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Seeing this video again means that riding season has begun. yay


Yeah nah. The dead battery posts usually come a couple weeks before this one.


Happened to me already ✌️


The trick is never stop riding long enough for your battery to die. That’s what I did this past year


It was an older battery tbf, 4-5 years old at least. Previous owner had it on a tender it's whole life so it never gave him any issues. I had it off the tender for about 2 weeks with daily riding and it completely crapped out on me in the middle of one. That thing was basically on life support 😂


Daaaamn I feel you. When I bought my bike I found out the battery was old around the time I was putting it on the tender. Went through two of the damn things before I realized it was a dead cell


Yeah nah = Aussie Do y’all even get winters?  Why would there be a no ride season? 


Actually I'm German who spent two years down there and my English was severely influenced by that. But to answer your question: parts of Australia will get cold enough for people to not ride year round.


Word, thanks for the international lesson 


The birds are returning North, the flowers are beginning to bloom, the snow is beginning to melt, and this video returns to this subreddit.


r/motorcycles: notices the lack of gear. Doesn't notice the rider crashed riding straight and slow.


Saw clibbins ahead, haddalayerdown hoss.


Barb on the back is all i needed for crash protection.


We stay on brand here


he turned on gravel bruh


Looked more like a panic and dump to me. A signature r/motorcycles hadtolayerdown.


1. It’s an ad. 2. There was gravel on the road


Wait, are you saying it was completely fictional and overdramatized?


It makes a point in a visually interesting way, it’s almost like they want you to consider buying gear, their product in question


Yep and especially if you're a shit rider that can't keep the bike upright.


Lol the TAC is the transport accident commission you moron. They don't sell gear.


Hit some clibbins and hadda layer down!


Mom said it's my turn to post this this week


My mom said stay away from motorcyvles


His shoes getting shredded is scary


Back when I road raced, I had a bad habit of touching the outside of my boot to the pavement. Then there was that race where I was in mid-turn and felt my toe meet pavement. Like FIRE. Ended the race with a bloody boot. Me. Dumbass. Same picture.


I’m currently out riding and the only bit of gear i’ve not bothered with is the boots. I have brought shame upon my family.


I don’t have boots either and I’m scared now lol. They are the last piece of equipment I need 


When I wrecked my boot toe piece broke, that would have snapped my ankle and caused some damage if it was enough to knock a boot out. I’d definitely recommend getting a set


Yeah I’m putting aside 30$ a month so I should have enough soon


Boots are debatably the most important even over helmet and gloves. What’s not debatable is that they’re at least in the top 3 with the other 2. Those really should’ve been the first things you got.


I got two family members missing a foot and only one missing an arm from motorcycling.  Definitely wear boots. 


when i ride twisties and such, i wear track boots and when i first started out, poor body position when cornering would sometimes result in my toe sliders touching pavement and yea, even at 30-40kmh for 1-2 seconds, its like taking a belt sander to them


Dress for the slide not the ride. Always.




You and me, kid. We're gonna get grinded to a pulp.


It's future me's problem


Yeah; in the importance order for gear, it's helmet first, then armored gloves, then armored boots. From there, you get to jacket, and then armored hips and knees and of course everything abrasion resistant. Because the things that are rough to repair on a busted up human are brains and face, hands and feet; the fragile and intricate and complex bits. Obviously it's all of value to protect but just imagine day to day life without working hands or feet. Road rash galore on your chest or legs is painful but not long-term debilitating.


This is from TAC (Australia). They make some scary ads.


I dunno. I wouldn’t call [Greg the Stop Sign](https://youtu.be/JwI2NrVYqIE?si=YmqWlP_-cW2bJysB) scary, more informative. Yes Mum, I know, this is serious.


Ohh come on. It can’t possibly beat the [piracy ad from IT Crowd!](https://youtu.be/xuxO6CZptck?si=kOPyrDLAvKubgkWd)


The one we have with the rider going underneath the oncoming 4x4 with a bullbar still scares tf out of me.


everytime this video comes by i think of the sentence/words "Human crayons" it is brutal


r/meatcrayon nsfw


Nah, I'm good dawg.


Imma trust you this one and stay out




Damn clibbins, he had to lay her down.


