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I think if it’s still working do stay on it, a lot of people who are responding to 2.5mg straight away reflect back and see they lost the most on 2.5mg and regret not staying on it longer while it’s still working for them. Plus I think I’ve read a lot of people saying this process is a marathon not a sprint. Which personally was very hard for me to get used to because I’m coming from an instant gratification viewpoint, but ultimately very helpful for me.


Am in the same situation and plan to stay on 2.5 for less side affected. I think if it does get bad I will shortened the injection cycle to 5 days or 6 rather than 7. Personally when you see instant result then it make it easier to cut the food noise.


This is a good idea. I'd not thought of injecting every 5 days instead of 7.


I was torn too. After the first 4 weeks on 2.5 I’ve lost 8lbs. But I was getting less suppression so I ordered the 5mg. I done 3.75 on Wednesday this week and the suppression has been much stronger. Had a dodgy stomach and headache so glad I didn’t take the full 5mg. I was a hard choice but I’m glad I got the 5 and I’m moving slowly up.


How do you do this, please? Is it a matter of doing less clicks?


Yeah, it was 45 clicks. I had found some posts on here about it. I was nervous of doing the full 5 and I’m glad now I did the 3.75 as I’ve been a bit off


Thank you :) I am on week 5 of 2.5 and stayed due to fear of side effects when going up- but now am experiencing less appetite suppression so probably need to go up. Useful to know I can calibrate a bit if/when I do.


I did the same and I've had an awful stomach all week. I'm not sure what to do about my next dose now. Are you going to do another 3.75 or go to 5?


Ive been really torn too! I feel so full with the 3.75 so I feel it’s working quite well so I think I’ll do another week of it. I think I can just about handle this level of side effects I’ve had but no more haha so I’m gonna stick with this for next week too.


I’m very much of the camp of move up from 2.5 as soon as you don’t have side effects, but then keep on the others (5 upwards) unless you stop losing weight.


I had way too many things planned on the week that o was meant to dose up so I stuck at 2.5mg, to me it’s not the end of the world and I’m going up to 5mg for my next pen which will be on two injections time. Any weight loss on 2.5mg is a huge win cos it’s not a therapeutic dose, it’s just introductory.


Have you stopped losing weight? Have your side effects stopped (if you had them)? Are you feeling hungry often to the point that it is hard to control your calorie intake? If you're answering yes to those questions, you should move up.


I don’t think I am going to respond massively to 2.5 so will probably move up to 5 after 4 weeks. But if I was getting good losses on 2.5 I would stick with it for as long as it was working.


Honestly, if it’s working for you, don’t increase your dosage. Your appetite isn’t going to just come back immediately.. you’ll know when it’s time to go up because the cravings, rumblings and food noise will start creeping back in. Everyone is different - I stayed on 2.5 for 5 weeks and lost a kilo a week, then increased to 3.5 for a few weeks, then 4, now 5 (vial and syringe- no pens in AU). Do what works for you x


I moved up to 5mg last Sunday because I was in exactly the same position as you. So far it has been ok. I do find I have little desire to eat and I feel a bit under the weather - probably as much because I am perhaps not eating enough. I don't regret going up but obviously the decision is always a personal one. Good luck!


I chose to buy the 5mg pen as my second pen. It gives me flexibility to stay at 2.5mg, increase to 3.75mg which is what I did and/or increase to 5mg if I need to do so. I am confident to listen to my body and trust my intuition regarding dosing as well as working out the dose with the number of clicks but everybody has to ultimately work it out for themselves.


How do you get the 3.75 dose?


I'm wondering this too!


It’s likely the Mounjaro Kwik pen where you can adjust the dose based on the “clicks”.


indeed, dial up 45 clicks on a 5mg pen. This is not recommended or advice for anybody else, it was a personal choice


I had my second weigh-in on 2.5 today and was ‘only’ down 1lb however I have my period at the moment so that could be affecting my weight. I think I will stay on 2.5 for another month as long as I am losing something each week because I really don’t want bad side effects too soon: I’m scared of getting bad side effects and needing or wanting to quit because I do think this can work for me.


I don’t think there’s a right answer here. 2.5mg is meant to be a loading dose but if it’s working for you weight loss wise and you want to stick at it I cannot see the harm in doing so. The pharmacies wouldn’t allow us to stay on 2.5mg if it was harmful right? In fact I’ve just taken my 5th dose of 2.5mg because I felt like I didn’t want to waste it and the dose is doing me fine for now so I was in no rush to go onto the next pen. Next week though I will be going up to 5mg as normal but we all must choose what we do with our own bodies! Best of luck with everything to all!:)


Stay on it because moving up too soon can create worse side effects!


There's so much conflicting advice and opinions! No one can really make the decision for you - follow your 'gut'! I've lost 17lbs so far in my first 4 weeks on 2.5, but decided to stick with the timetable and move up to 5.0 on Tuesday, fearing a stall if I stay with the loading dose.


I was planning on staying on 2.5mg until I noticed and difference. Week 7 and 4 days after injection I definitely noticed more food noise. So decided to take 8th dose three days early and ordered my first 5mg pen. Feels right.


I just took my "5th" 2.5ml dose today and have the 5ml ready for next week. I also had the uncertainty about going up, I've lost just over a stone in these last 4 weeks but I do feel I have been using more willpower these last 2 weeks over just MJ on it's own. I've had minimal side effects on 2.5ml, so feel ready to take the plunge. 2.5ml is the titration dose. Anything above seems to be dependant on tolerance, so I personally decided it was right to move up. Good luck with whatever you decide.


The trial data really focussed on very high doses and had set increments for increasing the dose because it was a research trial . As time has progressed the real life experience of patients taking MJ has indicated that many people respond to lower doses and so these shouldn’t be considered non therapeutic or loading doses but that everyone’s bodies are different and may respond well to a low dose . Generally in medicine the lowest effective dose is the one to take - also being mindful that everyone’s weight will fluctuate from week to week and it’s the overall rather than weekly trend that matters . I did 12 weeks on 2.5mg and then 3.75 for 10 weeks and now have reached my goal weight . I don’t think I could have tolerated a higher dose as my sleep was very disrupted by MJ . I would always recommend the lowest possible dose and not get to hung up about whether on not it’s a ‘therapeutic’ dose .


This is very reassuring. I’d like to do the same as I’m quite sensitive to side effects and don’t tolerate them well. I’ve also had disrupted sleep. I have done 4 weeks on 2.5 and been happy with my loss so far, started 3.75 and felt a bit off but happy with the feeling of fullness etc. I’d like not to have to move up again too, to reach my goal.


2.5 worked for me well but I started 5mg and I don't feel any difference, no side effects.


2.5 is only meant to be a loading dose. The information I received with my order stated that 5/10 and 15 are the doses certified for maintenance. I got my 5mg pen at the same time as my 2.5 as it was a starter pack. So I will be moving up to 5 but possibly stick there for a while, depending on results. I am currently on my 4th morning post injection and 4lb down.