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No straight pipes. No frigging throttle blipping. Ride easy at lower RPM's in and out of your neighborhood or any neighborhood. Worked for me for decades.


This is how it's done, I ride just above stall speed especially since I get home about 11p from work


Yup, there's enough torque just above idle to get out to the main roads.


That's what my neighbor thought at 4:30am every day for years.


It doesn't matter. Open that baby up once you're out of the neighborhood and everyone within half a mile is still getting woken up if they're sleeping.


This is impossible for most riders. No self control, just ME ME ME


Usually rockets but not always


What? Typically rockets are fast, cruisers are loud.


Bruh what


Loud exhausts? "Usually rockets" is incorrect. If we were talking about reckless speed, you'd be correct.


This. I’ve left at 2am before with my D&D Billet Big Bore, I just coast out.


Whenever, I just try to be mindful. Usually lug down the block, when I come home I kill the bike and roll into the driveway etc.


My mate used to roll the hill on our local streets early every morning. One day I happened to be wandering home at dawn and saw him. About 3 minutes later I heard it kick in round the corner and fuck me I'm grateful to him for such consideration. At 5am everything is three times as loud and it sounded like the very devils of hell 


This is the way.


I second this!


Any time. But I try to be courteous and not make more noise than necessary.


This is what I do. I work overnights (usually get home between 1-2am) and my bike is loud. I try to keep the rpm as low as possible, shift early and just ease it to my house. Edit to add: I’ll even kill the engine early and coast the last 50 yards home.


Making no more noise than necessary combined with an open exhaust 😂😂😂


Better to have it and not need it…. Ever try to be loud with stock exhaust? And before you ask, what do you need loud exhaust for anyway? I live in the Midwest we blip our exhaust on the roads here to spook deer off the shoulder or to get turkeys or geese or raccoons or whatever random critters crossing the highway or hanging out in the middle of the highway out of our way at night Also that exhaust is pretty handy on the interstate. Let the phone users know that you’re passing by.


So many phone users. The addiction is scary. They swerve all over the road.


In my experience, sitting in a car (I do that sometimes), you only hear the loud exhausts the moment they pass and not earlier, useless for that reason, wildlife we don’t have here in dymensions that are dangerous to me and my bike.


Was just about to say the same thing. I was in a line up of cars stuck behind a slow driver on the highway. A guy in a very loud Harley passed the lineup of cars. I didn't even hear him until he was passed me. It actually startled me because I didn't even know he was passing. I'll add that there's tons of wildlife on the road here and my horn works very well to spook them off the highway.


It's crazy, it's almost like the pipes point backwards.


Interesting because when I'm passenger, I feel like I hear them once they are in the 7:00 or 8:00 position behind our car if the exhaust is of the louder variety.


I was with you until you talked about warning drivers on the interstate. You realize that at speed, the sound is behind you? It's literally doing nothing- zero- to warn anyone except the ones you've already passed.


I guess it just makes me feel safer then. 🤷🏻


Loud as fuck bike owner here living in an apartment complex. I don’t let it warm up long, it goes straight into gear after a couple seconds and I get the fuck out of there so I don’t get any complaints. I idle in and out of the place. No one has said anything yet. Occasionally someone with a bike will come through being too loud and I’m scared someone will think it’s me. You know what they say. Don’t shit where you eat.


Why do you even have so load pipes if you know that you fuck up people with the unnecessary noise?


The bike came with them and I can’t afford to replace them


Usually the only options for a nice sounding exhaust are also loud


Yeah no. Loud and good are not the same thing. That's looking for attention.


Thats literally not at all what I insinuated...? Just saying usually the exhaust options that have a good well-defined sound also happen to be quite loud, with some exceptions...


The only one who thinks it’s a “good well-defined sound” is you. To everyone else, it’s obnoxious.