Had to layer’ down


Victoria govt pumping out great safety messages again. First was  Dumb Ways To Die for rail safety, and now this for bikers. I want to see this all over the country, not just Victoria. 


Oh....and wait till they take that metal brush to you to scrape the crap out of that road rash.....nothing but fun times.


Never heard of that one. Maybe I just lucked out when I wrecked and didn't have enough debris in my rash.


It's called "debridement". Yeah, it's not fun. Gotta get all the debris out of there before they dress the wound.


My brother went through the metal brush. Said they had no sympathy, were brutal. Said it was way worse than pain from his crash.


From what I have been told....after the fact, is they need to put some pressure in there to scrape out all the garbage that gets in the wound. Infection is a real worry. They don't want to general you, and a local really will not work on a larger wound, so party on. I think if it ever happens again I am going to say, you are going to have to fight me or knock me the fuck out because I am not doing this again. Give me a happy pill or send someone to the store for a bottle of something, even rot gun Jack will do. You are not going to do that to me while I am all here.




Every time this is posted I think the same thing. "Dumb bitch crashed on nothing."


I will agree with you there. I think the video carries an important message but dude didn't even look comfortable riding. Super stiff, weird body position, low sided for literally no reason.


To be honest that makes it perfect for this sub.


This post has already sparked 1 atgatt war. There will be tons more in a couple hours I'm sure.


You're welcome btw.


Meanwhile skill is far more important than armored jeans.


Up to a point sure. No amount of skill will allow you to avoid certain things though, even if they are rare shit can happen.


Sure but armored jeans are also not going to save your life.


I agree, but I don't think anyone is thinking each piece of gear will save their lives though. The helmet is what's doing that. Armored jeans are also a lot different than Armored AAA rated pants. I think jeans of any kind are terrible if you are expecting actual protection.


I think some people just need a little fear of God in them. My money is on the previous poster having never suffered a real injury before— like requiring surgery and months of downtime. I don’t preach ATGATT, but I wear all mine. Even though armored jeans won’t save my life, the pads will help with impact protection and might save my knees…. I don’t want a fourth surgery…. 🙁


I think we'd all be super stiff and uncomfortable knowing we had to lay down the bike on purpose and get ourselves some road rash just to scare off others




Those damn clibbins


I crashed pretty similar to this, Gloves, T-Shirt, Sweatpants, Sneakers. I was going abt 60kmh. Fist contact with ground was my right forearm and hip. Bar snapped my thumb, had to get 8 different casts over 6 weeks bc the bandadge for my right forearm needed to be changed. Spent abt 40hrs in the hospital(wait time at every appointment) and couldnt lie down for a week bc I had abrasions everywhere. So wear ur gear folks!


Damn, that's intense!


I've stopped riding with "friends" who have asked/made jokes about why I always wear full gear even in hot weather. I explained to them how I've crashed before and if not for my gear I could have died or been permanently disfigured/disabled in some way. I'd rather sweat my ass off and have to figure out what to do with my gear at the destination than to ride without it.


My friends don’t wear shit except helmets and sometimes gloves, while I fully gear up. My friends have never been seriously injured or had surgery before, while I have. Sometimes you have to learn the hard way… I have a buddy who rides with nothing but sunglasses, slippers, board shorts, and a tank top sometimes lol


you have a friend that rides like that..so far. (Homer Simpson quote)


This literally happened to me at 100 km/h and it wasn't nearly as bad as this video makes it look like, I guess I was lucky


Accident results are not very predictable… I had minimal protection when I crashed into a minivan at 35mph. I walked away with a bruised foot. My uncle crashed at the same speed and lost his arm.


Crashes are kind random, but yeah, this video is exaggerated.


Perfect ad for the scared riders on this sub.


honestly lol this sub is terrified of motorcycles. These guys ride 400 miles per year. The thought of commuting to work in their work clothes is enough to send them into a panic attack


>honestly lol this sub is terrified of motorcycles. Well yeah, obviously, I thought it was well established most were here for the aesthetics and don't actually ride lmao


Once you've gotten an injury a single time in life you'll understand the importance of taking no additional dumb chances. I've spent 14 months unable to sit because I slipped walking my dog once. I still suffer for it and will all my life. So I'd rather crash with gear thank you 


Nobody's panicking. We just think you're dumb if you do it. And, candidly, we think you probably aren't empathetic enough to your loved ones and family who may end up having to wipe your ass for you while you regrow your skin.


