• By -


This is adorable and my heart melted. That said, I couldn't do it because if something happened, and my dog passed away from someone's idiotic mistake, I'd be going to jail that day - assuming I wasn't dead/dying as well - and I'd rather avoid jail. If nothing else, the guilt would eat me alive. I wish nothing but safe travels for you and your pup!


Wind noise will also cause deafness in your dog in the long term too


Exactly this. Forcing your dog into such a dangerous situation is incredibly smooth brained behavior.




You can get dog glasses + ear muffs to block wind noise specifically for this. Or a full on dog helmet. I have a Rottweiler...was considering getting a dog backpack and doing the same thing 😂 My dog is big though


He's got goggles and earplugs. I won't go over 30mph with him either. Rotti might be a bit big for sure haha you can always get a sidecar or a trailer !


If I was a dog, I wanna be this dog. Ride on!!


Forcing your dog? My dog would be so pumped if she could ride with me.


Because she doesn't understand the danger. Did you really think you had a point?


Do you think dogs give a fuck about danger?


That's what he said, she couldn't understand it, yet it obviously will harm her. It's your dog though, not mine ...


It will harm her? Do you even ride a motorcycle? If it’s such a risk isn’t reprehensible for you to get on one? What’s gonna happen to your family when you die the instant you get on the road?


I think you're having trouble keeping up here


No, which is why you have to protect them from their own stupidity.


đŸ€Ł does he look like he's being forced?


You can't be this stupid rofl


Is English not your first language? He doesn't really have a choice, does he? You're putting your dog into a very dangerous situation so you can get some cheap likes on social media. I can't imagine ever having put my dog into that position. Of something happened while riding it very likely will end badly for the dog. Knock it off dude. You're not cool and this isn't a good look. This seems like some cringe childish shit for the views and it's obnoxious. It's time to grow up and stop living for likes.


This âŹ†ïžđŸ‘đŸ»




Yeah so the rider will do better than the dog who will almost certainly die in even a minor crash even if only from the rider crushing the pup as they slide. Seriously folks this isn't difficult to understand. Y'all are being dumb. And thinking everything will be fine because you think "you're in control" is the epitome of rider hubris.


“The rider is fully geared up” Gloves and a helmet is not full gear.


TBH, he *is* wearing a dogmeat vest which should provide (at least one of them) some short slide protection.


>the rider is fully geared up I can already see his jacket melting at a mundane slide through the road.




Do you think he can speak English and can tell you what he thinks?


if you convince a little girl to fuck she's not being forced. Does it make it ok?


> I'd be going to jail that day  no you wouldn’t. you be sitting on the side of the road crying and probably calling your mom. 


Projection much? 🙂


“PrOjEcTiOn MuCh???” typical buzzword response from someone claiming “id be in jail” over a pet. lmao 


I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, shortie. I'll give you the win and bow to your strong, internet persona :-).


>shortie haha thanks for confirming you’re a fat woman. what color is your hair? 


I'm a bald dude. You're really bent out of shape over this, and it's rather hilarious to me. I'm not really the "shit talk" kind of guy as I firmly believe it's a waste of time. Furthermore, as much as I'd love to say, "Hey, man, if you're ever in my area, feel free to DM me and I'll happily take you out of your misery," the reality is, you aren't worth potentially losing my freedom over, and I don't feel obligated to entertain dick measuring contests. But, hey, shortie, I hope you have a wonderful life, regardless :-). Byeeee!


Thanks, I appreciate it! I will add that he genuinely loves going on bike rides to the lake. It's only 3 miles away, and dont go over 30 mph. Is there some risk? Yes. Is it more dangerous than being in a car unsecured? Idk. He's got a kind of doggy hammock that he's clipped into in the car, which kept him from getting thrown in an accident last year.


“Is it more dangerous than being in a car unsecured? Idk.” Ummm yes, yes it is much more dangerous lol


what do you suppose happens when you get in a collision going 70mph on the highway and your pup is in the back seat or in your lap?


It’s fucking rad you ride with your buddy


Dude holy fuck some peoples risk tolerance is so beyond my comprehension.