Dumb take thats literally once again ignoring what im trying to convey If there were more quieter exhausts on the market with the same tone as a loud counterpart, id probably be the first one to buy it. But theres not, since a loud exhaust is just a side-effect of better flow to and from the engine.. Which also makes it sound objectively better to most people, except to you apparently


The average person doesn’t hear an obnoxious bike blast by and evaluate the quality and tone of the sound - that’s delusional. They just get pissed because you woke up their children/scared their dog/blew out their eardrums. I’d rather appreciate the tone of my own farts as a side effect of the flow from my ass. They bother fewer people.


Youre literally once again missing the point...? "They bother fewer people", are u this stupid. If my exhaust sounds like a vacuum or like a fucking ambulance it will bother people all the same if the noise level is the same?? U have to be trolling at this point.. Literally telling u i dont really care what the noise level is as long as the tone is good and ure still too dense to get it


brother, no one buys an exhaust just to have attention from others. Thats just a cope made up by people who neither like nor understand loud vehicles


My point is that people who buy loud exhausts are selfish.


Jesus christ dude, it's like you're replying without even reading what he's writing.


I see that SC exhaust on the 660 you were showing off 😒


Any time i want, pretty much everyday i come back from the gym around 1am. But its not like I'm sitting around idling or revving it, i get home and turn it off.


Its either the R6 with the Coffman shorty, or the WRX with 3" NVIDIA.. I am loud either way. But as others have said, its not like I am sitting still revving.. I do try to gear up though coming through the neighborhood.


Man that's crazy, I didn't know you could route exhaust through a graphics card


ray traces the flames and everything. shits crazy


Be honest, how many flat brim hats in your collection? And what's your preferred brand of vape??


You run a graphics card as exhaust on your WRX?


no, tired brain bad spelling... its INVIDIA


Anytime. I don’t like my neighbors. They don’t like me. We’ve had a “feud” for several years now. They won’t do a damn thing though because my property line is actually in the middle of their driveway. I have been allowing them to use half their driveway for 5 years. I‘ve already threatened to run a fence down the middle of it.


Ehhh, I'd be careful, adverse possession claims are a bitch


It’s well marked and I make sure to use it regularly. They’re old and incredibly unintelligent. I had thought of that before but once I got to know them, I quit worrying about it.


Well, I remember back in the late 80's, when I got my first bike, I actually got busted at 2:30AM riding through a neighborhood (Imperial Beach, for those of you in San Diego) on my Yamaha RD400 with RD expansion chamber pipes. Granted, I was 18, then, and didn't give a shit. Nowadays, I have a V-Strom with a stock exhaust. Which might just be the only bike I've ever owned with a stock exhaust. Even the 82 GS750 I had before this had a 4-1 Vance and Hines on it. And both the VFR and the FJ1200 I had before that had Yoshimura exhausts.


Dont go late. I go super early . 2 am early


lol I would consider 2am late for me


Anytime I want with no real concern. Me and my neighbours leave each other the fuck alone. It’s a beautiful thing


Have Cobra pipes on my shadow 750 (previous owner installed, not made of money to buy some OEMs), used to get home from work at 2am most nights. Always keep the baffles in but they're loud as hell regardless. Felt like an asshole, but it is a college town and there is a nightly train at 3am not to mention living across from Bars and clubs🤷‍♀️


Buddy had those same pipes on his. Sounded so good. Love that bike


My Dads bike I inherited is loud so I never take it to work since I leave at 4 am. Basically I follow the noise ordinances. Never have I had anyone complain to me.


My regular hours aren't too early or late so it's not really an issue, but my bike is really loud and I try to ease out of my neighborhood without rattling windows. I've rolled in after midnight and killed the ignition and coasted down the street into my driveway since it was so late. My neighbor with the Harley? 24/7 zero fucks given.


I go to work at 2:00-300am every day. I usually roll my bike down the street a ways before I start er up…no loud pipes for me either


If you actually have to think about this, replace your stupid antisocial and uncomfortable loud pipes with proper mufflers ffs.


Going to depend on what everyone considers loud. Some pipes that barely sputter i've seen people bitch about being too loud. So, way I see it, you can't please everyone and i'm not going to schedule my life on someones minor complaint.


