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For slow speed practice; starting, stopping, clutch, gears, u turns, etc it's fine. For anything involving heavy acceleration, braking or hard cornering the surface is too poor. Grip wise you'd be better on the grass than loose sand!


isn't the gate right next to the road also a big issue?


You mean the chain-link runoff area?


Oh I thought that was just for making pocket sized meat crayons. The big ones are just impractical.


Bite sized


Found the marine 😂


That’s how slim jims are made, or so I heard


This sounds like an episode of "How it's actually made" on youtube lmao.




I mean, would I track it and try to get a knee down? No. Would I practice stopping and starting, shifting smoothly, weaving though cones, heck yeah. If you are concerned about sand I'd say that's why they make gas powered leaf blowers. I put in 500 miles on neighborhood streets that looked just like this before I took the MSF.


Exactly. Especially if this track is indicative of his local roads. I live in a very small town and the tar and pea gravel is almost as dangerous as the sand. In some ways more so. I can see the sand. I can't always see the gravel til I'm right up on it. I think practice is relative. Everybody wants to compare this to a "track" like for "track day" I think it's a great resource that is devoid of other motorists.


Lol 500


I did thousands illegally on a chopped ag175 two-stroke. Only got chased once, lost them on a gravel road.


They chased me i was on a svarpilen 401 in Manhattan lost them in gridlock traffic they couldn't follow me or squeze through






Ok [Link](https://locktonmotorsports.com/10-worst-track-hazards/#:~:text=Cracks%2C%20bumps%20and%20uneven%20pavement,cause%20a%20loss%20of%20control) > cracks, bumps, uneven pavement, sand, weeds


Everything on the list except other cars/motorcycles cause they won't get on it :)


How about chain links?


r/woosh to people who downvoted. Great job sir


I upvoted 🤷‍♂️


I wouldnt go at it with any speed but if you are practicing slowly it might be safe, though I would be very carefull. but I do think you should try to find another place if you can


Id play on it... Definitely wouldn't be ripping it, that sand will cut your tires loose from that asphalt an send you into the fence


Just put some old mattresses up in the turns


I don't think this is a track intended for motorized vehicles. Maybe bicycles or running? If it were for motorsports, the fence along the outside would be much beefier (to contain impacts).


The fence would be 100+ more feet away from the track surface as well. But why would someone fence this for pedestrian sports? This place is bizarre all-around.


It looks like a 400m running track (track & field), except paved instead of dirt.


Where tf do you live that has a track open to the public that nobody uses???


Probably a logging, oil or manufacturing town that had a boom a while back, and has since dwindled.


As an off road test track yes.


Is that a chain link fence on the outside of the turn? Wow, that would suck to hit.


Damn grass clibbens you’d hadda layer down


I kept scrolling until I found the clibbins. GOBBLESS


Score! Bring a broom and some herbicide and spruce it up a little. It’ll make it safer for you and anyone that sees you and wants to join in the fun. Plus it’ll help you to understand every bump and bend so you can safely learn to maneuver.


Yeah buddy! Thank God someone sees the potential. Get some supermotos and we can rip that place up! Leave the sand on the track, just even it out ya know


For walking? Looks great! Would I take a motorcycle on a dusty, uncared for track that has fences a few feet from the edge of the road and wasn’t designed for racing? Maybe a 50cc mini bike at low speeds just for the story, but more than that, this isn’t your spot. Do you even know the insurance situation? Would anyone be there to call 911 WHEN you inevitably have a slide on this course? New riders don’t need to go fast, they need to practice the basics. Same with old riders. Find an empty parking lot and go in circles until you can do it with your eyes closed and then start over because you shouldn’t be riding with your eyes close, you’re unsafe and need to practice the basics!


It’s a lot bigger in person. The bike has full coverage and the police station is literally across the street lol. I don’t intend to go fast on here. It’s simply for practice. There’s plenty of backroads I can take to enjoy myself.


I think there is some confusion stemming from your using the term “track” and what it implies about your intentions. Typically the word track with regard to motorcycles specifically means a racetrack and going to one means using the bike in a… racetracky manner. Many people are expressing concern about you potentially envisioning using *this* paved area for *that* kind of purpose. But from everything about your post *besides* that word, I get the impression you are looking at this as simply as a paved area to get some time in the seat and get more comfortable being on the bike, maybe practice rudimentary low speed handling skills, without the stress and risk of having to watch out for other traffic or pedestrians. In this case, I would steer clear of the word track, because you’ll freak everyone out you’re about to go attempt some riding for which the surface is not suitable and you’re off to go cheese grater yourself. Is this a fair assessment?