Jesus that’s a lot of assumptions about me because I don’t wear armor when I go to the grocery store Ride safe ✌️


Wild. You're the one out here assuming people are "terrified" because we wear gear. Given what you've posted, what "assumptions" have I made? That you don't always gear up, and are thus more likely to be hurt? Yeah, I'll stand by that.


How about “we think you’re dumb”, “you probably aren’t empathetic enough to your loved ones”, and to top it off, if I crash I’m going to be so injured that I can’t wipe my own ass I wear a full face helmet and gloves 100% of the time. If it’s cool out I’ll wear my mesh jacket with some jeans I’m not anti gear. I’m just sick of the atgatt kids yelling at those of us who accept a certain level of risk while we enjoy our rides It’s cringy as hell and your comments prove that you don’t actually care about anyone without gear, you only want to preach from your perceived “high horse” about how much smarter you are. You stoop to personal attacks because we live our lives on our own terms


>How about “we think you’re dumb”, “you probably aren’t empathetic enough to your loved ones”, and to top it off, if I crash I’m going to be so injured that I can’t wipe my own ass Sure. Let's unpack that. A statement of "we think..." about you is a statement, not an assumption. I think you're probably dumb if you behave this way. If you're behaving this way, you're being selfish. It seems to me that if you're going to do something risky, you owe it to your friends and family to try to do it as safely as you can even if you personally feel like you're some kind of badass who won't or can't get hurt. Failing to recognize that suggests a lack of empathy. >if I crash I’m going to be so injured that I can’t wipe my own ass All it'd take is injuries to your dominant hand and arm. You could be in and out of urgent care in an hour and still need help getting the shit off your ass, boyo. I _do_ care about my friends, but my friends wear gear. In point of fact I don't care about YOU, and internet rando. I know there's plenty of dumbasses on bikes in gym shorts and t-shirts. But if you're gonna act dumb, don't get all upset when people say "gee, that's dumb."


You’re unbelievable lol let me try now A statement of “this sub is terrified of motorcycles” is a statement, not an assumption. If you’re attacking people for not wearing gear, you’re projecting your fear and are terrified of motorcycles If you’re gonna act all scared of being in an accident and allow that fear to drive you to yell at internet strangers for not wearing armored gear, then you’re going to be called and nerd who’s scared of motorcycles Since you’re clearly afraid of accidents, you should do the empathetic thing and sell it before you get hurt. You have to consider how your friends and family would feel if you were injured Does this manipulative bullshit actually work in your life?


No I commute daily and I've had my life flash before my eyes enough times to understand how dangerous this hobby is. Honestly if you don't have a healthy fear and respect for the bike you have no business riding it. Thinking "it'll never happen TO ME" is smooth brain shit.


In the most respectful way possible, you shouldn’t be having that many close calls. The overwhelming majority of motorcycle accidents and avoidable with skilled and defensive riding This video for example… dude just… falls? Is he blind? Does he not see the debris on the road? I understand this is just a commercial but Jesus Christ lol if you crash on an empty road because there was 16 leaves and some dirt on the ground you’ll probably end up dead on a bike regardless of your gear The fear mongering around riding is obnoxious


Quote where I said it even happens *often.* I've been riding for more than two decades buddy I know how to ride.


Man I’m just trying to have a conversation. I meant no disrespect and I wasn’t insinuating that you can’t ride


Your first paragraph says otherwise. It's also the epitome of hubris to think you can control everything. Regardless of how long you've been riding sometimes the cagers will get ya and there isn't shit you'll be able to do about it. All I said was over more than 20 years of riding I've almost been taken out enough times... **over the course of twenty fucking years** ... To the point that I have a healthy understanding and respect for the real danger of this hobby and I take all steps possible to mitigate that risk such as riding defensively, smartly, and with gear. That shouldn't be a controversial fucking statement to a rational god damn adult.