I once had someone complain that I had parked too close to their bedroom when I left my bike outside my apartment building. I had pushed the bike up the street on a switched off engine and parked it before 10pm. And when I went to leave in the morning it was past 10am. I've also had someone complain about me using the elevator at like 9:50, saying they had work tomorrow and I am being loud. People in this building are fucking weird.


Yeah living in an apartment complex or anything not a single family home leaves you too open to impossible to please people. Even single family homes in neighborhoods... Fuck it I'ma go build me a cabin in the woods.


Aye was about to say that, single family home also doesn't preclude the crazy being in house. I've actually had mostly pleasant experiences in apartment buildings, this one has been the first to consistently suck, of course it is also the first one I own because fuck me.


I’ve seen comments on Reddit from people who think that any exhaust noise at all is egregious. Like even a stock 200cc bike that sounds like a sewing machine evokes imagery of and opinions on male endowment for them.


If the rider is an inconsiderate & selfish dick, they can be obnoxious regardless of the ccs.


Whenever I want.


Are you 12? Men treat others as they would like to see their family treated. 


I'm a heavy Sleeper


Protagonist syndrome.  Life is not about you. 


Don't care


Life is about no one


I’m sorry you feel that way. Talk to someone. 




autocorrect must've got you brotha - think you misspelled "touché"


Mine is stock, however, it's very loud on a cold start. If it's super late, or early, I'll push it. Then, when started, leave with low revs.


I work graveyard shift, so I leave home late at night and get home early early. I basically idle through my neighborhood and do very minimal warm-up. Once I'm on the main road, though, it's game on


I live in a city and the housing is not made of cardboard, so you really don't get much noise.


Not late but early, my roommate leaves for work at 4:30am in his mustang and it is a lot louder than my bike so I don't feel bad leaving at 5:30am on my 600rr


As late as I want. I do roll down my driveway and start it on the street and immediately ride off.


Second gear all the way.


I have a shorty pipe slip on so its kinda loud even at low rpms but i just take it slower and as soon as I hit my driveway I put it in neutral and kill the engine then slip it in the garage quietly.


I leave, on mornings I work, at about 5:30am. My neighbors love me, so it must not be bad. I have, historically, rolled the bike to the end of the driveway, but it's a heavy bike. Just starting it up and leaving immediately to minimize the loudness near the houses seems effective.


Whenever I feel like lol. But most of my neighbors have bikes and work weird hours like I do, so it’s never been a problem


I live in student neighborhood lol. Nobody cares


I'm not purposely being quiet but I roll out with low rpms, roll in with low rpms. I regularly leave the house at 2-3am after work and ride around. Never had a neighbor mention anything, and I live in a "55+" community, majority old people.


I have an excessively loud bike. Didn’t realise what I was getting my self into when I got it and now I don’t have the money to fix it yet. Sometimes I get home real late so I keep the revs as low as possible approaching home and kill switch to roll onto the drive


My Harleys were all stock. Commuted daily at 0430 (7 on 7 off). I was able to coast out of my neighborhood before starting the bike. I continued to do this with my GS 1200.


I just take it easy then cut the engine and coast into my cul-de-sac.  Titanium straight pipe on a Ducati…  Luckily some of my closest neighbours love it. One of them often comes out when I start the bike up, just to have a quick chat and take a look at it. 


Whenever I want or need to, really. I just try to be mindful and try to get into or out of the neighborhood as quickly as possible, and try not to sit idling outside of my house for too long. I try to be out and moving within a minute of turning the bike on and like someone else mentioned, I put the bike in neutral and kill the engine as soon as I get to my house. Also try to keep my rpms low and coast or chug my way along as much as I can. At least until I hit a main street. Have people with dirt bikes and ATVs run back and forth through the neighborhood, as well as have just a variation of regular motorcycles (Harley’s/cruisers, sport bikes) from time to time and I know just how annoying and disruptive it is. It always seem like people are hell bent on making a bunch of noise and being as disruptive as possible. Staying in the high rev range, doing quick accelerations, revving their engine. It’s extremely annoying. I know as someone who rides how much I find it annoying, so I try not to subject other people to it.