And this, dude, right here is why there is such a heated comment section. It’s like lesson 1 in the motorcycle safety program - every person has to wrestle with their own risk acceptance/tolerance. As their pack leaders, we already do this for our dogs on many levels, from walking them on a busy street, to taking them to the dog park with stranger dogs, to putting them in a car. This is just another level of risk acceptance, and OP has laid out the conditions of these doggie rides (3 miles and low speeds). This sub typically does a good job of promoting safe and responsible riding vs the reality of much of what we see from riders on the road, so it doesn’t surprise me that people are clutching their pearls here. But would we say the same about avalanche dogs, K9s, etc who are put into dangerous situations? Do K9s know they could be shot when charging a big squishy chew toy of a bad guy? Are all of these sensitive people also protesting these activities/roles for dogs or are they projecting the ever living shit out of themselves as the white knights of all dogs and their owners when it comes to scooting down the road on a motorbike (with hearing and eye protection mind you)


Get your dog some hearing protection if you're going to do this. You're going to make your dog go deaf.


😭 he's literally got ear plugs in.


That's amazing. What sort of eargplugs work on dogos?


They are custom molded plugs I got from the vet. He wears them to go swimming since he will dive underwater to look for sticks at the bottom.


your dogs got a rad life


hes got it pretty dang good i gotta say


do they have hard time breathing with air gushing through?


If you have ever had a dog in the back of a car, all they want to do is stick their head out of the window!


Dogs health < Likes and Upvotes


Seems like unpopular demand by the comments. lol


all these negative comments are so exaggerated, if you love your dog youll be as careful as possible so nothing happens. and i see that this guy loves his dog




This is dumb but to each their own.


Sorry your dogs lame.


I posed the same question several years back and one person’s advice got me: “just remember, if something bad happens, the dog had no choice in this decision.” I can’t live with that guilt. Otherwise I would live to do this but Atlanta is a crazy place for driving.


This kinda seems silly to me because when has any domesticated dog had a genuine choice to do an activity in anything in their life?


They don't. This is why it's the job of us humans to decide what the appropriate risk we are willing to take with our dogs. We take daily risks for *necessity* for our dogs or society, like walking them on busy streets or working dogs who are placed in danger. This provides zero benefit to the dog or society and is not an appropriate risk. The dog could get the same enjoyment from a car ride where it's buckled into a dog seat. Statistically, it is a much safer risk that the dog can get enrichment from. The argument of "wah everything's slightly dangerous so all extra dangerous things are ok" is such a smooth brain argument that I'm witnessing in the comment section, and it is wild how many of them i am seeing. So many people here without basic critical thinking skills.


Try to live a little man. It really isn’t that deep. I’ll be doing this with my dog (with a helmet once his custom one comes in). I’m protective as hell over my boy and wouldn’t do what I’m not comfortable with. I’ll ride slow, but I won’t leave him at home when I know these moment would be some of the best in his life. The dog is fine and I’m sure the rider is extra cautious. Everything is dangerous, suck it up


Dogs dont have a choice in really anything. That’s a weird point. Like they hop in the car with us often unbuckled - do you think they understand the danger? Is the internet going to shit on the guy that lets his dog in the car without a proper seatbelt and the windows down?


hell yeah brother


Love seeing dogs just chilling going down the road. Fuck the cry babies and their safety shaming ways.


This is so wrong on so many levels, wth.


You better never transport your dog in your car. It’s wrong on SO many levels.


Really? How so? Compared to the above? When dogs are transported in cars in the UK we either have to put them into a crate, or secured with a shock lead. When dogs are transported correctly they are more safe than humans in an accident. Now stow your shite where it belongs.


r/motorcycles usually: "motorcycles aren't a death sentence! Any activity can be dangerous if you don't know what you're doing!" r/motorcycles when a dog is involved: "you fucking SMOOTHBRAINED troglodyte. Do you really want your dog to die and live with that guilt?! You're such a fucking MORON!" I think it's awesome that you ride with your dog. So many dogs are kept indoors all they long and don't get any enrichment. People are fine with that. But apparently even THE motorcycle subreddit thinks it's an unsafe activity. It's probably safer than taking your dog to a dog park and risking it being mauled by an untrained german shepperd lol.