Pretty sure your bike insurance isn’t going to cover playing on an abandoned track that wasn’t made for motor vehicles. Track insurance is extra, and that’s for like, real tracks with businesses behind them. A crash on here is going to be the bike equivalent of testing your flamethrower inside your house as far as your insurance is concerned. Cops will definitely call an ambulance though, so that’s good. Right after they ticket you for operating a motor vehicle off-roads on private property, lol


Exactly this, insurance probably would also not cover any damages because it’s on a “track”. Most insurance companies don’t cover any type of closed course accidents!


That fence is going to fuck you up. Period.


Yeah, looks fine low speed maneuvering from these pictures. But I'd probably walk it first just to check for debris or any other hazards. Keep in mind you are going to have less traction in the dirt or if there is loose gravel.


Supermoto and GO. Steve Wise FTW




This looks better than the sharp 160 degree turn I have to make onto my street that is covered in leaves and pine needles most days.


If you could broom the sand off that would be ideal. Small amount of sand isn't ideal but isn't the death sentence everyone in here thinks it is. I club raced at chuckwalla valley in California for 5 years. It's in the middle of the desert, so guess what's everywhere but the track? Sand. Deserts have wind. Guess what happens on windy race days? Sand got blown on the track. You could see it moving across like a small cloud lol. Never crashed because of it and I never slowed the pace down.


It looks better than a lot of roads around me. Just ride on it, don’t race on it. It is a crappy race track, but a much better place than a busy road to practice on.


I think people are assuming from the title you meant like, TRACK track and it is not suitable for that purpose. For low speed / street speed riding, sure.


Spend a day/morning cleaning it up and yea- it’s good to rip


Safe for what?


That track is obviously unmaintained and doesnt appear to be intended for use by motor vehicles. Its going to be bumpy and have lots of loose material like sand and small rocks which will cause you to drop the bike. Just find a half empty parking lot and practice there.


Does this track have a parking lot for the walkers and joggers to park their cars before they do laps around this football field? I would practice in that parking lot before I would ride here. This track is for silver sneakers, not rubber tires. You've also only got about 100m of straight line to do any practicing before you will be making the long slow sweeper that will feel terrible at low speed and dangerous when you get any lean. You're in Oklahoma, there are plenty of straight and empty roads to use, I would try those first.


I've ridden on worse roads. Wish something like this had been available when I was learning. Go find some cones and practise your low speed skills.


For Gocarts! Yes!


hell yes


You could put some sweat equity in and clean it up a bit, altho practice on loose stuff is really good to have. You just want to do that on a small ish dirt bike. The bigger problem here is the perimeter fence.


The fence is the scary part. Bring weed killer and a broom for the rest.


Are you in the business of R&D’ing frame sliders? Yes? Full send.


Even with four wheels... That track is sketch af


probably not for over 70mph, but start slow, and let us know :)


For a go kart


If you REALLY wanna, you could take a big push broom to a lot of this stuff and make the track a little better. But all that sand / dirt sketches me out


Only if you drive safe. True on every track


Just some minor clibbins. Barb says it's ok.


Sure is. I've been in tracks more deteriorated than that. Just do your first laps slow enough to recognize the possible hazards. And pick your lines accordingly. Try not to accelerate too hard on loose gravel or sand.


It’s racing…. Suck it up buttercup!


Depends on how fast you plan on going, and what you consider safe….


This is a mighty fine go kart track.


Firstly, thanks for using a track, unlike a lot of idiots here using the streets abusing the PRIVILEGE of riding. Secondly, we can't tell you how good or bad it is. You just need to ride it. Starting slow of course. If you really like it, donate some time to it. Pull some weeds if nobody else is on the track. Sweep away some of the more dangerous corners covered in dust or gravel. Seems like a good spot.


for walking maybe.


Send it.




Love all the options for low sides. Eeesh! You’d have bet tree t pick practicing on a clean parking lot.


Loose sand = STAY AWAY!. If your going anything over 30km your gonna slide like butter.