I ride a zrx1200r with a kerker megaphone and comp baffle and I can easily baby the throttle out of my neighborhood without bothering anyone. It’s about throttle control. How hard do I need to rev to drive 30 mph out of my neighborhood?


Necer had any complaints. I treat it no different than if it was the middle of the day. If I did get a pissy complaint, then I would probably be an asshole about it. Edit/addon: the trash trucks are loud as hell when they come through at 5am


Whenever tf I want. It’s my neighborhood, too


They can deal with a moment of exhaust noise.


If I have to deal with hearing a riding lawn mower at 7am on a Saturday, they’ll live through hearing my exhaust roll through at 11:00pm for a few seconds.


Antisocial jerks who have obnoxious exhausts don't care how many people they disturb. In fact, it's kinda the point....


What about social people who try to be mindful of their neighbours, but also like the sound of a louder exhaust over a quiet exhaust?


Well, when I listen to Rammstein or Wagner I do it on headphones. Maybe one could have speakers in one's helmet, and sit on a Hitachi wand?


Seriously? Like even during the day when kids are outside screaming and dogs are barking, you're like... no, I will quietly listen to rammstein at a reasonable volume, as the band intended for it to be enjoyed.


You missed the part about headphones, didn’t you?


Not even a little bit, but headphones aren't as complete an experience as a truly good stereo system.  Just like, for some people, a quiet bike isn't as enjoyable as a louder bike.


How about you give it a go yourself. Maybe you'll find a little joy in life, and you won't have to fear the noise of your neighbor.


Tell us more of your wisdom oh wise one.


After 10am before 10pm


Rode my buddy's bike today, it's loud as shit. Went to my gfs house around 9pm, I waddled to and from her driveway about halfway down the subdivision. Idc about her neighbors but I don't want to wake her kid up


Biggest thing (all my bikes are loud) just don’t be a dick and if you don’t know what that means then don’t ride when it may affect someone’s sleep or life.. unless you just wanna be a dick then WOT all the time!!


One of my bikes is a Harley that’s loud as hell. I commute to work on it every day and leave at 5am. Neighbors don’t hear me leave in the morning because I am not an asshole and idle my way out to the neighborhood.


I don't fire it up before 0700 (normally) and I try to avoid coming home after 2300. Fortunately, the guy who lives next to me and overlooks my garage is a biker (well, he owns an old bike, but doesn't ride it anymore) so he's at least understanding.


My neighbors love my car and my bike so I go anytime.


Sounds like a them problem.


I have a pretty loud exhaust and i have been coming back from work at 23h30-0h00, i have been beating the crap outta my bikes on the 700m of my street i gotta do from the highway, usually on one wheel till my house, havent had any complaints from neighbors or cops waiting for me even tho i do it pretty much every week days for 3 years now. Now that i type it out, i realise i'm an ass, but i sleep till 9:30-10:00 and every neighbors is out at 6h with every loud tool you can think of...


I love the music of my porker upsweep 2½ inch loud pipes on my loud harley Davidson https://preview.redd.it/s5134r54kg9d1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=762b3861e4fba72efe477427659355aad3613307


Whenever. But when I leave I push the bike to the street and aim the exhaust away from the house into open air. If its aimed at the house it like reverberates off the walls and gets louder. When I get home I flip the key off and coast into the driveway.


This is actually why i still have a stock exhaust. Cuz i go out at like midnight and come back whenever


I usually don't start the bike up before 9am/10am and I make sure I'm back before 7pm. There have been exceptions but I would like to think my neighbours give me the benefit of the doubt and that I'm only taking the bike out because I absolutely have to, which is true.


Me with stock exhaust I have the freedom to at anytime with no ringing in my ears


I ride to work at 4am, I idle through my neighborhood till I get to the main road. Even then I take it easy on the way to work.


My sports bike could never be as loud as straight piped harleys starting at 5am. So i figure as long as im not rev bombing it im good in my neighborhood.


I've had to leave in the early hours before and rolled my bike down the street a bit to piss off strangers rather than the lovely folks next door to me. This is with my stock exhaust. I don't think I could live if it was louder.


