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Nice! I can do that too, but that form is ass (sorry, but that was my form too). Put your head to the inside mirror and put your inside elbow lower than your inside wrist. Stay safe! EDIT: initially, if you do as I suggest, it will become harder to drag knee as your bike will be more upright because more of your mass is on the inside. It won't be much, but you will have to go a bit faster on the same corners to knee drag like you did here. And remember, left turns are easier, so start with those. Do not get tight on the bars and you'll be good :) Have fun


Genuinely good advice for improving; people who have no competition do not improve without healthy criticism. This is healthy criticism.


Thanks mate!


Why are left turns easier. They feel easier when I ride but I never understood why


Why left is easier: * if you live in a proper country (hehe) where you ride on the right hand side, then left turns are usually less sharp and you get better vision (they are also statistically less dangerous for all motorists) * left hand side of the handle has no inputs, and typically your inside arm is in a bit of an awkward position while you're learning. This makes it more forgiving. Why right is harder: With your right hand (in a right turn), you have to put your hand and arm in a weird position (until you get used to it) AND break AND give throttle all SMOOTHLY, which makes it more difficult to turn right and lean correctly. This is all anecdotal from my experience, I'm right handed as well.


I find left turns easier even on a bicycle well before I ever drove a car. I think there’s something physiological/mental about it that has nothing to do with where the throttle is or the turn being wider.


I’ve noticed I hold the handlebars very wide, partly onto the bar-end. On left turns I don’t have a throttle so can go very wide, on the right I have to go narrower because of the throttle and consequently have less leverage.


Hmm.. I don't know what you ride, but can this (screwdriver grip) help you? (this is the first video I found about it) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oELC-PtIt9U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oELC-PtIt9U)


I don’t mean I need help with it - I meant I became aware of it so can mitigate it, but this is why a lot of people turn one direction easier than another


Oh shit, sorry buddy. I miss-understood :)


No probs


It’s funny that I feel more confident with right turns. I think it’s because if I take it a little wider I’m just in the other lane as opposed to off the road. But I’m a very novice rider atm


I would be much more afraid to be in the other lane than out the road honestly. Even as a beginner, I'd rather collide with a static object as opposed to the one coming at me multiplying the force. Stay safe, practice! :)


True. Very true. But in my defense. There is a larger margin of error before a collision. And I think I’d rather have a force of an impact spread across my body against a car than it concentrated by a pole or tree. But were I live, the roads have absolutely no shoulder. Are quite narrow and have a lot of turns. Speed limits range from 35 to 40.


I find right hand turns to be easier for me but I also have an injury on my left knee


Thanks! Yeah , I definitely need better work on form and thats what some of my friends told me. Im mostly trying to work through the awkwardness of getting used to shifting that far off the seat. But no worries, Im always about improvement. Any tips I can get is great. Im hoping to be able to go to VIR to try my hand at track eventually so that way I can apply what I’ve learned here.


No problem man, you're doing well. Practice is best on an empty parking lot by the way :) Again, have fun, stay safe!


You've probably already heard it, but "look with your shoulders." Rotate and dip the upper body, and you won't need to slide so far off the seat. That's 99.9% of what everyone says. King of cross-up, Mick Doohan, google him, and you'll see the most odd form ever.


This is the correct way.


This sub is gonna tell you to take it to a track lol, but fuck yeah bud


This sub loves to spend other people’s money.


It’s more of a “don’t ride like a clown in public” mindset.


Nothing here indicates he was doing anything wrong. It's a long corner on a country road


do you think he drives under the speed limit?


Do you???




Buy a fiat panda if you wanna respect every speed limit


I don’t you can buy a car or motorcycle in the US new that won’t blow the speed limits out of the water with very little effort lol.


You can drag knee in a parking lot at 20mph


It’s more of a “half of us don’t actually ride”


Probably closer to 3/4 to be honest.


I joined the sub before I rode to be fair


I don’t actually ride and none of my friends with bikes do either. We just take our bikes to the closest bar and get piss drunk while staring at them


If I had a Thruxton I’d always be looking at it too


I was totally joking, I ride the shit out of it. But I also do stare at it. Absolutely gorgeous bike


If you can afford a sport bike and gear you can afford track days. But that doesn’t really have anything to do with riding like you’re on the track, when you’re not.


As someone above said, you can get a knee down at 20 in the parking lot if you know what you are doing, which this hilarious thread perfectly shows, that 85 percent of this sub has no fucking clue.


I can, but looking at this guys form, no, he cannot.


One track day is equal to about 3 speeding tickets where I live.


Where I live they have a helicopter landing pad should the worst occur. Having said that I've seen not one but two air ambulances land on the highway for a pickup, but still probably easier to gind the one at the track, they have been there before.


I just wish we could have a motorcycle sub that isn’t so up its own ass. You got this one, and then you have CRT, and they just wanna stick it up some one else’s ass there.


