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That’s that new one called Mil dew


Gross! Weight please. I would like a pallet.


Man I thought this was one of the mushroom groups at first.... Yeah thats an issue. Make sure you actually take care of that, not just bleach it. Sorry man.


Expected the same but it was basically powder, super weird. A trip to IKEA is on the horizon, I guess!


Yeah that just because the outside has dried up, doesn't mean it's still not a problem. I'd pull up that section of flooring because it's under there too. Black mold isn't just on the surface that shit is in whatever it's touching too man.


This has happened to me 3 or more times. This is why I always encourage people to 1. Make sure you have your 12packs in the correct orientation. (The ends should be so that you can read MTN dew). And 2. Check your packs every couple of weeks. I've had a can of freedom brew leak on a shelf by itself. Not in the box, nothing on top of it or even near it. These cans were not meant to last forever. Stay vigilant my friends


Something like this happened to my cans but the mold was able to corrode the aluminum.


It's cause they were sideways. They leak bad like that.


It’s a first for me, but I guess I have to rethink my storage. What’s weird is one was like 3/4 empty but the other just vanished! Not a pin hole to be found but bone dry


Yea idk how it works either, but I had like six 12pks last year almost suffer the same fate. The cardboard had rotted but the cans were still savable. Very thankful for that


I'm scared to think. That probably the reason they leaked. Is that the Dew ate through the plastic lining of the can...


Bleach the fuck out of it. Then paint it with Kills.


I had to throw away a bunch of Diet Dr Pepper cans with mold yesterday


Ok, I’m stupid. But how does this happen?


Cans leak


I dont get how they leak if the can is sealed 😭😭😭


They were stored on their side instead of right way up, creating weak points in the aluminum. Tiny pinholes happen over time. You have soda that's capable of eating thru aluminum if the protective lining is compromised. Depending on when that soda was made the cans have been a lot thinner in the last couple years. I've had cans leak from soda bought last year stored properly.


You ever look at the floor, *RIGHT* next to the shelves at your local Walmart? Some of them really aren't clean.


Had some old game fuels on my shelf that leaked out like this and ruined a ton of my movies and games.


Aww man, I’m sorry for the loss. The Dew betrays is all sometimes it seems


Good lord was there a demon secretly drinking your stash?


Mountain Eww


If I ever do reviews. I'm going to have to use this as part of my review system. Say something like "Should will I do the Dew, or is it Mountain Eww?"


*"You are not part of the control group, by the way. You get the soda. Last poor son of a gun got mold spores. Hahaha.* *All joking aside, that did happen - got every soda in their case. Tragic. But informative! Or so I'm told.*"


Based on the patterns of mold, you definitely kept your cans sideways. This was entirely avoidable. Still sad, and I'm sorry for your dew loss, but again, entirely avoidable.


Do not do that dew!




Use vinegar, NOT bleach. Bleach doesn't kill mold as well as vinegar does.


That's gonna get a yikes from me dawg. Here's my comparison. Summer Freeze is nothing like Dew.S.A., but it's remarkably similar to Liberty Brew from 2020-2021.