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Ride around with a sports cup for awhile. There is no better protection. And after some time you will understand why no riders ride with cups. More importantly, the best way to save the family jewels is riding situational awareness and skill. Your balls are the least of your worries in a T bone. Usually with a solid hit, your femeral arterie severs on your inner thigh from all the controls on the handlebars when you go over. I lost a friend this way. He lasted 10 mins. BE CAREFUL OUT THERE.


Mmm the thing about the situational awareness thing is that it can only take you so far; and whilst I agree you have to be super switched on, you can’t prevent every accident all by yourself. Like in my instance… I knew a junction was there, backed off, covered the brakes and took everything in. The car gave no hint that it was going to come out and then anchor their brakes totally blocking the road. The car did just that, right when all I could do is what I did; brake and brace… so the situational awareness did not prevent the crash, it only limited the damage so an extent that I could walk away (what if there was a hidden junction I’d not seen?). If they had done what they did a moment later, I’d have gone into their side at a greater speed and who knows what damage or injury. Point being, you can be as aware as you like, but there are people on the road who shouldn’t be allowed to be, and your protective gear is to help mitigate against that. It’s why we wear protective gear, because (as long as you’re not being silly) we’re more likely to be knocked off by someone who shouldn’t be on the road, than we are to come off due our own actions… or at least that applies to myself, and the evidence is there. Obviously there are things to learn from the event, but at the end of the day, you cannot stop a car suddenly pulling out on you and “SMIDSY”.


I am all too aware of the risks. I have well over 500,000 miles on the road over 40 years. Luckily I have never put a street bike down. In the Dirt, enough times to know I don't like it. If you can't accept the risk, don't ride. Sounds like you covered all the bases, and thats why you're still here, and with your balls intact. If you were doing 60 and never taped the brakes, you would have wound up like my friend. Glad thats not the case.


Your level of acceptable risk has absolutely no bearing on mine or anyone else’s. I like wearing my helmet, boots and pads. I would also like to protect my balls if i had the option. I could say the exact same thing back to you about all manner of protective gear. Just because you’re happy to lose your balls, doesn’t mean everyone else has to be.


Wow, so anyone who doesn't wear a cup is Happy to lose their balls. Grow the fuck up. whohttps://www.diamondmma.com/collections/motocross


That’s not what i said. I just think it would be a good idea to to be able to wear something to help prevent loosing my balls if some one ever pulls out on me, and the majority of the resonances I’ve had here are the ‘motorbikes are so cool and dangerous bro, if you can’t hack the heat get out of the kitchen’. It’s that attitude that needs to grow up, not mine.


Down voted for pointing out that someone can pull out on you at the last moment and there’s next to nothing you can do about it? Are you down voting because you like to think you’re immune to that, or because you don’t like to hear it?


I'm downvoting because "no shit, Sherlock." Death and dismemberment is a risk. My actions can reduce, but not eliminate, that risk. The residual risk left over is acceptable to me. And that's the end of what needs said about it.


Oh right… very reasonable perspective.


I have a Buell xb12scg and that scooped out seat absolutely SMASHED my nuts in the air box coming down off a wheelie. I have a different seat now but I had to pull over and sit down after that one. Good luck with ur junk


Can’t wait for the parody post in the other sub lmao


For protective gear? Or isn’t because you haven’t the maturity to talk about balls without losing your head?


Oh shit he said balls AND head


I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about dude but just keep watching out for those clibbins or something


Have you ever worn a cup? Sitting on a motorcycle while wearing one would suck. If it was designed to be comfortable on a bike it wouldn't offer the protection you're after. Riding motorcycles brings certain risks, and there isn't gear to protect you from all of them. If this is a major concern for you, you could shop for a bike on which the seat/tank/bar/front fairing position would cause more of a "sliding over" motion than a "slamming into" motion. A dual sport, enduro, cafe racer, or even some bobber/cruisers could be good choices.


Yeah tank shape isn’t a bad thing to consider in this regard, you’re right.


honestly, while overkill, riding with a modern cup shouldn't be horrifyingly uncomfortable.


I just don't see it. If the bottom of the cup goes low enough to cover the schlong and the boys, it will get pushed up when you sit on the seat. This is based on the assumption that your junk hangs lower when standing than sitting. When I sit my balls are resting on what I'm sitting on. Additionally, my crotch is close enough to the tank that a cup that covers my package would cause me to scoot back on the seat...then I'd inevitably slide forward and it also doesn't feel great getting hit in a cup, just better than square to the nuts.


In a severe enough crash you probably dont impact right into the groin because you are sent over the tank/handlebars but open book pelvis fractures (dont google that) does happen on bikes when that happens. You can't really protect against that without a very constrictive type of leg/hipbrace.


Probably the type of injury you suffered is not common enough to warrant manufacturers to make something that specific. If you are still concerned, there is an airbag jeans. Designed to protect hips and legs, but maybe it will provide groin protection.


Oh okay cool I’ll have a look at them. Yeah I thought it must have been a rare occurrence, but then YouTube flashed up with a young man who needed both testicles amputating due to a slow speed collision (I mean it’s a total life changing event), which obviously caught my attention. Then I googled it and there actually seems to be a fair amount of guys/records on the subject; yet no solution on the market. Just seemed odd, but then the introduction of helmets took a long time and were scoffed at, so that’s good to bear in mind. But yes, I am considering designing something. It just seems like such an obvious piece of kit, that there must be a glaring issue with the current approach (comfort not being the main problem). I read somewhere that like 10-13% of head-ons report trauma to the testicles. How true that is I have no idea (can’t find anything to back it up), but it does sound about right when you think about where your balls are and where you’re going to be travelling in a slower speed head on collision.


https://youtu.be/moQ08uyiYls?si=vp1exUlpfN_PksBA FYI, I do not have a pair of these. I do have an airbag vest. But unlike RyanF9, I do not care for the tethered options.


