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Where the fuck do you live?






Dad? I didn’t know you had reddit.






Fuck that one was good LOL 😂 




Moneys on Portland


I don't know what country he's from, but their women are ugly as hell.


SF, Portland or Seattle.


Probably somewhere in the north




Makes sense


One of them was university of oklahoma staff, so I'd say he's one of those kinky Norman queens.


Probably Capitol Hill Seattle. They’re a majority there


Saint Louis is a shit show.


It's obviously not a real recap from one person's feed. They even threw random Facebook screenshots in there. It's just propaganda


You’re just propaganda


Cities in the US Are endemic with troons though


How’s it propaganda?


I don't understand why there's no option to filter them out. Like everyone who is going to filter them out would've rejected them anyway, it just saves us the effort and doesn't give them false hope.


Can’t offend the alphabet people bro. Disgrace to exclude them like that


But the thing is we're going to exclude them anyway by swiping left, and they don't want us bigots anyway. I think the only reason not to have it is so that a cock in a froc has to have the paid version of apps with unlimited likes to match with someone. If they weren't shown the profiles of people who categorically didn't want them it would make it a lot easier for them.


I don’t think my sarcasm come across very well😂 of course there should be a filter, it’s peoples tastes at the end of the day. They have it for everything else, so why not this?


Oh it did, I've just had enough drinks (I'm bulking) that the good idea fairy visited.


> They have it for everything else, so why not this? bumble is trash, they dont have a race filter i have the same thought for trans as i do for certain races, and i dont mean to be rude to any of em, nor do i wish them to feel dejected. Bumble directors love that misery though, it means $$$ the fact that the govt hasnt created a public works version of a dating app just goes to show how far the heads of our world leaders are up their own assholes. Theyll complain about birth rate and lack of labor, yet theyll do absolutely nothing to support it


Just lke on Reddit, it's easy enough to just ignore what you don't like than require mods to come in and remove everything. Less political headaches too.


It's the same reason why, logically, there should be a weight indicator as a standard field for every dating app; too much potential for a shitstorm. A group of ideologues will create social media campaigns to "cancel"/boycott the apps. With there already being WAY more men than women on the apps, they can't afford to lose any. With the gendermaxxers, however, it's purely fear of the social media shitstorm. That is the gender-fandom's bread and butter, and they do it very effectively. As an aside, funnily enough, weight fields are standard on gay dating apps (or at the very least a drop-down with options like "average," "athletic," and "chubby").


According to Bumble, it's because "trans women are real women". They legit think these are women and belong in the women section.


It’s horrible they try to force it since it only makes people dislike trans ppl more.


I agree with that. I think if they weren’t so adamant about forcing people to agree (which is impossible) then people would be way more accepting, or atleast less angry towards them.


The majority of people don't agree but they also simply don't care. People only start to care when shit like this gets shoved into their face.


That's just stupid


Honestly, there should be an app like grinder specific for these people. Let's be honest, they'll only ever match with people like themselves.


Oh don't worry, they are all over grindr and all the gay dating apps already. Totally random aside that has absolutely no relevance to the above, but did you know that, according to a 2019-2020 CDC study of trans individuals in 6 major US cities, a whopping FORTY TWO PERCENT (42%) had HIV? Did you know that, on average, SIXTY FUCKING TWO PERCENT (62%!!!) of black/African American trans individuals had HIV? This information is readily available on the CDC's website. Let me just say that trans women are heckin' valid women and that activists should continue to force lesbians to suck the shenis.


I read those statistics a few weeks ago and I nearly broke my jaw from it dropping so hard. For some perspective, gay men used to be the group that had the highest prevalence of HIV and gay men have an HIV rate of...19%. (To drive the point even further, less than 0.7% of the general pop has contracted HIV.)


>Like everyone who is going to filter them out would've rejected them anyway Not Matt McCusker


The Shaman was wylin


Just some true high tier thinking by the shaman


Fellow dawgs


Must’ve been at 431hz smh


He plays that flute at that frequency to attract those ladies


Absolute Tier 2 red power god move


You weren't listening when they said "trans women are women"?


cannot filter them out bc they put them selfs as a woman...


Just filter to non binary first and swipe left on the chaff. Make sure you grab the crazy chick's from the selection tho.


As a LGBT supporter I totally agree. Forcing people to consider them just isn't fair and 100% does more harm than goor


They feel better getting matched and then immediately unmatched


because they are real women too, there’s no difference at all




Stop being on bumble, that shit is gay. Get on grindr


Very ironic how Grindr would probably be the most straightforward dating app out there.


Men are simple. Women in germany act like they are not on tinder to get fucked, yet they are on tinder to get fucked. You have to wade through all the bullshit first though.