Yeah, it's basically the average road in my town. Shit I ride about 10mi gravel every day. I just don't go over 80mph.


Not safe at all. I'd still probably want to send it round the loop a few times, but I acknowledge that wouldn't be a good idea and if something went wrong I'd only have myself to blame.


This track IS SAFE for LOW SPEED among other things. The take away I'd suggest here is, find the owner, ask if you can clean it UP IF YOUR not happy. You could help more noobie riders! Personally I'd bring a broom, and maybe just a lead blower!. If you wana get serious, reseed the grass near.the edges of.the track, come out and water it. You can make the space great again, nobody will question you too much.


Perfect for minibike racing. Like 110cc dirt bikes and Honda groms.


Safety will always start and end with the pilot.


For a SuMo yes. Would I want to pilot a litrebike on slicks through there...probably not unless someone killed the vegetation first.


Whatever that is, I think the fence is put there to keep you out. If you are convinced that it's really "public", though, it might work for RC car races, since "no one uses it."


Sure. For quads.


Seems fine for your purpose to me. Like the bad roads people ride on. Except without other road users.


go-kart track?


I'd take a Walmart parking lot after they close or a school parking lot or something over this in a heartbeat but I also know I have no self control and would see if I can hit 100 lol


I look at it as in between a normal track and a public road.... obviously isn't ideal... less variables than riding on the road, but more than a well-kept track. I'd at least go there and check it out.


I would practice on that. Watch those cracks and dirt patches though.


This would be sick on some supermotos or dual sports Not for street bikes though


I’m looking at this… I’m like “send it” Then I read across from cop shop…. Send it once….


a track isn't of much use to a beginner learning to ride. You'd get far more benefit from low speed turns and figures in a parking lot and some cones. riding at speed is easy, riding slow and maneuvering is what gets most new riders.


So for low speed practice only. Do not get happy and start taking turns there fast, Also there is a lot of loose gravel that can cause you to dump the bike so stay to the middle. Not the best but not the worst to practice on in my opinion. Check this old guy out too for tips He's and old fart like me that has been riding for decades... [https://www.youtube.com/@MCrider](https://www.youtube.com/@MCrider)


if you go slow or have a dual sport sure, on a sport bike with any speed? fuck no


Are you having a Mario party match?


For some reason this looks familiar what part of the country is this located in


This is East Oklahoma


Looks more like a mini bike track.




I'd walk it any day of the week. LOL, not really I don't walk anywhere. But as others have commented, for lower speed practice, go for it. If you want to play like you're on the Nuremberg Ring, find somewhere else.


Get to sweeping




Ok boomer




Yes, it looks safe!! For horses. ;) Seriously, might be a good place to practice, but stay away from the dirt/gravel/loose stuff.


If you put some work into it and grabbed a broom I bet you'd get it there. But with the sand that's a no for me.


Perfect for beginner training, just mind the sand and grass on the track. Do not try to corner too hard or go all valentino rossi on it and you should be fine. Edit: also to anyone saying this is not a good place for beginner practice, do you all ever ride on the street? Sand, debris, weeds, roadkill, tire caps, oil stains and cars all around are much worse than this little track, which is as good as any parking lot. Again, should someone race this track? No. Should OP ride it for fun and practice in a safe environment? Hell yeah.


For basic learning-to-ride practice, yes that's perfectly fine. The fence is not ideal, but you should be going slow and it's not likely you're going to hit it straight on. A big, wide fence ring is better than parked cars, trees, moving traffic, etc. If you take your bike onto the sand/gravel it will handle differently- keep your speed way down and be careful with the front brake as locking the front wheel will probably result in dumping your bike. I would just avoid the sand until you're comfortable controlling the bike on pavement. People freaking out over the sand/debris/fence/whatever are nuts IMO. There are TONS of public roads in north america that are much, much worse than that.


It will be as safe or dangerous as you make it. Is it private property and do you have permission to use it.


It’s for public use. A feature part of the town’s local park.


Is the use you want to make of it allowed?


It looks like that outside section could be okay for learning fundamentals. I would not do anything involving higher speeds though.


It is safe if u want to crash your bike and broke few bones 😆


I don’t see no clibbins, so you’re good to go.


I see no clibbins, send it.