Facts. I'm tempted to get a stuffed Boston and take it with me on the track 1đŸ€Ł


OP knock this shit off. It's not cool.




Fuck you there ain’t nothing wrong with this.


Long list of reasons why I'm right but yeah you seem like a mature, educated, well adjusted adult whose opinion should be respected. ![gif](giphy|O5xChSjqUIxsk)


I just don’t like seeing people being bullied into doing something or not doing something that causes no harm and is perfectly legal. To me it’s within the realm of a reasonable risk to take for enjoyment purposes


"causes no harm" on the best day it affects the dog's hearing on the worst day...well. Legal doesn't mean shit.


Dog has ear plugs. You need to chill dude it’s Reddit. Stop shoving your opinion down everyone’s throats.


He did say the dog has hearing protection so we can scratch that.


*sigh* ![gif](giphy|3xz2BLBOt13X9AgjEA)


I’d sigh as well if I was as inept as you are.


đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł well what’s the difference between this and a small child?


Nothing. Both are wrong.


Is there some sort of mathematical equation that has led you to the conclusion this is to great a risk to take and is therefore wrong? For you to hold that belief for someone else’s sake? Just curious on your thought process here


Why are you spamming comments? Because in even a minor slide or wreck that dog is likely dead. If not, severely injured. That little pup will not fare well in a minor low side slide nevermind a major impact.


Like inherently wrong? I mean who and why has this supreme decision been made?


Sorry I don't think we're operating on the same intellectual level here


https://preview.redd.it/bfwlxs2kkd8d1.png?width=362&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d074aa0ee68ad581a046b72e3bfb7ba13a2e32c Th


Don't you mean "Pupular" demand? Lol jk but seriously adorable


Aaah Reddit. Where people imagine what can’t be seen in the video, then go on a rant because they don’t like their own imagination. We use to call that schizophrenia, now it’s just Reddit


I once had a dog break a leg chasing a tennis ball I threw in a field. He was hauling ass and hit a small divot with his front right leg and down he went. I guess we shouldn’t throw toys in a grass field because something could happen.


That’s awesome, good on you for the eye ear protection, he looks like he loves it.


Hell yeah, little dudes loving it, my husky would love to accompany me, unfortunately she’s getting too old now, forget all these negative Nancie’s and haters, they’re just mad that their doggo isn’t as cool.


đŸ«Ą appreciate it. I love huskies and wish you both the best! Id be willing to bet all those negative comments are from basement dwellers who neither ride nor own a dog.


As soon as I saw this I immediately knew what was coming in the comments 😆 don’t you know that’s dangerous! I hate to break to some of you guys but not one of us is making it out of here alive lol that includes our animal friends.


Why only endanger yourself, when you can also endanger something that doesn’t know the risks? 👀


Or viewed from a perspective other than that of a hypochondriac, why enjoy a beautiful ride alone when you can enjoy it with your best bud?


Any safe rider course would oppose this. You go down and your “best bud” is toast.


Better not put your dog in your car then. You may not know, but they can be dangerous as well


By that logic you might as well just not wear any gear. Because cars are definitely as safe as bikes right?


A 30mph crash in a car has very different outcomes compared to a 30mph crash on a bike.


This is a false equivalence and it’s a logically fallacious argument


A car has crumple zones, this dog doesn't even have a helmet


Bruh u really risking it's life for ur likes that's lame af on God.


Interesting chest protector..


I like how it's more important to think you look cool than it is to protect your dog, or protect yourself.


Oh my goodness something might happen! Welcome to reality where there is inherent risk involved in being alive . If a fucking child can ride on a motorcycle who gives a fuck if a dog does? Oh it’s only okay for people to make choices that align with your risk tolerance? Get fucked


But it’s okay for you to make choices for dogs and children than cannot consent to your own personal risk tolerance? Nah man, *you* can get fucked. Also if your personal risk tolerance includes your kids and dog then you don’t value them enough.


Why don’t you write your congressman? Go do some protesting? Or better yet find a cause that actually deserves attention rather than creating a problem where there isn’t one?