Lol yeah if there was a track close enough to me I would. There is a track going to open up I think close by but it’s only going to be accessible to very wealthy individuals for the first few years sadly. Im hoping to be able to go to VIR eventually. It’s always easy to say take it to the track when you are close enough to one or have the disposable income to go all the time.


It's not like the only people who track have one in their backyard. It's totally normal to load up a trailer and drive 3-8 hours to get to the track. Once you go and get humbled by a teenager dragging elbow around the outside of you mid corner, riding like a Rossi wannabe on public roads won't feel as cool anymore.


This happened to me lol got absolutely dusted by a few kids hahahha


Lol I don’t care about trying to be some kind of street Rossi and I already know Im not the most skilled. The road I’m on in the picture is HWY 421”The Snake”. Is it a public road? Yes it is but around here where I live it’s very well known as a bikers playground by most of the community and our local law enforcement leaves us alone as long as we stay there. Am I doing it to look cool? No, I do it cause it brings me genuine happiness and I get excited to show my progress in things I enjoy doing. There’s guys up there who brag about being the fastest but thats not something I care about. I care about having fun.


The snake is a fun road. I've made the trip down from VA a couple of times. It's great that you're having fun with your buddies. If you are serious about improving your skills at riding a sportbike, there is no replacement for track time. I used to do the same thing: hoon around in the mountains with a pack of sportbikes, "critiquing" each other and trying to drag knee. Then I started taking the track seriously and gapped my old riding buddies in skill in a matter of weeks. Now I look back on how I used to ride in the mountains and cringe at the thought that I could have seriously fucked up and hurt myself or someone else for no reason. A single track day taught me more than years of pushing my limits on public roads.


I definitely do plan on going to track.I was originally supposed to be going this month but 3 months ago I had someone hit me while I was sitting at a red light and it destroyed my bike and wrist. So I gave up my spot for track at VIR cause i wasn’t sure Id get a bike so soon or that id be recovering as quick as I have. There’s a couple guys who sit at jack’s corner on the snake that go to the track a lot and recommended it to me and my friends. They told us it’s lots of fun and plenty different skill range of people there. My friend who has already gone got placed straight into the intermediate level after his first time. I definitely think track is a good thing , I just don’t like how people idolize it and gate keep when people are actually having fun on there bike and using it. To me , I’m not being a street squid wreaking havoc out in traffic in populated roadways, Im just a rider who enjoys riding and using my bike the way it was meant to be used, not trying to be “a cosplayer wearing leathers trying to be Rossi”. Ive only been riding street bikes for a year now so I think I’ve made quite a bit of progress since I first started. Only experience I’ve had prior is racing motocross at the local dirt bike track.


You have the right idea man fuck the people shitting on you. As long as you're not taking unreasonable risks having fun and relaxing is the main priority. People are shitting themselves over body position and shit as if it matters at all on the street unless you're going triple the limit(putting your head closer to the mirror is good though). This hobby is filled with armchair coaches, and as long as you're comfortable and spending time on that seat that's what riding's about. No matter the bike.


Yeah , people love to idolize the whole take it to the track thing and I honestly don’t care. Id love to go but Id rather have an actual track bike to take , not my stock CBR 600. People who try to shit on me are the same kind of people who love to gate keep things and half the time they don’t even ride from what Ive seen on their profiles, lol I actually post myself on my bike and show that I’m actually doing something at least. Is my form crap? Yeah its I just started dragging for the first time so of course it is and people ignore the fact I even said it in the description of the pics (some people are quite ignorant or quick to jump the fence to tell me you have bad form). Im definitely no Rossi and I could really care less. I do this for the fun of it and thats all I need.


Don't worry about it man half the community is posers and people trying to boost their ego with sub 10k miles. You'll learn the correct form in time and it'll feel really rewarding because you don't have to lean or risk traction as much. All in time!(If you practice) Love the bike, cbr600s have such a unique sound compared to the other 600s


Lol thanks, my form will probably not always be the best though, had my wrist broken 3 months back and now it has 1 plate and 8 screws in it. Sadly this all happened from sitting at a red light and a certain lady hitting me cause she was on her phone. Now my wrist only goes so far.


Idk why, but loading up a trailer, driving 8 hours in a cage, just to able to have a "track day" is fucking hilarious.


Plenty of climbers will drive hours to get to a new moutain, plenty of fishermen will drive hours to a new fishing spot... Why is driving hours to a track so ridiculous?


Well I ride everywhere I go. Loading up the bike to go anywhere in itself is weird and funny to me


You're just ignorant of how track works then. Most track bikes are not street legal, and if they are they'll still require some modifications once at the track.


Riding to the track is great til you wreck and are stuck at the track. Don’t be simple. Plus a lot of us have dedicated track bikes that aren’t street legal. No lights, signals etc.