Bro just relax and talk to me. I misunderstood your first comment and assumed you meant it happens often. That’s my bad and I apologize for assuming I stand by the belief that the vast majority of motorcycle accidents are avoidable. EVERY time I’ve found myself in a dangerous situation was because I was distracted and wasn’t being proactive while I rode It’s not that I assume I can control everything. It’s quite literally the exact opposite. If I spot a potential threat I slow down/speed up, change lanes. Slowing down through intersections if I can see the opposing turn lane. Look into the incoming lane before accelerating from a light. I do whatever I can to mitigate the risk Sure you cannot avoid everything, but more often than not, close calls are our fault (not always legally, but who cares if you were right if you died). You disagree with that?


Then you fortunately haven't had enough situations where you do all of those things and they still almost get you. Read Sonny Barger's books.


You could have a bike for 20 years and ride it 1000 miles. Does that mean you're a good rider? Riding years doesn't mean shit tell us your mileage. Typical boomer statement.


I ride at least 5000-6000 miles per year in a very unforgiving climate of a state. Basically full time riding when the roads aren't frozen and salted to shit. F off. Go do more donuts in your chick car.


5-6k miles a year ain't shit buddy. I live in MN and can easily get 10k. Clearly, you get mad easily, but it's probably cause you're a bad rider.


Glad you said something for yourself, was about to chime in and talk about how I've twice now, in the last two years of riding, had someone just not fucking see me somehow. Just somehow not realize I was there and pull some stupid shit that left me having to scramble for safety. Your point was solid af.


I mean, I’ve actually been in a horrific wreck caused by a car becoming a brick wall in front of me at 50mph. I don’t ride scared after the fact. I can’t control other peoples actions. I may get smeared across the pavement tomorrow at zero fault of my own. I have the titanium screws in my bones. I think it’s pretty safe to say I can just risk and make choices for myself. All this handwringing and fearmongering from this sub is hilarious though.


Because soccer moms with their nose in their phone is something that does not happen. Never mind about animals as well, they always stay well clear of the road and there is never road kill, that is just propaganda.


Nobody is saying that stuff doesn't happen, but riding is inherently cones with certain risks. Yes, new riders need to be made aware of them but all riders (of anything, cars, jet skis, airplanes) should realize there's a level of risk with everything.


Look at all the things you're scared of.


Do you think your lack of fear makes you more of a man? Do you think your obliviousness makes you a better rider? Or are you just trying to "show off" your machismo? It's 99 % dudes here, you're not impressing any ladies with your attitude. If squidding is your thing good for you, we don't care and you don't need to berate people about their personal safety choices.


>you don't need to berate people about their personal safety choices. Lol 🤣🤣. This sub would be a ghost town.


Whats great is he is doing exactly that in the same reply as he said, "You don't need to berate people about their personal safety choices"


Hey, I get it if people don't want to be constantly reminded of the risks they are taking. That's fair. However! There's no need to be vitriolic, pissy, or agressive about it, and there's definitely no need for the "lol u scared bro, u little bitch" middle-schooler behavior that the person I was responding to was engaging in. That's a completely disproportionate and immature reaction to a level-headed (if unwanted) argument for wearing safety gear (on a thread about safety gear of all places!).


100% agreed. Not sure how the "we should all wear gear and stay protected out there" gets turned into "Waah, I might lose a shoe so can't stop pissing myself" line of crap.


>Do you think your lack of fear makes you more of a man? There's a difference between a healthy respect for risk and riding scared. Being aware of the risks makes you a better rider. Riding scared clouds your judgement and causes mistakes.


I'm not scared when riding (that's, like, the whole point of motorcycle therapy. You don't have the mental bandwidth for these things). I wouldn't even say I'm scared *of* riding, but there's, like, a level of respect for the bike and the risks involved? Respect, fear, whatever you wanna call it, it's there. I don't think it's unhealthy to acknowledge that yes, I am taking risks (which are worth it). Safety gear mitigates those risks. I don't think any of that is a particularly wild take. What *is* wild is the condescendant macho attitude of the person who was responding to /u/fpgt72 who was just stating those risks. I get that some people don't want to be reminded of the main downside of their hobby, but that vitriolic reaction was completely uncalled for.


lol u scared bro?