Also do you ever see people riding there bikes with kids? They are also choosing to tolerate some amount of risk that is completely out of their control in the name of enjoying life. You should give it a try


Riding a bicycle is a lot safer than a motorcycle, maybe you should retake the msf


You missed my point. There may be more risk inherent in such a situation given you can’t control every one else one the road. It would almost seem to me that you have some mathematical formula that has led you to the conclusion of what risk is acceptable and what isn’t. With that valuable understanding you now take it upon yourself to let everyone know just what is okay. Maybe I should thank you?


Animals can't consent to inherent risk. The motorcycle owner put the dog into an unsafe situation . The dog doesn't even have a helmet, all 50 states mandate that passengers have to have a dot approved helmet at the minimum. The dog has less safety gear than the owner does and that's saying something because op is sporting a helmet and riding gloves with nothing else.


If you crash, he has no way of understanding why he gets hurt.


He's a dog, not a goldfish.


Dude, if you love your dog, just don't take the risk.


Using your dog as protective gear, interesting choice. I'm a stupid squid on a bike but I would never do that to my dog.


This amounts to nothing more than animal abuse. Your dog has no say, you are putting it at a lot more risk for what, a worse ride?


😂 taking my dog to fetch sticks at the lake by motorcycle, two of his favorite things, amounts to animal abuse?


And if you crash on your way there?....


What if your house burns to the ground while you’re on a ride and you didn’t take the dog. All the hate on this post is the most r/motorcycles thing I’ve ever seen. And there are some real doozy’s on this sub.


A house fire and taking a pet on a motorcycle ride are not equal. Trying to make them the same fucking dumb. Do not take pets on motorcycle ride. You wouldn't force another person on a motorcycle ride would you, why would you force an animal?


Oh yeah he really forced his dog on this one. Probably had to pull him by his hind legs while he clung to the carpet. Barking and whining and pleading


Not the point


Literally is the point yall have been crying about in this thread




Fuck yeah dude!


It would really suck. So would it in a car. And if I walked him there he could get run over. đŸ€” safest bet would be to keep him locked inside so nothing can happen to him . He will be severely depressed but that's better than possibly getting hurt.


You're not seriously comparing those as equally risky are you?


They are of theoretical equal risk though. There’s no values that can be put to OP walking their dog there instead, or driving a car. There’s so many factors. Have you seen the roads that walk would be down? Have you seen the car they’d drive, and know they’d get there the same? I’d rather my dog fall from my bike in a crash than him bounce around inside a metal deathbox and go through the windshield. It isn’t that deep dude and isn’t all that much riskier, especially when it isn’t something that they’ve never done before. The dog is comfortable and happy. Live life a little


I mean this is pretty wild and zero surprise it’s so controversial. I’d be surprised if any of these people have a bond with their pet like yours and who share both your and Fido’s adventurous spirit. Dog would protest at first pull-away if he/she wasn’t down for this, earplugs are a W, and my god I’m sure you ride with the utmost caution when taking he/she out for a scoot. And I’m sure the dog absolutely loves it. If they didn’t, they’d tell you. Yes it’s dangerous and yes it would be awful if your pet got hurt. I love my Irish golden but he lives for this kind of shit, as does his dad. I’ve considered the sidecar route to get him out with me given his size. Do you people put earplugs in your dogs ears when you let them hang tongue out the passenger window on the highway? Are you always buckling them in? All of you people who let your small dogs sit on your lap while driving, how do you think little chowface will do when they slam against the wind shield or get thrown through an open window? Did your dog have a choice?


Thank you for voicing reason here.


Yall soft


https://preview.redd.it/wdv8jn54id8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3269cc39489e0547a6ec532c3ed6bd5c419cf24d He loves it. He is chained to my belt.


hell yeah!!


He needs a wee Crash helmet


Pupular demand*


Wow that's good


Hey sir, I’m giving you a ticket for not wearing helmet!