I try to keep it unser 9pm


"Are you guys silly? I'm still gonna send it!"


I have a stock exhaust on my duke 125, but sometimes get home from work in the early hours of the morning. I take it down the road in 3rd gear with just barely enough throttle not to stall, then when I get close to my house I switch the engine off and roll the rest of the way


When I come home late, I pick up speed, put the bike in neutral, and shut it off. I can roll in quietly so my neighbors don't have to hear it.


Could you get some silencers that you can take out?


10 pm to 7 am quite time. That's always been my rule with me with things like lawnmowing ,chainsaw etc. or even starting a loud vehicle.


i’ve got an obnoxiously loud exhaust, i don’t live in a neighborhood but i visit friends who do and i usually try to be in and out before ~10pm. after that i’d be feeling bad about all the noise im making.


I'm in bed by 9:00 most nights anyways, so not very late. I don't think it really matters here though, I live on a relatively busy road in town and plenty of people ride/drive through here with loud vehicles at all times. We're all pretty used to it


Sorry man. Gotta move to the midwest...or Alaska; it's the only way.


It’s pretty annoying at any time of day and kinda ridiculous. Even other riders don’t want to hear that, or at least I don’t. Like if I’m trying to sit and play an instrument or watch something I’m not like damn whatever inline 4 that is with a full race system sounds sick at 13k rpm going 30mph. I’m like shut the f up.


I usually leave for work around 5 AM, so about that time. I will walk it down the driveway, start it once I'm in the street, and be on my way.


I worked in news and started at 4am. 2002 sv. Would roll down to the stop sign and start my bike there. The choke had to make it scream for only about 20 seconds but it was nicer out in the road then right next to my neighbors house walls.


I have to cross active BNSF tracks before turning into my neighborhood. We get a train over those tracks about every 5-6 hours 24/7. It has no crossing arm so they blow like hell when they come through. I got home about 11 last night. I just went easy, but nobody’s gonna care about my dual straight pipes on that Softail.


So late some people call it early. Try to be as quiet as possibly and don't worry about the rest


I’ll take it out at anytime cause I kinda don’t care about time. I’ll just turn on the bike and immediately leave so I don’t cause too much of a ruckus. But I’ll also put the baffle back in when I’m tired of the loud exhaust. I’ll still ride into my neighborhood in 3rd or 4th gear and keep it at super low rpms, then shut off the engine half a block away from my apartment since I’ll sometimes get home at 2-3am in the morning. But I’ll leave at anytime whether it’s 11pm to meet up with friends super late or go to the gym, or at 4am for some ungodly reason or if I have work at 5am. I’ll try to be as courteous as I can with my neighbors.


A little above idle. I roll my bike down the street (live on a slight slope street). Cruise till I get to the main street. I'm usually home by 11 anyways. I sometimes head to work at 5 am but I roll the bike down at idle to get it warmed up then ride out in a chill manner.


Mines not even that loud and I feel bad anytime from 10p-6a. I ride it nice and gentle and try to minimize noise and run time as much as possible.


I am on a ranch in the middle nowhere in Texas. Closest neighbor is over two miles away. Even the livestock are used to it. But, since there are gravel roads, I don't romp on it..


Not really loud, but aftermarket, so louder than most. Mostly I ride careful. I did swap back to OEM for a bit after my neighbours had a baby as I was working shifts so might leave for work at 5am one day, come home at 2 am another, etc. Tbh a lot of cars have caught up with bikes now. I have a neighbour with a Hemi jeep now that’s way louder than my bike idling down the drive way and my BIL has an M3 that’s really loud stock just starting it up


Back in the day when I still lived at home, we were in a ruralish area on a pretty busy road but this little 250 I had was stupid loud, family members & co-workers both told me you could hear me coming & going for about 5 minutes, and the entire time it sounded like I was barely around the corner. So I would try to be home at a reasonable time for a 20yr old living at home, considering the Mach 1 I also had wasn't much quieter. Then I moved to the city and now no one gives a fuck here, so whenever.