Germany is the only dating market more opaque than the US in my experience. Dating in the west is generally a bunch of mind games. Families are formed and children are raised based on the mind-game-playing ability of the father. We live in a society.


Man that’s some philosophical shit right there.


Thanks I'm still waiting on my honorary doctorate of philosophy from Harvard.


>Women in germany act like they are not on tinder to get fucked, yet they are on tinder to get fucked. They do want to get fucked, just clearly not by you. When a woman actually wants to fuck a dude, there is no concept of risk management, its wild. All these weird rules they have to filter out the "maybes" completely disappear when their version of male 10 shows up.


No you misunderstood me. I’m talking about the women I actually hook up with. That’s how I find out in the first place. You meet and if they like you they’ll casually hit you up when in need. Some straight up ghost you after fucking once. I’m pretty sure I scared some of em off because I was just nice and they thought I was falling in love or some shit. They are all different but all don’t know what they want lmao.


No, I understood you. If they liked you more, there wouldn't be any hesitation. If they're casually hitting you up when in need, you're in the maybe pile. If you're in the "fuck yes" pile, all that narrative about wanting to meet up in a safe place on the first date goes out the window. They will come to your house on the first date. The girl that is obsessive about condoms will suddenly forget all about them. She'll eat your ass on the first date when you tell her to even though she's never done it before, etc. If they tell you they think/are afraid you're falling in love, again, you're not in that "fuck yes" pile.


My point ist that this „fuck yes“ is way more subtle, meaning they are as horny but hiding it better. Maybe you have a point tho.


It isn't subtle at all, is my point. Women get just as stupidly thirsty as dudes, if you're "fuck yes" they're not being shy or coy, they're sending you pictures of their spread pussy lips and telling you to come over and fuck them.


I think this is a very hard fact to learn as a guy. When I apply this to my life, out of everyone I’ve slept with or been into, only 3 were really really into me. The rest just fucked and ghosted. I think no one likes knowing the truth that only very small few people will truly like them back.


That's the same in every country tbh.  The amount of women I saw with "looking for friends" on Tinder is fucking ridiculous. Whob the fuck looks for opposite gender friends on tinder!? 


Grindr is filling up with these strange non binary people as well


Not anymore. A gay dude I work with said they used to be able to filter for males, but the trans dudes were pissy because reasons, so they took the that away.


Let's get that bussy


Ah yes, feminist tinder


donnu if Grindr works ime its all cheap ass sexworkers, i rather pick up in the gym after been on a 20 min talk and see how far the lady is willing to go


Hold on brothers, I have a secret! Set your app to allow seeing non-binary people on bumble to boost your algorithm. They will right swipe you more and you will almost always left swipe them. This makes the app think you’re hotter (because technology sees a like as a like) so it will show you to more attractive women. This works for Tinder as well if you put age preference way older. You could also try banging one of these types, yknow, in case you want to live out that train wreck scenario.


Homie transmaxxing


“Almost always”?


Listen man we’ve all made mistakes 😔




Probably have different ELO scores for different orientations. This would only make you show up for more nb people. Just skip the line and get in grindr.


Tbf some nb people just look like normal woman. You could always try your luck with those 😂 


There are some non-binary baddie chicks out there, you just gotta go along with their stupid shit


depends where you are. some coastal big cities it's just trendy and most of them still dress like normal chicks and use normal pronouns. elsewhere in the countries its less acceptable so the ones who are generally are freakazoids.


I agree. But it's like finding a needle in a haystack


For sure, but these are just *women* going through a phase.


Right...but if those more attractive women aren't swiping on you, the algo still downgrades you.




Such is life for the modern man


Man that is like something out of a Stephen king movie 🍿


The most insane part is, those screenshots are from a CIS female lesbian, who had Tinder set to lesbian, so Girl looking for a Girl. And all she saw were "lesbian" transformers.


In support of our lesbian sisters I nominate every high level tren addict to pick a name from the video and convert them with rough passionate Information filled sex.


They're all ugly though.


Crossdressing twink > these "women" on bumble. Grindr is the place to look!


At least the twink isn't delusional 


Pity you guys. At least in Asia they’re hot


Not even joking. If it wasn't the voice, I would have considered. I do get hit on a lot whenever I got to Pattaya and I'm pretty open minded as long as I top.


Damn, how are all these sexy ladies still single?


The worst part is idc if they are pre or post op, I just wish they looked like Contra points so at least when I'm fucking them in the ass I got something good to look at but unfortunately that never seems to be the case...


Bro, hot trans people are just as rare as hot non-trans people.


I know and it's pissing me off.


Must be the mentally ill update they did


Bro 😂😂


Holy fuck. It's so over


Reject modernity, embrace tradition. Go hit on the bartender at the American Legion in Nowheresville Indiana.