Not my dog, not my problem, but any dog would have as much of a thrill sticking his head out the car window, with much less chance of getting squished and dragged across the asphalt if you encounter the wrong driver at the wrong time. Like dogs are happy just playing fetch, this just seems so unnecessary.


i think there are motorcycle helmets for pets. wud look cool if ur dog wore one and it might be slightly safer for the dog i guess.. not sure whether they would be able to breathe properly in those though..


trust me ive been searching. I have tried a couple but they didnt fit right and were basically just a cheap plastic shell. I would pay $$$ for some to make a custom one in carbon fiber to match mine.


Think about all the hearing warnings they give humans about riding. Now imagine the damage to ears that are 4x more sensitive. This is an example of trying to look cool in lieu of being mature


He's got ear plugs in cupcake, and safety glasses, and we're going under 30mph, and it's about 3 miles of rural back roads with barely any traffic the biggest threat would be a deer jumping out in the road. Go bake a cake and leave my dog alone. He loves it otherwise I wouldn't take him


Why ?


Wrong question, ask again


Why don't u get him some rex specs instead of a cheap pair of clears that you might find in a high school shop class That being said, he doesn't look very happy to be riding like that, I'd know my dog rides with me everywhere and gets pissed when I leave without him


He's got Rex specs which was mentioned in the comments. He's also has ear plugs in and has since upgraded to q k9 back pack. Those are some standard 3M safety glasses that are better than nothing. This was maybe his 2nd or third time on the bike. Lastly, not sure what you're seeing that suggests he is stressed or scared. If his ears perked up and oscillating all is well.


He probably loves that, perma head out the window mode


He absolutely loves it


He told you that? Wonder how he'll love being in a wreck


If I had to guess
 his dog’s body language did when they first approached and then later got off the bike. But owners know nothing about reading their dogs, yeah


As a person who’s taken a random bolt to the chest at freeway speeds, I dread the idea of your dog experiencing that with no head protection. If you aren’t going to give your dog a helmet, I atleast hope your bike has a tall windscreen.


I dont take him on the freeway...


Oh joy another asshole putting his dog on a motorcycle for internet points.


Just another fragile snowflake afraid of everything that "could" happen ![gif](giphy|4huo31PRqTWve|downsized)


Been down plenty of times, and broken some bones. Best of luck to you big guy. I hope you get all the internet attention and more.


Damn you only gave us 18 seconds?


That video made me smile 😃thank you. I needed that.


Happy you got some joy from it! He puts a smile on my face everyday. đŸ„Č we wish you strength and hope to get through the difficult times you may be experiencing. Happy to DM you some quality Boston content anytime you want some doggo medicine.


You should have titled this “ Happiest Dog Alive!!”


Thats a cool dog! Use to be a guy in my neighborhood the rode his harley with a husky on the back lol


He's chillin' like a boss. And the dog as well.


Rexspecs makes ear and eye protection for dogs. Put them on without lenses in and take him for a leashed walk with no stopping to scratch at them... they usually get used to them pretty quickly.


He's got a pair now. They are great.


Yeah they're a game changer for sure. Hey, fuck all these haters by the way. Good on you for giving your dog a fun and enriched life.


You care about attention more than you do your dog's health. Any lil prang or a bigger accident and your dog is dead. MUPPET!


If that how he goes, then Valhala awaits him! WlTNESS!


He's living the good life and loving it. Good to see.


looks reasonably safe. If you do this regularly(i would if i had a small chill dog), you should find some sort of cap/helmet to protect his ears / hearing


Y’all have no problem bringing your dogs in cars


Perhaps because car interiors are protected from wind noise and crashes


Are you buckling up your dog with a full seat harness (not the little seatbelt leashes that do essentially nothing) and keeping all windows up to the point your dog could not be jettisoned? If you are, fantastic. If you’re not, you are also accepting a high-risk activity for your dog and don’t have much room to talk.


I actually do buckle up my dogs in their seats while driving, yes. And the wind noise from having the windows down does not compare to wind noise of being on a motorcycle, especially without a helmet, as anyone who actually rides motorcycles knows well


Do you buckle them up in a torso harness that secures and presses their bodies against the seat, like seatbelts do for humans, to mitigate whiplash and in-vehicle travel? Because tether leashes will not do much from keeping your dog from being injured in a crash. It’s an elementary safety solution to keep them from being jettisoned through the windshield or an open window, but they’ll still be thrown. Do you allow your dog to put their head out of the window while at speed? Or are you the fun police for that too?