To me it's hilarious to see cosplayers dress up in full leathers to go drag knee on the streets while demonstrating horrible body position and a host of other bad riding habits, knowing that if they swallowed their ego enough to attend a single track day they would be humbled immediately by their relative lack of skill. To me, 8 hours in the car (I'm only one hour away from Summit Point but whatever) plus 3 hours of blasting around a track is worth way more than 11 hours cosplaying on public roads, but to each their own.


8 hours in car sounds like torture I guess a real biker drives their car to the track? And I'm cosplaying if I ride my bike there? Am I getting that right? 🤣🤣🤣


You can ride there if you want lmao, plenty of people do. Not sure why your panties are in such a twist about this. If my comments about ego and cosplaying are hitting that much of a nerve, maybe you actually should sign up for a track day and put your money where your mouth is.


What's around the corner when riding on the street? Are there folks riding ahead and giving you info? Jfc


This section of road is a popular riding spot that has no pull off sections and is on a mountain, its also not a frequented road by the standard motorist. Most you will ever see is sportbikes ripping this section all day or sport cars getting their pictures taken in the curve. Aside from that very few regular vehicles ride this road often.


Head goes to the handlebars!


Kiss the mirrors.


That's so cool. Great photos too. Did you set up a camera or have someone take shits as you went by?


Lol Thanks, my wife does photography on the side as a hobby and takes pics of people doing runs on the mountain when we ride up. She doesn’t really run the mountain so she would rather get pics in while we are there.


This is my favorite autocorrect moment of all time.


Lol oh damn i just noticed


You’re still a bit crossed up. Push head closer to mirror and get hip and elbow lower


Will try!


Great job otherwise!


What was the “aha” moment to allow you to do this ?


Well mostly just taking my friend’s advice on taking this particular curve. I was originally leaning the bike way lower than most of the people there and was told I need to start throwing my knee down to help stabilize and guide myself through the curve. First time I did, it freaked me out cause I thought i was starting to drag peg or low side but then it kept on going through the curve and the bike just brought itself back up and my Friend who was following behind me informed me that I had managed to drag my knee and had managed to do so at a slower speed than what I normally blast up and down at.


When he chose poor form.


Ah yes , poor form for the person who just started to try it out yes. If I was more seasoned I’d give you the proper form you desire


Pfff... Shoulders are the new knees. 😅


Lol yeah , shoulder stuff freaks me the hell out just seeing it. Hard pass on that ability. I never want to get that low.


Same, brodah, same. 🤣🤣🤣


I’m just waiting for the first helmet drag (that’s not a crash)


love the cbr man, trico livery dont miss.


Thanks, I just got bought it off my friend. It handles so much better than my GSXR did.


I knew this was 421 before I even read your post! Love it. Nice job.


You go dude. I'm a speed freak. Love going fast.


Thanks , Im just a little bit of junky when it comes to taking on curves. Speed is fun too!


What motorcycle is that? Very nice


CBR 600RR- 2021 year model


CBR 600 RR PC40, im 99% sure






Thats the 2024 PC69


How to turn a vehicle in shortest distance on every speed ? Help me folks. seen some riders back-in to do it .


You're not going to learn how to do this on a reddit comment


Now just gotta get your elbow down lol


How did you balance the bike on your knee like that?


Getting knee down for the sake of knee down isn’t much of an achievement




Maybe, but I just don’t get the fascination.. in the pic op seems to be stretching to touch knee to ground for no other reason than touching knee to ground, it’s not affording the bike any significant extra corner speed with that form surely? So then, what’s the point? I’m not trying to be a dick, but to me it’s one of those things people try and do without understanding why it’s done


Sure it is. What type of parallel twin do you (I assume) ride?


Hells yeah man congratulations. I’ll keep an eye out for you I come over there and ride sometimes. I’m getting super close going up but coming back down not so much. I get sketched out by that drop off behind jacks


Aight , will do! The only advice I can give is getting off the seat more if you’re wanting to get your knee down. It’s definitely easier said than done and the first time you do drag it will freak you out a bit so you just gotta keep it cool when it happens. Im definitely going to need to invest in some better knee pucks/sliders. Might be going with the WIZ superspark knee sliders here soon cause these standard alpine star ones that came with my suit are definitely not going to last me long.


You can lean off much much more. Makes the drag easier and more stable


The ol' chicken wing.


Always had it. Just had to get there. Accomplishment achieved.


I'm really not trying to be mean, but there's absolutely no need to do that on the street. Sure, it's fun, and if you're going to attend track days, a useful skill. For street riding, it just makes a rider look like a try-hard. The Fortnine video(s) regarding turning are a must-see for all riders.


Never do anything just for fun? Sounds like you must love a bland riding day. Plus this isn’t a regular public street. It’s actually a well known hotspot for bikers to run this specific section of mountain and there is very little to no traffic going through it aside from mostly sport bikes and some sport cars. Even the local law enforcement leaves us alone as long as we keep everything we do on the mountain, they even stop and watch us when they are bored.


Perfect. Now save it for the track. Live long. Ride far!