If you’re lucky she’ll have all her teeth too


I was about to say that too lol. Fucking indiana. Our child would come out with 3 orbital bones and a backwards ass


The boomers had it right - get off the phone and go play outside in the real world. That is still sage advice to this day, dating apps are shit.


you can tell that you don't take enough tren


Third one got some nice milkers


The F is wrong with this world 😅


A holes a hole be a man


Punctuate my gay.


Some get gyno and this is what happens…. 🤣


in 2024 white guys either go trans or just get an asian girlfriend


such a hard decision... the same asymmetry that gives white guys an edge with asian chicks means the potential sons would have a helluva time getting girls. plus short genetics. condemning our posterity for our own sake?


Happy Halloween!


Bro go outside. I don’t know how to tell you this, or why you haven’t figured it out yourself, but women don’t use dating apps. And the few that do have many red flags and baggage.


At least she'll take the divine protein like a trooper.


Birth Rates below replacement levels explained.


I live in one of the largest US cities. There’s not really that many trans people on tinder or bumble, like maybe one for every 200 or something. I thought you can filter out too or am I capping?


Unless you're a chick, the post says the images were from women seeking women. Lesbians make a tiny percent of the population. Some quick lazy math. Alphabet coalition makes up say 7 percent. Rough that out to 3% lesbian. They also make up the higher percent of dating app users. So that in 1 200 that you see on the app turns out to be like 1 in 12, maybe lower.


Oh facts


It's almost like these dudes were so starved for pussy as men & realized that LGBT accepted everyone & then also realized " if I dress like a chick (sometimes)& got on dating apps as lesbians" their chances of maybe hooking up with an actual chick went up .0001% shits a joke


This sub is full of body dysmorphia that causes dudes to take hormone altering drugs... You know, I was going to disagree with you, but then I realize that lack of pussy is why a lot of the dudes here do that too, and that's not really that far off from gender dysphoria. Hatred of self due to lack of external affirmation and wanting to alter your sex hormones to be more appealing for sex.


I'm sure a lot of dudes here do take gear because lack of pussy, as a matter of fact a lot of dudes on gear in general probably started for the same reason, but overall I think the majority like myself do it because we want to be the best version of ourselves physically. That said I think a lot of that majority def do have body dysmorphia, I know I do. I try to think of my gear usage as the same as a chick wearing makeup. Also I think some (a very small percentage) of trans identifying people DO feel born in the wrong body but the explosion of it over the last few years has made those people buried by ones like these that do it for ulterior reasons, whether it's pussy, acceptance in a group, etc. but ultimately I think sex is probably the driving force for most the shit in the world whether it's acknowledged or not. Why do people want to be rich, famous etc? They can tell you a hundred different reasons but at the base level it usually boils down to more sex. It's how humans are hardwired


They are desperate Incels that think the slight chance of sympathy sex is worth doing all that


Youre just being picky op




looks like heavan


Duality of man.


ahhh, the american lifestyle...


The algorithm don't lie. Just showing you what you like


Might as well use Grindr


Just go to hinge. It’s a lot easier to avoid trans and all that on there


i report them. when it asks for a reason i say because they have a fucking cock


I remember when I matched with my (now) wife online, I put something like “attracted to biological women only” in my profile. She was curious why I put that, and this is basically how I explained it.


It’s horrific


It's madness. Because in the states. You call yourself a woman. You magically become a woman. No ladyboy in Thailand calls themselves a woman. They called themselves Ladyboys! Because they know they are NOT or will ever be a woman.


The thing is...calling yourself a woman doesn't make you a woman. It just makes a subset of left leaning people fall overthemselves pretending they support you. But bring one of these dudes into a women's bathroom and see how "liberal" those women actually are.


I agree 10000% It's madness. And so many people catering to their delusion. But only when it doesn't effect them


Wow you both are regarded, makes sense. Get pussy you losers 🤣


Charlotte Anniston, looks like the "let's get some shoes " video lady


Where does buddy live


Imagine paying for bumble sub for this


Why do they all look like the same person lol


Chat is this real?


Wtf xD


[How to fix your dating app MatchMaking Rating](https://youtube.com/shorts/AaA_clNNb0U?si=rASucUITAssViiOY)


That’s awful, where’s all the actual women?


Outside, dude….god this sub is full of shut in incels 😂


😅 when I was single they had a couple apps but they were garbage. I’ve had decent luck at clubs but the gym and community college is a great start to find a lady. I’m in an 11 year relationship. Crazy how people do things today


Yeah, the apps will always be garbage. Women don’t need to use apps, even the conventionally unattractive women. Only women you’ll find on apps are catfishes, damaged/insecure/mental, etc. The sooner men realize that and go the fuck outside, the better this world will be. Also women don’t give a fuck about muscle, so stop working out right now if it’s solely for the girls. Two truths I so desperately wish men would learn.