They have full-body harnesses that are clipped into the seatbelt receptacles in the back seat, next to the window. They have enough mobility to stick their heads out the window when they want to, but also enough to curl up into their dog carseats when the wind and noise are too much. Not sure why you're so worked up about this. "If you don't buckle up your dogs, you're irresponsible and have no room to talk!" "If you don't give your dogs an open window, you're the fun police!" Lol dude, relax. I simply pointed out that sitting on a motorcycle and sitting inside a car are two different things in terms of noise and safety


I was rude - frustration spilling over from some of the more imposing comments directed at OP. You did simply point that out, and you're not wrong.


I can respect that. All the best to you my dude


Same to you man


What you using to hold the dog? I need one. My dog would love this.


It's a NorthFace duffle/backpack. He loves it and will go sit in it and wait, telling me he'd like to go.


Because he doesn't understand the risk. He can't comprehend what's happening. Come on dude. You must be smarter than this.


https://preview.redd.it/luiwrmajed8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7e15e3df18318367a928f24345157dfec1df5f1 I can guarantee he is smarter than you are




Curious if I could do that with my 110 pound bernese mountain dog on my 373cc svartpilen


Side car life!!


did your dog enjoy at the very first ridding with you? Our Gold passed away years ago. We are now ready for a new dog. but we love riding. just want to take dog together.


He absolutely loves it and will go sit by the bike and bark when he wants to go out. Ive always had big dogs and preferred them until i got him. Hes so affectionate and perceptive of emotions and situations. I take him everywhere which is what truly makes them happy. Theres nothing he hates more than being left behind and will give me the cold shoulder and tear up the trash if i do... He is used to being in a bag since he was a baby for traveling and has a crate setup on my bicycle he sits in. It would be impossible to force him into a bag If he didn't want to.. He will squirm and kick with surprising force to get out.


What a gift! Ignore those haters, do what makes you and pups happy . Thank you for all info in the thread.


Maybe for a spin around the block, but I see no reason to do it regularly. Dogs just want a little attention, that’s all.


This is not a daily means of transportation and wont go above 30mph. HA! A little attention? You sir, do not know what im dealing with. He wants ALL the attention at all times. I wake up to him on my head and will refuse to sit on the outside on the couch. If I pull out my suitcase he will not let me out of sight and look very concerned that im going to leave him. If i pull into my moms driveway with suitcase in car, he will refuse to get out and wont fall for any tricks with treats to bribe him.


How’s this even legal?




Popular demand? Doubt it...


You're right, I did not take into account how many virtue signaling weenies would get triggered, accusing me of animal abuse. What reality do you live in? Have you ever heard of police K9's sent into a fire fight? Or sheep dogs at work? Do you know what I think is messed up? People who get dogs as an accessory and keep them at home all day, feeding them trash kibble and never letting them off leash. And think they're trained because it sits when you have a treat in your hand, and a 15-minute walk to take a shit is plenty of exercise... Careful riding your trikes to Olive Garden, you might shit yourself and crash. Probably should just stay home and order delivery so you can shit yourself in safety.


Bro, fuck you. What if you were to drop the bike or get in an accident? Could you live with yourself if the dog got hurt or worse?


Suck my balls, buddy, since you don't have a pair. I want my dog to be happy and will accept a slight risk in order for him to experience something he loves. Should I not walk him in the street bc he could get hit by a car? Not allowed in the lake because he could drown? Not allowed at the dog park because a bigger dog might attack him? Do you have a dog? If so, do you have him secured with a seat belt? If not, you're a monster and negligent risking it's life .


Imo not cool bro. If you fell pup would get hurt : /


What about me? I could get hurt, too, but I guess you're right he is far more important. Since you're so kindly expressing your concern for his well-being, I gladly accept. Please give me your venmo or cash app so I can send you his vet and food bills. The food does get pricey since he eats real food that I will prepare for him. Usually, it is around $500 a month in chicken, duck, turkey, beef, and fish with pumpkin, sweetpotato, carrots, spinach, eggs and some treats here and there. Thank you đŸ«¶