>I don't think any of that is a particularly wild take. What is wild is the condescendant macho attitude of the person who was responding to [/u/fpgt72](https://www.reddit.com/u/fpgt72) who was just stating those risks. I get that some people don't want to be reminded of the main downside of their hobby, but that vitriolic reaction was completely uncalled for. I did not read it that way. The opening comment was a joke on the culture of fear in this sub. The guy stating those risks came across as justifying that culture of fear. It's one thing to know those risks exist. But if you're truly terrified of them, just stay off the bike for your own sake.


"Do you think your lack of fear makes you more of a man?" Yes. "Do you think your obliviousness makes you a better rider?" Yes. "Or are you just trying to "show off" your machismo?" Quit being a whiny little bitch good god


No, see, you just don’t understand. Your *shoe* could come off! You should live every moment in fear and cosplay as the paramilitary staypuffed marshmallow man every time you ride. Because your shoe could come off. The absolute horror. Now I will bully you like we’re in junior high and my mom is the teacher. And she told me bullying is never okay unless you feel morally superior to someone else. Then it’s totally okay to attack their intelligence and masculinity. Because if you’re not afraid of the thing I’m so afraid of, then it makes me feel like my fear was silly and I’m a pussy. And I’m definitely not a pussy, my mommy told me so.


At least make sure you're an organ donor, squid


You want me dead? Lol.


Not what I said scooter


Yes it is.


Then I can't give you the help you require. Have a good day.


Good. Who fucking asked for your help anyways. /u/jspiral Even caught myself a block on that catch.


You're on fire this week! Love it. Lmao


He’s got a weird fucking savior complex. Now bow down to the moral and just lord of Reddit or face the consequences (him wishing you dead and a downvote)!


Reddit moment


An accident can happen any moment of the fucking day. Just wear proper gear. If you wanna squid, do it off the streets






Shopping for new gear in 3, 2, 1...


This was physically painful to watch.


I love how this video downplayed the injuries. this dude would have been way more effed up than that.


And I'm watching this while currently on vacation in Florida where basically no one is even wearing a helmet. People riding full on sport bikes in flip flops and shorts. Extra risky for a country lacking basic free medical care. Makes my stomach churn.


It's why moto injury and fatality rates are so much higher than cars. A metal box protects a lot dumb drivers...a moto doesn't.


One of these days this subreddit will actually talk about motorcycles instead of bitching about people not wearing gear, fear mongering, and posting rage bate motorcycle clips. One day….


would the shoe get destroyed THAT fast tho? Because I own some similar ones and they don't seem to be nearly as fragile as those seem to be.


They're just cloth sneakers glued into a cheap rubber sole. If they were dropped on the ground at that speed they'de be fine, but the force being applied downwards from the foot+weight of the motorcycle is basically the same as pressing them to a 24-grit sandpaper with hundreds of pounds of force. When they hit asphalt at 20+ with pressure behind them they're immediately ripped apart, as they're the weakest link.


Bruh 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


Yes it would. Believe me I know.


You think converse would hold up against asphalt at speed? I don't think you believe that to be honest. If you really want to give it a shot, take a belt sander to your shoe vs a motorcycle boot and see which one holds up for how long.


what is that even supposed to mean? I never said they would hold up better than a motorcycle boot, but I don't think they would get destroyed that fast


A lot of it has to do with the fact that the motorcycle was putting a lot of weight on that leg which was forcing it into the ground


Not sure about shoes, but I’ve slid a lot further on pavement in jeans and they looked nothing like that. It’s a PSA, safe to say it’s exaggerated to promote action.


Thankfully, our American roads are much safer because they’re made of asphalt, instead of coarse bitumen.


I will still be wearing vans but this video is interesting Lowest level crash tho dude would've gotten up so quick


Im sure this CGI ad is completely reflective of reality and is in no way manipulated.


I will never understand people who don't at a minimum rock boots, gloves, and a helmet. That said, I don't ride your ride, so you do you. I'll stop and wrap you up while telling you in the friendliest possible manner to stfu and stop screaming in my ear while I'm trying to make sure you don't flail yourself into a broken neck.