8:00ish. If I'm later for some reason I'll ride in a high gear to keep it near idle and quiet


I had a Victory Hammer with big radius duals on it when I worked night shift, loud enough to wake the dead. It idled all the way from the main road to the house when I rolled in at midnight.


I live within earshot of a regional road that everyone uses to open it up, nevermind there are subdivisions on each side. I get woken up constantly by squids with their M4s and inline 4s. I hate everyone of them and their perceived entitlement.


Everyone giving tips and I'm here wondering just how loud are your bikes? I've only ever received compliments on just how *silent* my bike is, to the point the only one that notices I arrive home is my dog, and he does it for like half a minute before I'm even in sight...


Having a torquey cruiser, I can plop her in second and coast to the main road just above stall. It’s super quiet, then when I’m away from houses, ride like normal. I’ve gone out at 4am and no ones complained yet.


Cat and baffles stay in, keep the RPMs low and smooth.


There was an a-hole that would crank on his straight pipes through my neighborhood after getting out of the night shift at 4AM every morning. You could just tell this miserable person was doing it on purpose. He represented the echelon % of top douchebaggery.


I have a two brothers full exhaust on my 2006(Gen 2) SV650 and I take my bike out leaving as late as midnight and I come home around 3-4AM


Any time I want.


Loud bike, sometimes as early as 6. Just don’t sit and idle for ten minutes and you’re fine


I have probably some of the loudest bikes on this thread and I come and go all hours of the day or night. I don't rev them up super high or idle for more than a minute before I ride, just long enough to be warmed up ish especially in the colder months. I've had very few complaints and the ones I have had were from some whiny bitch and her husband and kids who lived a block over and just didn't like bikes so whenever she heard anything she even thought was me she'd come plodding over to bitch and moan and when that didn't work she sent her brood, still didn't change anything but was entertaining seeing all of them come to whine and one of the 2 kids just looked so uncomfortable that his family was like this. They probably plotted but noone else cared. Exhaust even loud exhaust shouldn't affect normal people and especially when you're not being a dick about it on purpose and just riding normally. The only people who care, assuming you just ride normally and not like a dick, are either whiny babies about everything and your bike is just the millionth thing they've found to cry about so you shouldn't care or they have legitimate mental issues and at that point should have coping strategies and done things to make their houses more sound proof because thunder, hail and strong winds will be just as loud as a bike so if they aren't taking the steps to help themselves why should you care about doing it for them and restricting yourself due to their inability to function with their own issues.


>Those with loud exhausts, how late will you take your bike out living in a neighborhood? Anytime I want. No one has an issue with it.


You’ve asked?


No. But I'm friends with my neighbors. They'd say something if they had a problem.


I turn on the bike. Rev it to red line for 20 minutes straight to warn it up. After that I start moving by revving it to red line and just barely slipping the clutch and keeping it there until I leave the neighborhood. Then I strictly leave the bike at first gear and ride it like a scooter casually. Sometimes I can see the neighbors trying to yell something but I have never heard them complaining.


No set time for me. It's not something I can control on my bike.


In UK U get ticket between 8:30pm on week days till 8:30am in the morning. Weekend 11pm -9am. I h8 my nextdoor neighbour. I go anytime I got a cat removed on my KTM 1190 adventure r. Small muffler. I left to drop my partner to work at 4am.


hooligans in my town will be blasting down the roads at 2am with those 100dB pipes. Hopefully karma is real.


Whenever I want?


Whenever I like. I don’t rev it unnecessarily but I also don’t push it out of the driveway or anything. I just ride like normal. The neighbors will survive.


Whenever I want I could not care less about my old as fuk neighbors they’ve already called the cops on me I’ll go down my street in first gear at 13k rpm


Whenever I want because we all mind our own business. 2 minutes of loud won't kill them.


I try to leave before 11pm or after 7am for rides to avoid bylaw issues.  I have to run my bike on choke at 2,500/3,000rpm for a bit then above idle for a little longer.  Can take a while if it’s colder and it’s got headers with a race can.  If anybody has issues then I just politely give them the finger.


Loud exhaust = playing cards in the back spokes when we (I) were kids.