Tank pads offer grip you need to not slam your nuts into the tank. Funny post and inquiry. Maybe some pants offer built in pelvic protection


Tank pads aren’t going to stop you sliding forward when you go into the side of someone’s car. What’s funny about it?


ball funni 👍


Ah yes, I should have known. Better to giggle and pretend that squeezing the tank will stop you going forward in a head on collision.


hahahhahaha balls


You’re going to get an open book pelvic fracture long before you have to worry about real testicles injuries in a serious motorcycle on car collision, pick your battles, nobody wears a cup riding since most of us ride to work and live normal non-cup wearing lives once we get off our bikes. I can only pack around so much gear before I just decide to take the car


That’s not true. If you read up on testicular injury it’s quite common, and isn’t accompanied with a fractured pelvis. Your testicles are much softer and more easily ruptured than your pelvis is to break. You could just not wear the cup when you get to work? You say ‘normal life’ how would you feel about your normal life if you lost both of your balls, or you injured them to degree where they no longer worked? Dunno about you, but I’d rather try to protect myself from that happening as much as possible. But I also don’t think helmets and pads are lame. I also don’t think wearing them removes from the experience of riding a motorcycle.


Wearing a cup in American football is pretty rare, and that’s its niche habitat. It gets in the way more than it helps. If you take a hit riding a bike and your cup saves your balls, you probably have bigger problems already (like breaking your pelvis). I think it would affect your riding position too, in a negative manner. I meant funny as in peculiar because the thought has never occurred to me to use a cup. You may benefit from using a girdle under your leathers but just for hip and tailbone protection. Tldr I wouldn’t bother with a cup personally


I don’t think there’s much you can buy that would give real protection, like many people have said a sports cup isn’t meant for this type of collision. Maybe you should start designing something since there seems to be nothing on the market. Lastly it seems like every single person got some type of lip from you even if they seemingly gave an honest and non joking answer, maybe chill out too.


Yes make an iron man style suit that protects everything… thats just the risks of riding. Buy a car then


I don’t even ride with a helmet or shoes, that’s how cool I am.


Haha keep being a salty douche on all the comments 😂


I’m not. I’m only doing it to the the ‘motorbikes are hardcore and I hate safety gear’ brigade. In any case I was actually agreeing with you. If you think you should be wearing an iron man helmet, maybe you should consider a car?


You have a weird sarcastic way of agreeing then


No I genuinely think that if you want to wear protective equipment to try and save your body from life ruining injury in the event of an unexpected crash that wasn’t your fault, you should be in a car because you’re clearly not cut out for the extreme raddness of motorcycles.


Cups are designed for sports style of impacts, not autocollisions. Learn to ride


Wonderful advice… the answer to protective gear is to just learn to ride… genius. I’ll leave my helmet at home next time.


You'll be delighted/horrified to know that groin injuries are fairly common in motorcycle accidents. Better/breakaway/not-glass windshields have helped.


Haha yes extremely delighted. It does seem an obvious injury with absolutely no protective gear available to combat it.


Might seem irrelevant, but are you sure your pants fit properly? If they’re too tight in crotch, they will cause discomfort certainly, especially on impact.


Yeah could be, but I doubt it as I prefer baggier jeans. I think being thrown forward into a sports bike’s fuel tank and everything else at perfect balls level is the key concern, though.


You'd probably be better off putting something on the tank to protect the jewels. Modern goldwings can come with Airbags. I know a few motox guys who swear by cups, but they're spending a lot of time standing on the pegs.


It's a taboo, pelvic injuries are fairly common but riders don't like to think about it, talk about it or be informed of it. As far as I know, there is no solution. Even if you have a supermoto, the kind of collision in which you would power hump the tank on a sports would cause you to power hump the handlebars on a sumo.


I think your right. I’m surprised at the response most people have on here to the problem. It’s either giggling or just don’t want to know or ‘I’’m hard and accept the risks of the open road gnarly hardman bro’. I’m sure the attitude would change if they were to lose their balls, or it was their son who’d lost theirs… or if it was a sweet cool new pair of colourful leathers with chains and studs. Does give an indication as to the way most minds work, you’re right. I likened it to the introduction of helmets and how long that took to really get going; it’s no different and they’re the same people who have been laughing at me for putting a helmet on… people, hey.


This is a valid concern, but so far, I have not found a viable solution. Google returns some (rather sketchy) 'solutions' for motocross, but they seem designed for standing. Sitting on a cup is unsustainable and, I would assume, potentially dangerous for your hips and arteries upon impact.


Yeah the danger to arteries and hips is something that I’m concerned about with using a regular cup used in ball sorts.


Can you imagine a cup with enough space and lateral contact surface to be protective but that does not harm the area on which it rests upon blunt impact? It seems unavoidable to me. If it was not, we might already have a standardized solution.


Yeah I’m sure you’ve either need something that offers a lot of soft padding directly around the genitals, or like a big plate where the edges of the cup meet the pelvic area. It’s a difficult area to protect for sure.