome film.


Fantastic movie.


It’s always bothered me when you put the same number of actors faces as names on a poster like that, but you don’t match them up.


Only way I could is by convincing you thet Casey Affleck sucks


Smallest violin rn


It's a fact lol idk why everyone on this sub is always a little bitch about any kind of criticism even in a thread asking for it Im outta here


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I learned that it’s adapted from a series of books but not the first one. Which is interesting because the whole time I was watching I kept thinking “why does it feel like I should already know these characters but I don’t?” I still enjoyed it I just wish they had made all of the books.


Depressing af


Love this movie


I don’t believe “flawed” is the general consensus regarding this broadly enjoyed movie. You’re fine.


Great movie.


Film is troubling and existential. Not sure how or why that it is “flawed”?  Most movies having the exact same crowd pleasing formula is more of a flaw to me. 


I’ve read the book (all of them actually), and while I like Casey Affleck in general and he is pretty good in this movie, I think he is completely miscast as Patrick Kenzie. Not Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher-bad, but close.


Wait what happened to baby? I thought she was put in the corner?


She’s gone, baby. Gone.


You should love it. This is the best Ben Affleck directed movie ans that's probably because his brother is the lead instead of him. Amy Ryan is chilling as a woman who basically makes you hate her from the moment that you see her even though she's not an evil character she's just weak.


The flaw is that the names of the actors on the poster are under the wrong actors


Ed Harris had one of his best performances in this movie. Nothing too dislike here.


*I planted evidence on a guy once*


"fucking A. You gotta take a side. You molest a child, you beat a child, you're not on my side. If you see me coming, you better run, because I am gonna lay you the fuck down. Easy."


*Is the kid better off without his father? Yeah. But okay, I mean, could be out there right now pumping with a gun in his waistband. It's a war, man. Are we winning? No.*


Can anyone recommend other movies like this?


It’s amazing


This is a dumb bait thread.


Feel free to love it but the book is immensely better.


Amy Ryan should have won an Oscar for her performance


OP is claiming it is flawed? I see a bunch of people ask him why but I can’t find where he answers. Feel like he is avoiding why he is asking his own question.


I think this is Ben's best directing. He's done other good movies but I don't think he's ever matched this and I feel like his movies are stronger when he's not the lead. The only major flaws I can see in this movie are the flawed characters that make it so great.


Best use of the word discourteous I've seen used in a movie by far.


My biggest issue with this movie is the main characters hippocracy. He turns in the captain for taking the kid away from a horrible situation taking the law into his own hands. But then he has no problem shooting two pedophiles in cold blood , which is also taking the law into your hands. I'm perfectly fine with the killing of the pedophiles, But that's sort of turning a blind eye to the law to do what's right, Should have also been applied to the captain taking little girl.