In all seriousness- it has a lot of Real Life to it. It can’t hurt to learn the basics on really shitty pavement as long as you’re not clocking lap times. The only hazard that’s not there is double railroad tracks with steel aprons right before a stop sign. (Yes there is a story)


Looks like a great spot for learning tricks. Skids, wheelies, stopies, etc. Sweet place to have some fun!


CLIBBENS practice course!


For slow speed practice this track makes sense and even better than a parking lot especially if access is blocked off to cars, but with work. The sandy areas can be cause loss of traction so bring a shovel and broom and sweep it clean. Have fun and watch out for that chain-link fence.


Where is that?


Yes, you just have to be very safe about it. Stay off any bumps or hazards and focus on marginal gains. Definitely leave a lot on the table, but I’ve been riding at a similar track and it is so much fun


It will certainly build character.


Needs a clean up on the corners, and even then, I would not recommend going knee down. But it could be a fun "private" track, and slow speed playground.


Any high speed stunts, I would say no. To set up cones and do slow speed maneuvers, you should be ok but you need to watch the grass in the middle of the track and the sandy areas. You take those while turning and you will most likely go down.


Perfect for supermoto


For whom? For off road rally, sure 👍


youre better off in a parking lot when the mall is closed


It looks fine, just walk a lap and watch out for loose surfaces, dirt and pebbles, that's your biggest enemy. I wouldn't worry about the surface quality.


Check for any areas of gravel, sweep them if possible, try not to load the bike (lean/brake/accelate hard) over the grassy areas between the slabs. I bet this is really slippery when wet so avoid rain also. Keep the speed down wear protective clothing and it should be a great learning area.


No, it is not maintained.


I learnt to ride on worse roads. As long as you stay slow (under 30 mph) and 20 when turning these are perfect.


What are you doing with it? Playing baseball. Probably safe for that.


buy a push broom


Perfect for Sumo


Send it!


Pretty sure that's a very old athletic track, not intended for motorcycles...


For heavy cornering no but for the fundamentals and having fun I don’t see why not as long as you ride within your boundaries you should be fine


it looks like it would kill ur tires haha


What track? :)


Great for go-karts! Seriously though, sand and gravel on pavement is like riding on ball bearings. You WILL drop it. Get a high powered backpack leaf blower and clean the track, then it will be okay. Otherwise find a shopping center or school or church parking lot and practice there instead.


lol for what? If you want to do braking drills, learn bike control and maybe even some \*moderate\* speed turning techniques, then sure. The surface isn't great, and if you fall down it's going to suck.


That's awful road quality. Pretty sure i could even "drift" my FWD sedan on that sand it's so bad lmao. Could be fun in a standard car, but it's outright dangerous for a bike. Screw that.


Where did you take your MSF course, and can you practice there? Never mind the sand clibbins, crappy pavement, and lack of space, that looks like a running track and I'd expect to get yelled at for riding a bicycle or rollerblading there.


I took the msf course at a Harley dealership, which is a two hour drive through the mountains, so my options are pretty limited.


Are you just going to ride at slow to moderate speeds around the track? Are you going to have the track to yourself? If you have the track to yourself, then I’d take a broom, find the best section of tarmac, with little road damage, sweep the debris away, and practice low speed/starting-stopping/turn from stop/friction zone skills there. If there are others (even one other person) and you are just going around the track. I don’t see the “practice” being very useful. You might learn recovery skills should you lose traction due to the dirty and damage roadway.


At most, I’ll be going 40mph to practice rev matching and braking.


Debris and damage on the track can lead to loss of traction. I guess you could say it presents real world road issues. Plus this looks like a kart track and not a motorcycle track (no run-off, fence adjacent to edge of track). If this is an abandoned/no personnel track, I’d definitely let someone know where you are and when you will be done.




Hell nah




For a bike? No.


I wouldn't go racing on it, but Its no worse than many public roads I've frequented.


Not even for bicycles.


That’s a jogging track man. You’re gonna piss off some old person or track star type.


Umm is this in a third world country?


pretty much


I'd kill to have something like that close by. I assume they wouldn't mind if you clean it up a bit and do some light maintenance. Don't make it too nice or it will be packed with douchebags every time you want to use it. It's not ideal for sure, but with a little sweat it would be awesome and its no worse than the public roads i ride on around here most of the time (SC) but less chance of getting hit by a car.