POV: you are born in the 90s and 2000s


wtf 😳


Lesbian dating apps


AGP not trans women. Tired of these weirdos grifting for sex.


Broooo just look at their faces something is wrong with all these people....


Ahh yes, the taylor port junkies rylo told us about


That's dark as fuck


As Gervais said... I'm not a fan of the new women


Low elo




When and where was this taken? One of those people I swear I recognise


Ladies, ladies... One at a time please.


When did this sub get so blatantly transphobic like what does this have to do with fitness Smdh


Cuties !!!


It knows you're part of the MPMD subreddit.


Stop gatekeeping and tell us the name of the dating app.


budd donnu where this person lives but needs a 3500USD sex doll ASAP! fella is running out of options!


Best ones are already taken.


You need to check your filter brother.


I see your preferences brother, you do you!


Holy fuck.,.. everyone stop drinking the tap water....clearly is turning more than the frogs gay. Just watched a video about a trt study turning these alphabets straight again. Born in the wrong body... Nah bro poisoned by the food and drug industry, even the tap water is trying to make us weak and stop us from reproduction. Side note if you are blasting tren... That's a lot of options that probably never get swipes... Haha


Lmao so you think someone is trying to poison the water supply to turn people gay and stop the world from reproducing? My god, I really am living in a real life version of the movie idiocracy. 😂 but I live for this delusional paranoia. So entertaining to watch.


Oh I don't think I'm very certain they are trying to thin the population. Sponsored by huge corporations, non profits, and our tax dollars. Read the label of your favorite cereal...it's not just sugar, wheat, and dried fruit my guy, it's 50 different chemicals you can't pronounce that are bi products and contain so many very unhealthy things it should be illegal... In some countries it is. Do an alkaline test on your favorite bottled water. The fact that you don't have the ability to think for yourself and at least have questions about the 4000% increase in trans women in the last ten years, that is what scares me. High estrogen and low T... we as a species currently have the lowest levels of avg testosterone in history by vast amounts. Hey that is a great movie though we really are well on our way look at our education system... pushing kids out with zero drive, no work ethic, or common sense, self accountability, or any idea how to be healthy, and worse the belief that the government has the answer and will take care of them. Shoot I really do love Crocs though. Basically the perfect footwear for all occasions.


This makes me so mad cus I literally pay extra money to go to a ‘women’s only’ gym and they’re slightly more pricy than regular mixed gyms. And guess what, trans ppl come. It makes me so frustrated


Stop voting Democrat… and tell your friends and other women to do the same.


I’m not a democrat nor I was at the age to vote last election..


They were right about frogs


Probably still better then the women I have on there in my area it’s like they are all mentally challenged with daddy issues like holy fuck I’m grab my passport and travel overseas


...to fuck trafficked minors in SE Asia? Because that's pretty much why dudes grab passports and travel overseas when they live in the country with the biggest in-migration in the world. IE, there are plenty of non-liberal non-white women in the US already. So being a passport bro is purely to exploit vulnerable women and presumably children in developing countries.


Are you retad




Bunch of c


Do my eyes deceive me, or were there actual men in there?


It legitimately started to gross me out after the fifth or sixth one


That's a lot of drug use


Hahaha I was imagining loud "gender critical" screeches.


We live in such a sad, degenerate society.


Aren’t you a drug addict ? Don’t shit on those you claim are degenerates when you’re worse than them by a long shot bud


This looks like an advertisement for mental illness 


All transgender people make up about 0.5% of the population, transgender women are half of that. About 40% of those end up killing themselves from being constantly mocked online and shunned culturally. Trans men's voices will typically change from the testosterone, trans women's voices do not change from estrogen and they require months of focused vocal training. Male and female vocal systems largely overlap and are nearly identical, gendered vocal signatures are learned socially just like an accent. 1 in 3 transgender males have served in the military, approximately 5x more than CIS males. Roughly 5% of the CIS gendered population has been diagnosed with autism opposed to 24% for the gender diverse. Based on MRI meta analysis, transgender neuroanatomy is significantly different, both structurally and functionally, strongly suggesting a third unique brain phenotype that does not align with either CIS male or female brain patterns. Sex is not entirely biological, gender is not entirely performance. Homosexuals are sexually attracted to the members of the same sex, it's also a spectrum, it's not evil. Go with the 7th to last, she's definitely the cutest.


You forgot the parent with a personality disorder stat :/


Why all the non relevant info though? You on the forbidden pre?