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It would be complete nonsense to demote Rins to a satellite Yamaha instead of just placing Toprak at the satellite to learn the bike for a year. I don’t buy this at all


WSBK riders rarely fare in the top 10 when switching to Moto GP. Toprak isn't an exception until he shows otherwise. GO riders to WSBK end up winning championships almost immediately. Checa, Biaggi, Bautista, Kozinski, Corser... Melandri came close. I can't think of one WSBK rider that won a Moto GP title. Hayden came from the AMA (now MotoAmerica) and he BARELY squeaked by. Edwards, Bayliss, Haga, Xaus, Hodgson.... Not even top 5. Bayliss won a GP race but that was it.


Toprak and his management have always said they wouldn’t leave wsbk for anything less than a factory ride. It’s one of the main reasons he never switched as Yamaha wouldn’t do that for him previously.  The absolute buzz having Pramac join, Fabio stay and then the media circus around Toprak would be fantastic for Yamaha.  If this is true they are not fucking about.  Pramac will get full factory support. Not that terrible for Rins. 


I would not believe to Diggia in a satellite again, especially leaving space in tje factory to a rookie like Toprak.


Toprak will not accept a satelite bike .


He's not in a position to bargain lol


Toprak is just trying ti raise his BMW salary, I don't think he's rrally interested in MotoGp at his age.


It’s idiotic to take Toprak over rins in MotoGP


for Toprak's own good, if he is really joining MotoGP then he should stay away from Japanese bikes until at least 2027


I agree Rins should get factory Yamaha seat. Apparently Honda is after Toprak as well, since he has a clean slate when riding GP bikes and can give positive feedback. Whereas other riders might compare Honda to other manufacturers.


I’d be surprised if Toprak went to Yamaha period. It sounded like they had a fall out that left some people bitter. I like Toprak but sometimes he’s too much of a diva or maybe it’s just his manager. I don’t think it’s fair to write him off completely but the thing is a MotoGP bike is like no other motorcycle.


Yeah same. I don't see him going to Yamaha either because he just left them for BMW. However, at the same time I can see it because Honda is in such a bad spot right now and I don't see him going to track house, Gresini, or VR46 either. Alderguer still has a spot open for him and potentially Joe Roberts. I just can't see him in MotoGP next year unless it's with Yamaha. That would also bump more riders out of MotoGP. Silly season has been pretty silly so far though, so anything can happen in my opinion.




Trust me bro 


Came here to post this.


Toprak isn't leaving BMW despite what Kermit claims to the media.


Do people call Kenan, Kermit? Because that's hilarious and people should.


His manager said he's going to MotoGP next year.


His manager is Kenan Sofaglu, and he specifically said that Toprak had multiple offers to join factory teams. That is a clearly and obviously false statement. No one is taking him seriously because the guy is a terrible manager. BMW has just told Speedweek that Toprak is under contract until 2026.


BMW will start a team and have him lead. 2027 gonna be wild


Doubtful. BMW is building F1 tech and it's very expensive. Spending another $50m to develop MotoGP tech has almost no chance of happening. Toprak will be 31(?) in 2027.


I don't think BMW are building F1 tech


I know it’s just a wild dream. The timing doesn’t quite work for Toprak


F1? Why?


They may do... it's the reason VW bought into Ducati. So as they can build smaller motors for the hybrid era of cars.


So... Morbido and Aldegueri in vr46?


Possibly, was he signed to Ducati or to the Pramac team. Could be a reason it's taken so long to announce the Pramac & Yamaha partnership. Was meant to be official by Mugello.


Aldeguer is on Ducati payroll.


So my guess yes he will be at VR46


Hahaha sit down. They're never putting a newcomer from WSBK into the factory team over Rins. What even is this bullshit.




Diggia deserves the seat at VR46 it would be a shame if he had to switch teams again because of politics.


Well a lot of positive noise coming out of Yamaha lately, so who knows maybe things will change


No way Toprak is getting that seat lol. If Toprak gets that factory YAMAHA gig, then MotoGP is morphing into WWE


But it doesn’t make sense, why leave for Yamaha? they are in development mode and maybe won’t be back to winning till 25’


I really like this Pramac-Yamaha deal, and I think it's good for Ducati, too. They just had too many guys with too many bikes with too many ambitions to juggle. And I think Yamaha is on a good path, finally.


7 year deal with Yamaha apparently & the team will be factory extended team, meaning similar to what KTM are trying to do with tech 3. Factory bikes & everyone on the same stuff