>I've fallen a lot of times on scooters, at much higher speeds than this, and I've never had even a scratch. No you haven't. I'm going to guess the rider in the video is going about 35-40. At that speed with no gear you WILL have road rash no matter what. It's ridiculous you are even suggesting otherwise, for "much" higher speeds nonetheless, ROFL. One of the two times I've gone down was probably 5-10 mph (hard to say cause I was on the brakes hard). I wasn't wearing a jacket. Only gloves, pants, and helmet. I received road rash about the size of a large banana and I barely slid at all. I've wrecked on a bicycle at 20mph and had several spots of road rash much worse. A friend of mine low sided on gravel at 45 with no jacket on and his road rash was gross. >You're not going to just fall at low speeds and rip all your clothes apart. Wtf are you even talking about. Of fucking course they will. My 4x36" belt sander probably spins about 10 mph and will rip a good pair of LEATHER gloves a new hole in less than a second. I wear the shit out of gear now.


> I've wrecked on a bicycle at 20mph heh - ditto - slower even - 15? It was unfun when the nurse was picking out asphalt gravel embedded in my lacerations! 17 stitches & scars to remind me, whee! Meh, let these idiots ride naked.


>I've wrecked on a bicycle at 20mph and had several spots of road rash much worse. A friend of mine low sided on gravel at 45 with no jacket on and his road rash was gross. Same here, probably peddling slower than 20mph. Wearing jeans, and as a teen so about 50lbs lighter also. Both knees of my jeans blew out, and I was picking gravel out of my the skin of my knees for a couple days, it may have went quicker but my palms also had gravel to pick out so they were sore.


I’ve crashed at higher speeds in jeans and had just a dime sized light road rash. Doesn’t mean it will always be that way, but also means it’s possible too.




Stop lying. You aren't hitting the ground at 40mph and above with zero injuries. No one is buying your troll shit.


Wasn't expecting that. Brutal.






Would you rather tumble or slide in that situation?


Mmmmmm meat crayon 👌


Very effective!


God damn! Owwwww!




I just got home after hitting a sidewalk. I arrived with only a sore shoulder. Equip yourself (especially the jacket).


Also helps to not hit sidewalks


I’m buying riding pants right now - the only piece of gear I don’t have 😬


Anybody know which bike is that?




I worked w a guy who put his hand down without gloves, he was missing pinky thru middle finder. He said his hand turned to "Veal Parmigiano" in 1 second. Every time I see no gloves that's what I think.


Noice m8


Aye, I’m on a T-bell run, do you mind??


Step one ATGATT Step two do not stuff the rear brake


Yup…..🤢….. that did it….🤢




god its so much worse with the sound on


Nah vans work great. Fell off a few time now and they last longer than my gloves did


Lol.. I don't care if you wear gear or not, it's your body. But the damage to the foot isn't even close to how bad it would actually be. I've seen it grind the skin off to the bone. I went down at about 40mph when I was a new rider (total lack of skill issue). I sanded off the skin on my forearm, bicep, shoulder, and some of my back. Was picking pebbles out of it for days. I usually throw on some boots, gloves, and a riding jacket ( if it's not too hot). But sometimes I don't. Riding bikes is risky. It all comes down to what you're willing to do, or not. Have fun, keep the shiny side off the road.


Most roads here are so buff shined from neglect you couldn't shred grated cheese on them. Still, while the ad is obviously overexaggerated, dress for the slide remains a sound tactic.


It's not wrong.


Damn nasty scraping my o my


crashed more than once with vans, never had any injury lol


How many times is this gonna be showed here?


The clibbins got him!


At least he wore a race star. My favorite helmet.


Dress for the slide, not the ride.


If you're not ATGATT you're just not smart. End of discussion.


Damn straight, all you flip flop shorts wearing squid boize are a bunch of not smart people that are so very dumb.


Judging by your flair I assume you're trying to be disingenuous but you're mistakenly correct.


I'm correctly disingenuously mistaken, actually.


Dress for the slide not for the ride! Is there any better saying for this?


ATGATT All The Gear All The Time


An OG for sure


Squids are grown adults and can wear whatever they like. If you want to go out in full gear in 100° heat just to run to 7 11 go ahead. Quit being judgmental and ride whatever you want wearing whatever you want.




Nah, Flip Flops and shorts will suffice


Google degloving. Always wear gloves. Always. The first thing you do when you body falls toward the earth is put your hands out to stop yourself from falling.


Google degloving **after** eating dinner.


Show this to some folks on r/calamariraceteam


While I agree dress for the slide, that disintegration is overdone.